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SECRE-Trnpproved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01083 ~911qg080001-0
JUNE 1954
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A E: ! 1.. RF'VIEWEE:._019360 'ra'
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This material contains information affecting
the National Defense of the United States
within the meaning of the espionage laws,
Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans-
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to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
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Office of Research and Reports
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This publication is one of a series produced under the terms of a CIA
external research project entitled "The Problem of Soviet Capabilities in
Geodesy and Cartography." The project, sponsored by the Central Intelligence
Agency, was an element in the research program of the Geography Division25X1A5a1
of the Office of Research and Reports.
Inadequate knowledge concerning the status of Soviet developments in
geodesy, photogrammetry, and cartography has been recognized as an intelli-
gence deficiency, and intelligence reports in these fields are extremely
few in number and limited in topical coverage. For these reasons, the
project was initiated to assess Soviet capabilities on the basis of a sys-
tematic study of all available published information on Soviet developments
in geodesy, geodetic gravimetry, geodetic astronomy, geodetic and photo-
grammetric instrumentation, and cartography. The resulting reports are
derived almost entirely from an exhaustive search for and an analysis of
published scientific source materials.
This report is concerned primarily with detailed information on the
principal civilian mapping agency in the USSR . Only sketchy bits of
information are available concerning the military mapping organization.
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Data on civilian and military map-producing components, chiefly associated
with other Soviet research organizations, are given in a section on
Research in the n)port entitled Soviet Education in Geodesy and Cartography
Publications produced under terms of this contract and issued to
date are:
Geodetic Gravimetry in the USSR, CIA/RR-ER-1, 16 October 1951.
Deformation of the Crust of the Earth and Terrestrial Magnetism,
CIA/RR-ER 1$ October 1951. SECRET.
General Critique of Soviet Gravimetric Data with an Annotated
Bibliograp y, CIA/RR-E - , 15 p . SECRET.
Selected Bibliography of Soviet Studies in the Field of Cosmic
Ras, CIA SI - ~, March 95L.. SECRET.
Review of Soviet Photogrammetric Procedures, CIA/RR-ER-4, May,
1954. SECRET.
Soviet Geodetic and Photogrammetric Instrumentation, CIA/RR-ER-5,
15 April 1954. SEC-RE .-
Additional References to Soviet Diagrams, Sketches-and Photographs
of Soviet Geo e c and Pho~ramme ric Instruments, CIA R , may
1954. SEC T.
A List of References to Soviet Photogrammetric Literature, +CIA/HR-
ER-7, May 19~ . SECRET.
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Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .
n Administration of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGC) . . . . .
VGU - Supreme Geodetic Administration (1919-1925) . . . . .
GGK - Main Committee of Geodesy (1925-193o) . . . . . . . .
GGU - Main Geodetic Administration (1930-1933) . . . . . .
GGGGU - Main Geologic, Hydrologic and Geodetic Administration
(1933-1935) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
E. GUGSK - Main Administration of National Surveying and
Cartography (1935-1939) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F. GUGK - Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography (1939-
present) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Policy4iaking Bodies of the GUGK . . . . . . . . . . .
a. C oll a gium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
b. Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. General Agencies . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . .
a. Central Cartographic and Geodetic Archives (TsKGF)
b. Publishing House of Qeodetic and Cartographic
Literature (Geodezizdat) . . . . . . . . . . . .
(1) Geodezist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(2) Sbo rnik NTiPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
c. Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Survey
and Cartography (TsNIIGAiK) . . . . . . . . . . .
d. Factory of Geodetic Instruments (Aerogeopribor) . .
e. Scientific Editing and Map Compilation Division
(NRKC h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
f. Transcription Bureau (NTCh) . . . . . . . . . . . .
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g. Administration of Supply 12
h. Finance and Planning Division . . . . . . . . . . . 12
J. Administration of State Geodetic Congrol (UGGN) . . 12
k. technical Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1. Administration of Educational Institutions . . . . 16
m. Secret Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
n. Mobilization Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
o. Administration of the Topographic and Geodetic
Service (UTGS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
(1) Establishments (Predpriyatya) . . . . . . . . . 20
Structure of Establishments . . . . . . . . 23
(13' )
Moscow AGP . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Northwestern AGP . . . ? ? ? ? ? . ?
Novosibirsk AGP . . . . . . . . . . .
Central Asia AGP ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ukrainian AGP . . . ? ? . ? ? ? ?
Trams-Caucasian AGP . . . . . ? ? . ?
North Caucasus AGP . -. . . . . . .
Yakutsk AGP . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kolyma-Okhotsk AGP . . . . . . .
Permanent Polar Expedition . . . . . .
Kazakh AGP . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eastern Siberian AGP . . . . . . ?
Western AGP . . . . . . . . . ? .
Southern AGP . . . . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Administration of Cartographic Industry (UKP) . . .
(1) Cartographic Factories . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. 1 - Leningrad Cartographic Factory . . . .
No. 2 - Moscow Cartographic Factory . . . . . .
No. 3 - Minsk Cartographic Factory . . . . . .
No. 11 - Kharkov Cartographic Factory . . . . .
No. 5 - Tashkent Cartographic Factory .
No. 6 - Omsk Cartographic Factory . . . . .
No. 7 - Sverdlovsk Cartographic Factory . . . .
No. 8 - Tbilisi Cartographic Factory . . . . .
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No. 9 - Saratov Cartographic Factory . . . . . 46
No. 10 - Riga Cartographic Factory . . . . . . . 46
No. 11 - Kiyev Cartographic Factory . . . . . . 46
No. 12 - Novosibirsk Cartographic Factory . . . 147
3. Analysis of the Structure of the GUGK . . . . . . . . . 47
as Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
b. Political Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
c. Role of Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
d. Compulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
e o Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
f. Comparison . . . . . . . . 51
II. Ministry of Defense 52
A. VTU - Military Topographic Administration . . . . . . . . . 52
1. Military Topographic Service (VTS) . . . . . . . . . . 53
2. Military Engineering Academy (VIA) . . . . . . . . . . 54
3. Scientific Research Institutes of the Military-
Topographic Service (NIIVTS) . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4. Other Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
III. Soviet Literature Referenced in this Report . . . . . . . . . 56
I - Statute of the Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography
under the Council of People's Commissars USSR . . . . . . . . 59
II - Ranks and Decorations in the GUGK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Organization Chart - Main Administration of Geodesy and
Cartography (GUGK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . following page 69
2 Decorations of the Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography
(GUGK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
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This report establishes the organization and structure of the Main
Administration of Geodesy and Cartography of the U.S.S.R. as known from
available open source material. This type of information, fairly abundant
before 1940, becomes very scarce after that year. It is estimated that by
1953, some 9,000 technical personnel were connected with the Main Adminis-
tration of Geodesy and Cartography.
The corresponding organizational picture for the Administration of
Military Topographers cannot be established at this time because of the
almost complete lack of pertinent open source material.
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The present organization known as the Main Administration of Geodesy
and Cartography (GUGK, Glavnoye.Upravleniye Geodezii i Kartografii) is the
result of a long evolution of Soviet institutions and its history may be
briefly represented as follows:
1919 VGU: Supreme Geodetic Administration
(Vyssheye Geodezicheskoye Upravleniye)
1925 GGK: Main Committee of Geodesy
(Glavnyy Geodezicheskiy Komitet)
1930 GGU: Main Geodetic Administration
(Glavnoye Geodezicheskoye Upravleniye)
1933 GGGGU: Main Geologic, Hydrologic and Geodetic Administration
(Glavnoye Geologo-Gidro-Geodezicheskoye Upravleniye)
1935 GUGSK: Main Administration of National Surveying and Cartography
(Glavnoye Upravleniye Gosudarstvenny S"yemki i Kartografii)
1939 GUGK: Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography
(Glavnoye Upravleniye Geodezii i Kartografii)
A. VGU 1219-1925. This organization was established on March 15,
1919, by a decree of the Soviet of People's Commissars. It was empowered
(a) carry out systematic topographic, geodetic and leveling work,
(b) organize map production for all departments of the government,
(c) coordinate all geodetic and cartographic work in the U.S.S.R.,
(d) direct all geodetic and cartographic work,
(e) work out technical geodetic and cartographic instructions and
rules obligatory for all departments of government.
This formulation of responsibilities is equally applicable to all
successors of the VGU. Nevertheless, it was found necessary to reorganize
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the VGU several tides before a stable organization, the GUGK, was developed.
There are two reasons for these frequent re-organizations; (1) lack of ex-
perience, personnel and equipment and (2) political considerations.
Contrary to the original intention, the VGU was attached to one par-
ticular department of the government, the Supreme Council of National
Economy (VSNKh, Vyssshiy Soviet Narodnogo Xhozyaysta) and its authority to
regulate geodetic and cartographic activity of other agencies was questioned,
At any rate, the VGU was unable to supervise all cartographic and geodetic
work in the U.S.S.R.. because of the lack of technical personnel. Even as
late as 1924, (that is, five years after its organization) the VGU had at
its disposal less than 200 geodesists and only 21 cartographers. The amount
of available equipment was pitiful, and had to be imported from abroad.
While there is no need to describe all details of the organization of
the VGU, some aspects of its structure should be explained in order to make
further discussion profitable.
The policy-making department of the VGU was the Collegium, exactly as
it is now in the GUGK, as follows:
Administration and Organization
Topographic and Geodetic
Optics and Mechanics
Geodetic Archives
Technical Council
The VGU has eight field offices in the following cities:
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B. GM, 925- 0, On May 14, 1925 a Geodetic Committee (Geodezicheskiy
Komitet) was established under the State Planning Commission (Gosplan).
This committee took over from the VGU the work of coordination of all geo-
detic and cartographic work in the Soviet Union. The change was obviously
necessary because of the lack of authority It had over other government
agencies and departments. At the same time a permanent commission was ap-
pointed to coordinate the activity of the VGU and the Military-topographic
section (VTO) of the army. The Technical Council of the VGU became merely
a consulting body with no authority outside of the VGU.
In September 4, 1926, the VGU was re-named the Geodetic Committee in
the Main Mining-Fuel-Geologic-Geodetic Administration (Glavnoye Gorno-
Toplivnoye Geologo-Geodezicheskoye Upravleniye) still at the VSNKh (Supreme
Council of National Economy). In 1928 it was further renamed, the Main
Geodetic Committee (GGK, Glavnyy Geodezicheskiy Komitet).
There were thus for some five years (1926-1931) two organizations both
of which were called Geodetic Committees; one at the Gosplan to direct and
coordinate work of all map agencies in the U.S.S.R. and the other at the
Supreme Council of National Economy (VSNKh) to carry out actual work in
geodesy and cartography. - 3 -
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Such separations of responsibilities introduced confusion and could not
be tolerated very long, especially because of the rapid development of field
work and cartographic factories.
C. GGU, 1930-: . In 1930 the Geodetic Committee of the VSNKh was
transformed into thf3 Main Geodetic Administration (GGU; Glavnoye Geodezich-
eskoye Upravleniye) and the Geodetic Committee of the Gospian was abolished
in 1931 and its functions were taken over by the GGU. However, even then
the GGU was not an Independent department in the government, but attached
to the Commisariat of Heavy Industry. The coordination ofgeodetic and
cartographic work iUi all agencies was to be effected through the Inter-
Department Geodetic Council, (Mezhduvedomstvennyy Geodezicheskiy Soviet)
whose decisions weri3 to be carried out by the GGU. The actual surveying
operations were to be performed by the Institute of Basic Geodetic Work
(IOGR: Institut Os:aovnykh Geodezicheskikh Rabot) which was soon replaced
by the Trust of Basic Geodetic and Gravimetric Work (VTOGiGR: Vsesoyuznyy
Treat Osnovnykh Geoiiezicheskikh i Gravimetricheakikh Rabot). Thus for the
first time gravimetry was included in the program of geodetic surveying.
At the same time cartographic activities of two organizations carrying out
aerial surveying operations, "Dobrolet" and "Ukrovozdukhput", were included
inthe system of the GGU.
D. GGGGU. 193;x. During this period, because of considerations
that are not easy to understand, the-geodetic survey was combined with the
geologic survey into the Main Geologic, Hydrologic and Geodetic Adminis-
tration (GGGGU: Gl.vnoye Geologo-Gidro-Geodezicheskoye Upravleniye). The
system was extremely cumbersome and is considered by Soviet writers as some
sort of "twilight period of Soviet geodesy".
-4 -
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E. GUGSK, 1931939. On June 15, 1935 another reorganization took
place. The GGGGU was abolished and replaced by the Main Administration of
National Surveying and Cartography (GUGSK: Glavnoye Upravleniye Gosudar-
stvennoy S"yemki I Kartografii). This time the GUGSK was attached to the
Commisariat of Interior.
F. GUGK. 1939 to the pre-sent.. By 1938 it became clear that the only
way to solve the problem of co-ordination and organization of geodetic and
cartographic work in the country was to establish an organization with both
legislative and executive authority outside of any existing Commisariat.
