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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1952
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Approved For Release 2000/09/12 :CIA-RDP79-01041A00010Q~~0~05~~~=II` Security Inform=tion Meted 6r D/DCI l2 sz MET~OI~A,N)7UNI ~,Oh ~~~L SMITH SUBJECT: Solution ~.n Iran 28 November 1952 ~ t~~~ ?a._ ~ Af c>J . I. Facts - 4i1 must move and soon; oti7erwise Nlossadeg is likely to ma~T, e decisions that wi11 place the situation beyond recall. 25X6A er oil or hard currency 25X6 Amount involved does not exceed. ~~OO,Q00,000. Cost to U. S. if Iran falls to Commies is 3-6 billion at a minimum 25X1 X II. Solution - Create a U. 8. corporation to purchase oil from NIOC and to run fields and refineries to extent Iran, re- quests. Corporation issues its common stock to selected parti- cipating U. S. oil companies in exchange for their stock. Amount of this to be equal to the value of an exclusive right for 5-10 years to deal in Iranian oil. Corporation issues a special stock or a subordinated note to the It, S. Government in return for cash equal to minimum settlement Britain would accept for expropriated properties. Corporation then turns over the participating ail com- panies' stook and cash to the Anglo-Iranian company in payment for an absolute assignment of all -the latters' right, title and interest in Iran, including claims against the Government and the NIO C. 25X6A Security tnfornatian ills. It separated from fhe Si6e (t mast !Is Approved For Release 2000/09/12 :CIA-RDP79g'~'1~~194t'I~d~'2tl"I~58~1w Approved For Release 2000/09/12 :CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020058-0 5ECRE '~- Security Information ..III. results - Anglo-Iranian b ecames in effect a holding company of American oil shares augmenting holdings by cash pur- chases on open market if it so desires, Thus it would became a solid asset and a good income producer for Britain. An American organization handles the transport and marketing of Iranian oil, driving the best bargain it can with Niossadeq, but at 7_east starting the flow promptly. An American private concern - backed as necessary by the State Department - then proceeds to negotiate and/or artibrate the compensation for the expropriated properties. This should be done without the 25X6A bitterness and suspicion that has primarily prevented any reason- able agreement American private initiative is enlisted to re-introduce Iranian oil and products into world markets in the most orderly fashion. They are asked to risk little and whatever risk they do .take is pretty well minimized by tax deductions against excess profits taxes. jT. S. Government's initial cost might be several hun- dred million but this would be reduced by whatever Iran agrees to pay whether in oil or otherwise. Its ultimate net cost would be ridiculously cheap compared to, the- cost to t}.ie national security Uy loss of Iran. Chief merit of the solution is its relative simplicity and the speed with which the immediately important aspects of the problem can be handled without being tied to the knotty problem of calculating and compensation. ROR~?,T AM~JRY, JR. Acting :Ceputy Director/Tntellzg ~~: ~.. Secari#y tr;,_ Approved For Release 2000/09/12 :CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020058-0