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July 25, 1952
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Approved For ReIe se 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01 Q,4jA000100020168-8
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Official Diary
Friday, 25 July 1952
1. After the Deputies' meeting, I suggested to Mr. Redden that
it would be helpful if Mr. Amory and myself could be informed in advance
with respect to such matters as the survey of East-West trade and TMZr.
Redden indicated that he had not mentioned this to us by oversight.
2. At the Deputies' meeting, received confirmation from the
Director as to my views respecting the strategic importance of Iran. Mr.
Dulles made the point that, despite Iran's importance, the. loss of Egypt
might be even more serious, since it was farther within our own perimeter.
3. The Director, at the Deputies? meeting, read portions from
an operational cable on Egypt and I later requested that release 25X1A9a
a copy to me, since there was valuable intelligence in it.
4. Reported to the Director that the 0/NE crash estimate was
in the President's book. He indicated that 0/NE was, perhaps, too pre-
occupied with getting out coordinated estimates and was not sufficiently
alert in preparing this t~ e of crash estimate on fast-moving studies.
Later I spoke with as to how we
could work out a joint arrangement for this type of paper. In my mind
such a paper has a definite current intelligence aspect, since it should
contain a brief current review of the situation to date. It also is an
estimate, since it should forecast, at least on a short-range basis, the
nature of coming events. The suggestion which appealed most to me was
that the original-paper be drafted, with due regard for existing tasks
and priorities, by either 0/ci or 0/NE staff and that the final paper
be approved by the Board of National Estimates augmented by AD/CI and
appropriate representatives from 0/CI's publication board. This pro-
cedure would be applied exclusively to memoranda for the Director,
intended for transmittal to the White House. All parties indicated
that they would study the question further and come up with some
definite recommendations.
Attended PRC meeting.
6. Answered a question by Dr. Tietjen respecting the Medical
classification of Intelligence Offices. I indicated that with the
exception - substantially all of our personnel were permanently
located in the U.S. and engaged in what might be termed sedentary
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Approved For Rel se 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-0104 A000100020168-8
Official Diary
25 July 1952
7. Visited Director with Col. Pulling, who is becoming I=liiii
London. Both the Director and I expressed our great interest in expediting
25X1 A6athe return of material from and Pulling was very
well up to date tion. He indicated that discussions were
25X1A9a being held with to see whether he could assist and I said that
we would do everything we could to help on this. I also mentioned to
Pulling the high regard which all of us had for ~& Pullir 25X1 A9a
1Hyaa d was well satisfied with the arrangement proposed by l A Hanel that in addition to his duties for - would
act as Current Intelligence Officer for llllllllllllllllll~25X1A9a 25X1 A29
8. Received from an outline of recent develop-
ments in Egypt which I transmitted to D/DCI, 25X1 A9a
9. Mr. Dulles mentioned a cable sent some time in May to the
State Dept. from Harold Hoskins from Beirut, giving his views as to the
situation in Sudan. Mr. Dulles suggested that I take a look at this cable.
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Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020168-8