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Approved For Relt~;,~,se 20001,q~/~~~~~I,,~;,RDP79-O'l(A000100020186-8 Security InformaPion Official Diary Wednesday, 3 July 192 1. Chatted with Director Allen of the PSB respecting the Loomis Report. I explained to him the situation with. respect to the figures cited in the Repast and also the general reasons why I feel that the matters con- sidered in this Report could best be handled by a program of coordination undertaken by the Department of State, rather than PSB. I indicated, however, that if the figures relating to CIA were deleted, I would have no objection to the circulation of the Report, since it was at least thought- provoking and that is what was required in this field. After some dis- cussion, Mr. Allen indicated that he would transmit the Repast, with the figures relating to CIA deleted, to Gen. Smith under a covering letter from Mr. A1.len, which would be transmitted to Gen. Smith through me. This per- mitted us to cancel the later meeting scheduled with the General and I so informed the General at the Deputies meeting. 2. At the Deputies meeting, Col. White indicated that Adm. Overesch would arrive in this country on Sunday, 28 July, and would be in Washington for about ten days prior to his departure for Tokyo. Interested offices should be alerted so that we can set up any necessary meetings with Overesch. 3. Reported to the DCI the discussion, at the NSC Senior Staff Steering Group meeting on Tuesday relating to Formosa. The DCI approved the position I had taken on behalf of ham and indicated his desire to attend the next Steering Group meeting on this subject, I explained that Defense was drafting a new paper, and that he would probably want to look that over. Mr. Wisner made available to me his ~t1;`yes Only~~ memorandum relating to this general subject, covering a meeting attended by T~Ir, Dulles and himself. I later phoned Jimmy Lay and informed him of the Directors desire to attend the next Steering Group meeting on Formosa and Lay indicated that he would discuss this with the DCI an Thursday. ~.. After some discussion, the DCI determined not to send the letter I had drafted respecting the Gunther article, but he requested that we seek to have certain changes made. In particular, he had certain changes in the introductory comment of the editorial. I got in touch with 25X1A9a -by phone and he persuaded LOOK to have the changes made in the editorial introduction, which involved making a new plate, but was unable to obtain any of the other suggested changes. I so informed the DCI. ~. Spoke to the DCI respecting the status of truce negotiations and indicated that I had became convinced that the securing of an armistice depended upon the finesse with which negotiations were conducted. I w as extremely impressed by the parallel between the approach made to Gross at ( CONTINUED ) ~L Approved For Releas~u2tgQ : CIA-RDP7~-1~aa~`~ pn nn1 n00 n1$6-8 u ~-ff'f~4ia35t bT an ~nI'egra~ed file. If separated from the file it must be subjected to Individual systematic .review. Approved For ReJe~se 2000/09/12 :CIA-RDP79-01,1A000100020186-8 ~R SECRET Official Diary 3 July 192 the UN and that initially made to the Germans in 1939? Consequently, I regarded the State Department decision not to exploit this avenue until further development of the Indian-Chinese avenue, a primary error. After this discussion the DCI called again for the Gross report. 6. Attended IAC. 7. At the IAG spoke to Gen. Weckerling and su~ges~ted that we confer respecting intelligence support for We:will do that 25X1A9a either late Thursday or early next week. +~. ~/CD requested my assistance ~ securing JCS 193/11 dated 28 May 1952, and I requested it by phone of Gen. Partridge. 25X1A9a 9. Conferred with - tions to be given to Contact Division. 25X1X7 Actin; AD/O, respecting instruc- 11. During the evening, visited Adm. Johnson at the Naval T-ledical Center, He informed me that it is planned to make Adm. Espey DNI same time in September, Espey has had some substantial intelligence experience, although he is primarily a destro er officer. Johnson also volunteered to put me into contact with 25X1 C8C 25X1 C8C and from whom, Johnson believes, valuable information can be o tamed. Johnson also informed me that the 25X1 C8C would be visiting this fall and that it would be most helpful 25X1 C8C if the DCI and I cou speak with him. I undertook to see what I could do. (CONTINUED ) ~ECREYf Approved For Release~f~d~/~-S1?~~'a"CIA-RDP79-01041 A000100020186-8 Approved For Rel,~e se 2000/09/12 :CIA-RDP79-O'1A000100020186-8 ,~ $E~R~~ Security Inform~'~~?? Official Diary 3 July 1952 12. Having received a copy of a memorandum sent by AD/CD to Administrative Services respecting heat in the skating rink, I passed on the memorandum to Col. G~Ihite with an expression of my view that every effort should be made to satisfy the needs of CD there as a matter of the highest priority. This could go ahead without awaiting any decision on the general question of air conditioning< Approved For Release 2000/09/12 :CIA-RDP79-01041A000100020186-8