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Appro~r~ US OFFI :Release-199.9/09/26 :CIA-RDP79=01005A000100020002-1 LS ONLY ~~1~ COPY NO. - GEOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE REVIE;~IT CIA/RR MR INDEX Secret Issues of Map. Research Bulletin and Map Intelligence Review, May 1951-September 1953 January 1955 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE 4F RESEARCH AND REPORTS ?'JCUMENT NO, _ ~ _ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. CI ECLASSIFI[D ASS. CHANGEb TO: TS S C NEXT fiEVIEW DATE: AuTH: f R US OP'FlCIA -- -- REVIEWER; 372..______04_4-....~ vl Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020a Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Wi!iRNINC3 This material contains information affecting the National Defense oi' the United States within the meaning of 'the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs.. 793 :and 794, the trans mission or revelation of ~;~hich in any manner to an unauthorized persons is prohibited by law Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :~C~E~7~9-01005A000100020002-1 DEC(~SSlfl#~ GEOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE REVIEW CTA~RR MR INDEX Secret Issues of Map Research Bulletin and Map Intelligence Review, May 1951-September 1953 January 1955 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research-and Reports S-E-C- -E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 CIA- DP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 S-E-C-R-E-T GEOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE REVIEW Index to MR Nos. 255, 275, 305, 335, 3~+5, 365-6, and 375-7 The first three in this series of seven issues, all classified Secret, appeared under the title "Map Research Bulletin," the remain- ing four as "Map Intelligence Review." Numbers and dates of publica- tion are as follows: Map Research Bulletin Ma,p Intelligence Review No. Date No. Date 25S May 1951 33S January 1953 27S September 1951 34S October 1952 *30S February 1952 365-6 June 1953 -~U.S. Officials Only 375-7 September 1953 Articles are entered under country and subject or subjects. Entries cite the number of issue and page or pages; for example: 255: 2-6; 375-7: 5, 7-12. If the article is accompanied by a map, the page numbers are followed by the notation "map fol. p. " Maps appearing in the seven issues are entered by title, undersco~?ed, in alphabetical order. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/265L~~~3~1~79-01005A000100020002-1 Acquisitions of recent Soviet maps, 255: 35-36; 275: 27-28, 29-30; ~33s: 49-52, 55-56; 375-7: 39-~+1 Administrative divisions -- East Germany, reorganization, 365-6: 16-18; map fol. p. 18 Poland, as of December 1951, 365-6: 19-21; map fol. p. 22 USSR -- Armenian and Kirgiz SSR's and Saratovskaya Oblast', 1952 Soviet maps, 375-7: 39-~+1 changes, 335 ~+3-~+5' Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR's, acquisition of Soviet map, 335 55-56 Aerial photography -- . basis for Czechoslovak mapping of Yugoslavia, 365-6: 22 Indochina, 275: 7 Armenian SSR, territorial-administrative and school maps, 1952, 375-7: 39-41 Armistice negotiations, Israel-Jordan, use and misuse of maps, 255: 23-30 Atlas, Great Soviet, current intelligence value, 375-7: 29-36 