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September 16, 1952
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Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020128-2 ff"F Security Information Official Diary Tuesday, 16 September 1952 25X9A5 1. At the Deputies' meeting, informed the DC'T of the cancellation of the IAC meeting this week. 3. Reported to the DCI on the briefing of Candidate Stevenson. 1. Mentioned to the Director that I was studying Matt Baird's proposal for a lecture series, and felt that it might profitably be out down initially. I mentioned this because the Director had indicated that he was going to disapprove of the program and I think that there is some definite merit in it. 5. Spoke with Messrs. Dulles and Wisner on the following: 25X1A9a a. Indicated that we would be glad to have as an associate member of the Board of National Estimates for a rotation period of six months. Later chatted with 25X1 A9a on this and suggested that he talk in terms with Sherman 25X1A9a Kent and with whom the matter had been previously cleared. b. Discussed tentatively the special Egyptian situation on which I had been talking with 25X1 A9a 25X6A co Undertook to handle the reports to me by Mr. Reber. being transmitted (CONTINUED) Se_urity information This document Is part of an integrated 10 Approved For Release 2000/09/12 CIA-RDsubj lg ( '0 'Y ~9?010b020128-2 Approved For Relese 2000/09/12 :CIA-RDP79-01041 A000100020128-2 TZ_%*- SECRET Official Diary 16 September 1952 d. Mr. Wisner also mentioned another special report which he was giving me and which I later received for study. The source is extremely sensitive. e. Mr. Wisner raised the question of a cable from Europe respecting 25X1A9a a of 0/CI. I spoke to Mr. Sheldon on this and he tentatively recommended that be recalled and so 25X1A9a informed Mr. Wisner. Subsequently I was informed by Mr. Sheldon that the error in this case had been that of the Operational Offices who had apologized and were informed that 25X1 A9a would not be called back, 6. 25X1 A9a 25X1 A9ah S oke to Mr. Heber about and suggested that he and make a preliminary c ec to ascertain the scope of the security problem. 25X1A9a 7. Admiral Wenger called me respecting certain action proposed by in r+nnnon+~.. J-1- Ruter some discussion, 25X6A it was agreed that this matter would be presented to USCIB in memorandum form, for vote-sheet action, and that a project would be prepared for PRC. law This was coordinated with Wenger and I later spoke to Messrs. ih~l es any T.7-___ _t__ -. 25X1A9a -- -- ~- ~~~ y~? 11L 111auier was a.iso discussed at some length with L5n-~P`ya office, who undertook to carry forth with 8. Informed Mr. Forwood of the information I had received as to the reasons why there had been a drying up of reports emanating from CIA. He was perfectly satisfied. 9. Passed on to Mr. Price of R&DB the information I had received 25X1A5a1 respecting and assured him that CIA would welcome - as a chairman of the proposed PW research panel. It might be most helpful to have a free-wheeler in that position. 25X1A9a 10. Informed. that we were actively pursuing the question of a senior intelligence officer for him. 25X9A5 (CONTINLEU) Approved For Relea?e 2000109/1.2 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020128-2 25X1A5a1 Approved For Release 2 official Diary 16 September 1952 O99 c JQ-RDP79-041A000100020128-2 Securih, I ' t i 25X1A5a1 the suostianue wl a is u VL,-y -- I ~_ _ -- 25X1 Aga 25X1A9a forwarded the same to for action. Also suggested that 25X1A6a have get in touch with _ and authoriwd them to use 25X1A5a1 my name. 25X1A9a 25X1A6c 13. phoned me regarding and informed me that the Director's answer was "No". He had spoken to Partridge and would later take up with the IAC the question of recipients of CIA intelligence passing it on or showing it to non-recipients, a procedure which the DCI strongly disapproved. 14. - raised a question of intelligence respecting South 25X1A9a America and I referred him to State. SECRET Security Infor.M - ' Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020128-2