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Document Release Date: 
April 6, 1999
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Publication Date: 
July 21, 1954
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Approved For Release 1999) 1O2 lA-R t 10 'd1DU : i O . Chief, Liaison Division, 0(%D AT 'd 0P: I Chief, Projects Control ~'taff, 0,11 1954 c'J iJ C Dissemination of CIA/HR Pa-66, Fixed Nitrpgen Industr; in Poland (Project 22.157) You will receive 128 copies of subject report, It is requested that three copies be forrarded immediately to the Projects Control Staff, OA,, and that the remaining copies be held until you are notified. After notification by SPC, it is requested the following dissemination be made All recipients listed below are cleared to receive this resort. No. of copies ip~ient 1 Deputy Director,, Intelli;ene 3 Assistant Director, Collection and Disvemlmat`-on 1 - Industrial 'registry 1 - Biographic . egistry 3 Chief, CIA Library 1 - Publications ,oview Section Assistant Director, Office of Operations 1 Fore Documents Division, C ) FOIAb3b1 1 , 7 td v/CIS 2 Assistant Director, Scientific Intelligence Assistant Director,, Current Intelligence 25X1 A9a I. Indications Staff, 2211 ~1_ Bldg. Approved For Release 199W09/02 : CIA- DP79-01093d000500170002-4 -r - Res ea ch a ec w. , Di 31 Assistant le ordls }e &. ~U-~-ire" P~w?r?~~~ G States Chief, Acquisition and Distribution Division 2 Joint Chiefs of Staff .. Secretary,. JIG 6 Army, Assistant Chief of Staff, 0.2 10 Navy, Director, CMI 6 Air Force, Director of intelligence ? Mr. Edward Doherty, EIC l Mr. f,foward Wiedemann, EIC 1 Col. Lyman Bothwell, EIC 1 Mr, H,, S, Bennett, LTC 1 Col, 4illiam C. Baird, EIC Mr John Easton. FIC 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/02,;C ,IA-RDA-01093A000500170002-4 No, of copies I ci lent 25X1A I (through 2054 Q Bldg.) 2 Assist~int to Secretary of Defense l or i'nternat.onal Security Affairs 1 Research and Development Board, Chief, FIB I National War College NOT M3O E SECiBT) 3 25X1A9a 2051 Q i31dg. 1 Lt. Col. Frank L. Shaf,, Jr., C .ef,, Intelligence Branch Department of the Army, :tvoua 2725, Tempo 7, Gravelly Point l Dr. Sidney Xunlans?ty, industrial Vulnerability Branch, Department of the Air Force, ;loom 1119, Temp ::1 1 Dr, 'alder Scott, Assistant Chief, 3,xroa Agricultural and Industrial Ghmistry,, of Agrtaulture, :too 9130, South i3ui1ciixW; pert J, Portner, Office of Industri . It 25X1A9a t/: :3r. Frederick Bates,, Jr., Chief, Chemicals and f+tbber Division,, Office of Asst. Secretary of t; nse for Supply and Logistics, Room 30772, enta.on beau Building ?or ,gn operations Actuinistx ation,, Room ~;1 F, Cho 25X1A9a Distribution t U & 1 - Addressee I~ It Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000500170002-4 Approved For Release 199J%69101`: CIA=!k PV.9L(K'09$A000500170002-4 z'ONF1DENTIAL r CIA /RR PR Lb CIA /RR PR-66 = ilF .::#nt 28 July 54 55 - 59 Extras filed in StIPC 19 Au - 54 1 . 4r 25X1 X7 -6-s15 41.17 T28 ppros7ed For Release 4999/09/02 CIA-RDP.79 01093 O'00500170002-4