Austria, boundary, problem, 365-6: 18-19 Boundaries -- administrative, USSR; changes, 335 ~+3-~+5 Austria, problem, 365-6: 18-19 Germany, between U.S. and Soviet Zones, 365-6: 12-16; map fol. p. 16 internal -- Armenian SSR, as shown on 1952 Soviet map, already obsolete, 375-7: 39-41 Kirgiz SSR, on 1952 Soviet map, 375-7: 39-~+1 Saratovskaya Oblast', on 1952 Soviet map, 375-7: 39-~E1 USSR, changes, 335 ~+3-~+5 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1~_9~9/~Q~/2~~, CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 25X1 C Boundaries (cont'd) -- Israel-Jordan, dispute, 255: 2'-~-30; map fol. p. 2~+ Israel-Syria, Demilitarized Zories, dispute, 275: 17-19; map fol. p. 18 Poland-USSR, changes resulting from 1951 territorial exchange, 3~-S: 21-22; map fol. p. 22 Turkey, international, map coverage, 255: 1-11; map fol. p. 2 USSR, internal, changes,- 335: ~~3-~+5 Bridges, railroad, Poland, unrestored, 275: 9-16; map fol. p. 10 Budapest, map showing administrative: buildings, 365-6: 23-2~+ Bulgaria -- b_oundary with Turkey, map coverage, 255: 2-5; map fol. p. 2 mapping in the Dobrudzha, 305: 27-29 Canal, Main Turkmen, USSR, con:~truction accelerated by new rail line, 335: 37-x+1; map fol. p . ~+l Caribbean area, geodetic triangulat:Con, map, 255: fol. p. 12 Caroline Islands Survey Project; (C71k 12385), 365-6: fol. p. 46 Cartographic recommendations --~ Israel-Syria armistice lines and Demilitarized Zones, 275: 19 Pacific islands, sovereignty, 365-6: 3~+-4~+ Persian Gulf islands, 36s-6: 2!7-32; maps fol. p. 26 Cities, USSR -- established May 19+9 to Januar;;~ 1951, 33St 27-32; table, 33-36; map fol. p. 36 shown on and omitted from 1951 Soviet population map, 335 ~+9-52 Ukrainian and Moldavian, on So,riet map, 335 55-56 Claims to Pacific islands, 365-6: 3~+-39; table, 40-~+4 Colombia, map coverage at various scales, 305: 13-25; list of available series, 23?25, maps fol. p. 25 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1 X99/09%26 CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26~:.~.~9,.F~79-01005A000100020002-1 Colombia: Series Ma Covera e 1:20 000 and 1:2 000 (CIA 12038), 305: fol. p. 25 Colombia: Series. Map Coverage, 1.37,800 to 1.50 000 (CIA 12103), 305. fol. p . 25 Colombia: Series Man Coverage, 1.100,000 (CIA, 12102), 305.: fo]'_. p. 25 Colombia: Series Ma Covera e 1:200 000 to 1:500 000 (CIA 121.01), 305: fol. p. 25 Communist China, claims to Pacific islands, 365-6: 37-38, 1+2-43; Completed and Pro,~ected First and Second Order Geodetic Triangulation in Mexico and Caribbean Area, 255: fol. p. ~ Completed and Pro ected First Order Geodetic Triangulation in South America, 255: fol. p. 12 ' Dam, Tsimlyansk, USSR, description, 335: 2-1+ Die Gliederun der Deutschen Demokx'atischen Re ublik Hach der neuen_ Verwaltun sstruktur CIA Reproduction 9250 , 3 g_~' fol. p. 1, Dobrudzha, Bulgarian mapping, 305: 27-29 - E - English-language geologic map of USSR, 335: 53-5+ Error noted in reports of Soviet plans for mapping Satellities, 375-7: 37-38 Exchange of territory, Poland-USSR 1951, 31+5: 19-22; map fol. p. 22 - F - Far East Command (FEC), town-plan program, 31+5: 1-18 Forests, Turkey, recent maps, 305: 36-37 -3- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 S-E-C-R-E-T France -- mapping in Indochina, 