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30 July 1971
Organisational Development
Foremost among OBGI's managerial activities this past year
was the popular -- or at least much-discussed - matter of
Communications. The Director, OBGI, held a series of 30 weekly
"Coffees" with employees of the Office. The sessions, sometimes
highly interesting, sometimes dull, gave the Director an opportunity
to discuss his concept of the mission of the Office, its role in the
Agency, and the problems and opportunities of the future as he
envisaged them, The sessions also gave him a feel for the people in
the Office that would have been impossible in any way except this
face-to-face encounter. In return, employees had a unique opportunity
to take the measure of the new management, and to impart their ideas
and problems directly with no through-channels coloration. In the
same communications vein, the first issue of an OBGI Newsletter was
published containing both social notes and solid professional informa-
tion of interest to most of the Office. In addition, a series of exchange
briefings were given by OBGI division chiefs, and several reciprocal
visits were arranged for both new and old personnel.
In an effort to widen the professional perspectives of OBGI and to
give imaginative people an additional inducement to be creative, a new
Special Projects Staff was created as a part of the Director, OBGI's
office. Individuals with potentially useful ideas on topics which might
not fit into the work pattern of their home division, or which could
best come to fruition in a different work environment, were urged to
submit the ideas or to offer themselves for temporary assignment to
this staff. In addition, the Staff -- by design a small one -- was
directed to be on the alert for subjects that merit Office attention but
might be overlooked in the regular Office routine.
A matter of considerable importance for OBGI morale and pro-
fessional efficiency is the physical work environment. This is of
concern, of course, regardless of where an office may be located,
but it becomes a particularly serious matter for elements away from
the Headquarters Building. For this reason, a special, consistent,
and rather successful effort was made to improve the custodial and
maintenance service of the and a better working 25X1A
arrangement was developed for some of the o five space. Also, an
OBGI Fine Arts Committee has been active in adding some interest and
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beauty to our drab hallways. In the Map Library - located in one of
the most dismal parts of the metropolitan area -- a handsome, walnut
paneled multi-purpose room was constructed which will provide a
setting for briefings, movies, and brown-bag luncheons. Consolida-
tion of Cartography Division offices at Headquarters also was undertaken
and will soon be completed.
OBGI participated in the Directorate personnel reduction by deleting
five positions and, to keep our average grade in line, by downgrading
four positions. On the positive side several internal reorganizations
were accomplished to create more efficient work arrangements.
In the budget field, financial and reporting procedures were strength-
ened, and other changes were made which brought forth a good report
card from the I. G. Audit Staff. Similarly, a records reduction push has
resulted in a 50 percent reduction in records at 25X1A
Training objectives have been reviewed and, tinder the direct super-
vision of the Deputy Director, OBGI, the anticipated long-range needs
of the Office have been mapped. Among other approaches, we have
instituted a Priority Career Development Program that emphasizes
needed job changes and training experience for key junior-, middle-,
and senior-level officers. At the moment, we have one employee detached
for training at the 25X1 A
The Historical Program has had Office-wide repercussions. Much
senior analyst time and effort has gone into this project, probably far
more than anyone could have anticipated in the beginning. However, we
have made great progress, albeit at the expense of current production.
Our present schedule calls for the completion of all OBGI historical
papers by the end of this summer, and there is nothing currently in
sight which should prevent our meeting this target date. Since September
1970, four; manuscripts have been published, ten have been drafted and
are in various stages of review, and six are well along.
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Cartography Division
During the past year, the Cartography Division completed
6, 500 graphic items including maps, charts, diagrams, and briefing
boards, up 15 percent from the previous year. This support was
given to some two dozen offices representing every Directorate. In
addition, about 4 percent of the production went outside the Agency,
primarily to the Department of State.
The widespread use of our maps and other graphics is in part
due to the ready accessibility of the cartographer to the analyst,
the case officer, the technical specialist, or the administrative
officer, each of whom has learned that a well-designed graphic can
communicate some concepts and facts far better than the most care-
fully honed prose. In addition to this open-door policy, the demand
for maps by Agency report writers and briefers has been growing
because cartographic professionalism has kept pace with the increasing
expertise of other Agency specialists. Maps are becoming more and
more accepted as valuable complementary assets to a report rather
than as decorations.
