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1., Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 4AMMIONINONNirm STECUa4TY JOITIOI ?nit' IS 10E AL LPITELLICs'IME ILE GOALS AIM ATTAINIENTS C OG AT ION IN M CIOR PR-16 24 Apill 1952 BAT The data and conclusions contained this ANITC:A do not neoessarily represent the final positic,n, oT MR end should be regarded as provielmal may nn4 subject to revision.. Additional do:La or Ceititi;VA,Es which za7 be available to the maw are tolicl,tei, This report contains ilmforantion available to as of 1 February 1952, WARNING This material contains information efeAin national detente ot ti, -Onited Statos Ionhia 1:116 moaning of the espionage law, Title 1S, VW, Ei';C5 793 and 7940 the transmission or revelation of whieli in any Donner tf, an hmomtborized percon prohibited by law, GENIRAL MiSILMLE A GM afficel of TieseArelz mnd noporta "Gu'ENrNo. - (..HAN(7;r: iN r! ii .' /, : n:Vi / tir foll Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 ? f Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 MUM. Summary , ? . 4 0 I, General Goals and Objectives ? it, ? II, General Pkesures of Progrews 0 ? ? ? 0 0 ? 3 D 4. tP 0 0 0 N 6 0 0 c 0 ? ,1 6 '!ntf4' 4 1, Lau Prerevolutionary Leval , . , , . . , . . . . . . , ... 4 2, Handicaps to Program . , . . . ., - . , 9 P 9 1 ? - 9 / 1 9 4 v 3? Educational Finance ? , . . . ,, Q a 4 9 4, Range of Education . . . ? .. . . . ? 0 . ? , ? : .1 0 .5 5,, 00111Prari00130 with the VS- 9 9 6 ,.. Gradsd Schools , . . ? 1, ? ., 2, Enrollment . , . . . . ? . ? . , ? , , , . , , ? , , . ? 3. Course of Study0- 4 4 0 0 1 V 1 4 9 4 P I 1 - 4, TeaChers and TeachingVMthods ,9 / :. / e. . , A , .1 1 / 4 4 11 1 5., Limitations , ? , ? ., , . , 0 , 19 9 z. ? . , , 12 a, Retardatian and Drop-outs , c, , 4 9 12 If h, Shortage of Teachers , ; , . . ? ,, , ? 0, Buildings and Supplies : L. V . :: T , 14 d. i 1 , , . .14. 6, Attainment og Goals . .4 9 4 , V. 4 9 9 Z. / . 1 14 1: 117, Specie, Types of Elementary' and Secondary Sehools 14 1. Kindergartens end Day Nurseries : . 4 : 0 t 9 9 . 4 9 4 14 g.. ki11tal7 SO/1001S , V - . 9 9 i 9 4 9 6 k 11 i 0 . 15 3, Schools for Retarded Pupils - N - 6 : 0 ,` 15 4. "PoprtilArn Education . , , ? 1 0 t 4 4 4 0 4 4 I i 15 VG eat i mai Education - ? . ..., ...,, 13 Goals ? , ? , 15 2. The SyIt i?, 3, labor Reserve Schools ? , ? , 9 9 P.:91,0?1=ITIA Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 PlatiFIT41111eigi a. Goals . ? . ... . . . .16 ? , . b, Types and Recruitment, c. Emorollment d, Handicaps e. Attainmmmt of Goals Vocational High Schools . ? ? ? ..... a- Goals and acquirements? . . , . . b, Enrollsent . ? o. Teachers . . , ? ? 1 ? ,r r? ?? d. Course of Study. , . . . . ? 9 0, Attainment of Goals , , . ? ? . . . . 177., Meier Education 9 `.4? 1.C 41 5. 00 1, Goals Q 4 0 4 0 0 V ? 4 , 4 4 9 1. 0 ? 4 t. 2, Types of Institutions . . . . 0 e 0 V .1 ? 3, Departments ? . . . . . ? , . ? Q 4 4. o,,,.?11mant and Graduates . , . , . . . 5, Course of Study , . , , 4 4 0 . 4, 4 T. f 6. Graduate Work ? . . 0 V 4, 4 L4.? 4.4 7, Scientific Research ? . . ? . . . . . . 8, Attainment of Goals . , 4 ? 4 0 4 0 e 6 0 VII. Political Education , . t, C .? ummajzra Appevity 1 Methodology Appendix B., Sources and Eva/uation of Soar ceo ? 0 9 , . 0 , 4 . , , 1 . ? 0 9 0 , V ? 4 ? 4 0 !? a ? . 1 , , , . -A0 , 0 4 5 5 3 . ? 05 , , 0 0 PO ,., 0 / :. . . . 9 9 1,00 4 . , . . 4 0 ? ? / 5 0 5 9 . . 0 2 V , . 4 9 17 18 19 19 19- 20 20 2D 21 21 21 22 23 23 24 26 28 29 Zrialtamtlant Figure 1, Administrative Organization and Control of Education in the USSR 2 cal.",gRIA& 3 Falkarbr, sZwe 4 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A00010016'0004-7 cwith 1a-16 (am Project 9-51) =UR= TIMMATION 4904LAID-11412X0 41FAIWN 470 THE Os,, km= .4)0 ot,thixejer goals of the Comunist regime in the USSR lus develop g: 'k4mA facilities and uee them to ;emote totalibarian -7Tur , The 4110WwWiqapmee *doh permeate all types aDd levels of Soviet laai..m.s? tion ere rieeable political indoctrination and practical vocational 1,ra..11,1.Lng. Thiewo !ndf iered by a high degree of central control of Txhxcatio.1;.al. polloy' and subject wetter0 liMmeeeee re public education in Czarist Rusaias and privat and climoh ? sohoolP teeChed only a limited segment of the population:, :n spLte ZILNO MWAWilibeginn4nws disruptions by ear end purges, an sypaing sobarA )C) tion, and ldw,uatimeal inoome, subetantial progress in ntttiaing Oormt goals has been made in the past 30 Jeers, 1MMo objective& of the graded- echoble in the USSR aro rnach thv.; SKIM at. in the ;VS; ugh added emphasis on indoctrination nnd preindustrIki Calm* as education was eompuleory only through .the fouret grade, tee eveae asieriP1' of obildr14 did not progress beyond that point, At war.:mnt the1,4, is 4 drive teAsehiergeenivarsal omapalsory seven-gtade ;ts appar0t.SUcc4Wa Will *Pend the Potential Jetsam ef secwdcry vo- 0014* high.schools? end, eventually, colleges. The enr,311ment iu high sehools,ie still small, and only about 1 percent of the tote." z:L.I.ILL.ent An the first *a grades is in the graduating class, About the sane iv02.31,mt--. hourrOle* are graduated from vocational high schools, end aUeni n.tgbt 3coo1 Thu course of etudy is more condensed tIsaa in thn largest'proPOtien of the time is devoted to those subjecte vhers favi;a2:: !Ster14 and political indoctrination can be omibined... AtaUtin.