1845-51., 275: 1-7; map fol. p, ~+ natural-gas production, 365-6: ~+-6 petroleum industry, postwar changes, 365-6: 1-12; map fol, p. 2 France: Petroleum (CIA 1266), 3f>S-6: fol. p. 2 French Mapping in Indochina, 1~~51 {_CIA 12000), 275: fol. p. ~ -t~- Gas, natural, French production, 365-6: ~+-6 Gazetteer of settlements along USSR rail route Izvestkovaya- Sovetskaya Gavan', 375-7: 19-24 Geodetic program, Soviet, fo:r mapping Satellites, 375-7 37-38 Geodetic survey of Latin America,. LAGS, 255: 12-22; maps fol. p. 12 Geologic map of USSR, CIA copy in: preparation 1953, 335 53-54 Germany -- border incidents, U.S.-SoviE~t Zones, 365-6: 12-13 boundary between East and West Zones, map sources, 365-6: 14-16 East, territorial reorganization, 36S-6: 16-18; map fol. p. 18 Soviet Zone, suppression of maps, 345: 23-26 Germany: American-Soviet Border (CIA 12626), 365-6: fol. p. 16 Great Soviet World Atlas, current intelligence value, 375-7: 29-36 Greece, boundary with Turkey, maaa coverage, 255: 1-2; map fol. p. 2 Indochina -- French mapping program, 1845-51, 275: 1-7 map sheets covering an area. west of Hanoi, published 1952, 36s-6: 33 Inter-American Geodetic Survey (TAGS), geodetic survey of Latin America, 255: 12-22; maps fol. p. 12 Interrogation of Japanese repatriates as basis for town plans of Soviet-dominated Far East areas, 345: 1-3 .. t4. - 5-E--C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :~C~E~1~1~~9-01005A000100020002-1 Iran -- boundary with Turkey, map coverage, 255: 6-8; map fol. p. 2 claims to Persian Gulf islands, 365-6: 25-31; maps fol. p. 26 Iraq -- boundary with Turkey, map coverage, 255: 8-9; map fol. p. 2 claims to Persian Gulf islands, 365-6: 31-32; map fol. p. 26 Irrigation project, in connection with Tsimlyansk Reservoir, 335: 9-10; map fol. p. 25 Islands -- Pacific -- problems of sovereignty, 365-6: 34-44 United States Trust Territory, mapping, 365-6: 45-1+`~; maps fol. p. 46 Persian Gulf, conflicting claims, 365-6: 25-32; maps fol.. p. 26 Israel -- boundary dispute with Jordan, Yarmuk Reservoir area, 255: 23-~30; map fol. p. 24 clashes with Syria in Demilitarized Zones, 235: 17-19; map fol. p. 18 railroads, changes shown on 1850 maps, 27S: 30-31 Israel-Jordan: Yarmuk Reservoir Area.Boundar Dis ute (CIA, 11.817 , 255: fol . p . 24 Italy, railroads, new British map, 305: 35-36 Izvestkova a-Ur al-Komsomol'sk-Sovetska a Gavan' Railroad Route CIA 12 1 , 375-7: fol. p. 2 25X1 C Japanese repatriated POW's, interrogated by FEC for town-plan information, 345: 1-3 Jordan, boundary dispute with Israel, Yarmtlk Reservoir area, 255: 23-30; map fol. p. 24 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release ~~9~IS~1~6 : CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Karpovka Reservoir, USSR, 335: ~+-5 Kazakh SSR, railroad to manganese miners, 275: 27-28 Kirgiz SSR, territorial-administrative-map, 1952, 375-7 39-x+1 Kuwait, claims to Persian Gulf is]_ands; 365-6: 25, 31-32 I~ - Lacq oil field, France, discovery and ~?roduction, 365-6: 2-3 Latin America, geodetic survey, LAGS, `:'-5S: 12-22; maps fol. p. 12 Main Turkmen Canal, USSR construction accelerated by new rail line, 335 ~ 37-41; map fol. p . 