CIA' s cartographers were described last fall by a knowledgeable
consultant as "the best equipped and motivated group of mapmakers
in the country." Along with equipment and motivation, however, the
good product is the result of the special training received -- training
that reflects the fact that the best of maps is a blend of artistic design
and engineering skill. During the year, cartographers attended courses,
briefings, symposiums, etc. to keep abreast of the new materiel and
techniques available in this rapidly changing field. These training
experiences included attendance at the Annual Exposition of Advertising
Directions in New York; the Symposium on Geographic Information
Systems in Ottawa; a Symposium on Map Design in Kingston, Ontario;
the International Visual Communications Congress and the Engineering
Graphics Management Seminar in Los Angeles; an Orthophoto Workshop
sponsored by the Association of Charting, Surveying, and Mapping; a
USDA course in Cartographic Techniques and Map Reproduction, and
one on Dimensional Design; a mathematics course at Northern Virginia
Community College, and several Automatic Data Processing courses
or briefings. In a similar vein, consultation with cartographic experts
at the National Geographic Society on training and quality control proved
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Cartography Division receives everybody's crises and frequently
they arrive simultaneously. Thus, for instance, a crisis in Jordan
demanding the generation of current intelligence maps for the CIB,
the production of annotated city plans for the Clandestine Service, and
special briefing boards for the DCI may hit Cartography at the same
moment as priority developments in Indochina call for map support.
Simultaneously, the man from Haiti may have need for a specially
drawn map and, for him, his crisis is the, crisis. All of these demands
must be handled expeditiously and sympathetically. Although there
may be some grumbling over such doubling up of work priorities, most
cartographers seem to be firehorses who enjoy the smell of smoke.
A special effort was made over the past year to develop new, im-
proved techniques to expedite map production and meet crisis deadlines
without resorting to crisis-type management. For example, a 3-man
Cartography Task Force encompassing the necessary combination of
technical skills was created in support of a complex - operation. 25X1 C
This group was empowered to bypass any bureaucratic procedure which
might have delayed production.
Long-term efforts also were intensified to make every possible
use of ADP in both research and drafting stages of cartographic produc-
tion. This effort has involved becoming thoroughly familiar with the
state of computer capabilities, working with OCS and others to identify
or adapt equipment that would be useful in cartography, and developing
a Data Bank for our specific needs. Cartographers are enthusiastic
champions of .ADP, both for what they foresee can be accomplished and
for the computer assistance already received. Nevertheless, the
mechanical age of cartography is not yet upon us. During one month,
for instance, problems were encountered with the Diatype machine,
the DDS plotter, the Moffett Slot Punch machine, the Edwin digitizer,
the Bendix digitizer, and the IBM Selectric Composers.
The following quotation from a Cartography Division report is
illustrative of our attempt to update OBGI expertise:
"Two technical developments - ? utilization of Pelican pen
nibs on Rapidograph plotter points and replacing the .004"
cronaflex with 007" K&E Stabilene film - - have increased
the Automation Section's ability to provide quality drawings
for production jobs. Two recent maps for a COMIREX
Quarterly Report were updated entirely by use of the system,
including the drawing of abstract symbols."
Attached is a sampling of maps and other graphics produced this
past year by Cartography Division.
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Representative Cartography Division Maps and Other Graphics
1. Four maps on the Mediterranean Basin for an OBGI report.
2. Briefing boards for the White Houses one on Phnom Penh for
the Vice President's visit, one on the Suez Canal area, three on Mexico
for the President's trip, two on Laos and South Vietnam.
3, Fifteen graphics for an NIE.
4. Eight maps for the Indochina Operations Center to support their
daily situation report.
5. The crisis in Jordan generated numerous requests for briefing
boards and maps: 14 items for the DGI'a use at the NSC and the Wash-
ington Special Action Group; maps for four daily situation reports; a
town plan of Amman.
