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Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 SECRET .1. Intelligence Projects Reported to CIA by the Department of State During December 1950 and January 1951 Proposed Project Date Dissemination Subject Initiated 0IR 5104 Comparison of Eastern and 16 Nov 50 Not stated Secret Western Productive Capa- bilities for Peace and -Var OIR 5353 The Police of the Republic 12 Sep 50 Indefinite Secret of Korea OIR 5375A Japanese Public Attitude on 19 Jan 51 19 Jan 51 Secret the Rearmament of Japan Sept 1950 - Jan 1951 OIR 5417 The Organization of German 27 INIov 50 1 Dee 50 Restricted Broadcasting Before 1933 OIR 5418 Institute of industrial 28 Nov 50 Indefinite Restricted Development of Colombia 15 Dee 50 Restricted OIR 5420 World Supply and Consumption 21 Nov 50 Indefinite Restricted of Hides and Skins and Leather OIR 5421 World Distribution of .Iron and 22 Nov 50 Indefinite Restricted Steel O I'R 5422 OIR 5423 Student Communist Activities 30 Nov 50 8 Dec 50 Confidential in the Japanese Universities SECRET *Army/State/Navy/USAF Declass/Release Instructions On File* Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 I. Department of State (Continued) Proposed Date Disseminat ion Project Date ct b S Initiated Number je u OIR 5424 The Pattern and Composition 4 Dec 50 of Yugoslav Foreign Trade IR 5425 Inflationary pressures in 1 Dec 50 Scandinavia OIR 5428 Election Trends in France 3 Jan 51 3 On 51 Not stated Based on an Analysis of 97 By-elections (Apr 49 to No7 50) OIR 5431 Nature and Trends of South 19 Dec 50 Indefinite Secret African Expansionism OIR 5432 Apartheid Policy in South 19 Dec 50 Indefinite Secret Africa End the Development of Native Reserves OIR 5433 Current Political Situation 19 Dec 50 15 Feb 51 Confidential in Trinidad OR 5435 Fleets and Trc.ffic on the 27 Dec 50 15 on 51 Restricted Upper Danube OIR 5440 The Osorio Administration in 4 Jan 51 Indefinite Confidential El Salvador OIR5441 The World Federation of 5 Jan 51 Indefinite Confidential Scientific Workers OIR 5443 Potentialities for 8 Jan 51 Indefinite C onf ide nt is l Achieving Power SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 SECREW 'I. Department of State (Continued) Sub j ec t Date Initiated Proposed Dissemination Date Soviet Takings from Eastern Germany 4 Jan 51 Indefinite Chinese Communist Intentions in South China 13. Dee 50 15 Jan 51 Secret Korean Crisis Dominates Fifth General Assembly 24 Jan 51 Not stated Confidential USSR Approaches to Arab States and Israel, Jun 50 - Jan 51 11 Dec 50 Indefinite Confidential Check List of Senior Soviet Representatives Abroad 15 Dee 50 20 Dec 50 Confidential Members of Polish Missions Abroad 30 Nov 50 8 Dec 50 Restricted 13 Dec 50 15 Jan 51 Restricted Members of USSR Missions Abroad 13 Dec 50 15 J,-n 51 Restricted vtho t s 'ldho in the Po lih Republic 13 Dec 50 Indefinite Point Four -- A Selected Bibliography on Materials on Technical Cooperation with Foreign Countries 2 8 Nov 50 Unclassified Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 'I. Department of State (Continued) Project Number Subject Date Initiated Proposed Dissemination Date Point Four Latin America 4 Dec 50 and European Dependencies in the western Hemisphere Roberto Castillo, Appointed 29 Nov 50 Nov 50, Ambassador from El Salvador to Nicaragua Angel