1+1 Manganese deposits, Kazakh SSR, development and production, 275:?27-28 Mai Coverage of Turkish Boundaries (CIA 11736), 255: fol. p. 2 Map of Soils of Ukraine (CIA Reproduction 9251), 335 fol. p. 59 Mapping -- Bulgarian, in the Dobrudzha, 305: 27-29 Colombia, current, 305: 13-22; list of map series, 23-25; maps fol. p ? 25 Indochina, French, 275: 1-7; 365-~6: 33 Mariana Islands, 365-6: 1+5-46; map fol. p. ~+6 Satellites, Soviet geodetic program, error in reports, 375-7~ 37-3$ United States Trust Territory of-the Pac"ific Islands, 365-6: ~+5-I+g 3 ma,Ps fol ? p . ~+6 Yugoslavia -- by current agencies, evaluation, 30S: 1-12 by Czechs, 36s-6: 22 S-E-C-R_-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/2C~;.~~4RE~21~79-01005A000100020002-1 Mapping agencies -- Colombia, producing current series, 305: 13-25 French, in Indochina, 275: 1-3 Yugoslavia, programs and estimated capabilities, 305: 1-12 Mapping programs -- French, for. Indochina, 1945-51, 275: 1-7 LAGS geodetic survey of Latin America, 255: 12-22 25X1 C Past-Hostilities Mapping Program, Pacific areas, 365-6: ~~5- U.S. Army Engineers, Pacific Islands, 365-6: 45-46 U.S. Geological Survey, Military Geology Branch, Pacific islands, 365-6: 47-48 USSR, geodetic; for Satellites, 375-7~ 37-38 Yugoslavia, current, 305: 1-12 Maps -- Colombia, list of available series, 305: 23-25; maps fol. p. 25 East Germany, Soviet restrictions on printing, 345: 23-2~5 Pacii'ic Islands, U.S. Trust Territory, production plans, 36s-6: 45.-4g USSR, recent acquisitions, 255: 35-36; 275: 27-28, 2g-303 335 49-52, 55-563 375-7: 39-41 Maps discussed -- Caroline Islands, 365-6: 47 Colombia, current series, 305: 13-25 geologic, USSR, CIA copy, 335 53-54 Germar.~y, maps of boundary between U.S. and Soviet Zones, 365-6: 14-16 Great Soviet World Atlas, 375-7: 29-36 Indochina -- by French agencies, 275: 3-6 three 1:250,000 sheets, 1952, 365-6: 33 Israel, showing changes in railroads, 275: 30-31 Israel-Jordan armistice line, map as cause of dispute, 255: 23-30 Italy, railroads, new British map, 305: 35-36 Mariana. Islands, 365-6: 46 Norway -- British maps, 275: 21-24 Soviet map of coastal area, 255: 35-36 Sweden, British maps, 275: 24-25 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1 ~9~1@9~2~ ~ CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Maps discussed (cont'd) -- Turkey -- international boundaries, 255: 1-11 special-subject. maps, 305: 36-38 transportation, 1950 edit]:on, 255: 36 geologic, CIA copy, 335: `l3-5~+ Kazakh SSR, spur railroad to manganese mines, 275: 27-28 petroleum and gas industry, 275: 29-30 political-administrative divisions of Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR's, 335:: 55-56 population density, 1951, 335 ~+9-52 recent acquisition, 375-7: 39-1+1 soils maps of the Ukraine, 335: 57-59 Yugoslavia -- current output of principa;L agencies, 305: 1-12 new road map, 305: 31-3~+ Mariana Islands Mapping Project (CIA 12383), 365-6: fol. p. ~+6 Marshall Islands Surve Project (CIA. 1.P38~+), 365-6: fol. p. ~+6 Mexico, geodetic triangulation, map, 25S: fol. p. 12 Mineral resources, Tadzhik SSR, possible bearing on recent administrative cYiange;~, 255: 33 Moldavian SSR, political-administrative map, 33s: 55-56 Moscow, erroneously reported as primE~ meridian for Satellite. ~pPing~ 375-7~ 37-38 - N -? New cities established in USSR, May 1:9+9 to January 1951, 335: 