6. Various maps and graphics for the SALT meetings in Helsinki.
7. Six graphics for an OSR study on the Sins-Soviet border, done
for Dr. Kissinger.
8. A 30X40 map of Laos for the DCI's briefing of Senator Russell.
9. Four COMIREX base maps on China and four on the USSR were
underway. Compilation work on this series will be the framework for
the base map on the Sino-Soviet border to be used in an in-depth study
by OR.
11. A new Indochina Atlas was printed. This handsome, unusual
publication should prove to be extremely useful throughout the Community.
12. A map for the NIE on Emerging Black Nations of the Caribbean
elicited complimentary remarks by the DCI at a USIB meeting. It went
beyond the usual orientation map and summarized factors associated with
problems In the area.
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13. Support for the Department of State included a world map showing
straits affected by the 12-mile territorial Sea claim, internal civil divi-
sion and off-shore baseline maps, and a high-priority area computation
of the Gulf of Venezuela which is the site of a current boundary dispute.
14. Various NIS Summary Maps were completed.
16. An order-of-battle situation map, for a SAVA briefing of Dr.
Kissinger, was requested at 1630 and delivered at 2400, same day.
17. The last of 29 azimuthal equidistant maps was completed for the
Office of Communications.
18. A map was prepared showing ranges of possible Chicom Strategic
Missile Systems for a special ONE report for PFIAB. The project was
supported by a plotter-produced projection base.
19. In support of a DDS&T project: (a) OSA was provided a series
of plotted radar OB overlays for a theoretical mission plan. The request
involved the manipulation of OSI radar files to convert the data to a
graphic display and required 16 hours of computer time. (b) the last of
five digitized contour areas was finished and turned over to OSI to sup-
port their part in developing radar masking keys. The entire project
took more than a year to complete and required some 900 hours for
digitizing and processing.
20. Maps were designed to meet the special display needs of the
Operations Center's new closed-circuit TV program, The design,
derived from several tests, facilitates plotting on the transmitting end
without penalizing screen legibility.
21. During January 1971, a total of 105 briefing aids -- 65 new and
40 off the shelf -- were prepared for briefings of Congress by the DCI.
22. As a self-initiated project which should have wide use, Carto-
graphy Division prepared a--snap showing Africa's principal ethnolin-
guistic groups and several hundred tribal locations.
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tl U
25X1 C
25. A series of 19 special graphics were done for the NIPE Staff
to submit to the NIRB.
26. New Vugraphs were made for D/OSR for briefings at the Army
War College and the Fulbright Committee.
27. A completely new series of maps were designed on Soviet ICBM
complexes and have proved to be invaluable planning tools in COMIREX.
28. An enormous briefing package grossing over 80 items was
prepared for the President's principal economic advisor and was used a
number of times at decision-making levels.
29. Area computations were prepared for the Geographer, Depart-
ment of State, to support his contribution to the NSSM-.125 on U. S. Ocean
25X1 C
31. A map series on Cambodian provinces was initiated which will
resemble the widely used series completed on South Vietnam and China.
32. Briefing boards on narcotics were prepared for a Presidential
conference, for the DCI, and for the Director of the Bureau of Narcotics
and Dangerous Drugs.
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Editorial Division
In a variety of ways, this past year has not been one of business-
as-usual so far as the NIS is concerned. NIS contributors sent the
Editorial Division 301 manuscripts; publications comprised 27 General
Surveys, 124 detailed units, and two issues of the Basic Intelligence
Factbook. Although this is an impressive workload, it represents a
production cut of 28% from last year, due to manpower and budget re-
strictions. Of at least equal significance, however, has been the major
effort in Editorial Division to revamp both process and product. Super-
visory and desk-level personnel used a variety of imaginative approaches
to meet the challenges that grew out of the NIS Users' Survey -- and out
of management instructions - - to eliminate marginally useful topics, to
reorient and reformat substantive material tomnake it more meaningful
and applicable to today's problems, and to increase the use of ADP
equipment to lessen costs and expedite production. Progress also was
made in the attempt to reduce the time lag between initial writing and
eventual publication.
