DEBRIEFING OF (Classified) WORKERS IN (Sanitized)

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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 17, 1998
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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-01041A000100010004-0.pdf72.39 KB
DEBRIEFING OF 01041AO00100010004-0 Friday, 28 November 1952 (4) IN 16046 at some length with DD/I, d Discusse As a result of this discussion, it was decided that ~ and the 0/,91 man25X1A9a 25X1A 25X1A9a who was planning to accompany on could go to- around the 1st of the year to exploit the individuals mentioned in the cable. 25X1A9a This is now to be discussed by with DD/P people and I find that 1A9a g 11AVe is the individual with whom should talk. I checked with ~ and so 1A9a formed Until these talks have been held and until the State Department receives an answer to a cable they are sending out today, no decision can be made here. 25X1A9a called back later to say that this matter was discussed at the DD/P Staff Meeting this morning and that will be calling the DD/I 1a.ts 1A9a in the day to raise the fear that if CIA representatives become involved in this debriefing operation, CIA may well find itself with the job of settlinX1A9a hundreds and maybe thousands of emigres. wished to make it very cle that as will be provided for the Agency representatives, 25X1A and as up to this time CIA has never become involved in settling such people, 25X1A9a feels that this fear is unfounded. Tuesday, 2 December 1952 (4) 25X1A9a Followed up with on the present status of IN 16046 which in- 25X1C formed, us that substantial numbers of 1A9a informs me that DD/P's interest in this ma ter is being handled by (X 3628) and that DD/P has sent a cable5X1A9a to the field to obtain a local reaction to the facts presented by State. No further action is possible by DD/I and AD/IC until action is received from this cable and from State which has also cabled the field for more informa- tion. says leaving 28 December for four months TDY 25X1A6a 25X1A This 00craus2trf is pert of ?n iafnuret2d file, If CntssSlt.d from 4a. `'s93 if cspar 2 subjected is ir?;i3villm"