27-32; table, 33-36; map fol.: p. 36 New Zealand, claims to Pacific islands, 365-6: 3~+, 36, ~+2 Newspapers, Soviet, as source of railroad information, 335: 61-62 Northern Persian Gulf: Disputed Islands (12386), 365-6: fol. p. 26 Norway -- British maps, 275: 21-2~+ Soviet map of coastal area, 255:-35-36 S-E-C-R-:~-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26~;'~rA~1~79-01005A000100020002-1 Oil fields, France, 365-6: 2-6 Oil refining, French, postwar expansion, 365-6: 1, 7-12 Organization of the German Democratic Republic, reproduction of German map, 365-6: fol. p. 18 Pacific islands -- problems of sovereignty, 365-6: 3+-39; table, ~+0-~+~+ United States Trust Territory, mapping, 365-6: ~+5-~+9; maaps fol. p.~+6 Pacific Science Board, research projects, 365-6: ~+8 Persian Gulf islands, status for cartographic purposes, 365-6;; 25-32 ,; maps fol. p . 26 Petroleum and gas -- exploration, France, 365-6: 1-6 French industry, postwar changes, 365-6: 1-12; map fol. p. 2 USSR industry, map discussed, 275:' 2g-30 Pipelines, gas and oil, France, 365-6: 5, 11-12 Poland -- railroad bridges, unrestored, 275: 9-16; map fol. p. 10 reorganization of administrative units, 365-6: 19-21; map fol. p . 22 territorial exchange with USSR, 1951, 3~-S: 19-22; map fo:L. p. 22 Poland: Administrative Divisions, December 1951 (CIA 11780), 365-6: fol. p. 22 Poland: Unrestored Railroad Bridges (CIA 11962), 275: fol. p. 10 Poland-U.S.S.R.: Territorial Exchange - 1951 (CIA 12231), 3~+5: fol. p. 22 Political-administrative divisions, Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR's, Soviet map, 335 55-56 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/Q~~6_R.~I~i-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Population density, USSR, 1.951 xnap, evalu&tion, 335: 1+9-52 Pulkovo, erroneously reported a:~ prime meridian for mapping Satellites, 375-7: 37-38 Railroads -- Israel, changes shown on 1950 maps, 27S: 30-31 Italy, new British map, 305.: 35-36 Poland, unrestored bridges ,'275: 9-16 spur line to manganese mine's, Kazakh SSR, 275: 27-28 Chardzhou-Takhia '.Dash, aid to construction of Turkmen Canal, 335:: 37-1+1`; completion announced in Soviet newspaper, 335: 61 Izvestkovaya-Sovetskaya, Gavan', alignment discussed, 375-7. 1-18 Kazakh SSR, spur :Line 'to manganese mines, 275: 27-28 possible rail links between the Urals and the Kotlas- Vorkuta, map, 375-7: fol. p. 28 Soviet newspapers as source of railroad information, 33s: 61-62 Tsimlyansk Reservoir a>"ea, changes in locations of lines, 335: 6-9 Urals-Pechora line, industrial importance, 375-7: 25-28; map fol. p.: 28 Resettlement in Tsimlyansk ReserzTOir area, USSR, 335: 5-6, 12-15 Roads, Yugoslavia, new map, 305:_31-3~+ Russian alphabet, transliteration table, 335: fol. p. 65 Russian language, transliteration problems and systems, 335: 63-65 25X1 C Satellites, European -- Soviet mapping plans, error in reports, 375-7: 37-38 Saudi Arabia, claims to Persian Gulf islands, 365-6: 25, 32 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/2~1~,I,~F~~P79-01005A000100020002-1 Settlements in USSR -- affected by the Tsimlyansk and Karpovka Reservoirs, list, 335: 12-15 along the Izvestkovaya-Sovetskaya Gavan' rail route, gazetsteer, 37s-7: 19-2~+ established 19+9-51~ 335: 27-36; map