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1TYPO 'H 'Tt DIVISION E CB OT' r~r,'PO! i-4. ~ AT, D ' `r-7721 O''Tr ?w 11 i J ~ .. 1' qq1 T t~ Cr?31:'RAJT , _II s~,T,T 1~'EflC~ (1' Cl, -t I a PAPER 110` ICE: This docunent is a working paper, not an official CIA issuance. It has. been co-ordina- teca :.ithin Orin, but not i. ith the IAC Agencies. It represents current thinking by specialists in CIA, and is designed for use by others enlaced in sir.ilar or overlapping studies? The opinions exnres:;ed herein. nay be revised before final and official Publication. It is intended solely for the inforri tion of the addressee and not for further dissemination4 CoDy for: GLASS. CNAM*V NEXT REVEW DATE. AJTH? W I 0- DATE 14EVIEW?R: Approved For Lease 1999/09/@014140@-At6OA000100080002-1 .CJ THEMI 1IVI`'t ION WEEKLY i Intellif,ence Summary No. 85 25X6A 'OIT 'E JTS 10 October 1949 SC !A,Itl)IIL' TTIA GET E:tAL... ' ..................7 r"I-r-" f-, V IJ.J11t_ -... 0 ... ...........O. ? o f.? f.0. . ~UNFIDENTIA! Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01090A000100080002-1 Approved For R'UIease 19Mf H)90*79-0 90A000100080002-1 I 25X6A Office of Retorts and Estimates TTort. erzi ivis1on Approved For F lease 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0` 9OAOOQi,QOO80002-1 25X6A CONFIDENTIAL 02 : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100080002-1 Approved For 25X6A lease 1171119/ 0 CIA-RDP79-M90A00D"1.00080002-1 GC RPENTIAL *See !fl3 '',eekly 74, 25 July 194 Approved For Release 1999/6 U9-01090A000100080002-1 Approved For W ease 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-04'090AO0 100080002-1 ,,r?+' 25X6A COiN`I lUENTIAL Approved For Release i'9'99!O97 7 "CFA-RDP79-01090A000100080002-1 Approved ForIease 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-b't090A000100080002-1 25X6A anion of South Africa CONFIDENTIAL e xIr^ aslk loan South Africa piquet at (AA188 . Of 17 The 'peen c1isa,)noinLme'nl/ :A1 SO-11- ?rica over Finance Ylister raven 's : "i1uur?e co rAse an ExTrn.Bark loan 1?;hde in ..,as ~ .n ;tan last rionth srrin to my 'roil the basic facts of the Union's irlmediate.. economl:c ot1 stook, which is not a bright one, and. nartlya',rWr inbred national nridyeF ry. y~an 1 either fat,tO1' is as V at enoq~it "o threaten the rat Covern- Dent' s hold oft rover, nook is So , th 1,,1 rica's ftryndarlontal and.military alit~al ?)en a r-liii the US in any arty in qu s ton, but the is a.l eac annarent in Covernpelbt ,..reles that the Union hl.Fs been tre Lted "lice a South A republic' and threats o ' rep aliati orl r ; . nst ITS) brsiness interests have been lade by "00.1101,11C t=~' airs n Cter I,atz r~ disa." ro*nt_...nt ll.L T obab ly n l.. 0 L;reatiy qu tension of controls on 19 September to in- de all. F.;oods im,)or?tad frorm countries outside the stet ;_'.n area which were -previously unaffected. Nor does do mesti : ,eduction short; y~ror~.ise of keeringry time national economy in I equilibriurm, i!nezarrioyrmm:,nt is sloe, y increasing, Taarticularly in the builrl:cng, clothing and on engineering industries. Furth-r- -ore, the fall in custo_n s dut es resulting fron the import restrictions has forced the (overn lent to borrow a total of Z 8 million from the South Africarngeserve Bank so far this year in order =:o neet its f'>r C7I -m d internal price otit o3 s of uw_ -iu L -i es -laced or, lobal q .roias and is nwr eon .e :? r t, .ia ;_ tint, textiles and chemicals on Stich quotas, but vi 1i. now .. us.y, 11"Lit --art? cir,_n~? a neutral course in contrast to Danish and i'orv7egian adherence to I1AP) tends to linit the scone of Scandinavian - l.itary cooperation, sufficient evidence is available to indicate that Si-.e. is not ril1inf7 to of Lrrinate entirely 25X1X7.~uch cooperation. 25X1X7 joint -i-aneuvers, exchanf-e of military persorme or trainin.- purposes, courtesy visits of high ranking of- f or, and defense talks at lo-,, level continue. )ne of the rust important asrects of t-L is cooperation, aside from its existence, is the aYOvarcnt v illingness of .1 veden to develop plans for air 'pie "ense in conjunction with ' orway. Such plans as may be in the wocess of development are shrouded in secrecy, and Swweaen`s future cooperation may V116,:311 n.e-oend on successful maintenance of secrecy in under- ta.'cin s o' this ns,ture. many possibilities of mutual r ssista.nce developed d ur ink; the Scandinavian defense tuaiks last fall, and 'Swedish rear of comilete isolation has l;'ven impetus to this co- opcration. Since the conclusion o l" these talks and the ad- ?re;rence of Denmark and i orrray to 11LP there has been much open C IiT AL Approved For Releas 99169/02' : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100080002-1 Approved ForIease 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-O9OAOOe*e0080002-1 c nENTI4L support in Sweden, particularly by military leaders, for military ties with the West. IVith a Government committed to, and apparently determined to hold, a neutral course, cooperation with Norway and Denmark, though greatl limited, offers a good opportunity for at least some contact with est. And certainly TTorvap and Dennark have long indi- the West.' cated a willingness to cooperate with Sweden as much as possible. Such cooperation as is accomplished will somewhat strengthen the defensive capabilities of Scandinavia. How- tl y ever, it will be too limited to be more than indirec beneficial to planning the defense of W_restern Europe, and 25X1X7 25X1X7 CON E IAL Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01090A000100080002-1