Some of the specific efforts made included the following:
a. Potential NIS users were informed of the NIS Program
and its purposes, the Quarterly Inventory of Available NIS Pub-
lications was given a new format, and techniques were introduced
to poll user reaction.
b. New Social Characteristics units were published which
integrated the previously separate sociological sections:
Population; Characteristics of the People; Religion, Education,
and Public Information; and Welfare.
c. Procedures were changed so that currently all NIS
publications are printed by computerized photo-composing and
the printer's throughput time was significantly reduced.. In a
different but related operation, a Xerox 2400 was acquired and
its use has reduced from 7 days to 1 the reproduction time, of
General Survey drafts prepared for NIS Committee review.
Also, Editorial Division personnel in search of production tech-
niques applicable to the NIS visited the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion, the Federal Reserve Board, and other offices employing
ADP equipment.
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d. Making maximum use of OBGI expertise, Geography
Division assisted Editorial Division in reviewing urban area
studies produced by DIA. The reviews revealed many out-of-
date and inaccurate entries on the maps and installations lists.
e. Layout and printing of the new single-city format for
Urban Areas is proceeding, as are the new single-sheet studies
for Ports and Naval Facilities. Also, the first of the new
series of unclassified NIS Factbooks was disseminated in June
and was an instant success.
f. OSR now reviews NIS material on the Chicom and USSR
Armed Forces as part of a new reviewing process which that
Office has undertaken to help assure currency and consistency
between CIA and DIA publications.
g. Efforts to make the NIS oceanography products more
useful to nonmilitary users have resulted in the addition of
coverage on water pollution, food from the sea, and mineral
and petroleum resources. Similarly, broader dissemination
of the NIS material on weather and climate was under discussion.
h. Phaseout of the contractually produced NIS units entailed
the discontinuance of all detailed economic coverage except on
the major industrialized countries.
I. In response to a number of questions about the future
mission and shape of the NIS, various studies were undertaken
on the merits of continuing or eliminating certain publications,
and on possible alternatives to the present format, organization"
and production responsibilities. As one result, the General
Survey was re-styled and rearranged in order to be useful to a
broader spectrum of readers. In this new approach -- which
has been well received -- a general cultural geographic analysis
replaced the military-operational emphasis, with the military
geography being moved into an NIS section concerned with mili-
tary matters. These steps are clearly just the first of various
experimental approaches needed to adjust the NIS to changing
requirements and applications.
j. An OBGI team is examining a Printing Services Division
recommendation that a new computerized correction/edit system
called "Astrotype" be installed in ED/BGI. This system report-
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edly points to financial savings in OCS and PSD, and increased
speed of type correction operations in ED.
k. Stress has been placed on upgrading the quality and
relevancy of the photos used in NIS publications, but shortage
of personnel in the CRS Photo Library has impeded progress.
Despite the institution of new time-cutting procedures and the use of
ADP equipment wherever feasible, NIS production still, suffers delays.
We recognize that, in most offices, work on the NIS rates near the bottom
of the priority ladder. Thus specialists work on current intelligence, or,
overseas, on more urgent embassy business rather than either writing
or reviewing NIS drafts. We accept the fact that local developments --- a
White House query in Headquarters or a coup in Bolivia -- will continue
to have precedence over the review of an NIS draft, but we expect that
recent attempts to establish a freer and more frequent liaison between
desk analyst and NIS editor will improve the situation. In the same vein,
discussions have been underway to allow the writers more flexibility in
their interpretation of the basic subject outline, again in hope of expediting
production and making the and product more germane to particular intelli-
gence problems.
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Geography Division
During the past year, the Geography Division produced a potpourri
of studies, memoranda, briefings, lectures, commentaries, minutely
detailed maps, and other research and analytical products for an equally
varied reading and listening clientele. With some notable exceptions,
the subjects and the treatment placed heavy emphasis on the production
of carefully researched, authoritative, all-source maps of the Soviet
Union, Poland, and Communist China, and the preparation of area studies.
