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Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : CIA-RDP79-01143A000300020003-5 Report of the Joint State-CIA External Research Staff for the Period August I > November 30,. i948 14 Personnel A. Status During, the first four months of the program the staff has no operated at full strength. has been the only 25X1 A9a full-time member of the staff fully cleared and. on duty throughout the period, The status of the remainder of -the staff has been: 25X1A9a I, Entered on duty September 3, 19L8, with provisional clearanc4 and had not been fully cleared 25X1A9a as of November 30, 19118 4 z. Entered on duty November 8, 1948, with provisional clearance zmd had not been fully cleared, 25X1A9a as of November 30, 1918. of. the ORE Plans and Jlicy Staff as on part-tune loan to the txterrial 1teEedreh staff and has been of. great value in organizational and other ..aspects of the work The.fact that the staff has not been at full strength heron . most of tics period and the lack of full clearance of 'two--thirds of Vie 25X1 A9a :tersonnel has been a cansi.derable handicap to the program.. 'the availability of has off set. this' to some extent , but full clearance is essential to a more adequate development of the prc ran 3 i : Travel 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A9a Swntem. bar^ 22-25; -October 7-10; October 20-23; November 3; Ndvemt*F r 9, cm Na ll Fio`ld: November 29.30? 25X1A State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : CIA-RDP79-01143A000300020003-5 Nove:nbe ~ :.2- 21 b Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : CIA-RDP79-01143A000300020003-5 CONFIDENTIAL _3 25X1A He assisted in the pteparation of memoranda and the presentation of the proposa) . with numerous individuals ssnd Organizations. In additton, he SarrUd on the negotiations with the mi.. versitiwe and foundations with respect to the project and 'undertook such activities vdthin the government as ware necessary to ascurs assistance r~esdsad Dung this period meetings war* hold .nd diecuasiens carried on with a 25X1A5a1 opportunity to diecuaa not ofl33y the institute but vMsious aspects of the can ~ r~~a program of the External la K Stat? as vaerll. 25X1 A5a 1 The "t recent trrarnorandug ~v-~ +S,a I.draf te by Since ? ZuU dl:aranae was not. a ssentaal to much of thin work, has opmt a part of ble t in liaison work in this field. 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 Approved For Release 200-0/6v MF6PA% bl143A000300020003-5 25X1A5a1 Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : CIA-RDP79-01143A000300020003-5 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : CIA-RDP79-01143A000300020003-5 Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : CIA-RDP79-01143A000300020003-5 CONFIDENTIAL, - -8c This service his beGn ust,.d {cite exterislvaly and has =. ',ated '."ii1.c .. SQL? will .a thCi academic world., An arrant ement has been WCIrk(,d out,, also with 1R. State, for preparin ; bibliographies., is cludir.?. reports and d.isptches from the field insofar as consistent ?ith curi.ty, on special subjects for research :.orkers engaged in projects of interest to the i~t:. a i. 'once agencies. Those are prepared as the situation arises and the materials made available on inter-library loan. This is the only r:ay scbolars can receive much of this riaterial and has proved to be of valuable service These services, as well as other aid and assistance given to scholars not only creates L:.ood will but serves to improve the character of research done and to make U e product more useful, 25X1A5a1 Approved For Release 2000/a9U Fd - 'PT-t'Ad1143A000300020003-5 Approved For Release 2000/06/30 : CIA-RDP79-01143A000300020003-5 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A5a1 These papers are turned over to L11 for cataloging and then circulated to the appropriate divisions and branches. 