- tion if even to sebjects whiCh ley the foundation for vocetional. About 10 Oerekilt i alIgtted to ganee aad sporte with e otzong premilitta'd emPhazia, Ir( spite of the development of elaborate teachr?trOaltinis. ties the supply of trained teachers has not kept pace with the 4.1xpanolw, scho4p, Add1tion4 headicaps are the excessive retardatL'AL of puoiLii shortakes in buildings, equipment, and tertbooke, in sumeary, g:claity( taboo* are raplly-aarroaching the goal of univerual 0014Pul attendance; high school 'enrollment is stil/ small.; and ouk5taatial "LS.L.1:2Z.;:,)06 is being made in the elimination of the shortage of tasahnrs, 14Pz. reeerve schoole are erganised to trair workere f6r thtl ral.a,,,.. 3 :-.ri, of 1,i4 4., tompletion o fbu f the r th grade is reqi ured :or eat.:7, A1-67._, rt them* i somf.'*aluttiatrenrellment, compulsion is often reeorted to, must** 4 years at an assigned J. The system providw2 a . ? amoicrigg Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 youth 44.1441417 and filling the requirements in Nomaele ure:111 zne 1L- 401.41!t, alr:41Tente reached 1 million in 1948 but have cubereee-t47 half that nudber. It is not Clear whether this eazinkage or a permanent trend meey from thie type or ,:vaildad lure to fulfill plans. Over the past 5 years the leeer , oct.Tbave 00tri17uted 3.5 million semiskilled worker to the eeemsete _ where they were most critically needed. , ? ,pohoolS (technicums) aecept pupils Who heve ccepletea ,t41,1e4n them as specialists. They are giver: a high aLata ?lel training for one of a wide variety of occapatiteee tleel steadily increased to a level or over 14; eeLleen, eith Use of about 320,000. The relative freedom of these eezeiee tl? public' ciitieiem Indicates that they are performing their 1,24cticen eatistaptorAir. 'Higher education is offered in 34 universities and over 3G0 ee alleed lust/ es. TheemeledepartMeets are included in the universities, bat leseetietea for the meet part train for ene Darrow specialty. Resident etudentaivz ie- eree004:5,0 percent in the 5 years orecedinf 1951. There are now 830.CCO reel. dolt 40,U,0 006 correspendence etudente, with ennual graduatione at tee rat or 7.500M0, regular and ZO 000 oo-reoponderce degreea. At preeent neeely hae,f the grulneteP are 144inedfor teaching, about 23 percent fer eagluearieg, aad the far Misoollaneous professions. Only about 4 percent of the dograos eipo In the fie?Jeregradnete degrees as compared with 13 percent in the DS. eleieeeee ',ark in ieelenee le integrated with the program of the Aoadeey of Soieeces, which elm) tgecOellent laboratories but concentrates on applied reueereb. tatiyoly, institutione of hieher education in the 'Malian the goal, at training expert personnel as rapidly as induetry expazited. Iaavfix4 loft lefeteee for improved etaffing.' Qualitatively, Soviet greduatea aro humpered br the narroWeenge of stbjeote taught in the specialised iretitutes, LIB talleetion of research, and the, fact that only a small preportion el them havp postgraduate treinieg. The high concentration of the ecohym W: the USSR 04 e crit,1104ereduote of optaparatively simple designs, houovar, utito it possibieto operate industry aucoeserully with fewer enginepr3 aud a xv.s.4-rou.ar range or' 0114. Ifjudgemtes to the training of engineer i iz,baaed 4poa ehe workman' lp In tie products which they subsequently turn out,. it is to ez ceue tended t 14i/ntifiC and tealualcal =power* at leapt in the critleai leduatriee. le of sriciezt volume and quality to produce the goodie Lii arzt fitment'a for the operation of the Soviet economy at present levels,, , cal training for the officials of the Party and government carried on in a special system of schools; 2 00,11111) Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 Die Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000100160004-7 22EiRalja 0E4;014 40/4061#14- ObJetWo$, A major camera of the Communist regime in the USSR h15 Loln 3ilin-ecre:11A In the ;Ora a einoktion, wide extension of facilitiov, -A3 adtV;&Lion x? 44311,03.0t0 totalitarian objectives. The Constitution str.Llys these objeetivv.1 as falsars 4060