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Publication Date: 
March 6, 1969
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6 March 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting of the Automap Data Bank Study Group, 5 March 1969 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 1. Present at the seventh meeting of the rou on 5 March wer 2 X1A9a The subject of the work session was retrieval strategy. 2. Two broad options exist for structuring Data Banks II and III for retrieval purposes. They are by geographic division or feature. They subdivide as follows: Geographic Options a. Sheets or blocks (DOD approach) b. Unstructured (sequential by line segment) c. Continental (present scheme) d. Country e. Other or combinations of above Feature Options f. Separated files (Data Bank I) g. Unseparated files (Data Bank II) h. Combination of above 3. An analysis of intended usage of each bank was presented. a. Data Bank II - designed to produce maps of continents, regions, and page-size country bases at scales from 1:2,000,000 to 1:10,000,000. Using the continental reference scheme currently employed, it was found that: (1) The majority of the above maps will fall within a single continental file. (2) Some will fall on two continental areas. There are six zones that are frequently overlapped. They are: North America-South America North America-Europe Europe-Africa Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP79-01153A00010 10OQ'> L dd ..P'at44F 4 . -mod 8 .f M ~4 k 1 9 -2 1 Approved For Relea1999A%08` : ' - 79-0115300100010008 25X1A9a "Approved For Rele 1999/09/08 --"Cl 3 R P79-01150000100010008-2 Europe-Asia Africa-Asia ,Australasia-Asia (3) A few maps will overlap three continental areas. This occurs only in the Near East. (4) Of 170 NIS political entities, 44 overlap in a second, continental area. Conversely, three quarters of the countries could be found wholly in a single continental file. b. Data Bank III - designed to produce maps of countries and locales at scales of 1:500,000 to 1:6,000,000. Item (4) above would be pertinent to this bank. 4. The question of file size was raised. Based on approximately 5% of the world land mass digitized, Data Bank II will have about 1,500,000 points. An OER statistician has recommended correlation between similar line segments in the two data banks to provide further 25X1A9a estimates. _ proposed a retrieval system based on an atlas grid. The cartographer would call for retrieval frora specified grid squares in the area of the map frame. This elicited the fact that some maps have frames other than rectangular and in cases of countries often no frames are required at all. From here the discussion went to question the need for area coding or retrieval based on country. A serious question of emphasis on planimetry versus country was also raised. At this point, it was recommended that the CD/BGI staff be consulted. 5. The next meeting will be in Room 2E-08 from 0830-1030 on 19 March 1969. It is hoped to arrive at some testable retrieval model that will overcome the problems of speed, storage, area over- lap, and compatibility with the projected CRT system. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79-01153A000100010008-2