The latter varied in content, in some cases being concerned primarily
with terrain and climate, in others with population, and in still others
with the interplay of many aspects of both physical and cultural environ-
ments. In addition to this core of rather traditional geographic studies,
the geographers dealt with topics as diverse as Soviet attitudes toward
the Antarctic and opium traffic in the Far East.
Geography Division undertook research and produced reports and
maps this past year largely in response to requests for support received
from outside OBGL Self-initiated work received secondary priority
because the limited size of the staff, and consequent sparse manpower-
per-country spread, rarely permitted an individual the time to initiate
projects for which there was no specific statement of interest. Frequently,
perhaps typically, the end result of extensive research and analysis was
the production of a study of very limited dissemination. This circum-
stance was particularly true for work done for DDS&T, OSR, and Clandestine
Service offices in their respective intelligence collection efforts.
Major research attention over the past year was paid to China and
the USSR, with Southeast Asia also receiving heavy emphasis; following
in no particular pattern was Latin America, the Near and Middle East,
and Africa. Relatively few manhours were expended on either Western
or Eastern Europe.
Because the Geography Division research support activity is so kaleido-
scopic -- in substantive content, geographic focus, and clientele -- specific
examples of the kinds of work accomplished over the past year, presented
on the following pages, should be more meaningful than further generaliza-
tions. Clearly, heterogeneity is the pattern.
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Selected Examples of Geographic Research and Analytical Su ort
1. Approximately 170 sheets of the joint CIA-DoD Intelligence Map-
ping Program were completed. Research for these maps of priority areas
in the USSR, Poland, and China entailed exhaustive examination of all
pertinent sources, including codeword intelligence material and open liter.
ature. With the production of each map, the Community for the first time
had an authoritative presentation of both terrain and such manmade features
as roads, railroads, airports, military and economic facilities (fully
annotated), and populated sites. In addition to the map sheet, a Note form
has been devised to salvage data which cannot be depicted on the map. (A
special inspection of the IMP Program was made in June at the request of
the OPPB. It was found to be fulfilling a useful purpose and to be well
managed. Also, initial returns of an IMP Users' Survey indicated that of
the 52 replies received (representing some 500 Individuals), 98 percent
considered the program useful or better.)
2. Four studies on opium production and traffic in Latin America,
South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Near East were prepared, for a White
House Task Force, Reports on drug traffic also were transmitted to the
Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
3. A memorandum analyzing a Soviet plan to develop Amur River
islands formed a substantial input to a Current Intelligence Bulletin item
and a State INR report.
4. Numerous memoranda were written and briefings given on Soviet
activities and probable objectives in Antarctica and the Artic in support
of the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs, the
National Security Council's Interagency Study Group on U. S. Arctic
Policy, the U. S. Geological Survey, and ACDAt s Antarctic Inspection Team.
5. Coastal or oceanographic data were furnished ORD, OSR, several
offices in DDP and others on a variety of water bodies. White Sea, Black
Sea, Baltic Sea, Sea of Japan; and on navigability, seasonal regimes, etc.
of inland waterways in Canada, Southeast Asia, the USSR, and elsewhere.
6. DDP-was provided substantive data and expert commen-
tary on Soviet corrective labor camps. A definitive paper on this subject,
based on intensive research of Soviet sources, will soon be published.
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25X1 C
8. Estimates of population within each 10 grid rectangle, pole-to-
pole from 10?E to 50?E, for 1970, 1975, and 1980 were prepared in
support of an OSP/DDS&T project.
9. OSR was briefed on the military geography of the Shuang?ch'eng-tzu
area with particular emphasis on the trafficability of possible approaches
from Mongolia and flanking routes that bypass the numerous mounded strong-
points north of the test range.
10. An OBGI-OSI assessment of Soviet geodetic and gravimetric capa-
bilities was published in the SID and later reprinted in DIA's Trends and
Developments in Foreign Technology. In a somewhat related vein, OBGI
also fulfilled a DIA request for information on Soviet management of sur-
veying and mapping which was needed by DIA for a review of a proposal
for the unification of DoD mapping organizations.