Humberto Calderon, 2 9 Nov 50 Appointed Oct 50, Ambassador from El Salvador to Costa Rica U Myint Theirs, Burmese 30 Nov 50 Ambassador to Chinese Co munist Regime Dr. MuHammad Badawi CHIATI 29 Nov 50 Bey, Egyptian Minister to Indonesia, Appointed Nov 50 Alessandro Idarieni, Newly 6 Dec 50 Appointed Italian First Secretary in Buenos Aires Luca Pietromarchi, Italian 7 Dec 50 Ambassador to Turkey MUSTAFA_ uJSRAT Bey, Minister 7 Dec 50 of War and Marine, Government of Egypt *Completed as of date indicated 1 Dec'50 4 Dec 50 4 Dec 50 5 Dec 50 1 Dec 50 11 Dec 50 12 Dec 50 12 Dec 50 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Classification Unclassified Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Secret Unclassified Secret Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 I. Department of State (Continued) Project Number Subject The Office of the Coordinator for the Billeting of Occupa- tion Troops, Federal. Republic of Germany NNG XI'.NY, Cambodian ;-mister to the Uihnited States Francisco De Arce y Pilon, Appointed Cuban Minister to Haiti, 5 Sep 50 YUKI SHThD JI, Chief of Japanese Commercial agency -t Stockholm, Sweden Chiefs of Delegation to Discuss German integration into stern Defense System Biographic Information Report on Spyros C. Capetanides, Minis- ter to Belgrade Biuseppe Burzio, i3ev ly Appointed Papal hncio to Cuba Lic. Antonio Nauera Cabrera, Guatemalan Political Exile in Mexico City Dote Lnitiated Proposed Dissemination Date 18 Dec 50- 7 Dec 5O 13 Dec 50 Confidential 11 Dec 50 15 Dec 50* Confidential 18 Dec 50 26 Dec 50* Restricted 29 Dec 50 5 Jan 51* Secret 11 Dec 50 9 Jan 51 * Confidential 3 Jan 51 10 Jan 51* 27 Dec 50 9 Jan 51* *Completed as of date indicated Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 I. Department of State (Continued) Project Number Subject Proposed Dissemination D t C e a lassification BIR 129 Dr. nbdul :otaleb ,t lik 10 Jan 51 15 Jan 51 Confidential SIR 130 Nabil tAB3 S ff I 18 Jan 51 24 Jan 51* Secret BIR 131 Hisato Iehinada, Governor 17 Jan 51 19 Jan 51* Restricted BIR 132 of the Bank of Japan Pabio De Silva, Paraguayan 18 Jan 51 26 Jan 51* Confidential BAR 500 l mbassador to Brazil Kenneth De Courcy and the 3 Dec 50 10 Jan 51* Conf idential BS 10 Intelligence Digest Biographic Sketches of the 2 7 Nov 50 30 Nov 50 Secret Officials of tho Government of the German 1moeratic Republic, 4ppointed Nov 50 Sketches on Emil hitSEL, Czech moister to North Korea and on Arttc;n.n 1 f SE , Newly 1ppointed Czech Consul General in Mukden Reorganization of the Venezuelan Executive, 27 Nov 50 S 23 Members of the Japanese Agri- 11 Jan 51 cultvrn l Mission to the US, Jan Iir 51 Rusayrr Shawki Bey *Completed as of date indicated Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 I. Department of State (Continued) Project Number Subject Date Initiated Proposed Dissemination Date Fifteen Important Adherents 11 Dec 50 of the Coribbeon Legion BS 25 Anton Grasser, Inspector- 4 Jan 51 General of Police, Federal Republic of Germany, Appointed Nov 50 BS: 30 1 ximos IV Sayigh 18 Jan 51 25 Jan 51* Restricted BS32 Members of the Japanese Legis- 22 Jan 51 29 Jan 51 Restricted lative Services Mission to the US, Jan - Mar 51 C3 5.4 Four Power European Conference: 11 Jan 51 16 Jan 51 Restricted Reactions in West-ern Europe and f the Soviet Bloc . CS 5,4 S1 Four Power