Accordingly, a decision was made in September 14, 1938 to separate the
Geodetic and Cartographic Office from the Commisariat of Interior and make
it a separate department in the Soviet government. The new organization
became known as the Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGK:
Glavnoye Upravleniye Geodezii i Kartografii) at the Council of Commissars,
later at the Council of Ministers.
The duties and responsibilities of the GUGK were itemized in a decree
of the Council of Commisars U.S.S.R. of August 23, 1939. This date should
be considered as the beginning of activity of the GUGK. (See Figure 1)
This decree, with subsequent alterations, (up to 1941) is given in
Appendix I. Undoubtedly there have been other, more recent changes in the
organization of the GUM, but very little is known about them. In view of
the possibility of changes in the structure of the GUGK, all efforts have
been made to use the most recent information so as to present an up-to-date
picture. The organizational chart which accompanies this report is based
on the study of all available material and should be substantially correct.
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1. Policy-Making :Bodies of the GUMS'.
Chief end Deputy Chiefs. The GUGK is headed by a chief,
(nachal'nik) whose duties are defined in the statutes (Appendix I, Section
5). The chief in 1951 was Aleksandr Nikiforovich Baranov who received (2)
Stalin's prize of first class (with six other people) for the publication
in 1950 of the "Sea Atlas", Vol. 1. In source (2) the photograph of Baranov
indicates his age an about 55 or 60.
Baranov has been chief of the GUGK since at least 1939. From source
(3) we learn that he is a graduate-of the Moscow Institute of Engineers of
Geodesy, Aerial Surreying and Cartography (MIIGAiK) and is probably a com-
petent man. The sauce source states that Baranov received -a medal for the
construction uz the Moscow subway, presumably for the organization of sur-
veying work.
There are two deputy-chiefs. The first deputy-chief of the GUGK in
1949 was S. G. Sudakov (4) who is also a graduate of the MIIGA3K (3). Both
Baranov andSudakov are described in source (3) of 1939 as "brought up by
the party organization" and undoubtedly are members of the Communist
Party in good standing.
The other deputy-chief in 1949 ur&o Georgiy Kuz'mich Zubakov, named in
source (4) as simply, deputy-chief, apparently -a position inferior to the
first deputy-chief, Sudakov. In this source Zubakov is referred to as
engineer-geodesist, so that in all probability he is also a graduate of
MIIGAiK. He and Siudakov were awarded the Order of the Red Banner (with
three other engineers) for organizing and carrying out over a period of
many years geodetic, and cartographic work in exceptionally difficult regions.
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Attached to the chief's office are two consulting bodies: the collegium
and the council.
a. fie C lleF um (Kollegiya GUGK), as follows from the stat-
utes (Appendix I, Section 7), consists of members of the GUGK, usually
division chiefs, under the chairmanship of the chief of the GU(K and is
some sort of review board of activities of the GUGK. Decisions of the
collegium are to be carried out by the chief of the GUGK.
The composition of the Collegium in 1940 may be given here to illus-
trate one point: it consists of competent people with the necessary tech-
nical background (all with the degree of engineer-geodesist):
Chairman: A.N. Baranov, chief of GUGK
Members: S.G. Sudakov, chief of aerogeodetic establishments
V.D. Tatarnikov, connection unknown
G.K. Zubakov, deputy chief
T.I. Mukhin, chief of cartographic industry GUGK
A.Sh. Tatevyan, Director of TsNIIGAiK
T.N. Korsovskiy, Professor at MIIGAiK
P.V. Pavlovskiy, connection unknown
As an illustration of the activity of this body the following items
may be quoted. In 1948 the Collegium considered and accepted (6) the five-
year plan of research work at the TsNIIGAiK, (Central Scientific Research
Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying and Cartography) including 21 topics
in geodesy, six in astronomy, eight in aerial surveying and photogrammetry,
and eleven in cartography. This would indicate very close supervision of
research activities of the Central Institute by the Collegium. In the
same source we find detailed instructions to the chiefs of various depart-
ments of the GUQK, formulated by the Collegium to facilitate the introduc-
tion of the Koasovskiy ellipsoid.
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b. The Council, (Sovet GUGK) as defined in the statutes (Ap-
pendix I, Section 9) Ls to meet once or twice monthly to discuss the most
important work of the GUGK. The important aspect of the activity of the
Council is the co-ord'lnation of work between the various government organi-
zations-engaged in cartographic and geodetic work. This undoubtedly involves
military organizations and for that reason the decisions of the council
are not publi-shed. There is no information available concerning the mem-
bership of the Counci:L.
2. General Lgenciee
a. Central Carto ;raphic and Geodetic Archives (TsKGF:
Tsentral'nyy Kartogra:Fo-Geodezicheskiy Fond) is described in a source (5)
of 1952 as follows: It is supposed to collect and make available for use
all maps printed in the U.S.S.R. and all data on geodetic and cartographic
work in the U.S.S.R. which are considered to be of national importance.
This would include, for instance, lists of triangulation and astronomic
positions. By law every map published by civil organizations in the U.S.S.R.
must be deposited in the TsKGF which publishes catalogues which include
complete description of these maps. An up-to-date record of the status of
cartographic coverage is maintained on the 1:1,000,000 index map (dezhurnaya
In 1949 the chief of this section of the TsKGF was Ye. M. los'kova,
a woman (4). The map-gathering activity is not restricted to TsKFG, how-
ever, and there are at least three other organizations within the GUGK
engaged in similar work but-for somewhat different purposes. These will
be discussed in their proper relationships later in this report.
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b. Publishing House of Geodetic and Cartographic Literature.
(Geodezizdat: Izdatel'stvo Geodezicheskoy i Kartograficheskoy Literatury).
The address of this publishing house is Moscow, Proyezd Vladimirova, No. 6,
but the most surprising circumstance is that all recent books, instructions,
atlases? etc. appear to have been printed at the Riga Cartographic Factory,
Riga, A7.tonavas, No. 43.
They chief of the Geodezizdat in 1949 was A.I. Salomatin (6). The
special publishing house for the GUGK was established in 1940, but it has
history reaching back to 1933 when the Editing Bureau (Redbyuro Goskartrest)
was first established (7).
The activity of the publishing house of the GUGK may be described as
Publication of serials like Geo_, dizist and Sbornik NTiPS.
Publication of textbooks and monographs.
Publication of Trudy TsNIIGAi:.
PubLication of reports of field parties.
Publication of instructions, regulations, orders, forms, etc.
(1) Geodezist
Since the publication of the periodical, "Geodezist",
is specifically mentioned in the statutes, (Appendix I, Section 13) a short
description is included.
After several unsuccessful attempts by the members of the Administra-
tion of Military Topographers (VTU: Voyenno Topograficheskoye Upravleniye)
to start a professional periodical, the "Geodezist" was organized by the
VTU and VGU (Vyssheye Geodezicheskoye Upravleniye) in 1925. It was to serve,
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then, both the military and civil geodetic and mapping establishments. The
journal was a groat success, remarkable for Its detailed chronicle of events
in geodesy and cartography both in the U.S.S.R. and abroad. In 1931 the
"Geodezist" became the official organ of the GGU (Glavnoye Geod.ezicheskoye
Upravleniye) but its connection with VTU remained unbroken. In connection
with the 15th anniversary of the periodical, articles were published (8)
praising this journal very highly. Nevertheless, the publication of the
"Geodesist" was abruptly terminated in this year without explanation. Per-
haps the general disruption of life in the U.S.S.R. because of the war was
(2) Sbornik 1 T .PS
In 1941 the GUGK began to publish its own serial,
"Sbornik Nauchno-Technicheskikh I Proizvodstvennykh Statey po Geodezii,
$artografii, Topografti, Aeros"yemke I Gravimetrii", (Collection of Scien-
tific, Technical and Production Articles in Geodesy, Cartography, Topogra-
phy,.A.erial Surveying and Gravimetry) of which 33 issues were published
between 1941 and 1950. However, since 1950 there may have been another
change in the publication. Most recent information indicates the existence
of Vol. 1 and 2 of "Sbornik Statey po Geodezii", (Collection of Articles
in Geodesy), 1951, also published by the GUGK (9). Either the scope of
this collection has been limited to geodesy, or this is a new serial, re-
placing the Sbornik NTiPS.
c. Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy. Aerial
Survey and Cartography (TsNIIGAiK): Tsentral'nyy Nauchno-
Issled.ovatellskiy Institut Geodezii, Aeros"yemki i Kartografii) in Moscow.
The Institute is the primary research eantei of the GUGK.. A detailed
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oo *t of this I stit to is givep in the report ezitled Soda
j9at#on in Geodesy and Carrtog?apbY.
d. Factory of Geodetic Instruraenta (Aerogeopribor). This
factory and similar establishments have been discussed in the Mapping and
Charting Research Laboratory Report entitled, "Soviet Geodetic and Photo-
grammetric Instrumentation".
e. Scientific Editing and Mai'CompilationDivisions (NRKCh:
Nauchno-Redaktsionnaya Kartosostavitel'skaya Chast'). The Russian term is
difficult to render, and its translation in the Statutes (Appendix I, Sec-
tion 10) as Division of Map Publication Control is misleading. The duties
of the NRKCh as defined in 1940 are (10):
(a) Checking and correction of all available maps.
(b) Correct organization of editing, compilation, etc.
(c) The selection of the most efficient technology of cartographic work.
(d) Development of control over contents and design of maps.
(d) General preparation of maps for printing.
This organization was the outgrowth of a special research institute
created for the Great Soviet Atlas of the World (NIIBSAM) in 1933. In 1938
this Institute was abolished and its personnel transferred to the newly
created NRKCh of the GUGK. In 1940 the NRKCh had 131 "stakhanovites";
that is, exceptionally productive workers. The entire staff must, there,
fore, be very large. A pertinent and noteworthy fact is to that the GUGK
is specifically charged with the compilation and publication of the Great
Soviet Atlas (Statutes, Section 2b).
A source of 1949 (4) lists the names of ten employes of the M Ch who
had received decorations for excellent work, among whom were two senior
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editors, S. N. Soldatov and S. N. Teplova. The chief of the NRKCh in 19140
was G. V. Artamonov, a graduate of the MIIGAiK (3).
According to a source of 1952 (5) the NRKCh had a special reference
section (OSKS: Otdol Spravochnoy Kartograficheskoy Sluzhby) where a person
interested in one particular region could obtain all available cartographic
information, whether on the U.S.S.R. or of foreign countries.
f. Transcription Bureau (NTCh: Nauchno-Transkriptionnaya
Chaste) appears to be independent of NRKCh, since it _is mentioned separately
in the Statutes (Appendix I, Section 10). Nothing is known of its activity
except a short notic: of 1940 (il).
g. Administration of Supp1 (-Upravleniye Snabzheniya).
The head of this administration in 1948 was A.V. 3atkov. The name of the
administration is se:'.f-explanatory. It is supposed to supply all necessary
material for the word: of the various divisions of the GUGK (6).
h. Finance-Planning: Division mentioned in the Statutes
(Section 10) may be combined now into one division of Planning and Econom-
ics (Plano-EkonomicheskiyOtdel). The head of it in 1948 was M.K. Bendovskiy (6).
I. Division of Cadres (Otdel Kadrov). The chief of this
division in 191E8 was 7.V. Samoylova (a woman). The duty of this division
Is to assure sufficient personnel for all departments of the GUGK.
J. administration -of State Geodetic Control (UGGN: Up-
ravieniye Gosudarstvennogo Geodezicheskogo Nadzora). The head of this
administration in 194& was V.N. Lysyuk. According to a source of 1952 (5)
the UGGN includes the administrations of representatives of the GUGI in
union-and autonomous republics, and in other administrative geographical
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A complete list of local representatives of the GUGIC with defined
limits of their jurisdiction has been found only in a source of 1940 (12)
and is as follows:
1. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for UKRAINSKAYA SSR. Kiyev.
Ukrainskaya SSR
Krymskaya Oblast'
Moldavskaya SSR
2. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for BELORUSSKAYA SSR.
Belorusskaya SSR
Smolenskaya Oblast'
3. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for GRUZINSKAYA SSR. Tbilisi.
Gruzinskaya SSR
4. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for ARMYANSKAYA SSR. Yerevan.
Armyanskaya SSR
5. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for UZBEKSKAYA SSR. Tashkent.
Uzbekskaya SSR
Turkmenskaya SSR
Tadzhikskaya SSR
Kirgizskaya SSR
6. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for XAZAKESKAYA SSR. Alma-Ata.
Kazkhskaya SSR
7. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for North Caucasus. Pyatigorsk.
Dzaudzhikau Kray
Krasnodarskiy Kray
Rostovskaya Oblast'
Kabardino Balkariya
Severo-Osetinaskya SSR
Dagestanskaya ASSR
8. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for the Leningrad Oblipolkom.
Leningradskya Oblast'
Vologodskya Oblast'
Arkhangel'skaya Oblast'
Karelo-Pinskaya SSR
Murmanskaya Oblast'
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9. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for the Novosibirsk Oblispolkom.
Novosibirakaya Oblast'
Omskaya Oblast'
Krasnoyarskiy Kray
Altayskiy Kray
10. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for the Khabarovskiy Krayispolkom.