11. Some 50 lectures were presented, by various geographers, to
ICAF, FSI, AID, DIA, OTR, and the Vietnam Operations Course. The
lectures covered the geography of SEA, of Vietnam, of China, and special-
ized subjects such as Chinese energy resources.
25X1 C
As part of a continuing program, recommendations on Soviet-
proposed scientific exchanges were made to the Secretariat of the Inter-
agency Intelligence Advisory Group of Exchanges. The Soviets, under
various guises, have attempted to send observers into those parts of the
United States where there are sites of strategic interest. In one instance,
they proposed a visit of soil scientists to a Minuteman complex area.
In the space field, OBGI comments on proposed NASA/USSR Academy of
Science discussions favored cooperation in the study of the natural environ-
ment but noted that Soviet concepts of air and space law may inhibit such
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14. Contributions on the physical geography and transportation of
Venezuela were submitted for a Where
feasible, attention was focused on those topics particularly ger ne to
paramilitary problems, such as terrain and climatic conditions favorable
or unfavorable to air operations and to cross-country ground movement.
alternate suggestions made. The input of hard geographic facts at this
early planning phase was, according to FMSAC and _, most helpful
Technical advice was given to FMSAC and on the 25X1A
25X1 C
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25X1 C
Physical limitations and political implications of the
various collection techniques under consideration were evaluated and
and appreciated.
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25X1 C
16. A basic study on East Pakistan was written and disseminated to
U. S. organizations as an aid in understanding the problems involved in
reconstructing the recent storm-damaged areas and in planning long-term
development programs. Later, additional analytical reports on Pakistan
were prepared to help clarify the situation there in the midst of the
massive refugee movement and violent political turmoil.
20. As background for their collection activities, DCS was briefed on
the worldwide narcotics trade and, at their request, 52 copies of OBGI
opium studies were distributed to DCS stations.
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22. A memorandum discussing ecological fact and fiction associated
with the Aswan Dam was disseminated to the Intelligence Community.
On request, an advance copy was sent to Mr. Hoskinson at the Executive
Office Building and a summary of the paper was passed to Congressman
Mahon, Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations. The memo
25X1 C
23. In support of both ONE and OSR, a memorandum was prepared
tin Movement of Forces in the Siberian
on Geo ra h c Factors Aff
Military District. This short-deadline paper was prepared in a format
which materially decreased the time required for preparation. This
format may be used in the future for items requiring quick or limited
24. Work with NASA included presentation to that organization of
information on the Soviet overt and covert geodetic satellite activities,
recommendations (which were accepted) that NASA release geodetic data
on a restricted basis, and comments on NASA security considerations.
25. The incidence of insurgent activities in Ceylon and the geographic
factors affecting the insurgency were analyzed in a short-deadline paper.
26. Several succinct geography sections were written for the revamped
NIS General Survey. This work supplemented DIA's military geography
contributions and is a further effort to enhance the utility and readability
of the NIS,
27. One geographer was appointed a member of the Interagency Task
Force on Weather Modification and drafted a paper on this subject for the
Under Secretaries Committee. Another geographer was selected by the
DCI as senior Agency representative on the U. S. Ocean Policy Committee.
2$. Studies of population movement in foreign areas were undertaken
in support of OSI's epidemiological studies.
:9. A major report on rival territorial claims and prospective off-
shore oil deposits in the Senkaku Islands area was prepared. It was
jointly disseminated with an ONE Memorandum on this topic to the White
House and other high-level customers.
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30. An extensive report was written on Ethiopia's physical and
cultural environment and the difficulties this complex environment
places in the way of establishing a coherent nation. These differences
may well play an especially important role in a post-Selassie Ethiopia.
32. Memoranda estimating flow rates for two Szechwan rivers were
transmitted to an OSI requester.
33. Information was supplied the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) on Clipperton Island and advised, after consulta-
tion with OSI, on the intelligence need (or lack thereof) for a weather
station there.
