Forwarding of Air Research Division Material
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Document Creation Date:
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 22, 2000
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Publication Date:
October 20, 1954
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STANDARD FORM O. droved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
Chief, `=eog,rayphie research
Central Intelligent r-g ency
"tJ 12Y''`r".
~alsh (ui
?~:illiam T.
Chief, t=ir Research Livision
DATE: October 20, 1954
SUBJECT: Forwsrdin g of it ,Research Livis ion Laterial
1. As per your request the following material in connection with
the Air Research Division Program is forwarded herewith:
(a) Statement of Air Research Livision objectives.
(b) list of past and future assignments
(c) complete study (Under separate cover)
2. =,s of this date it has not been possible for the Library
Administration to act upon the proposal made by you since sir.
umfor. d, the neon Librarian of Congress, has not yet had an
o.o)ortunity to consider the matter.
*USAF Declass/Release Instructions On File*
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
The Objective:: of the Air Research Division are:
1. To undertake the USP" s only detailed research and
analysis of the physical, economic, sociological, psychological,
and political vulner_~bilities of potential enemy target
complexes. Each target complex analysis is a definitive study
comprising ten basic reports and a Target Information Sheet,
which is a synthesis of the information presented in the basic
reports. Subjects covered in each target complex analysis are:
a. Economic
h. Industry
c. Utilities
d. Transportation
e. Physical Characteristics
f. Population
Fire susceptibility
h. Psychological, sociological, and
2. To examine significant materials available, both
foreign and domestic, which are relevant to target complex
research. These findings are used in the preparation of
extracts and digests of information contained in the books,
periodicals, reports, maps, or photographs reviewed for
this purpose. These findings are prepared in a form suit-
able for incorporation into the USAF Bombing, Encyclopedia
or for e ploitation by other interested USU agencies.
3. To undertake additional rese^rch assignments which (a)
bear upon the program, (b) are assigned by the Director of
Intelligence and (c) are the result of the D/I approved request of
other agencies.
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
R. ? , c ,,n,RCIi D-. `I
Published and Distributed by A.C. & I. C,
Voroshilovgrad (A-27)
aostov (A-25)
Port Arthur (A-700)
Kramatorsk (A-73)
Lvov (A-418)
Odessa (1-26)
tiga (A-1)4)
Baku (A-7)
croznyy (1-3)
oskva (A-2)
Leningrad (i,-11)
Kutaisi (11-17)
Dzerzhinsk (A-53)
Kharkov (k-8)
Kiyev (A-55)
Voronezh (z~-51)
Tbilisi (A-1)
Stalino=lrakeyevka (A-29,11-32)
Stalingrad (!,-13)
Ploesti (-300)
Gorlovka-Yenakiyevo (A-10,p,-71)
Yaroslavl (A-35)
1"insk ( ~-65)
Dneprodzerzhinsk (r,-56)
Zhdanov (A-57)
Krasnodar (.P,-62)
Shcherbakov (A-54)
Dnepropetrovsk (:.k-3)
Zaporozhye (A-22)
Taganrog (A-59)
Completed by iPJ - Unpublished
Chelyabinsk (A-30)
Vladivostok (A-)46)
Yerevan (A-63)
Novosibirsk (a-19)
fikolayev (_z-58)
Gorkiy (A-38)
Ui zhniy Tagil (A-36)
laliningrad (A-)15)
uybyshev (-31)
Omsk (A-!t3)
`Wallin (k-115)
Tashkent (A-9)
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
I bI O
-olomna (A-87)
Saratov (A-23)
Pagnitogorsk (L-18)
Kalinin (A-52)
Ulyanovsk (A-61)
Syzran (A-196)
Ufa (A-20)
Batumi (.x,12)
?~ Podolsk (A-99)
Orsk (x",45)
Curyev (A-159)
Kom.somolsk (A-50)
Kazan (A-4)
Bezhitsa-Bryansk (A-138)
Kemerovo (A-2))
olotov ( 28)
Tzhevsk (A-21)
I og;insk-Elektrostal (A?-69)
Tomsk (A.-197)
Krasnoyarsk ( -16)
? Vladimir
Stalinogorsk (A-101)
Kirov (A-12L)
Voroshilovsk (A-205)
Krivoy Rog (A-lO5)
Serov (A-96)
Alma-FAta (A-40)
Penza 37)
Arkhangelsk (A-64)
.Astrakhan (A-66)
In Progress
Chkalov (A-39)
Sevastopol (A-117)
Stalinsk (A-15)
Barnaul (A-78)
R erezniki (",-76)
r_amensk-Shakhtinskiy ('A-127)
Chirchik (A-126)
Aleksin (A-132)
Llatoust (,%-4 2)
-- Pardubice (A-437)
- Constants (A-212)
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5
Alapayevsk (A-74)
Tula (A-5)
Sverdlovsk (:-)11)
Anshan (A-733)
Ivanovo (A-60)
? Gliv:ice-Sosnov,-iec (A-379)
Irkutsk (A-400)
Krasnoturinsk (A-100)
Future Assignments
::habarovsk (A-93)
Chita (A-103)
Ulan Ude (A-104)
Dzaudzhikau (A-105)
Irovrov (A-106)
emenovka (A-107)
Yefremov (A-108)
Novocherkassk (A-109)
Vi+ebsk (A-110)
- Lisicha.nsk (A-111)
Vorosh-ilov (A-112)
Budapest (A-113)
-~ i'.i en (A-114)
Yoravska.-Ostrava (A-115)
Praha (A-116)
In addition the Division's Program calls for the preparation of
about 160 abareviated target complex analyses, consisting of physical
characteristics only, to meet a particular USkF requirement. No
information is used in this program beyond that vhich has already been
researched. These analyses vrill be completed by about June 1956.
Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200060012-5