Khabarovskiy Kray
Primorskiy Kray
11. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for -lrkutskiy Oblipolkom.
Irkutskaya Oblast'
Chitinskay;s, Oblast'
Buryat -Mon,.-,o l ' s kaya
Yakutskaya ASSR
12. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for the Gor'kovskiy Oblispol'.{om.
Gor'kovska,ra Oblast'
Kirovskaya Oblast'
IvanovskayL Oblast'
Tatarskaya ASSR
Udmurskaya ASSR
Mariyskaya ASSR
Chuvashskay.a ASSR
13. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for, the Sverdlovsk Oblispolkom.
Sverdlovskaya Oblast'
Chelyabinskaya Oblast'
Permskaya tblast'
14. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for the Kuybyshevskiy Oblispolkim.
Kvybyshevskaya Oblast'
Chlcalovskaya Oblast'
Mordovskaya ASSR
Bashkirskaya ASSR
15. Authorized Representative of the GUGK for the Saratov Oblispolkom.
Saratovskaya Oblast'
Stalingrads:;aya Oblast'
Voronezhskaya Oblast'
Kalmytskaya ASSR
Tambovskaya Oblast'
Penzhenskayn Oblast'
According to a source of 1952 (5) the representatives of the UGGN have
control over all geodetic and cartographic work to be carried out in that
region over which the representatives have jurisdiction. They are supposed
to control work undertaken not only by the GUGK but also by other agencies.
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Representatives of the GUGK follow all geodetic and cartographic work done
in their region and gather cartographic and geodetic material relating to
this work. They are supposed to maintain complete up-to-date record
(dezhurstvo) of all changes of cartographic interest in their territory,
such as names of populated places, roads, administrative boundaries, etc.
Further information on the role of the local representatives of the
GUGK can be obtained from the secret instruction of the GUGK covering the
regulations of topographic and geodetic work (13). We find that all
agencies (with the specific exception of the Commissariats of Defense and
of Navy) before they begin aerial surveying, or topographic work on scales
of 1:10,000 and larger, must secure a permit from the local representatives
of the GUGK. The representatives, after consideration of the plan of pro-
posed work, must check with the staff of the military area (oking) concern-
ing the existence of secret areas and objects and the degree of their secrecy.
If such objects exist in the territory to be surveyed the representatives
of the GUGK issue permits only with the specific consent of military
k. Technical Division (Tekhnicheskiy Otdel). The chief of
this division in 1948 was A.V. Rytov (6). This section is not mentioned
in the statutes since it was not established until 1940 (12). The task of
this division was formulated as follows:
(a) development of problems of technical policy, formulation of
instructions and directives for work
(b) consideration of suggestions for improvement
(c) consideration of inventions and issuance of patents
(d) methodical guidance In the re-adjustment of geodetic network.
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1. Administration of Educational Institutions (Upravleniye
Uchebnykh Zavedeniy). A detailed account of educational institutions may
be found in Technical Paper No. 162.of this Laboratory. It describes the
two Institutes of university level,
(a) MIIGAiK: Moscow Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial
Surveying and Cartography.
(b) Novosibirsk Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Sur-
veying and Cartography and
(c) ten schools of intermediate training, topographic technicums
in Kiyev, Leningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsl;,Semipalatinsk,
Tashkent, Tbilisi, Tomsk, Chkalov and the Moscow Aerialphoto-
Surveying School.
It should be-noted here that the two major Institutes, formerly entirely
in the system of the GUGK, are now in the system of Ministry of Higher Edu-
cation (since March :L953, Ministry of Culture). Nevertheless, the GUGK
exercises definite control over their Institutes.
m. TheSecret Division (Sekretnaya Chast') of the GUGK obvi-
ously, is not mentioned in open source literature. Some information per-
taining to the nature of its activities may be gleaned from the already
quoted document (13)? In all probability cartographic factories and aero-
geodetic establishments also have secret sections. Secret divisions of
the Administrations of Representatives of the GULP; are specifically mentioned
in this document. In the enumeration of secret objects the following
translation of Russian terms was adopted:
Sovershenno sekrektno (literally perfectly secret): top secret
Secretno: Secret
Dlya sluzhebnogo pol'zovaniya (literally for service use): restricted.
The instruction gives the following general rules:
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All perscns who perform-secret geodetic work must be cleared by the GUGB
(Glavnoye Upravleniye Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti) of the NKVD (Chief
Administration of State Security).
Plants of the defense industry, military storages, army camps, and dockyards
should be surveyed only in their outline; interior details may be shown
only if aerial photos or other materials are available. The above-named
features should not be labeled on the map.
Radio stations, electric power stations, fuel storages, and railroad shops
should be shown as ordinary houses and should not be labeled on the map.
If the outline configuration of any feature reveals its use, it should not
be surveyed.
Dwellings and building at the airports and landing fields should be shown
as ordina:^yhouses. The outline and details of airports should not be
It is forbidden to enclose radio stations, water towers, airport buildings,
military storages, industrial plants and mines, and sea docks into triangu-
lation or traverse networks.
It is forbidden to transmit the geodetic surveying information by radio,
telegraph, radio telephone, television, wirele_s telegraph or telephone
unless coe.e or cipher is used.
Chapter 'B" states general regulations for storage and delivery of
secret geodetic matters and says that information classified as restricted
may be stared in a wooden closet, which should be sealed up or stamped after
daily work. A person without clearance can be permitted to have access to
the restricted material by the head of the office.
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All classified matters required for field geodetic work can be obtained
only from the secret section of any office. These classified geodetic
material should be stored in a steel closet or a strongbox. The room in
which these materials are located should be separated from another compart-
ment by an iron door and the windows of this room must have iron grills.
Classified material which is to be described must be destroyed as author-
ized by the head of the secret section of an office.
The security classification of geodetic and cartographic material is
given as follows:
Top secret for all plans and maps which show fortified areas and positions
of coast artillery.
The following materials are Secret:
1. All aerial photos, if they show plants of defense industry, airports
and landing fields, hangars, dirigible berths, military radio stations,
camps and polygons, bridges of lengths exceeding 40 meters, connecting
or approach roads to military storehouses, powder magazines, fortified
areas and also great industrial features (like Dneprogess, Volkhovgess,
etc.), and tunnels. These restrictions also apply to coordinates of
location of the above named features.
2. All plans and copies of the above-named features in all areas of the
3. All topographical maps of any kind.for all of the U.S.S.R. of scales
of. 1:100,000 or larger, if they show in addition to the above-named
features, elevators (for grain, etc.) located at railroad junctions
and ports, railroads and their branch lines if they do not appear in
the official railroad guidebook, oil pipe lines and water supply of
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cities, power lines to factory areas and cities, and camps of the NKVD
(concentration camps).
4. All materials of triangulation and traverses if they include the above-
named features as control points.
5. All maps. plans and plots of boundary areas and materials showing geo-
detic and surveying data of those areas.
The following materials are Restricted:
1. Topographic surveys for agricultural use (peat areas, timber areas,
river surveys, etc.) if they do not exceed 5 square kilometers and if
they are not included in triangulation or traverse networks.
2. Copies of topographical surveys if they do not include secret features.
3. Pilot's maps (charts) of navigable rivers, lakes and channels.
Unclassified materials are:
1. Graphical and analytical determinations of elements of reduction for
geodetic work.
2. Results of instrument tests.
3. Copies of calculations of normal equations.
4. Copies of maps of several scales, of editions of 1917 and earlier, for
countries adjoining the U.S.S.R.
5. Diagrams of cities without coordinate networks, if they do not show
secret features.
n. The Mobilization Division mentioned in the statutes is naturally
of a secret nature and no reference to it has been found in open-source
literature. The remaining subdivisions: Sales Subdivision, Central Book-
keeping Office, Labor and Wages Sector, Capital Construction Division,
Administrative Affairs Office and Secretariat, are also not mentioned in
the literature, but their functions are fairly clear.
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We have to consider two other subdivisions of the GUGK which are en-
gaged in field work and production.
o. Administration of the Topographic and Geodetic Service
(UTGS Upravleniye Topografo-Geodezicheakoy Sluzhby). The chief of this
Administration in 1949 was N.T. Zavarza (14). The main subdivisions of
this Administration a:re the Aerial-Geodetic Establishments (AGP, Aerogeo-
dezicheskoye Predpriyatiye). As the name implies, work conducted by these
establishments includ+as aerial surveying, photogrammetry and geodesy.
There are undoubtedly other subdivisions in the UTGS. -In a recent
reference, (15) for instance, both the Eastern Siberia Aerogeodetic Estab-
lishment in Irkutsk and the Irkutsk Geodetic Section (Irkutskaya Geodeziches-
kaya Chast') are mentioned. This is the only reference to 'sections", but
they may exist in other cities.
Similarly, the Central Computing Section (TsVCh, Tsentral'naya Vychis-
litel'naya Chast') was established in 1940 at the Moscow Aerial-Geodetic
Establishment (12) but in the more recent literature (6) it is mentioned
as being quite independent of that establishment.
(1),Establishments (Predpriyatiya). At one time or'another
(1940-49) the following establishments have been mentioned in the Soviet
Last mention
(a) Moskovskoye
(b) Severozapadnoye (North-Western, in Leningrad)
(c) Novosibirskoye
(d) Sredne-Aziatskoye (Central Asia, Tashkent)
(e) Ukrainskoye (Kiyev)
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List of Establishments (Continued) Last mention
(f) Zakavkazskoye (Trans-Caucasia, Tbilisi?)
(g) Severo-Kavkazskoye (North Caucasia, Rostov?)
(h) Yakutskoye
(i) Kolymo-Okhotskoye
(j) Postoyannaya Polyarnaya Ekspeditsiya (Permanent Polar Exp.)
(k) Kazakhskoye (Alma-Ata?)
(1) Poetochnosibirskoye (Eastern Siberia, Irkutsk)
(m) Zapadnoye (Western, Minsk?)
(n) Yuzhnoye (Southern, Kiyev)
In all probability (e) and (n) are j.dentical, (n) being the new name
for (e). It is possible also that (i) and (1) are identical. On the other
hand, (d) and (k) are mentioned in the same article (Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp.
22), so that they cannot be one and the same establishment.
All these establishments are large affairs, but obviously their size
varies. In 1938 (M. Gnrevich, Geodezist No. 4, 1940, pp. 57-59) about 600
automobiles and trucks were used by these establishments, 458 being used
for field work.
The number of trucks and cars used in field work is as follows:
Moskovskoye AGP
These figures may be assumed to indicate relative sizes of establish-
ments as of 1938. Since only the above five AGP are mentioned in this
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article, apparently only these existed at that time. We have definite
knowledge that AGP-(;) came into being only in 1940, and AGP-(h) not until
In 1948 an order of the GUG-K assigned the recomputation of all trian-
gulation to the 1942 system to various AGP (6). Assignment was made on the
basis of polygons, in Soviet terminology, means loops, the sides of
which extend along parallels and meridians for distance of from 120 to 150
kilometers. These polygons have a definite Soviet numeration which has
not been reconstructed-from-the literature. The assignment appears to be
on the territorial principle; that is, various AGP groups adjust those
polygons which fall into their own territory.
The following list is the Soviet index to their polygons, in which tue
letters following this number of the polygon denote the establishment charged
with the work on that polygon as given in the list of establishments above.
(The designation as refers to the Central Computing Department (Tsentral'naya
Vychislitel'naya Chast') in Moscow, as distinguished from the Uoscow AGP.)
lb 2a 3a 4b 5b 6b 7b 8b 9a lOa lla 12a
13 14a 15e 16e 17e l8aa 19a 20b 21aa 22a 23aa 24a
25aa 26aa 27e 28e 29e 30b 31b 32a 33a 34 35a 36a
37a 38 39 4Cg 41g 42g 43g 44f 45b 46a 47a 48a
49a 50b 51aa 52aa 53c 54aa 55d 56d 57d 58d 59aa 60aa
61d 62aa 63c 64d 65c 66aa 67d 68d 69d 70c 71c 72d
73c 74c 75c 76c
In the above index polygons 13, 34, 38 and 39 are not assigned. On
the other hand, polygon-19 isassigned both to a and b, polygon 31 is
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assigned both to b and e, and in the assignment to the Moscow AGP, polygon
24 is mentioned twice. This latter is undoubtedly a misprint and one of
the No. 24's should probably read 34. Similarly, one of the No. 31's should
probably read 13, and one of the No. 19's should read 39. This still
leaves No. 38 unaccounted for.
(a) Structure of Establishmnts. The structure of
an AGP is very complex and as yet not perfectly understood. The following
subdivisions are mentioned (14).
(1) expeditsii (expeditions)
(2) otryady (parties)
(3) brigady (brigades)
(4) tsekhi (departments)
From the context of various reports, and with no great assurance as
to the validity of our interpretation, it appears that the first three sub-
divisions have to do with field work (polevaya rabota), the last one with
laboratory work (Kameral'naya rabota). Larger parties sent out by the AGP
are expeditions. The brigades are certainly smaller subdivisions than parties.
