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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-01009A001500030001-2.pdf136.62 KB
Copy No. 16 GEOGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE REPORT RECOMMENDED UNCONVENTIONAL-WARFARE AREAS IN CIA/RR-c t-125 March 1958 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP79-01009AO01500030001-2 Approved For ReleassmV000/08/2 RDP79-01009A00150Q"0001-2 Considerations in the Selection of DW Areas and 6 1 7 e r ence Su era Ina (IA/RR,G-125 to The general considerations in the selection of the reconn:tnded areas: Approved For Release 2000/08/25 Approved For Releasq 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP79-01009AO0150Q( 60001-2 25X1 C t;7A/RR-GR-125 2. It should be clearly understood that many variables must be considered and that all factors are relative, especially in UW operations, No attempt has been made to delineate rigidly the type of UW operation that should be conducted within or from the recommended 25X1 C areas., The fact that some areas are described as rimaril for E and 25X1 C E does not reclLdo heir use for, Convcrsely, some o e multipurpose areas recommended are also the areas most suitable for E and E activities,, Furthermore, the selection does not presume to include all possible UW areas, since the number was limited to a maximum set forth in ~ae basic requirement, 3. It should be understood that this report was not influenced by the previous selection of UW or E and E areas by Joint or Serv.L,e Headquarters and that the recommended areas were selected without reference to any current war plans or programs and capabilities o:" specific operational, missions., Finally, and most important., the offects of possible nuclear fallout on the recommended areas were not exauatned in making the selections, J In summation, it should be emphasized that this report is a first phase intelligence study designed to assist in determining the most suitable areas for UW operations., Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : *50.11 OO9A0i9 Approved For ReleasrJ000/08/25 : CIA-RDP79-01009AO015 0001-2 G A/RR.i?l25 It does not purport to provide the detailed current intelligence essential to successful U1 operations This report represents (only a first step. After its coordination with and dissemination to the Unified and operational Commands concerned, it is anticipated that subsequent action may include the following: Yap The alignment of Theater plans and Service requirements .to permit a rmLximum utilization of the most suitable areas, b, A statement of the expected priority for the severcl types of Urv activities particularly as applied to multipurpose areas, c.; The selection and analysis of additional UW areas ',hat may be necessary to support Theater plans, or further anal.--3ie of the initially recommended areas as required for their expansion and full utilization,, d . h review of the requirements placed on CIA, and a reappraisal of CIA capabilities, especially after the comp;,etion of the steps indicated ir paragraphs a, b, and c above" 4. -'ervice action to obtain and disseminate detailed information on the U areas in relation to approved war Dlr Jrs which will include i`.. Finallyl the collation and production of operation&?.:i irrtell1gence in support of the UW areas and of other currerJ-, requirements of Theater gar plans., This last step could bc, most effectively accomplished by a coordinated CIA/Servicer: joint effort.: Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : C 2ffUh-W09A0015000300O1-2