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Map Library Division
The Map Library acquired some 89, 000 map sheets during the past
year, and through other accomplishments fulfilled its basic mission of
locating, procuring, processing, and disseminating maps, charts, and
atlases. Emphasis was placed on making the collection more responsive
to the Agency's current and anticipated needs rather than collecting
merely to swell the volume.
Over the years, work in the Map Library has become highly routinized.
This is not a lackluster operation, however; the staff is an enthusiastic one.
There are, to be sure, some symptoms of cabin fever caused by the remote-
25X1A ness of but this is remarkably compen-
sated for by the "togetherness" engendered by this same isolation. There
is, in fact, a certain healthy element of "us exiles against the world" that
would not be present if the Map Library were located in the midst of its
customers. This not to say that such isolation is recommended -- there
are major disadvantages in the distant location, which handicaps keeping
in touch with intelligence trends and the specific needs of the map users.
The map librarians take pride in the diverse means they have devised
to collect, process, and make maps available to their clients. For in-
stance, during this year, some 670, 000 maps, charts, etc., were dissemi-
nated from the various Map Library outlets in response to 29, 000 requests,
a slight decrease in both categories in comparison with the past several
25X1 A years. The Main Library accounted for 594, 000 of the items
distributed, Headquarters for 41, 000, and the small facilities in the
25X1 A and in the Magazine Building for 26, 000 and 9, 000,
respect ve y.
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? 25X1
collected maps in support of their interests abroad. Map Library desk
officers attempt to keep abreast of such foreign commercial activities,
but relatively few maps have been procured from this source in recent years.
Considerable progress was made, with the cooperation of CRS, in
computerizing map index cards as part of our Map Data System. The goal
is to have information about most of our maps -- the recent ones -- avail-
able through machine recall. When completed, this reference aid will be
useful both to the intelligence analyst interested in selecting the best avail-
able map and to our map procurement officers who are analyzing our
collection for gaps in coverage.
Augmenting the mapping agreements and
efforts are MLD requests made via DCS on
which may have produced or
The Map Library distributed an average of 55, 000 maps monthly over
the past year. About 20, 000 of these went to offices within the Agency,
the remainder being distributed throughout the community with the bulk to
DoD. Map requests of more than routine interest included those received
from the White House in support of the President's trip to Mexico and
Europe, and the Vice President's trips to the Far East. In addition, maps
25X6 of the area and of Indochina were sent to the White House
Situation Room; ten copies of all unclassified page-size maps (4, 000 sheet
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to the National War College; 16, 000 CIA-produced maps to Fort Leaven-
worth; large briefing maps of the Near East to the Secretary of State for
his use in a Senate briefing; 4, 000 sheets 25X1 A
and numerous sheets to Defense and Agency officials
at the Helsinki SALT talks.
Particularly worthwhile maps procured included the following:
1 new ew Survey of India topographic maps; 41 of the sheets were
new coverage, the remainder were newer editions than previously
held. Also, a 1970 All-India Census Atlas.
179 official land-use maps.
A tectonic /geological map.
A Russian Economic Geography of Cuba, 1970; National Atlas of
Cuba (printed in the USSR in Russian and Spanish).
Border atlas,
South Africa:
City plans, including main naval base, road maps, and a map of
high-voltage transmission lines.
Geological map.
Ethiopia -Kenya:
Official boundary series.
Plans of 47 towns (1969).
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A 16-sheet map; 587 topographical maps.
New official city plan of Buenos Aires.
New official charts showing 200-mile territorial claims.
Environmental data atlas.
1970 telecommunications and roads.
Dominican Republic:
City plans.
Congo (Kinshasa):
Topographic sheets; 25X6
223 new city and municipality plans.
220 town plans.
Cyprus i
Telephone network.
25X1 C
National Inventory of Roads.
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New city plans for 10 cities.
New Soviet hydrographic charts; transport maps of Leningrad and
Index to villages and settlements.
Hydrographic charts of the Adriatic.
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