In an article of 1940 (15) the structure of the AGP is discussed in
relation to topographic work. Since this organization was found to be cum-
bersome, some recommendations for simplification were offered:
(1) Letnyy otryad (aerial surveying party).
(2) Otryad po osnovnym geodezicheskim rabotam (party for fundamental
geodetic work).
(3) Topograficheskiy otryad (topographic party).
(4) Fototriangulyatsionnyy tsekh (phototriangulation department).
(5) Pototsekh (photo-laboratory department).
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(6) Fotogrammetricheskiy tsekh (photogrammetry department).
(7) Stereofotogrammetricheskiy tsekh (stereophotogrammetry department).
(8) Kartosostavitel'skiy tsekh (map compilation department)
(9) Chertezhnyy tsekh (drafting department).
Such was the set-up in 1940. The authors were associated with the
Severo-Zapadnoye AGP but described the above organization as being typical
of all of the AGP's. However, this is evidently not a complete picture
since more recent lil;erature de-scribes:
(10) Vychislite:L'nyy Tsekh (Computation department)
(11) GeograficMskiy Tsekh (Geographic department)
(12) Stereotopo,graficheskiy Tsekh (Stereotopographic department)
No. (10) above is mentioned (Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 24, 1949, p. 5-8) in
connection with A.GP (a), (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (see list of Establish-
ments);No. (11) above is mentioned (Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 16, 1948, p. 57)
in connection with .AGP (c) and (d), and No. (12) is mentioned (ibid., p.
87) in connection with AGP (a).
It is quite possible that in the smaller AGP offices the structure is
simpler and number cf subdivisions smaller.
Some insight into the work of an AGP is given in an article by G.E.
Levadnyy, head of the Yuzhnoye AGP (16). It was found that field parties,
(Otryady) returning to Kiyev, lost much time in transportation and deliver-
ing their work-to various departments for processing and soon lost contact
with it. To improve this situation permanent parties were organized at
Kharkov, Kiyev, Ro>tov, Saratov and Tbilisi. To each party were assigned
brigades: computing, drawing and cartographic; that is, duplicating the
tsekh (8), (9) and (10) of the above scheme of the parent institution.
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Since these groups were subordinate to the party (otryad) they were not
called t.ekh but bri?ad.a. It is also noteworthy that the jurisdiction of
the Yuzhn.oye AGP in 1940 extended over the entire southern part of the
U.S.S.R. rather than over the Ukraine alone. Apparently this AGP split
after the war into three independent AGP: (e), (f) and (g).
The number of people employed in each AGP must be very large, certainly
several hundred people, and perhaps as many as 1,000 in the I41oscow .AGP.
We have definite references (6) to topographic party No. 68-of the Severo-
Kavkazskoye AGP, and to geodetic party No. 37 of the Severo-Zapadnoye AGP.
If we assume that each party consists of ten people, we have in the first
case 680 and in the second, 370 employed in field work alone in 1948.
-There is no thorough description of the origin, organization, history,
etc. available for any of the establishments. Several articles have been
-found which describe certain aspects of activity of the establishments and
there are, of course, numerous references to them in-geodetic literature.
The more extensive descriptions are for the following:
(1') Moscow AGP (Moskovskoye Aerogeodezicheskoye
Predprigatiye). The head of the Moscow AGP in 1948 was Pavlovskiy (probably
one of the members of the Collegium of the GUGK). He was mentioned in con-
necti-on with an award of (17) the Order of the Red Banner to the Moscow AGP
for excellence of its work.
The following Laboratories of the Moscow A.GP have been mentioned:
Experimental-Research-Laboratory (Opytno-Issledovatel'skaya Laboratoriya)
the head of which was P.I. Izmaylov in 1949 (4). A 1948 source states that
all large AGP and some cartographic factories had such laboratories estab-
lished in 1948 (18). The function of the laboratory is what the Soviets
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call "rationalization" of production; that is, improvement of organization,
introduction of more efficient mechanical procedures and methods, etc. The
laboratory considers all suggestions for improvement of proposed inventions,
new instruments and methods and publishes annual accounts of such, which
are later combined into a report covering the activities of all AGP's in
the GUGK.
Grayimetric Laboratory (Gravimetricheskaya Laboratoriya) is mentioned
in a source of 1949 (19). Experiments in the temperature control of pendu-
lums were conducted by this Laboratory and some special thermometers con-
structed. Gravimetry appears to be an important item in the work of the
Moscow AGP. At least it was so before 1940. Between 1932-1940 no less than
4,060 pendulum gravimetric determinations were made (20) by this AGP and
in 1936, fourteen gravimetric parties were sent out (21).
Since 1935 the Moscow AGP has published its own reports on the triangu-
lation of lst and 2nd order (Otchet po Triangulyatsii I i II Klassa ispolnennoy
MAGP) (22). These appear to be distinct from similar reports covering the
activity of all AGP's, and published by the TsKGF (as explained above).
Undoubtedly the activities of the Moscow AGP are manifold and are not
restricted to actual surveying. We learn, for instance, that this AGP in
1949 be,-,an to manufacture its own silver bromide photographic plates since
the available plates of this type were not completely satisfactory (23).
'Stereotopographic work of the Moscow AGP is described in some detail
in a source of 1946 (24). The special department set up for this work
(stereotopograficheskiy Tsekh) was organized in 1937 and the mapping up to
1946 wac done on scales of 1:50,000 and 1:100,000. Work on maps of scales
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of 1:25,000 and 1:10,000 was just beginning in 1946. Area coverage per
year is given in the following table:
Tear 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 Total
1:50,000 1,382 7,230 19,450 16,925 16.343 20,560 6,230 - 88,120
1:100,000 - - - - 36,762 20,551 57,028 52,432 6
Total 254.893
The most detailed account of the activity of the Moscow AGP has been
fomid covering the period only up to 1939. It is described as one of the
largest in the system of the GUGK. The following table represents its
scope of activity:
Type of Work
Observations I and II class
538 points
Leveling I and II class
5765 km-
Geodetic control for
Topographic work
Prepared photo-maps 1:10,000
Prepared photo-maps 1:40,000
Maps issued
One strange feature of this table, not explained in the text, is why
maps of a 1:10,000 scale, based on aerial surveys, were abandoned in 1939.
The AGP was called upon in 1937-38 to do considerable work in connec-
tion with the survey of the territory for the Kuybyshev hydroelectric de-
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The increase 9.n personnel required to carry out astronomic and gravi-
metric work is described in detail in this reference. Work in Sakhalin and
along the Arctic seaboard is mentioned. Evidently there was a serious
problem of housing employees which was supposed to be solved in 1939 by
the construction of' four apartment houses. The housing shortage would have
been worse if the AGP had not maintained special branches in Torzhok,
Kuybyshev, Kazan', Ufa and Yelets.
There are no figures given of the number of people employed. However,
in the same volume of Geodezist, p. 12, there is a statement that by January
1, 1939 this AGP had 287 "stakhanovites" or workers, overfulfilling their
The laboratories are said to be equipped with U.S.S.R. instruments "not
inferior in quality to the best instruments of Zeiss".
(21) Northwestern AGP (Severo-Zapadnoye AGP
in Leningrad). The activity of this AGP is described in considerable detail
butrefers to the period up to 1939 (26).
This AGP was c:reated in 1931, but in the first period of 1931-37 there
was not much planned effort in the organization. Astronomic and geodetic
work was carried out in small territories scatteredall over the U.S.S.R.:
Karelia, the Far East, Lena, regions, Buryat-Mongolia, etc.
In 1937-38 def9.nite plans for work were adopted. The AGP was called
upon to furnish geodetic information for the Solikamek, Kama-Pechora,
Volgastroy and other hydroelectric developments. In this connection a
program to cover-the whole of the northern portion of _,E,uropean U.S.S.R. to
the Barents Sea with surveys of 1:100,000 and 1:200,000 was developed.
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Emphasis was definitely on the production of maps from aerial photog-
raphy. The following figures are given:
Year Production of-photo-maps
1932 16.0 thousand
1933 9.5
1934 13.3
1935 28.9
1936 18.0
1937 64.0
1938 69.9
Replacement by 1938 of imported apparatus used for aerial surveys, by
the apparatus constructed in the U.S.S.R. is emphasized.
The head of the Northwestern AGP in 1948 was Grunin and the chief of
the cartographic section was Yermuzevich. This AGP was awarded the order
of the Red Banner for excellent work in 1948 at the same time as similar
awards were made to the Moscow and Novosibirsk AGP (17). In this source
the Optical Laboratory of the Northwest AGP is named as the place where the
multiplex and other instruments for photogrammetry are constructed.
This AGP is also manufacturing its own photographic plates (23).
Stereotopographic work of the Northwest AGP is described in some detail
in a publication of 1946 (27). The work was done exclusively on a scale
of 1:100,000. During the years, 1938-1944, 424,500 sq. km. were covered.
For the years 1942-1944 the following figures of coverage are given:
55,045 sq. km.
255,226 sq. km.
- 29 -
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This work was carried out under the difficult conditions of a besieged
city, and it conside:rably exceeds that of the Moscow AGP. Some idea of the
size of -the Northwestern AGP may be obtainedfrom an article of 1939 which
analyzes the reasons for unsatisfactory work of this AGP (28). The trouble
was found to be poor living conditions which is the reason that in seven
months in 1939, 13 engineers and 117 technicians left the AGP. In order
to carry out its assigned work the Northwestern AGP estimated a required
increase in staff to over 300 engineers and technicians.
Both the Moscow and the Northwestern AGP, because they were the largest
and best equipped of all the AGP, were apparently called upon to help less
efficient establishments. In the same source (17) where the work of these
two AGP is highly praised we find a statement to the effect that neither
could complete in time topographic maps of the Yakutsk area. but the blame
is placed on the Yakutsk AGP which did not send out the necessary material
on time.
(31) Novosibirsk AC=P (Novosibirskoye AGP).
The head of this AG]? in 1948 was Chudinov, and the chief of the stereo-
topographic departmi.nt, Avilov. It was admitted that in 1948 topographic
-surveys assigned to it were not completed on time, but the work of this AGP
is highly praised aad the order of the Red Banner is awarded to it (17).
Stereotopograp"hic work of this AGP is described in a publication of
1946 (29) but no data as to the coverage achieved are given.
(4') Central Asia AGP (Sredne-Aziatskoye AGP,
Tashkent). The work of this AGP was severely criticized in 1-948 (17) :
"the altitude control was unsatisfactory,.triangulation work lagging, and
the compilation of maps was done carelessly." On the whole it was found
30 _
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that the Central Asia AGP did not pay sufficient attention to government
(5') Ukrai a GP (Ukrainskoye AGP in Kiyev).
The work of this AGP was criticized in 1948 (17) on the same grounds as
that of the Central Asia AGP. It was noted that the aerial surveying work
of the Ukrainian AGP was much behind schedule.
(6') Trans-Caucasian AGP (Zakavkazskoye AGP
in Tbilisi). The work of AGP in 1948 was also not considered satisfactory
in 1949 more or less on the same grounds as those for the preceding AGP (17).
The head of this AGP in 1946-48 was E.A. Zaliyev (until his death) (30).
This AGP has an experimental research-laboratory (described under the
Moscow AGP).
(7') North Caucasus AGP (North Caucasus AGP,
Rostov?) Nothing has been found on this AGP, but it undoubtedly existed
in 1948 (17).
(8t) Yakutsk AGP (Yakutskoye AGP, Yakutsk).
This AGP also came in for criticism in 1948 (17). It was found that the
amount of rejection of laboratory and field work was very high indicating
insufficient supervision. Moreover, the Yakutsk AGP evidently could not
carry out all of its work and some of its material was not sent on time
to the Moscow and Northwestern AGP for further work.
The titles of the following divisions are given in this report: labora-
tory work, (Kameral'noye proizvodstvo): stereotopographic section: Stara-
dubov, Burmistrova, cartographic section: Ostrovskiy.
This AGP is specifically mentioned as having an experimental-research
laboratory (described in connection with the Moscow AGP).
- 31 -
Its chief, in
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1948 was V.D. Kapustin and the chief engineer, Ya. P. Loparev (6).
A detailed report on the activity of this AGP covering its activity
in 1935-1944 is available (31). It was organized in 1942 to accelerate
the mapping of Yakutia which was then in a deplorable state with positional
errors on the 1:1,000,000 map of as much as 30 to 140 kilometers. Despite
the war, aerial surveying for this 1:100,000 map was organized on a large
scale, including several large expeditions of which one is mentioned by
name, Verkhoyanskaya,. The only other expedition referred to is No. 73.
If this numeration cf expeditions is within the AGP under consideration,
very large scale cartographic work is -indicated. It is, of course, possible
that No. 73 refers to expeditions sent out that year by all the establish-
ments. At any rate expeditions of the Yakutskoye AGP were complex and
larger affairs cons''.sting of a number of parties, (Otryady) some of which
are mentioned in the article:
(1) Aerial surreying involving hydroplanes and field photolaboratories.
(2) Astronomic determinations of III and IV class.
(3) Leveling of II class.
