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December 9, 1999
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Publication Date: 
June 1, 1958
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Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02000010006-3 Revised 1 June 1958 CIVIL DIVISIONS OF THE WORLD Part I. ASIA AND THE USSR Introduction Wherever possible, this report gives the generic names of first- and second-order civil divisions and the number of such units for each country. "Country" is here interpreted loosely to cover nations, dominions, colonies, protectorates, possessions, and other types of units. In general, the data reflect de facto sovereignty as of 1 January 1958. The counting of a particular civil division under the name of a country, however, does not necessarily imply recognition of its current political status by the United States Government. The data vary greatly in relative completeness and accuracy from country to country. For some political units, information was available for first- order divisions only. For others, no divisions could be listed although, in some cases, brief explanations could be given. In several instances, the status of units as first- or second-order divisions is.clouded by the existence of entities of intermediate rank. As a rule, an attempt was made to identify the basic first- and second-order units, deal with exceptions and intermediate units in the remarks. The nature of the data on hand, however, did not always favor strict adherence to this policy, and the compilers will quickly concede that valid interpretations different from theirs can be placed on many of the civil division patterns. If the generic name of a civil division has been transliterated or transcribed from a language that does not employ a roman alphabet, the name used in this report is generally that used in one or more of the cited references. Wherever feasible, the transliterations or transcriptions con- form to the policies of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, but conformity is not guaranteed. Where appropriate, generic terms are followed by a translation -- the "standard" translation where one could be discerned, and the choice of the compilers in other cases. Where translations only were available, that is, where the official form in current use could not be identified with certainty, the translation only is given in brackets. Wherever the figure appearing after the first- or second-order division term is underlined it indicates that the figure was arrived at by counting the number of units shown on available maps. Because of cartographic ambiguities and errors in counting, these figures may be less accurate than those (not underlined) that were taken from documentary sources. In general, the map-count figures will be accurate if small, but are likely to include minor errors where more than 50 units were counted. The date given for each civil division category is that of the main source from which information was taken. Where basic data were drawn from numerous sources, the date may span several years -- for example, 1954-57- Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02000010006-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02000010006-3 The references cited generally include the main.source or one of the main sources from which data for this report were taken. In some instances, it was necessary to note several references in order to give complete coverage for both first- and second-order divisions. References include maps, lists, and other works useful in interpreting administrative relationships. After each citation, a brief indication of the type of data presented by the source is given. Reference materials for which call numbers or map numbers are given in the citations can be obtained on request from the CIA Map Library, extension 2596. Maps with map numbers generally are obtainable as retention copies, whereas all items with call numbers are available only on loan. Most of the unnumbered books, reports, and documents that are cited as references are in the CIA Library (extension 8708), the Department of State Library, or the Library of Congress. A few, however, are available at the CIA Map Library. .Where reliability of the data is particularly doubtful, or where some relationship is not covered by the available sources, the discrepancies are noted under the heading "Gaps." Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP79-01009AO02000010006-3