European Conference: 16 Jan 51 23 Jan 51 Restricted Reactions in Yestern Europe and the Soviet Bloc CS 5.5 Physical Accessibility to Psychological - arfare 5 Dec 50 1 r 51 Restricted CS 5.6 Survey of Western European Opinion on th:, __tom Bomb as an Immoral Weapon 23 Jan 51 2 Feb 51 Restricted ME-IP-94 Apparent Scarcity of Male Workers in the Soviet Country- side 29 Nov 50 Indefinite Restricted *CoAnlet~ d s of date ir(linat; d Approved For Release 2002/05/01 CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 1. Department of State (Continued) Project Number Date Subject Initiated List of the Latest Bilateral 9 Nov. 5O Trade Agreements Between the Soviet Sphere and Western Europe Postwar Treaties and Agreements 13 Nov 50 between Albania and the Soviet Orbit Proposed Dissemination Da't e Appfrent Changes in Soviet Posi- 29 Nov 50 tion on Atomic Eder r Bibliography on East-rdest Trade 20 Dec 50 DRF-IP-317R Soviet Cultural Influence in 6 Dec 50 ]IiF-IP-382 North Korea Review by rican ;fissions of 22 Nov 50 6 Dec 50 Secret LRF-IP-383 Assumptions Affecting US Aid Policy in Asia Education in South Korea 16 Nov 50 16 Nov 50 Confidential DRF- IP-3 85 Before, During and After the Invasion Comment on Chinese Charges of 28 Nov 50 28 Nov 50* Restricted DRF- IP-3 87 US Economic Aggression in Taiwan US Aid to the Philippines 16 Jan 51 19 Jan 51 Unclassified since VJ-Day *Completed as or date indicated SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Date Subject Initiated. 1. Department of State (Continued) Project Number DRF- IP-3 90 DRF-IP -3 91 LRF-IP-392 DRF IP-393 DRl'-IP-394 Chinese Communist Petroleum 14 Dec 50 Position, 1949-50 Initial Far Eastern Reactions to President Truman's Dec 15 Speech Population, Industries, and Geographic Setting of Certain Lban Settlements in Korea Summary of Or Eastern Reactions 8 Jan 51 to Point Four and ECA Programs Initial Far Eastern Reactions to Speeches by Herbert Hoover (Dec 20) and john Foster Dulles (Dec 29) Principal Features of the North 8 On 51 Korean Propaganda Campaign Launched on New Year's, 1951 Land Reform Laws in North and Nov 50 South Korea Iranian and Soviet Comments 28 Nov 50 about the Recent Trade Agree- ment Between Iran and the USSR Proposed Dissemination Late 7Dee50 Classification Secret Secret Restricted Unclassified Restricted Restricted Restricted SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 I. Department of State (Continued) Proposed Project Date Dissemination Number Subject Initiated Date Classification DRN-IP-260 Military Expenditures of 23 Jan 51 24 Jan 51 Not stated Greece, Turkey, and Iran DRN-IP-261 it .jor Pilgrimage Centers 22 On 51 2 Feb 51 Restricted in the Near East and South Asia DRS-IP-4 Survey of the Latest Trade 5 Jan 51 23 Jan 51 Confidential Agreement Between the Soviet Sphere and the Rest of the World DRS-IP-6 Distribution System of 22 Jan 51 24 Jan 51 Restricted Yugoslavia DRW-IP-CER-70 Tactics and Politics of the 3 Jan 51 8 Jan 51 Confidential Forthcoming Austrian Presi- dential Election 1 i-IP-NEER-36 Trade Between Western European 29 Dec 50 5 Jan 51 Unclassified Countries and the European Soviet Bloc, Compered with Total Trade, 1949 and First Half 1950 Di;.OIP-M?us ;ti-3 i Western Europe's Strategic 29 Dec 50 5 Jan 51 Unclassified Exports to and Essential Imports from the European Soviet Bloc DRA-IP-WEER-38 