(4) Determination of altitude control for photogrammetry.
(5) Geographic exploration.
(6) Gravity survey.
If the number of people in each party averaged 10, the total number
of people engaged in each expedition would be about 60. If there were
indeed 73 expeditions, the number of people engaged in field work was at
least 436.
Landings of hydroplanes were made on rivers and lakes of which there
are over 100,000 ix. Yakutia. This necessity of using open water restricted
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the period of operations to the summer months, the season least favorable
from the aerological point of view,-so that there were probably not more
than ten days adequate for aerial surveying during the entire year.
The home office of the AGP organization was very rudimentary (as is
pointed cut in the report) and consisted only of a photolab and two sec-
tions, (tsekh): stereophotogrammetric and cartographic.
Of the details contained in this report the following are of interest:
(1) Special attention to gravimetry.
(2) Leveling of II class across the Verkhoyanskiy Krhebet to
connect the Arctic and the Pacific Oceans.
(3) Very good agreement of altitudes obtained by triangulation
and by aneroid barometers, the average discrepancy being
3.2 meters.
(9') ,'olyma-Okhotsk AGP (Kolymo-Olthotskoye
AGP), presumably in Magadan. This AGP definitely existed in 1940, but is
not mentioned in the literature since that time. Such a group would prob-
ably take care of the territory between the Kolyma River and the Okhotsk
Sea; that is, the territory connected with the Dal'stroy with its concen-
tration camps. In the report of the activity of the UTGS for 1939, this
AGP is mentioned among the rest but no data on its activity are given (32).
Perhaps the GUGK did not exercise full control over the Kolyma-Okhotsk AGP.
From a report covering the first half of 1944 (33)nothing can be concluded
except -thattriangulation of II class, leveling of I-and II classes, and
aerial surveying was being carried on here.
(10') Permanent Polar Expedition (Postoyannaya
Polyarnaya Ekspediteiya). This organization is counted as one of the AGP,
but nothing is known of its work except for the years 1939-40 (34), and
- 33 -
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it is not known whether it functioned after 1940. On the other hand, we
have definite evidence that AGP (1'), (2'), (3'), and (8') as enumerated
above, carried on some work in the Arctic regions. Perhaps this establish-
ment existed for a few years only and then was disbanded.
In 1939 it was organized to carry out aerial surveying in the Arctic
where two organizations of the Olavsevmorput', the Hydrographic Office and
the "Aeros"yemla", had already failed. In 1939, the "Aeros"yemka" was
transferred to the GUGK and re-organized as an AGP.
The work in 1939 consisted in aerial surveying of the delta of the
Lena river. The literature points out the fact that the maps of the delta
dated 1933 (Romanov) and 1939 (Arctic Institute) are very schematic and
based on a collection of miscellaneous data. Hydroplanes were used for
this survey and the troubles of this expedition were of the same nature
as troubled the AGP-(8'). During the working period, (middle of June-
middle of September) the expedition had only one perfect day for aerial
surveying. Altogether 27.6 hours of aerial mapping time were used to cover
the area of 39,261 km2
Control consisted of sixteen old astropoints and eleven new astropoints
marked off on the ground and to be established later. The data thus obtained
is considered by the Soviets as adequate for a map on the scale of 1:100,000.
(11') Kazakh AGP (Kazakhskoye AGP). This is
one of the newer AGP's and nothing is known about it except for two refer-
ences (35) indicating that the quality of its work was not very high. In
the first half of 1948 It fell behind the plan by failing to determine 19
points of triangulation and 60 klm. of leveling. It is probably located
- 34 -
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(12') Eastern Siberia (Postochnosibirskoye
AGP in Irkutsk). This AGP is also one of the newest in the system. We have
only two references to it for 1948 and 1949 (17, 36) and nothing is known
of its activity.
(13') Western AGP (Zapadnoye AGP), presumably
in Minsk. It is mentioned several times in the more recent literature but
it did not exist before 1940 apparently. In 1948 its chief engineer
was A.S. Semenov, commended for his work (4).
(14') Southern_ AGP (Yuzhnoye AGP in Kiyev or
Khar'kov). It is practically certain that some time after 1940 this estab-
lishment was split into three parts, organized according to republics, thus
introducing (as in Central Asia) the political rather than regional prin-
ciple of organization. Before 1940 the Southern AGP was very active serving
the whole area south of parallel 52? N in the European part of the Union.
From a report written by the head of this establishment (37)-we learn of
the existence of permanent lbarties (see above) located at Kharkov, Kiyev,
Rostov, Saratov and Tbilisi. In 1939 maps covering an area 85,700 km.2
including 13 sheets of the map 1:100,000, were prepared for publication
p. Administration of Cartographic Industry (UKP: Upravleniye
Kartograficheskiye Promyshlennosti). The main components of the UKP are
cartographic factories.
(1) Cartographic Factories. The nine Cartographic Factories
(Kartograficheskiye Fabriki, abbreviation Kartfabriki) would seem to imply
a printing establishment whose sole purpose would be to produce maps, but
this is certainly not correct in all cases. Much more than map printing
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is done in at least some of these factories. Thus, the journal, RGeodezist",
was printed at the Poligrafkombinat, and Sbornik NTIPS is being printed at
the Riga cartographic factory. There is also evidence that some instruction
and research is being done at some factories.
The difficulty of deciphering the system of cartographic factories lies
in the Soviet usage of referring to these factories either by name or by
the number, but very seldom by both name and number at the same time. The
numberw assigned to factories appear to be permanent yet some inconsistencies
are evident.
The list of the factories as given in a source of 1940 is as follows:
Latest mention
No. 1 - Leningrad Kartfabrika
No. 2 - Poligraf Kombinat im. Molotova (Moscow)
No. 3 - Minsk Kartfabrika
No. 4 - khex' kov
No. 5 - Tashkent "
No. 6 - Omsk
No. 7 - Sverdlovsk "
No. 8 - Tbilisi
No. 9 - Saratov
This numeration seems to be standard, yet in the same year we find
Cartographic Factories No. 1, 5, 7, 9 consistent with the above scheme,
but No. 8 is assigned to Arkhangelsk instead of to Tbilisi. Perhaps-the
Arkhangelsk factory was discontinued at about that time and-transferred
to Tbilisi.
There are, however, at least three more cartographic factories which
- 36
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were established more recently. Their Soviet-assigned numbers are not known
but we shall denote them here provisionally as No. 10 - No. 12:
Latest mention
No. 10
No. 11
No. 12
An article dated 1939 describes these factories as of 1934 (40) as
No. of
No. of
No. of
Capacity in
Rotary Flat-Bed
Offsets Presses
No. 1 - Leningradskaya (Leningrad) 1
No. 2 - Moskovskaya (Moscow) 2
No. 3 - Sredne-Aziatskaya (Tashkent)-
No. 4 - Ural'skaya (Sverdlovsk) -
No. 5 - Sibirskaya (Omsk) -
No. 6 - Zakavkazskaya (Tbilisi) -
No. 7 - Sredne-Volzh. (3aratov) -
No. 8 - Belorusskaya (Novobelitsy) -
No. 9 - Ukrainskaya (Khar'kov) -
Total 3 3 45 68,040
Notice that the numeration of factories here, except for Nos. 1 and 2
varies from that given in the preceding table. Apparently at that time
the notation was not yet standardized. The rate of development of the
cartographic industry can well be illustrated by the fact that Factory No. 1
in 1937 issued 72,000,000 sheets, more than the total produced by the nine
factories in 1934. - 37 -
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In 1936 factory No. -8 (Novobelitsy) was transferred to Minsk and
thoroughly-reorganized. Ten lithograph machines were added to the single
unit already available there.
The development of the factories is shown by the following figures
indicating the number of different presses in operation:
Second Five-Year Plan
Tie of Press
Flat-bed press
One-color offset press
Two-color offset press
In the 3rd five-year plan (1938-42) available figures refer only to
the year 1938 and 1939. For 1940-42 the figures may have been affected by
the war.
Third Five-Year Plan
Type of Press
Flat-bed press
One-color offset press
Two-color offset-press
Two-color offset press
Offset presses manufactured in the U.S.S.R. thus appeared first in
1938 but by 1942 they were supposed to predominate. These presseswere
made in a-factory in Rybinsk.
Increase in the rate of productionis given-in two diagrams which, if
combined, result in the following production figures:
- 38 -
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Year Production
1935 100
1936 144
1937 258
1938 477
1939 480
1940 516
1941 555
1942 556
This rate of increase of production was considered so satisfactory that
by a decree of the SNK of September 16, 1938 "The famine of maps for instruc-
tional purposes was defeated".
Among other measures taken during this period, one is of particular
interest. This occurred when the paper mill, "Mayak Revolyutsii", in the
city of Penza was assigned to the GUGK for the sole purpose of manufacturing
paper according to the specifications especially designed for use as maps.
In the 3rd Five-year plan, (1937-42) a new cartographic factory was
opened in Novosibirsk.
All flat-bed presses were to be replaced by offsets. Living quarters
for factory workers were to be constructed in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tbilisi.
and Tashkent.
Finally, the Central Cartographic Laboratory at the 2nd factory (Moscow)
was to be transferred to the N.-I. Institute of Geodesy and Cartography.
As to the detailed organization of cartographic factories, no recent
information is available. In the source of 1952 (5) dealing specifically
with the technical side of cartography, not one Soviet factory is named,
and the only information concerning the organization of cartographic factories
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is the statement of the existence of Cartographic Information Bureaus(KSB:
Kartograficheskiye Spravochnyye Byuro) at each factory. These bureaus are
supposed to collect cartographic information in the region assigned to them.
Undoubtedly, as seen from the description of the Tbilisi factory given
below, there are numerous subdivisions in each factory. Large factories
like those in Moscow and Leningrad have some research laboratories attached
to them.
Each-factory has a Section of Technical Control 0TK,(Otdel Tekhnich-
eskogo Kontrolya) with a corps of inspectors who pass upon the quality of
production (41). From a source of 1949 we learn that after the inspection
of the new map by OTK, technicaleditor and the chief engineer of the fac-
tory, sample sheets must be sent to the Bureau of Censorship (Glavlit).
No copy of a new map -may leave the factory without the written authoriza-
tion of the Glavl:Lt.
In the 18 available volumesof the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1949-
53) about half of the maps appearing bear identification marks of carto-
graphic factories,, (Riga, Kiyev and Leningrad) But many of the maps in
the Encyclopedia were printed at the Dunayev Factory (Fabrika im. Dunayeva)
and a few at Gozna:k.
The Dunayev Factory does not appear to belong in the system of the
GUGK. The only information about this factory is as follows, It is in
Leningrad and in 1929-32 was known as "Geokartprom" (Geodetic Cartographic
Industry). It is quite distinct from the Leningrad Cartographic Factory
No. 1 which, in the same period, was known as "Goskartgeodeziya" (40).
The Dunayev Factory is never mentioned in connection with the GUGK; never-
theless, all maps published by this factory were compiled and edited at
-ho -
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the NRKCh of the GUGK. Either it was included in the system of the GUGK
quite recently (since 1951) or it serves some other agency such as the
Military Topographic Administration (VTU).
The Goznak is also described in the 1940 source as publishing some
maps in Leningrad. The Goznak (abbreviation for Gosudarstvenyy Znaki:
State Decorations) is a large organization attached to the Ministry of
Finance whose primary purpose is the printing and coining of money, cer-
tificates, decorations awarded for distinction, etc. Apparently at its
Leningrad section it has a well equipped cartographic production.
No. 1 - Leningrad Cartographic Factory (Leningradskaya Kartfabrika,
Leningrad, Pryazhka 5)
This is one of the oldest and most active factories, referred to con-
tinuously in Soviet literature up to 1940. The only subsequent mention
of it occurs in 1948 (42).
A rather detailed description of the Leningrad Factory appears in an
article by S.G. Milenki (43). The factory is the development of the old
Cartographic Establishment of A. Il'yin which was founded in 1859. In 1919
this factory employed 75 people. The first offset presses were received
-here-in 1929 and the number of people employed increased very markedly.
The following figures are given:
No. of workers
-Sheets produced
in thousands
Value of one
worker per year
in rubles
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These figures refer to "workers". Whether they include management,
etc., is not clear from the text. Production increased very rapidly from
year to year. The slight drop in the number of employed workers is prob-
ably due to the greater productivity of individual workers. The normal
employment of the factory may be assumed to be in the neighborhood of 600.
After the period of "sabotage", etc. (1933-34) the factory started
developing very rapidly. In 1936 the factory received two-color offset
presses and began two-shift and even three-shift work. Increase of per-
sonnel was due to the influx of young workers as well as to "the return to
the factory of older workers". This last sentence probably means those
workers who were accused of sabotage in 1933-34-
In 1937 a new building was erected for the printing department and
new equipment imported from abroad. To solve the problem of the necessary
personnel to use these machines, an apprenticeship system was introduced.
In six to nine months the necessary number of young workers were trained.
The Leningrad Map Compilation Division (Leningrad Kartchast') has
some connection with the Leningrad Cartographic Factory. This is quite
similar to the NRKCh (Scientific Editing and Map Compilation Division).