fol. p. 36 Siberia -- geologic information on CIA copy of Soviet map, 355 53-S~F possible rail links between the Urals and the Kotlas-Vorkuta railroad, map, X75-7: fol. p. 28 Soils map of the Ukraine, 335: 57-59; copy of map fol. p. 59 Sovereignty problems, Pacific islands, 365-6: 34-~+~+ Soviet geodetic program and mapping plans for Satellites, 375-7 37-38 Soviet restrictions on maps in East Germany, 3~+5: 23-26 South America,, geodetic triangulation, map, 255: fol. p. 12 Southeastern Persian Gulf: Dis uted Islands (12387), 365-6: fol. p? 2 Surveys -- Caroline Islands, map, 365-6: fol. p. ~+6 Bulgarian, of the Dobrudzha, 305: 29 Indochina, French, 275: 6 Latin America, LAGS, 255: 12-22 Marshall Islands, map, 365-6: fol. p. ~+6 Thailand, aerial, 255: 3~+ Sweden, British maps, 275: 21, 24-25 Syria -- boundary with Turkey, map coverage, 255: 9-11; map :fol. pa 22 Demilitarized Zones, Israeli border, 275: 17-19; map foi. p. 18 - T - Tadzhik SSR, recent territorial-administrative changes, 255: 31-33 Takhia Tash, USSR, terminus of Turkmen railroad, 335 37-39~ 6~' S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/26 :CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1 9 / 2 ?CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Territorial-administrative changes,: Tadzhik SSR, 25s: 31-33 Territorial exchange, Poland-USSR, .1951, 34S: 19-22; map fol. p. 22 Territories added to USSR since 193~~, Soviet area figures, 335: 47-48 Thailand, aerial mapping survey, contract, 255: 34 The Tsimlyansk Reservoir (CIA 121+78), 335: fol. p. 25 Town plans -- Budapest, British, showing admnistrative buildings, 365-6: 23-24 Far East Command(FEC) pro?;ram, 345: 1-7; priority list, 7-18 Tsimlyansk Reservoir, Don River, 331: 1-25; map fol. p. 25 Transportation map, Turkey, 1950 ed:i.tion, 25S: 36 Triangulation, geodetic -- Mexico and Caribbean area, map,; 255: fol. p. 12 South America, map, 255: f'ol. I? . 1~ Turkey -- international boundaries, map c>overage, 255: 1-11; map fol. p. 2 recent special-subject ma~~s -- earthqu~a,ke zones, 30~c: 37 forests, 305: 36-37 intercity telephone circuits, 305: 36 power plants, 305: 37-38 transportation map, 1950 editican, 255: 36 Turkmen canal and railroad, 335~~ 37-41; map fol. p. 41 Ukrainian SSR -- administrative divisions, map, 335 55-56 recent Soviet map, 375-7: 39-41: soils maps discussed, 335 57-59 map fol. p. 59 United Kingdom, claims to Pacific islands, 365-6: 34-37 40-42 United States Trust Territory of thei Pacific Islands, mapping, 365-6: 45-49; maps fol. p. 46 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release T9J97D9Y~6- CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/2C~_~~4~79-01005A000100020002-1 Urals-Pechora railroad, industrial importance, 375-7: 25-28; map fol. p. 28 LJrban-type settlements established in USSR 1949-51 , 335: 27-323 list, 33-36 USSR -- areal extent, Soviet figures, 335: 47 boundaries, internal administrative, changes, 335: 43-45 boundary with Turkey, map coverage, 255: 5-6; map fol. p. 2 exchange of territory with Poland, 345: 19-22; map fol. p.. 22 geology, CIA. copy of Soviet map, 335: 53-54 Great Soviet World Atlas, current intelligence value, 375-?7: Izvestkovaya-Sovetskaya Gavan' rail route, alignment quesi;ioned, 375-7: 1-18; list of settlements in area, 19-24,; map fol. p . 