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Approved For Ruse 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP79-011'A0 "1 AR AJTP NAVY D FARTME v'TS AND OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES 11EIV RANDUM TO ALL CONCER HHiED : l. The' JANIS series' will. be pr p.;ar d and i:ub1,li_5hed in accordance with the following Pr.1.orities list for Joint Amy and Navy Intelli.- E':C1Ce Stlldi )S Bulgaria Albania Yugoslavia France F:i. nlar d Aegean Islands Germany Sweden Rumania Malay States China (:Incl. Kwang achowan Cl Hongkong) Southeastern Siber:i..a 'Northeastern Siberia Libya. Arabia Transcaucasus Madagascar Pratas, F:aracel and Iiainau `fib et Sinkiang Outer 1,M1ongo1ia Afghani tan West Sib(3ri.a Soviet Central As.i a 2. (a) IIIS w ..1_l. )entra.L :t i sia Baltl.c States Archangel & liur'imansk Poland Slovakia Hungary South Africa Rio Muni Belgian. Congo Aug ola Southwest Africa Bechuanaland Northern Rhc --es -Southern.. Rhodcs~"' a MMiczambique Tanganyika Uganda Kenya Ethi-opi.a Italian Somaliland 25X6A corallete and publish the following Strategic Surveys which are in final stages of ur paration: Italy and Mediterranean Is. Guatemala Bciglum Netherlands, North Borneo, dr. u.nei and S ar awa);. R:i_smark. Arch,- am d. Admiralty IL-,. Ellice Islands G-17bort Islands Levant States Alaska Brazil. New Guinea Argentina Para;u.ay oa?vao.or Nicaragua Venezuela Guam Kuwait Njew Zealand Phoenix Tokelau Islands Korea India, and Ceyio. Chile }-iondUr as DOCUMENT NO. -- NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ^ DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO, TS S 0 NEXT REVIEW DATE: RUTH: HR 10.2 25X6A REVIEWEIa 01Qb5i Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300040'050-7 Approved For R e se 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-0111 7A000300040050-7 (b) O;a complete and publ_i sh the following T.Tonogi a--hs which are in final stages of -reparati.cn: Spanish 1,Jor. occo Greece Guam. { c;) OSS Will complete and submit to OT,I for printing the ONI Geographic Monograph on the Lesser Sunda I alands. The f" olloti?ring Topogra.h:i_cal Intelligence Surveys i., ll be completed: Southern France (revision) Normandy Peninsula Southern Italy (d) MIS, OMI and OSS ,rill discontinue work on all remaining surveys and -.onogr. aphs. Data already or subsequently ?,ather.c,d. will be divided into sections as shown on page 1 of the Outline Guide, and i.mrr.eddi.aL ly transmitted to the responsible agency indicated, Ja, er_ Ceno al /s/ ;r: re; A, of G-2, J. D. / y/ /s/ N C Train Director of Naval. Ini~cll. _,_, rice Acting Director, Office of Strategic Services Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-01147A000300040050-7