We learn, for instance, (44) that the Pocket Atlas of the U.S.S.R. was
compiled and set up by the Lenkartchast' but printed at Kartfabrika No. 1
in Leningrad. From this and other references it would appear that the
Lenkartchast' has some sort of research relationship to Kartfabrika No. 1.
No. 2 - Moscow Cartographic Factory (Poligraf Kombinat im. Molotova,
Moscow, Yaroslavskoye Shosse 99).
The complete Russian name is Poligraficheskiy Kombinat Imeni V. M.
Molotova; that is, Polygraphic Combination, presumably doing all types of
- 42 -
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graphic work. It is supposed to be the best equipped factory employing
the most modern methods of production. In 1948 it was described as the
best equipped and the most productive cartographic factory in the world
Further details of this factory are given in an article by Z.B.
Kravehinskiy of 1939 (40). At the end of 1938 this factory and NRKCh
were increased by offset presses manufactured in the U.S.S.R. and it be-
came "the largest cartographic establishment in the world". In 1939 equip-
ment was further enlarged and the main product of that year was Volume II
of the Great Soviet Atlas of the World. Historic, reference and adminis-
trative-political maps were also printed in large numbers there.
This factory is described as the "model cartographic factory" estab-
lishing all sorts of records. Thus, in 1938, when the Papanin crew which
had been adrift in a floating ice pack returned to the U.S.S.R., a map of
the Arctic in 6 colors and 100,000 copies is said to have been compiled
and printed within 60 hours.
No. - Minsk Cartographic Factory (Minsk Kartfabrika). This factory
was either badly damaged or wholly destroyed during the war. A new factory
completed in 1948 prints not only its own coinpilatious but those of other plants.
No. 4 - Kharkov Cartographic Factory (Khar'kov Kartfabrika). The
situation here is analogous to that of No. 3. The factory in all probabil-
ity was transferred to Kiyev after the war.
No. - Tashkent Cartographic Factory (Tashkent Kartfabrika). There
is no recent information available about this factory but it certainly ex-
isted in 1949. In that year an engineer-cartographer on the staff of this
factory received decorations for excellence of work (4).
- 43 -
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-No.6 - Omsk Cartographic Factory (Omskaya Kartfabrika)
We have a rather detailed description of work in 1940 by N.I. Kochergov,
the director (45). In 1940 refresher courses were set up for 82 people of
technical personnel. There were also 19 pupils trained by experienced
workers. The-factory then must be quite large, at least some 300 people.
Map 1:1,000,000 North of European U.S.S.R. -was printed in 1948 at Factory
No. 6, presumably at Oiisk. Responsible editor was M. A. Yakimova, Technical
editor A. N. Gus'kova. School map of Ural Region, 1:1,000,000 was published
in 1950 with a definite statement Kartfabrika No. 6, Omsk. Responsible
editor is the same, but technical editor this time is O.V. Strunina.
In 1949 several employes of this factory were awarded decorations (4). Two
of them were women engineer-cartographers.
No. 7 - Sverdlovsk Cartographic Factory (Sverdlovskaya Kartfabrika
Sverdlovsk, Krasnoarmcyskaya U1., No. 92)
An Atlas of the U.S.S.R. for high schools was published here in 1950.
There is no number attached to the factory. Among the employes receiving
decorations in 1949, there were two women: chief of the compilation section,
0. N.-Plynsnina and chief of the graphic section, M. K. Sepul'nik (4).
No. 8 - Tbilisi Cartographic Factory (Tbilisskaya Kartfabrika)
A detailed description of the activity of this factory up to 1939 is
given in an article by S. Tatulov (46). The development of cartographic
work in Transcaucasia, involving the Tbilisi factory, is given by N. Shlepnev,
also of the same year.
The Transcaucasian Geodetic Administration (Zakavkazskoye Geodezicheskoye
Upravleniye) was organized in Tbilisi in 1929. It had a small cartographic
section, which in 19'.0-31, compiled a map of Transcaucasia, scale 1:500,000,
printed in Leningrad.
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Printing of.maps in Tbilisi began in 1932 when some German-made equip-
ment was received. The Factory itself was organized in 1933. Its first
job was to compile a topographic atlas, scale 1:200,000, of Transcaucasia
in 44 sheets. It was printed in Moscow in 1934-35.
Further development of the factory occurred in 1935 when new equipment
was received and the staff enlarged.
In 1936-37, there was much "sabotage", etc. In 1938 the factory was
completely reorganized. Young "experts" took over the management. Of
these, engineer-cartographers M. Z. Pavlov, N. A. Suzdal'skiy, V. I. Arz-
amastsev and S. N. Ter-Grigoryan are mentioned.
The printing of maps in Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaydzan languages
is stressed in the Soviet literature as a special achievement of this
The following departments (tsekh) are mentioned:
Kartosostavitel'skiy (map compilation)
Lithografichiskiy (lithographic)
Pechatnyy (printing)
Perevodnyy (transfer)
Gravernyy (engraving)
Steps were taken to increase the qualification of workers. In 1938
a ten-month school was established in cartographic drafting in which 25
people were enrolled. Those of this group who excelled were then promoted
to more responsible positions. The case of a former guard in the factory
is quoted. This guard showed ability in photography and was promoted to
the rank of assistant photographer. He was later sent for additional
training to the 2nd Cartographic Factory in Moscow for a period of four
months and on his return to Tbilisi was appointed as a photographer.
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Finally, a complaint is made on the inadequate housing for the fac-
tory workers.
The number of people employed in this factory is not known exactly but
must run into several hundred. There are 54 names mentioned in the text.
Of these, 35 or nearly two-thirds, are Russian names, the rest are Georgian,
Tatar, etc. This predominance of Russians even in a factory where much
production is in native languages is surprising.
Among the 17 most important maps published by this factory 1933-40
the following are of interest:
(1) Geographic Atlas of Georgia, scale 1:600,000, 15 sheets
organized according to geomorphological regions.
(2) Map of Georgia, scale 1:200,000, 12 sheets.
(3) Map of the Caspian Depression (Kura-Araks Lowland),, Scale
1:100,000, 30 sheets.
No Saratov Cartographic Factory (Saratovskaya Kartofabrika).
There is no recent information on this factory and it is not certain
that it now exists.
Nos 10 - Riga Cartographic Factory (Rizhakaya Kartfabrika, Riga,
B. Altonavas No. 43).
This is a new end very active factory. Besides publishing maps,
(Geograficheskiy Atlas SSSR, 1951) all recent books, reports, periodicals,
etc., of the Geodezi.zdat are printed here. The work of the factory in
1948 was reviewed unfavorably, however, when it was found that paper wastage
amount to 23.6 percent instead of the 10.9 percent allowed by regulations (17).
No. 11 - Kiyev Cartographic Factory (Kiyevskaya Kartfabrika)
Nothing is known about this factory, but the 1:1,000,000 map of
Eastern European Russia was published there in 1950. Presumably it is the
same factory that was located in Kharkov before the war.
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No. 12 - Novosibirsk Cartographic Factory (Novosibirskaya Kartfabrika)
Three maps on the scale of 1:5,000,000 were published here about 1948.
The factory is severely critized in a report of 1948 (17). The percentage
of idle time was 25.4, against the planned 9.3%. Also, paper wastage is
3. Analysis of the Structure of the GUGK
Factual information concerning the work of the GUGK is very
abundant up to 1940 but after this period it is largely non-existent.
This fact allows us to make only the most cautious generalizations as to
the over-all and present structure of the organization.
a. Size. The first and most obvious fact is the tremendous
size of the GUGK. We have data on which to base this conclusion from a
definite statement (48) concerning the number of engineering and technical
personnel, (inzhenerno-tekhnicheskiye rabotniki) as follows:
Topographic Coverage
30,000 sq. km.
182 points.
600,000 sq. km.
5,405 points.
Such "personnel" would presumably include both engineers holding a
nigher education diploma and technicians who are graduated from a technicum,
but would not include ordinary workmen, supervisors, foremen, etc., or
office personnel, stenographers, typists, etc. Considerable improvement
in efficiency is noteworthy; personnel between the years 1924 and 1940
increased 11 times, while the annual topographic coverage increased 20
times and the determination of triangulation positions, nearly 30 times.
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There are a few other indications of the size of the GUGK which agree
in general with above-figures. In 1930 A.M. Mikhaylov, (49) discussing the
availability of personnel, stated that the U.S.S.R. geodetic and cartographic
program would require 2,900 engineers and 6,200 technicians. At this period,
however, only 30 percent of this requirement could be satisfied. This means
that in 1930 only 2,700 engineers-and technicians were available. A 1:2
ratio of engineers to technicians may be considered as reasonable because
of the high position of the author of this report. (member of the Collegium).
In 1937 S.V. Shirokov (50) published an article, "How To Catch Up and
Overtake America in Creodesy". Taking his cue from Ordzhonikidze.. Commissar
of Heavy Industry, who hadderided boastful -assertions -of some of the
Soviet writers, Shirckov comes tothe conclusion that Soviet geodesy was
nowhere near the level of American geodesy. He asserts that in the U.S.A.
there were 10,000 technical personnel working in geodesy. (this figure is
considered grossly exaggerated by American geodesists) At any rate, the
figure., 10,000, seemed to Shirokov very much greater than the number of
available geodetic personnel in the U.S.S.R. We should note here that
Shirokov is one of the few Soviet geodesists who is really acquainted with
American geodesy, haying been in the U.S.A. in 1930 and having published
a detailed account of the status of geodesy in the U.S.A. and Canada (51).
After the World War II all references to the exact number of personnel
disappear. We have only indefinite statements of "many thousands" of
personnel in the system of the GUGK. One statement (5) asserts that
cartographic production has increased four times since the war, which would
mean a considerable Increase in personnel.
There is every reason to think that the goal envisaged by Mikhaylov
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-in 1930 has been reached after the war, and that technical personnel now
in the GUCrK may be estimated as
3,000 engineers
6,000 technicians
Total 9,000
In Technical Paper No. 162 of this Laboratory which described train-
ing facilities in the U.S.S.R. in geodesy and cartography, a conclusion
was reached that trained personnel in geodesy and cartography in the U.S.S.R.
must numbEtr (without taking into account the ravages of the war) at least
6,000 engineers
10,000 technicians.
It would appear that the system of the GUGK must absorb at least one-
half, or possibly two-thirds, of all available personnel in geodesy and
cartography in the U.S.S.R.
b. Political Influence. The more recent post-war publications
.evidence r..o undue political pressure in the system of GUGK. Reviews of
current work are replete with patriotic phraseology and-glorification of
the Soviet regime, but criticisms of various individuals and sections of
the GUGK usually are on some technical rather than political point. This
is in marked contrast to the year-s 1936-37 when professional periodicals
in the U.S.S.R. were full of accusation of "sabotage", "deviation from the
policy laid down by the party", etc? In all cases whenever a checking is
possible, the most important leaders in the system of the GUGK have turned
out to be graduates of technical institutes (usually NIIGAiK), meaning they
may be considered to be competent in their own profession.
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c. Role of Women. The striking feature of the GUGK is the
number of women engineers who are not only engaged in laboratory work but
also in actual surveying expeditions. In many cases one can tell by the
spelling of the last name whether the person is a man or a woman. At any
rate, of the 169 persons in the GUGK who received medals and decorations
for excellence of work during the first half of 1948 (17) there were 89
men, 60 women and 20 persons whose sex could not be identified. Of the
whole, then, at least 36 percent were women.
d. Compulsion. One is impressed with the intensity of profes-
sional life in the U.S.S.R. Either in a negative way (persons are named
and their shortcomings are publicly discussed) or in a positive way (medals,
decorations, prizes, etc.) a person is always pushed to do more and better
work. Suggestions, inventions, improvements are welcome, but at the same
time official instructions and norms of production leave very little for
private initiative. Refresher courses are continuously set up even for
persons in rather high positions. The periodic calling of "active" ses-
sions (pep meetings) is specifically mentioned in the statutes of the GUGK.
Various divisions of the GUGK compete with each other for the Red Banner
which is vied for by each group. In short, the competition motive is very
strong. A person caught in this system apparently has no time to think of
anything but his professional work.
e. Complexity. The system of the GUGK is extremely complex
as is quite apparent from what little information we were able to gather.
A person outside of that system has irery little chance of ascertaining,
say, the exact nature of cartographic coverage of a certain territory. In
order to do that he has to get permission of at least three divisions of
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the GU(: TsIGF, UGGN and the cartographic factory which is in charge of
that particular territory. If he is given access at all to all these ma-
terials, he still has to deal with the Glavlit, (censorship).