24 Kazakh SSR, spur railroad to manganese mines, 275: 27-28 Main Turkmen Canal, construction accelerated by new railroad, 33s: 37-41 mapping program for Satellites, validity of reports questa.oned, 375-7~ 37-3$ new cities established 1949-51, 335 27-32; list, 33-36; ~m3,p fol. p. 36 oblasts, changes in size and number, 335 : 43-45 petroleum and gas industry, map discussed, 275: 29-30 political-administrative map of Ukrainian and Moldavian s5R's, 335 55-56 population density, 1951 map, evaluation, 335: 49-52 railroads -- Izvestkovaya-Sovetskaya Gavan' route, 375-7: 1-18; gazet- Leer of settlements in area, 19-24; map fol. p. 24 Soviet newspapers as source of information, 335: 6i-62 spur line to manganese mines, Kazakh SSR, 275: 27-28 Urals-Pechora line, 375-7: 25-28; map fol. p. 28 ' rayons, changes in size and number, 335 43-45 recent maps, 375-7 39-41 settlements -- affected by the Tsimlyansk and Karpovka Reservoirs, list, 335: 12-15 along Izvestkovaya-Sovetskaya Gavan' rail route, gazetteer, 375-7: 19-24 established 1949-51,.335: 27-363 map fol. p. 36 territorial exchange with Poland, 1951, 345:19-22; map fol. p. 22 territories added since 1939, Soviet area figures, 335: 47-48 Tsimlyansk Reservoir, 335: 1-253 map fol. p. 25 Volga-Don waterway system, 335: 1-2, 10-11 S-E-C-R-E-T .Approved For Release 1999/09/26- ~1~-R6P79-01005A000100020002-1 Approved For Release 199~i/(~9~2~ ~C,~A-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 U.S.S.R.: New Cities and Urban-'I` e Settlements Period 15 Ma to 1 Januar 1 1 CIA 12 93 , 335: fol. p, 3 U.S.S.R.: The Main Turkmen Canal CIA 121+70), 335: fol. p. 1+1 U.S.S.R.,.Western Siberia? Possible rail links between the Urals and the Kotlas-Vorkuta railroad CIA 12 5 , 37S_7; fol. p. 2 Volga-Don waterway system, background and strategic significance, 335: 1-25 Waterways, USSR, Volga-Don system, 335: 1-25 y _ Yarmuk Reservoir area boundary dispute, Israel-Jordan, 255: 23-30 Yugoslavia -- mapping agencies, programs and estimated capabilities, 3os: 1-12 mapping by Czechs from aerial photography, 365-6: 22 new road map, 305: 31-31+ 5-E- R-?E-T Approved For Release 19~T0 2F- CIA-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 DATE MASTER RECEIVED CH/TER COVER E N .DUMBER NUMBER ~+~.n~~v~v LOCATION~~_/!~~__ V.7/LV LOCATION l.Vr l~'.J Ut91 KUY tU !7 _/ ~~q~~~ ~ ~~9'i~ `~1~~~~rY ,~'` /~.~ i ! ~~/ l ~J s ~~9i I~ai ~~G~~/ ~ ~~0~~{`'~'"~ - STOCK LEVEL MINIMUM MgXIMUM y 7 ~j,, ,~ jar ) jJ- iV ~ 7- ! ! O f7 ~/S S~! ~7 i?~.~'l ~ ~~30 DATE R NUM-BER OF COPIES ~ DA7E - NUMBER OF COPIES `s M0. DAY YR. ECEIVED OR ISSUED RECD ISS'D BAL M0. DAY YR. RECEIVED OR ISSUED RECD ISS'D BAL RECORD COPY .~ ~' .~ d ~ _ _ - .~ ~' n 9 .~ 0 - ~ I ~ ~ - :TITLE ' CIA/RR MR Index Janu~.rv 1955 ~~/FftGUnU LU ~ti nU. LVVAIIVry VVf ICJ vcJlRVrcu DATE MASTER RECEIVED LOCAT~IO~eN~e~,/^~~e~,~~ CHAPTER COVER NUMBER VOLUME BINDER NUMBER LOCATION STOCK LEVEL MINIMUM _ MAXIMUM ~ DATE NUM BER~ OF CO PISS DATE D NUMBER OF COPIES M0. DAY YR. RECEIVED OR ISSUED RECD ISS'D B~~l M0. DAY YR. RECEIVED OR ISSUE RECD ISS'D BAL Approved FQr Release 1.999/09/26.: Ca -RDP79-01005A000100020002-1 1321 3S ~~rvo s~ni r~~o sn ~~-vo s~ -~~o sn 13 3S Appr?ved For Release 1999/09/26: A-RDP79-01005A000100020002-1