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Approved For Release 2000/09/12 ; P7k- 1041A0001 WO133-6 Security Information Official Diary Tuesday, 9 September 1952 25X1A9a 1. Phoned and indicated to him that his recent memo respecting availability of higher education within Training was not an adequate action or follow-up on our recent conversation. I felt that it was imperative to have some study which the various IADs could use as a basis for planning for a training program. After some discussion, -undertook to prepare such a25X1A9a paper and forward same to me. 2. Arranged with Mr. McCormack to see him on Monday, September 15, in New York and informed DCI that I was going there on a recruiting mission. 3. Had several discussions with Generals Partridge and Porter respecting the proposed revision of MC 33. No final decision was reached. Later in the day I discussed this with Sherman Kent. Also requested Mr. Reber to put this item on the IAC Agenda for Thursday. 25X1A9a 4. Discussed with of Mr. Wisner's office the question of research support for PW. Mr. Wisner and he had been briefed on this matter and concurred in the position I had suggested. however, was of25X1A9a 25X1A9a the view that the project proposed for POC was considerably narrower than I had thought. idea was that POC wanted merely an over-all evaluation of the Soviet PW effort. Others with whom I talked later, notably Reber, were notso clear on this. 25X1A9a 5. informed me that the position taken by JCS on NIE-64, although slightly at variance with the position they had taken on NSC 11)4/2, was not sufficiently different to justify taking any position. He had checked 6. General McClelland informed me by phone that Air Force had agreed to take the action which we had requested relating to Station #61 and negotiations were presently under way with to secure authority for Air 25X1X7 25X1X7 Force's team to locate in the area. I undertook to, and did, send a note to requesting his assistance in these negotiations. Informed the DCI on this development. 7. Following the Deputies' meeting, spoke with the DCI and Mr. Hedden respecting a trip covering Asia and the Middle East. The DCI authorized same and Mr. Hedden and I tentatively fixed October 1 as date of departure. 8. Secured DCI's approval to the appointment of General Willems as permanent Chairman of the Watch Committee. This was cleared with G-2. Director of Air Force Intelligence, DNI and Mr. Armstrong. is preparing the paper. 25X1A9a (CONTINUED) ,,ec4 '1hls e a of an Integrated Approved For Release 2000/09/12: CIA-RDP79-01041A@f.0 ?Qt F the tile it must be subjected to individual systematic review. Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-R 1041A000100 020133-6 Security Information 25X9A5 Official Diary 9 September 1952 25X1A9a 9. Had a brief chat with - as to whether or not he desired to join the Intelligence Offices. Also discussed with personnel of the 25X1A9a 10. Sat with the DCI and General Samford to review the latter's proposed changes on the summary e valuation of the net capabilities of the Soviets to damage the US by an attack on continental United States. The DCI suggested certain changes in General Samford's draft and then suggested that he sit down with Admiral Bieri and myself to prepare an agreed revision of the basic paper. DCI agreed with the view expressed by General Samford and myself that under the existing directive it was not necessary to obtain concurrences by the other collaborating agencies. DCI approved General Samford's proposal that the paper, as agreed upon by CIA and Samford, would be reviewed by the NSC Senior Staff. Thereafter, DCI is to review it personally and express his final conclusions.. DCI instructed me to prepare a letter of transmittal to NSC explaining the deficiencies in the present paper and requested NSC itself to develop machinery for the preparation of a "Commander's Estimate" for the NSC and the President. I later requested to make a first draft of25XlA9a such a letter of transmittal. 12. forwarded to me a press release given out in Denver respect- ing the mission of Walton and Jones and Co. 25X1A9a 13. Arranged with for a briefing on certain of his activities at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, September 16. This was subsequently changed to 2:30 P.M. on Wednesday, the 17th. 15. Discussed with Mr. Reber the various proposals respecting coordina- tion of FW research (during which I expressed to him my current thinking on these points) and the proposal to revise SE-16. 25X1A9a 16.- Spoke to - about the suggestion that FI keep a "Who's Who" 25X1A9a on those attending the Asian Peace Conference and he undertook to do so. I later informed to inform our offices about this. (CONTINUED) Approved For Release 2000/U9/.12,,;,;CfIA-RDP79-01041 AO00100020133-6 Approved For Release 2000/09/12 57 D 9-0 i 41 A0001 00020133-6 Security nformation 1400 Official Diary 9 September 1952 J. Attended NSC Senior Staff and there arranged to have luncheon on Tuesday, September 16 with Charles Noyes of Frank Nash's office. 25X1A9a 16. Discussed with of ONE the procedure to be followed on the summary evaluation. They are preparing a revised paper. 19. At the request of General Samfordscleared with Mr. Amory the loan of a of 0/Rl- to SAC for two weeks in October. Informed General Samford's office and requested that they get in touch with Mr. Amory directly. Approved For Release 20056G-W79-01041A000100020133-6 Security Information