Secrecy permeates everything in the GUGK, apparently to a much greater
degree than elsewhere. It is probable that most employees of the GUGK have
very little idea how this organization works as a whole. For an outsider
having only fragementary information at his disposal, the task is well nigh
f. Comparison. It is impossible to equate the GU( with any
organization in the U.S.A. The nearest analogy would be the U.S. Coast and
Geodetic Survey but total activities of the USC and G.S in geodesy cor-
respond to only one department of the GUGK (Administration of the Topo-
graphic and Geodetic Service). On the other hand, some of the functions
of the USC and GS such as magnetic work, are being carried out in the
U.S.S.R. by an entirely different complex of organizations (UGMS: Adminis-
tration of Hydro-Meteorological Service). It is to be remembered that
the GUGK is also in charge of cartographic factories and geodetic-topographic
training, as well as of a research institute in geodesy, aerial survey and
Foreign control, which in the U.S.A. is a part of the responsibilities
of the Army Map Service, is at least partially being taken care of by the
GUGK (through UGGN and TsNIIGAiK).
The GUGK is supposed to be a civilian organization, coordinating geo-
detic and cartographic work of civilian agencies such as the Ministry of
Agriculture, Ministry of Forestry, Clavesevmorput' (Main Administration of
the North Sea Route) and others. By statute all rules and regulations pub-
lished by the GUGK are obligatory for other agencies in the U.S.S.R. A
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specific exemption is made for the Army and Navy. Here we should note that
in the reorganization of March 16, 1953, both the Army and Navy ministries
were combined into one Ministry of Defense (Ministerstvo Oborony). We have,
then, to consider the Ministry of Defense.
According to the statutes (Section 15) the relations between the
GUGK and the Commissariats of Defense and of the Navy are to be regulated
by a special statute which is not yet available to us. These relationships
will have to be established on the basis of exceedingly scanty material.
If our information on the activity of the-GUGK after-1940 was quite inade-
quate, information.on geodetic and cartographic activities of the Army and
Navy is practically non-existent.
The Military Topographic Administration (VTU) is the direct successor
of the Military Topographic Section (VTO, Voyenno-Topograficheskiy Otdel)
of the General Staff' of the Imperial Army. The VTO had existed since 1822
and was the main geodetic and cartographic agency of the Russian Empire
before the revolution. The old organization survived in pretty nearly the
same form, and from what is known about it, bears a remarkable resemblance
to the structure of the GUGK. The scale is undoubtedly much smaller which
is not saying that the VTU is less important than the GUGK. With strong
emphasis on military needs, it may well be that the VTU plays a more impor-
tant role than the CrUGK in the formulation of policies and general direction
of geodetic and cartographic work.
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The VTU is attached to the 7th Department of the General Staff, and
undoubtedly consists of many subdivisions of which the following are known:
1. Military-Topographic Service (VTS: Voyenno Topograficheskaya
Sluzhba). This appears to be analogous to the UTGS of the GUGK. The re-
sponsibility of the VTS is to conduct geodetic and topographic work in
assigned regions, which include the border regions of the U.S.S.R. In an
assignment to adjust the general network of triangulation of 1st class in
1946, (6) the VTS was to take charge of the triangulation to the west of
the Pulkovo-Nikolayev line, to the south of the Troitskosavsk-Mogoeha-Khabarovsk-
Vladivostok line, to the east of the Vladivostok-Ferma line and to the south
of the Chardzhou-Mary-Krasnovodsk line as well as eleven numbered, but
unidentified, loops of 1st class. The amount of work involved in this ad-
justment is roughly one-eighth of that of the entire net. From this we
may draw the conclusion that the staff of the VTS is correspondingly smaller
than that of the staff of the UTGS of the GUGK.
Another indication of the size of the VTS may be gleaned from?a state-
ment in a general review of the activity of the GUGK, 1919-1944 (1). We
have in this source a separation of the work done by GUGK (and its prede-
cessors) from that done by "other agencies" (not specified which agencies):
1-st Order
2-nd order
1st and 2nd order
All Agencies
75,300 km.
66,900 km.
127,550 km.
Share of
"other agencies" 10,100 22,400
Percentage 13 33 9
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The only agency known to do first order triangulation outside the GUGK
is the VTS, whereas triangulation of second and lower orders is carried out
by many other organ'_zations. Therefore 13 percent should represent the
size of the VTS as compared with the UTGS of the GUGK. This is again about
one eighth, the same: -as previously estimated.
2. Military-Enngineerin Academy* (VIA: Voyenno-Inzhenernaya
Akademiya im.-Kuybysheva in Moscow) is an institution of a higher level and
provides instruction to the army engineers. One of its departments (facul-
ties) is the department of geodesy which has been publishing since 1943,
the Military Topographic Collections, (Voyenrio-Topograficheskiy Sbornik)
of which a few issues (1943-46) are available. From these issues, at least
18 officers can be identified as being on the staff of the Department of
Geodesy. The head of the department is probably General G.F. Gapochko.
The Academy is also publishing many books covering all subjects of cartog-
raphy, geodesy and photogrammetry. This organization is apparently anal-
oguous to the NIIGJ1iK in the system of the GUGK.
3. Scientific-Research Institute of the Military-Topographic
Se ice (N.I. Inst:Ltut Voyenno-Topographicheskoy Sluzhby) corresponds to
the TsNIIGAiK. Very little is known about its activity, except-that it
publishes monographs, instructions, tables, etc.
It is not known whether the VTU has its own cartographic-factories.
A 1947 map of the U.S.S.R. on the scale of 1:4,000,000 bears the legend,
"Kartograficheskay'a Chast' VTU", which indicates the existence -of some
Cartographic Section at the VTU but not necessarily the existence of a
printing establishment.
This information practically exhausts our knowledge of the VTU. Even
less is known about the corresponding organizations in the U.S.S.R. navy.
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The hydrographic office of the navy had been very active before 1940, as
is evident from the long list of hydrographic maps-listed for that year
(52) and there is no reason to believe that its activity ceased in that
year. The geodetic and cartographic activity of the Glavsevmorput' has been
very consj.derable, but very little is known about the organization of its
The coordination of work of the GUGK and of the VTU is undoubtedly very
close. All important orders, such as specifications for geodetic work of
different orders are issued over the signature of the chiefs of both organi-
zations. The chief of the VTU in 1946 was General Kudryavtsev. In 1940
the deputy chief was a Colonel Aleksandrov.
14. Other Units. A source, whose prewar information has not been
entirely verified, states that the VTS has the following units:
a. 12 topographic units
b. 7 geodetic units
c. 3 -aerial-photography units
d. Geodetic and cartographic units in Leningrad,, Moscow,
Kiyev, Kremenchugj Rostov, Tbilisi, Taskent, Sverdlovsk, Omsk,
Irkutsk, and Khabarovsk.
All VTS units in the prewar period were subordinate administratively
and politically to the Staff of the Military District within whose confines
-they were located, but technical -assignments were received from the VTS
headquarters in Moscow. On the other hand, there was a military-topographic
unitattached to the staff of each Military District; this unit was respon-
sible for servicing troops of the District with topographic maps and cata-
logs, and. for increasing the density of lower-order -geodetic control for
artillery requirements.
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Unsigned article, "Razvitiye Gosudarstvennoy Geodezicheskoy Sluzhby
SSSR za 25 let, (1919-1944) Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 5, 1944.
Laureaty Stalinskikh Premiy za 1950 g., pp. 9 and 95.
XX-Let Sovetskoy Geodezii i Kartografii, Vol. 1, 1939, p. 400.
Baranov, A.N., Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 23, 1949, pp. 3-9.
(5) Garayevskaya, L.S., Kartografiya, Geodezizdat, 1952.
(6) Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 16, 1948, p. 79.
(7) Kretov, V.E., 0 Deyatel'nosti Redbyuro GUGSK, Geodezist, 1938, No. 6,
pp. 65-70.
Geodezist, No. 8, 1940, especially article by N.I. Shilov, pp. 78-79.
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1952, p. 511, bibliography.
Artamonov, G., Geodezist, 1940, No. 4, pp. 17-19.
Geodezist, No. 8, 1940, p. 80. Chronicle.
Geodezist, No. 10, 1940, p. 70. Chronicle.
Instruktsiya o Poryadke Proizvodstva... Topografo-Geodezicheskikh,
Aeros"yemochnykh i Kartograficheskikh Rabot, Khraneniya, Pol'zovaniya
i Vydachi Topo-Geodezicheskikh Materialov, Topograficheskikh Planov
i Kart. Sekretno. Copy No. 408, 1940.
Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 24, 1949, p. 83.
Zenin and Popov, Geodezist, No. 12, 1940, pp. 42-44.
Levadnyy, G.E., Geodezist, No. 8, 1940, pp. 71-72.
Obezpechit' Dorsrochnoye Vypolneniye Pyatiletki, Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 21,
1948, leading article (unsigned).
(:18) Shishkin, V.N., Ratsionalizatsiya Kartografo-Geodezicheskogo Proizvodstva,
Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 23, 1949, pp. 79-81.
(:19) Frolov, A.I., 0 dinamicheskom temperaturnom Koeffitsiente Mayatnikov,
Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 24, 1949, P. 36.
(20) Zverev, M.S., Gravimetricheskiye Raboty v SSSR, XX-Let Sovetskoy
Geodezii i Kartografii, Vol. 1, 1939, pp. 137-169.
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(21) Shokin, P.P., 0 Tochnosti Mayatnikovykh Opredeleniy, proizvedennykh
Maskovskim AGP v 1936 g., Geodezist, 1939, No. 4, pp. 35-4+7-
(22) Sherman, D.S.J. Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 22, 1949, p. 115.
(23) Mukhina, L.A., Izgotovleniye Sukhikh Emul'siy i ikh Primeneniye na
predpriyatiyakh Sistemy GUGK, Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 24, 1949, p. 63.
(24) Volchkov, A.V., Stereotopographicheskiye Raboty v Moskovakom AGP,
Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 13, 1946, pp. 64-67.
(25) Karpinskiy, S., Geodezist, No. 3, 1939, pp. 45-48.
(26) Geodezist,No. 3, 1939, pp. 48-54.
(27) Zenin, F.A., Stereotopografi.cheskiye Raboty v Severo-Zapadnoni AGP,
Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 13, 1946, pp. 68-71.
(28) Kronskiy, B.A... Likvidirovat' Otstavaniye Severozapadnogo AGP,
Geodezist, 1939, No. 10, pp. 3-8.
(29) Khrebtova, L.I., Itogi Stereotopograficheskikh Rabot v Ndovosibirskom
AGP, Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 13, 1946, pp. 61-64.
(30) Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 23, 1949, pp. 101-102.
(31) Pavlov, V.F., Sbornik NTiPS, Vyp. 14, 1946, pp. 62-80.
(32) Geodezist, No. S. 1939, pp. 1-5.
(33) Geodezist, No. 8, 1940, pp. 16-19.
(34) Geodezist, 1940, No. 1, pp. 48-54; No. 8, pp. 16-19.
(35) Sb:)rnik NTiPS, Vyp. 22, 1948, p. 6.
(36) Byixll. Astr. - Geodezich. Obshchestva, No. 6(13). 1949.
(37) Leradnyy, Geodezist, No. 8, 1940, pp.-71-72.
(38) Geodezist, 1940, No. S. pp. 19-22.
(39) Geodezist, 1940, No. 5, pp. 67-69.
(40) Kravchinskiy, Z.V., XX-Let Sovetskoy Geodezii i Kartografii, Vol. 2,
1939, pp. 33-51.
Panyatka po Kartografii dlya Rabochego Kartograficheskoy Fabriki,
Geodezizdat, 1949.
Liodt, G.N., Kartovedeniye, Moscow, 1949, p. 118.
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Milenki, S.G., XX-Let Sovetskoy Geodezii Kartografii, Vol. 2, 1939
pp. 70-78,
Geodezist, 1940, No. 1, p. 57.
Kochergov, N.I., Geodezist, 1940, No. 4, pp. 47-49; No.
8, "Pp. 40-47..
Tatulov, S., Geodezist, 1939, No. 3, pp. 86-91.
Shlepnev, N., Geodezist, 1939, No. 3, pp. 78-85.
Geodezist, 1940, No. 11, pp. 1-5. Leading article.
Mikhaylov, A.A., 0 podgotovke kadrov, Trudy Gos. N.-I.
Kartografii, Leningrad Otd., Vyp. 4, 1930, pp. 7.
I. Geodezii i
Shirokov, S.V., Dognat' i Peregnat' Ameriku po Geodezii, Geodezist
1937, No. 6, pp. 1-9.
Shirokov, S.V., Amerikanskiye Metody Geodezicheskikh Rabot, 1935.
Shokal'skiy, Yu. M. and Pomerantsev, P.P., Kartografirovaniye Morey
Sovetskogo Soyuza, XX-Let Sovetskoy Geodezii i Kartografii
Vol. 2
1939, pp. 162-190.
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25X1 A2g
Central Intelligence Agency Restricted
Sobranive postanoyleniy i rasporyazheniv Pravitel'stva SSSR,
Numbers in parentheses refer to appended sources,
The statute of 23 August 1939 on the Main Administration of Geodesy
and Cartography under the Council of People's Commissars USSR provides
1. The Main Administration will carry out the following general tasks:
a. Creation of a state geodetic base and a state topographic map
of the USSR.
b. Satisfaction of national economic, scientific, and cultural-
educational requirements for modern general and specialized political, ad-
ministrative, physicogeographic, economic, and educational maps and atlases.
c. Exercise of state geodetic supervision and control over de-
partmental, topographic-geodetic and cartographic work.