8s Reports on Area Programa,7ork in Progress, and cork Completed Outside the Gov W rnmexi The following reports were prepared and distributed to the iutei:ested branches in OI R and O.M. Aa Report on foreign area programs near operating at universities and research institutions. B. Report on projects of scholars working abroad on grants from the SSRCO Co Report on graduate research on foreign areas now under way in the field of Political Science o Approved For Release 2000109519(~:FIR-ftdA 'b'1143A000300020003-5 Approved For Release 2000/05/30 :'CIA-RDP79-01I43A000300020003-5 CONFIDENTIAL 10- 25X1A5a1 i fle ort of research on foreign areas com4aloted in 19148 25X1A5a1 n;. Report on area programs and research on the Maar ",a.sto F. Several special memoranda on work in progress on specific fields specific projects, Copies of a number of these rororts are attached to this rep6rta 9, Th cruitn}Gnt of personnel Discussions with respect to available personnel have been carried on with representatives of a number of universities. The Offide of' the T ctnrnal Research Staff has agreed to .serve as a contact point in "iash:i,nr ton and to we that graduates of tiffs various programs are directed to appropriate intelli- gence channels. The Office has begun to develop a file of specialized personnel in various fields and will make it available to those seeking such prsonnel. in a number of cases where special parson_-Ael were required th e Office has undertaken to find such personnel and has successfully done so. ach agency has hired several professionals as a result of contacts e 5l;ablished by the 25X1 Aga 25X1 A9a Staff. has been asked to serve with in coordinat- ing a program to inforrn the universities of opportunities in the intelligence research field and to insure that an adequate number of people' make the intelli- gence specialist and other ci411 service examinations-in order b:at a sufficiently large number of personnel are available on the civil service registers, 25X1A5a1 Approved For Release 2000/0S5)Re:FCT1R- 2b~143A000300020003-5 Approved For" Release`2000/05%30 : CIA-RDP79-01 I43A000300020003-5 NFIDENTIAL- 25X1A 25X1A9a 25X1X6A arr ed for discussions between and reprssenta tives of the CIA and OIR '`;estern guropean analysts. He alarm arranged meetings with Assistant Secretary of State salzinan, Under Secretary of lar General Draper, and Jacob Beam Chief of the Diiision of Central European A'ai. 25X1A9a 25X1X6 During the course of the tour, -.and the also talked with r.nators vlbert Thomas, ;rthur Vandenberg, and Brien McMahon., Senator.-eject Hubert Humphreys, Congress rien John McCormack* Christian Herter, John F. xenr3e4, Congressman-elect Fred Pdarshall, and others, National leaders of business, labor, and other groups were also contacted. xla 'roLeetss fend A n maber of projects re uitrmn S 1 arrangements beyond the ordinary scope of relations have been proposed and are being investigated by the s . A. n m Latin , rican Branch, Opt, has proposed a research project on Guatemala. Ways and means for carrying out the project Within the necessary security restrictions and t maintaining adequate control over the end product are being considered,, 25X1A BThe B. ~TSC- t ff o has propo --_ ? --W4 uv ~, ~ a .4Eict Qn < Dart! 910 arly with such public eerF a .,.. opinion o p 12. Difficulties quIring Action -- - .pa..u..aa vv %.CM& iJ JIl"U8, 25X1A9a A. Cleary a of Personnel. It is im rtarst that full clearance be ob 1usd or as soon as possible. B. External Research Requirements, Research workers and scholars n t e unive=rs t eas, directors of graduate programs? and the staffs of foreign area institutes are -- for the most part .. eager to cooperate in fulfillixig basic research needs, They al1 desire, however, to have lists of basic research jobs that need to be done. It is essential, therefore, to the success of the program that such lists be prepared by the branches of OR? and the divisions of 0180 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 200o%gjNd:IaX-460 01I43A000300020003-5 Approved For Release 2000/O9/30:CIA /1 -% 1T T1 TT - T1 1T RDe79-01143A000300020003-5 T A T-.z: 25X1 C4a Re roduotion and Distribution of Research P' ers.a In view of the Aernal Research Staff o s commitments to the LAC agencies to keep them infotn d of all results of the program, it will be nccessa y- to reproduce and distribute to them those research ,papers of good quality that pertain to their needs. The details of this problem will have to be worked out with the Services Branch of CIA or some other appropriate service facility, 25X1A9a Chief Joint State-CIA ,.xt,,3rnal Research Staff Approved For Release 2000/VQ3 F A -1i1I43A000300020003-5