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Approved For Rel - 04 000100040232-4 Security Information Official Diary Tuesday, 3 February 1953 25X1A9a 1. Discussed with or the status of NIE-59. Agreed with suggestion that the disagreement between Intelligence agencies on this Estimate be attacked by (1) propos- ing a revised paper which would disclaim any intention of covering in the Estimate known economic issues, and (2) proposing a paper covering not only economic but also military and political considerations. If both efforts fail, we shall reconsider our position. FOIAb6 Nola In passing on to the results of my talk with emphasized the following points: FOIAb6 a. and there is not much interest in Intelligence at this point. Accordingly, recommendations that items be called to the attention of the President should be held to an absolute minimum. Moreover, it was futile to expect Cutler, in view of his other responsibilities, to read detailed analytical Intelligence discussions. It would be the responsibility of C/CI to call important matters to his attention in the form of conclu- sions. 25X1 A9a FOIAb6 b. I felt that could be of substantial assistance to respecting this Intelligence material, although I did not feel that the time had as yet a me to make any final suggestion along this line. c. As an ultimate arrangement, I felt that the briefing of the N `C on -Wednesdays would not substitute for DCI's briefing of the President on Fridays. After things had settled down a bit, I anticipa r we would recommend the re-institution of the Friday b~ by DCI who would be able to elaborate on matters on which ' d not have the time to become expert. FOIAbq. As respects estimates, I plan to send the next one to with the recommendation that the entire estimate be brought to the President's attention, although, as a minimum, he could be asked to read the Conclusions only. 3.FOljQb e morning meeting, informed T:r. Dulles as to my conversa- tion with 25X1 Xj. me to have a summary with arti cular reference to have this 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 5. Mr. Dulles also requested an Intelligence appraisal as to the danger to the off-shore Chinese islands from the Chi/Corns and I requested to have this prepared by O/NE in connection with d/CI. The paper as received was prepared exclusively by O/NE and was unsatisfactory. WI-s docnmenn10111.5f jf Iease 2000/08/29: CIA-RDP79-0104 '~AOOt0040232-4 flie. if sopara{ rom t 1rd ! C cr n r-: Co n pgbjected 19 individual syslEmatic revtsW# prepared. 25X1 X7 Approved For Rele, a 2000 9$16R DP79-010 A000100040232-4 Security Information Official Diary Tuesday) 3 February 1953 gjrLX 1 A 8 6. At the request of Mr. Dulles, had and iWiMIN secure items relating to a Soviet denunciation of Sweden. 7. Jas informed by an( passed on to Mr. Dulles the fact that current CIA estimates of guerrilla strength in the Chinese mainland were 50,000; that this figure was agreed to by G-2; but that the last coordinated estimate had given this figure at 100,000. I recommended that he use the 50,000 figure in his briefing of the National Se Council. 8. phoned and requested an introduction to General Smith. I indicated that the present 71-7 ,1ou) time was too jammed for any such thing but undertook to check on the ossibilities within the nex few T.eeks ~1-1 '., Z ki&it p 9. informed me that the agencies desired more time for the Burma estimate (which was scheduled to come up at this Thursday's iAG) and I approved giving the time, even though this would mean cancel- lation of IAC for this week. 10. Attended NSC Senior Staff meeting. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08129t3 UPA P79-01041 A000100040232-4