2. The Main Administration is charged with the following specific
a. Production of geodetic and survey work of general state sig-
nificance: triangulations and astronometric calculations of the first and
second classes, leveling instrument work of the first and second orders,
basic gravimetric work, and topographic surveys in scale 1:25,000 and smaller.
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b. Compilation and publication of general and specialized topo-
graphic, political, administrative, physicogeagraphic, economic, and educa-
tional maps, the Great Soviet World Atlas, and other atlases.
c. Reviews of and decisions regarding plans of departments and
organizations for geodetic and surveying work, which have significance for
mapping of USSR territory (aerial surveys in all scales; topographic sur-
veys in scale 1:10,000 and smaller, made of areas greater than 100 square
kilometers in size; triangulation and leveling instrument work done on
areas of the same size or with a length greater than 50 kilometers).
d. Exercise of state control over the 'performance and quality cc
the topographic-geodetic and surveying work indicated in (c) done by all
departments and organizations except the People's Commissariat of Defense
USSR and the people's Commissariat of the Navy USSR.
e. Approval of scales for topographic surveys of individual parts
of the USSR.
f. Coordination of all topographic-geodetic, aerial survey, gravi-
metric, and cartographic work done in the USSR; collection, systematization,
and preservation of -all topographic-geodetic, aerial survey,gravimetric,
and cartographic materials pertaining to work indicated in (e); provision
of information to ell interested organizations concerning completed projects
and available materials.
g. Utilization of all-geodetic and survey materials received in
the country for mapping of the USSR.
h. Creat''Lon and correction, on the basis of latest cartographic
materials, of maps in scale 1:1.000,000 or smaller, required as geographic
bases for special maps compiled by departments and organizations.
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i. Approval of topographic-geodetic and geographic maps which
are to serve as bases of special maps and atlases to be compiled by all
departments and organizations; issuance of decisions on publication of all
maps and atlasses. (1) This section was rescinded by a subsequent decree.(2)7
J. Formulation and issuance of generally binding rules and instruc-
tions for the performance of topographic-geodetic, aerial survey, gravimet-
ric, and cartographic work listed in (a) and (c) and the use of conventional
signs; review and approval of instructions issued by departments and organi-
zations concerning work performance and use of signs.
k. Establishment of a uniform method of transcription of geographic
names, which is to be used in all cartographic publications in the USSR.
1. Training of cadres for topographic, geodetic, aerial survey,
gravimetrie, and cartographic work.
in. Organization and implementation of scientific research work
in the fields of geodesy, topography, aerial surveying, and cartography.
n. Administration of all educational and scientific research in-
stitutions under the supervision of the Main Administration.
o. Organization of material and technical supply of production
enterprises and institutions under the Main Administration; organization
of sales of cartographic production.
p. Organization of production of geodetic, gravimetric, and aerial
surveying instruments needed to perform the work of the Main Administration.
q. Supervision and control over the capital construction of
institutions and enterprises under the Main Administration.
3. The Main Administration is granted the following rights:
a. To convene at least annually conferences of representatives
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of interested departments, organizations, and scientific institutions on
questions of geodesy, topography, cartography, and gravimetry.
b. To publish, in accordance with existing rules, dictionaries,
catalogues, reviews, periodicals, and topographic-geodetic, aerial survey,
gravimetric, and cartographic materials; to publish the periodical Geodezist.
c. To issue copyrights to authors and patents to inventors in
the fields of geodesy and cartography.
4. Plotting of state boundaries of the USSR on the map is carried out
by the Main Administration with the concurrence of the People's Commissariat
of Foreign Affairs 'USSR.
5. The chief -of the Main Administration is named by the Council of
People's Commissars USSR. He has deputies, who are confirmed by the Council
of People's Commissars USSR.
6. The chief supervises all activities of the Main Administration;
within the limits of his authority, he issues orders and instructions on
the basis of and in accordance with existing laws, decrees, and regal-aticns
of the Council of People's Commissars USSR and checks on their execution;
he appoints and relieves the workers of the central apparatus of the Main
Administration and the supervisors of institutions and enterprises under
the Main Administration.
7. The Collegium of the Main Administration meets regularly under the
chairmanship of the chief to review problems in practical supervision; it
checks on execution of tasks, supervises selection of cadres, hears reports
of workers from local organs, and formulates the most essential orders and
The membership of the Collegium is confirmed by the Council of People's
Commissars USSR on recommendation of the chief of the Main Administration.
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8. Decisions of the Collegium are carried out through orders issued
by the chief of the Main Administration.
In case of a difference of opinion between the chief and Collegium,
the chief carries out his decision, but brings the difference of opinion
to the attention of the Council of People's Commissars USSR; the members
of the Collegium may appeal the decision to the Council of People's Com-
missars USSR.
9. The Council of the Main Administration, the membership of which
is confirmed by the Council of People's Commissars USSR on recommendation
of the chief of the Main Administration, stands under the chief for purposes
of contact with local organs and exchange of experience.
The Council meets once or twice monthly to hear and discuss reports
concerning the most important problems in the work of the Main Administration.
10. The Main Administration has the following administrations, divisions,
and other subdivisions:
Administration of Topographic-Geodetic Service
Administration of Cartographic Industry
Administration of State Geodetic Control
Administration of Educational Institutions
Division of Supply (1) subsequently raised to Administration of
Supply (3)7
Division of Map Publication Control
Sales Division
Planning Division
Finance Division
Central Bookkeeping Office
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Cadres Division
Labor and Wags Sector
Capital Construction Division
Transcription Bureau; (1) fubsequently raised to a higher level (3)7
Mobilization Division
Secret Division.
Administrative Affairs office
11. The Inspectorate, arhich is charged with checking on how the admin-
istrations and divisions of the Main Administration and all institutions
and enterprises subordinated to it carry out party and government decrees,
as well as the orders and instructions of the Main Administration, is placed
under the chief of the Main Administration.
12. The Main Administration has representatives under the councils of
people's,comnissars of the union republics, as well as under the oblast and
kray executive committees in Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk,
Gor'kiy, Sverdlovsk, Kuybyshev, Saratov, and Voroshilovsk.
The sphere of activity of each of the representatives under the
indicated oblast and kray executive committees is determined by the Main
13. The following organizations are under the direct supervision of
the Main Administration on the basis of charters confirmed for them:
a. Publishing House of Geodetic and Cartographic Literature
b. Editorial staff of the periodical Geodezist
34. In accordance with established procedure, the Main Administration
has the right to organize enterprises which will be of economic value.
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15. Relations between the Main Administration and the People's Commis-
sariat of Defense USSR and the People's Commissariat of the Navy USSR in
regard to topographic-geodetic and cartographic work will be regulated by
a special statute, confirmed by the Council of People's Commissars USSR.
16. The chief of the Main Administration will regularly assemble the
ak.tiv of the Main Administration to utilize the experience of its economic,
scientific, and engineering-technical workers.(1)
1. "On the Confirmation of the Statute on the Main Administration of
Geodesy and Cartography Under the Council of People's Commissars, 23 August
1939," Sobraniye postanovleniy i rasporyazheniy Pravitel'stva SSSR, No. 50,
Item 399, 1939.
2. "On Partial Changes in the Statute on the Main Administration of
Geodesy and Cartography Under the Council of People's Commissars, 16 Sep-
tember 1940," Sobraniye postanovleniy -- , No. 25, Item 609, 1940.
3. "On Partial Changes in the Structure of the Main Administration of
Geodesy and Cartography Under the Council of People's Commissars, 27 December
1940," Sobraniye postanovleniy -- , No. 1, Item 9, 1941.
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The following 18 ranks in the system of the GUGK were introduced by
the Supreme Council of the U.S.S.R. on June 10, 1949 (published in the
Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR, No. 29(57), June 24, 1949):
1. General State Director of the Topographic Service.
(Genera3.'nyy Gosudarstvennyy Direktor Topograficheskoy Sluzhby).
2. State Director of the Topographic Service
(Gosudarstvennyy Direktor Topograficheskoy Sluzhby).
a. First rank
b. Second rank
c. Third rank.
3. Director of the Topographic Service
(Direktor Topograficheskoy Sluzhbyy)
a. Fir;;t rank
b. Second rank
c. Third rank
5. Director of the Topographic Administrative Service
(Direktor Topografichesko-administrationoy Sluzhby).
a. First rank
b. Second rank
c. Third-rank
6. Engineer of the Topographic Service
(Inzher,er Topograficheskoy Sluzhby)
a. First rank
b. Second -rank
c. Third rank
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7. Technician of the Topographic Service
(Tekbnik Topograficheskoy Sluzhby)
a. First rank
b. Second rank
c. Third rank
8. Junior Technician of the Topographic Service
(Mladshiy Tekhnik Topograficheskoy Sluzbby)
9. Foreman of the Topographic Service
(Desyatnik Topograficheskiy Sluzhby)
All personnel of the GUGK wear uniforms with stripes on the lapels
-indicating their rank. These stripes are made of black velour 12 cm. in
length and are edged with green cloth for all ranks except those for direc-
tors (ranks 1, 2, 3, and 4) which are of gold cloth.
All lapel stripes have at the top the emblem of the service (theodolite)
except for the General Director whose stripe has the state-emblem of the
hammer and sickle.
A description of these lapel stripes is given in the Great Soviet
Encyclopedia Vol. 17, 1953, p. 126. It is as follows: (See Fig. 2)
1. Five-pointed gold star 25 mm. size, surrounded by rays.
2a. Three, five-pointed gold stars without rays arranged in a line
along a strip of 20 mm. size.
2b. Same, except with two such stars.
2c. Same, except with one star.
3. Two, parallel, gold stripes and four golden stars, 15 mm, in size,
arranged in a line along the strip between the stripes.
4a. Same, with three golden stars.
4b. Same, with two golden stars.
4c. Same, with one golden star.
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5a. Two, parallel, silver stripes and three silver stars, 15 M. in
size, arranged in a line along the strip between the stripes.
5b. Same, with two silver stars.
5c. Same, with one silver star.
6a. One, gold stripe along the lapel and four golden stars, 12 mm. in
size placed on the stripe.
6b. Same, with three golden stars.
6c. Same, with two golden stars.
7a. Same, with one golden star.
7b. No gold stripe, two golden stars, 12 mm. in size, arranged along
the lapel.
7c? Same, but one golden star.
8. One emblem of the topographic service at the top of the stripe
and another at the bottom.
qa. Three, gold hash-stripes, width 4 mm. each.
9b. Same, with two gold stripes.
9c. Same, with one gold stripe.
Very similar lapel stripes exist for many other ministry administra-
tions, directorates, etc. with very similar ranks. The only difference in
the lapels is often in the emblem at the top.
The breast decoration of the GUGR (nagrudnyy znachok) shows the map
of the U.S.S.R. with a theodolite in the left lower corner and a triangula-
tion geodetic tower in the other. The inscription reads "to the outstanding
(worker) in-geodesy-cartography" (otlichniku geodezii-kartografii). Awards
of -such decorations are covered by the same general rules in all ministries
and organizations and are given only to-persons systematically fulfilling
or over-fulfilling various plans. Each organization is assigned a certain
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number of such decorations. Persons receiving them cannot be discharged
from service without an order from the minister or the head of the admin-
istration. A person may be deprived of such a sign only when definite
charges are brought against him and his conduct proved to be inconsistent
with regulations covering the award.
There are many other awards and decorations which can be earned by
individual members of the GUGK, such as the Stalin prize (Stalinskiye Premii,
1st, 2nd and 3rd class, with substantial monetary awards), Order of Distinc-
tion in Science and Technology (Zasluzhennyy Deyatel' Nauki i Tekhnoki),
etc. Individual organizations within the GUGK may be awarded the Order of
the Red Banner (Krasnoye Znanya). Such awards are retained by that par-
ticular institution so long as its work is considered outstanding.
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Figure 2
Decorations of the Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography
under the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. (Znaki razlichiya
Glavnogo Upravleniya Geodezii i Kartografii pri Sovete Ministeov
1. General State Director of the Topographic Service
(General'nyy Gosudarstvennyy Direktor Topograficheskoy Sluzhby .
2. State Director of the Topographic Service of the First Rank
(Gosudarstvenny Direktor Topograficheskoy Sluzhby 1-go Ranga).
3. Director of the Topographic Service
(Direktor Topograficheskoy Sluzhby.
4. Engineer of the Topographic Service of the Second Rank
(Inzhener Topograficheskoy Sluzhby 2-go Ranga).
5. Technician of the Topographic Service of the Second Rank
(Tekhnik Topograficheskoy Sluzhby 2-go Ranga).
6. Foreman of the Topographic Service of the Third Class
(Desyatnik Topograficheskoy Sluzhby 3-go Klassa).
7. Junior Technician of the Topographic Service (Mladshiy
Tekhnik Topograficheskoy Sluzhby).
Source: Bol'shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. 17,
2nd Edition, 1952.
Figure on Page 124.
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