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September 10, 1952
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Approved For Relee 2000/09~12 :CIA-RDP79-0104000100020132-7
Security Informations
Official Diary
Wednesday, 10 September 1952
1. Mr. Reber informed me that the proposed revision of MC-33 was
the only item on the IAC agenda and I requested that he cancel this weekts
meeting. Later informed DCI.
2. During the day I had several chats with Generals Porter and
Partridge respecting the proposed revision of MC-33. General Porter explained
that any technical revision of MC-33 had been postponed. The sole issue was
whether or not we would participate in preparing a paper answering the require-
ments laid on by the Military planners. I indicated both to Generals Porter
and Partridge that I could not make an intelligent decision on this until I had
seen the requirement. This was later sent to me by General Porter and it
closely approximated the terms of reference contained in-cable. In-25X1A9a
formed Dr. Kent that I had withdrawn my commitment to
participate and he suggested
that, since he was involved in NIE-614, I carry on at this point with 25X1 A9a
After seeing the terms of reference, I indicated to that I proposed 25X1A9a
to let the Military carry on alone on this particular exercise primarily because
I thought it ridiculous for the planners to expect intelligence to answer
25X1A9questions of this character in the time schedule laid on. It would be essential,
owever, to inform what we were doing and why and also to indicate to the
Military that it was no longer in their authority to copy an IAC paper and
25X1X7transmit it under the label JIC in view of the revision of
25X1A91SCID-1. concurred. I also informed Mr. Dulles of the lines around
which I was thinking and stated to Colonel Dunn that I would call General
Porter `in the morning.
3. Informed Mr. Dulles that we were investigating
and would report to him finally in the near future.
7. Also mentioned to Mr. Wisner (as well as to Sheldon and
McMahan) the desirability of keeping an eye activities in the
Middle East.
1. Mr. Wisner requested me to speak to Dr. Kent as to the desir-
25X1 Asa 1 bility and I undertook to do so.
5. Suggested to DCI the possibility that the Soviets might be
forming a Soviet Bloc UN and later sent around a memo on this point,
25X1 C4e
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This document is par of an in rrated
file. If separated from the file it ;oust be
aublected to individual systematic review.
Approved For Release 200QQML SiAEqDP79-0141 A000100020132-7 VTW"
Security Information
Official Diary
10 September 1952
25X1 A5a 1 10. informed me that a 25X1 A5a 1
had indicated to the that he was coming to 25X1A6a
Washington on Thursday in order to consult with Mr. Eakens of the State
Petroleum office to raise the question of security respecting documents
subpoened in the oil anti-trust case. I ascertained from Mr. Dulles that the
arrangements for screening of papers on which there was a security issue had
applied to all companies and not merely to Aramco, but that rather than
sending a letter the Department of Justice preferred to inform the respective
companies orally. We authorized - to have the suggest 25X1 A6a
to Mr. Monahan that he speak to the Department of Justice on this point,
indicating, however, that nothing should be said as to CIA's part in this
11. Received a call from PSB
and recommended, in response to his inquiry, that
next Monday. 25X1A9a
12. informed me that after a thorough search, CIA
had been unable to locate the two volumes requested by Mr. Frieddiians, relating
25X6A to certain
13. Reviewed with Mr. Sheldon, the
0/CI paper on Iran and recommended that this be briefed and submitted to DCI,
D/DCI, and DD/P. Later spoke with Dr. Kent and Mr. Sheldon and suggested
that this paper be used as the basis for 0/NE intelligence memo.
Approved For Relead''06616?%''2 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020132-7
Approved For Release 200WW18 ftRDP79-01044000100020132-7
Security Information
Official Diary
10 September 1952
1l. Attended luncheon for Secretary Pace and the briefing which
-~? "-"""?" WY-Lull office as to the
possibility of moving temporarily or permanently into the Intelligence Offices.
Later discussed with Messrs. Dulles and Wisner and Dr. Kent the possibility of
25X1 AMating into the 0/NE Board for a period of six months. Dr. Kent
will speak to me later on this.
16. Chatted with - on the possibility of a new position
25X1 A9aor and he is going to report to me later on this.
17. Requested to have FBIS send to me daily its
regular unclassified over-all report.
18. Cleared with the format for supplements to NIEs.
19. Mr. Wisner indicated that he wished to speak with Admiral
Stout on a question of clearance for Admiral Stevens and I arranged for
Admiral Stout to join us for luncheon here on Wednesday, September 17.
20. Requested to have 0/CI prepare a roundup of
intelligence on the situa on surrounding Chengtu.
21. Chatted by phone with and explained to him the
basis of my memorandum respecting cables containing operational information.
Indicated to him that I felt that it was his obligation to go forward in
securing any clarification that might be needed. I felt that I had fully
cleared this with Mr. Wisner and that this had accurately been reflected in
the memo that was prepared in August.
22. Chatted with
organization of the O/DD/I.
respecting the
23. Suggested to Mr. Dulles and Mr. Wisner that the Deputies
and Mr. Hedden have dinner every other. week on Thursday, so that we could
take up matters similar to the way they are taken up at a partners' meeting.
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