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Document Release Date: 
September 17, 1998
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Publication Date: 
November 12, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-01041A000100010021-1.pdf63.09 KB
Approved For Relea CFA-RDP79-01041 A000100010021-1 ,me Security Information MW FO/DD/I Diary yiednesday, 12 November 1952 1. Attended a Review Committee Meeting for the Agency Career Service Board and presented the DD/I feeling that the Professional Selection Panel should be officially placed in a position that it may be appealed to by Assistant Directors in the event I & S, Medical or Personnel Offices turn down an applicant for employment. This position is desirable in that there is now no mechanism for appeal except to the Director himself and in most cases the Assistant Director appealing does not have the facts on which the turn-down has been based. The three Offices mentioned above object to having another layer interposed between them and the Director. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a for the Director of Training, and for AD/CD, 25X1A9a agreed with the DD/I feeling, as outlined above, and for DD/P, felt that this review and appeal function belonged to the Personnel Office rather than to a super-imposed Panel. As a strong disagreement existed among the members of the Review Committee present, the DD/A withdrew the paper from the Agenda to be considered at the Agency Career Board Meeting on Friday, l4 November, I will re-open this matter with the Professional Selection Panel at its next meeting. 25X1A9a 2, Requested DD/P to arrange for the loan, to -this Office,, of a GS-4 or $-typist for six to eight weeks. 25X1A9a 3, Learned, from O/CI, that USCIB papers, in the absence 25X1A9a of are being passed directly to for the Director. `25~C1A9a Suggested to her that these papers pass across my desk for such control as loan give for the assistance of the Director and O/CI. 42 Approved For Releafie, 011 0 m/a1r o~ CIA-RDP79-010gAtpeQAflrQW0~i1 1f hn integrafr,d ft it separated from the file it must 6M sotacted to individual' systematic re,~& ,