Availability of East-West Trade 29 Dec 50 5 Jan 51 Unclassified Statistics SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 I.. Department of State (Continued) Proposed Dissemination Number Subject Initiated Date DRW-.IP-WEER-39 Exports from Germany,. Ito._ly, 2 Jan 51 UK and Sweden of Commodities Subject to Tripartite Agree- ment for Quantitative Control, Apr thru Sep 50 DRif-IP-VVEER-41 Economic Data on Western 22 Jan 51 Indefinite Unclassified Germany IFI-IP-91.1 Alleged Dutch Interference 9 Jan 51 17 Jan 51 Restricted with Freedom of Rhine Navi a- tion (Recent Developments m X36 Effect on the UK of Cessation 10 Nov 50 22 Nov 50* Confidential of Coarse Grain and Timber Exports from the Soviet Bloc IM 337 Prospects of the Communist 30 Nov 50 8Dec50 Secret Labor Unity Movement in France IM 338 Results of the Warsaw Peace 13 Dec 50 13 Dec 50 Restricted Conference IM 341 Potentials for Anti-Communist 22 Jan 51 22 Jan 51 Secret Guerrilla Activity in Korea SAN 117 The Process of Russifying 24 Nov 50 Indefinite Restricted Ruinia SAN 12 3 The Soviet Worker's Standard 29 Nov 50 indefinite Restricted 5000.104 of Living .*Completed as of date indicated SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 -II. Intelligence Projects Reported to CIA by the Department of the Army During December 1950 and January 1951 Project Number Subject Dste Initiated Proposed Dissemination Date Comprehensive Study on Middle 10 Nov 50 29 Dcc 50 Unknown East Oil (See Top Secret Supplement) Soviet Airborne Capabilities 14 Nov 50 8 Dec 50 Unknown 1951 Soviet Capabilities for Chemi- 15 Nov 50 Unknown Unlm,own cal warfare Estimates of Soviet Capabilities 28 Nov 50 30 Mar 51 Unknown to Invade Selected Areas Ideological Orientation and 28 Nov 50 5 Jan 51 Unknown Educational Programs in the Armed Forces of the USSR 6115 Soviet Stockpiles of Combat 28 Nov 50 22 Dec 50 Unknown Supplies 6127 Tactical Air Support of Soviet 29 Nov 50 15 Dec 50 Unknown Army Units 6135 Estimate of Possible Soviet and 4 Dec 50 Unknown Unknown Satellite Actions Which M-ght Reauire the Commitment of US Military Resources Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 SECRET II. Department of the Army (Ctntinued ) Project Date Proposed Dissemination Number Subject Initiated Date Capability of British Forces 11 Dec 50 21 Dec 50* of Holding Hong Kong in Event of Attack by CCF Estimate of Soviet Amphibious Capabilities in the Far East, 1951 Unknown Effect of a Communist Victory 19 Dec 50 5 Jan 51 in Korea on Japan and the US Occupation Revision of "Bulgarian Capa- 26 Dec 50 19 JEn 51 6182 bilities to invade Greece" (Project 5893) USSR Electron Tube Capabilities 2 Jan 51 Unknown 6183 Analysis of the Nantes-Caen 3 Jan 51 Undetermined Line as a General Line of Defense Ana lys is of the Garonne River 3 Jan 51 Lino as a Defenseine.Aoainst soviet Undetermined Attack from the North and East Capabilities of the Spanish to Defend the Line of the Pyrenees 5 Jan 51 Undetermined *Completed as of date indicated SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/Of"'_lA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 II. Department of the Army (Continued) Proposed Project Date Dissemination Number Subject Initiated Date Classification 6189 British Capabilities to 5 Jan 51 23 Jan 51* Top Secret Defend the UK Against Air- borne and Seaborne Attacks Economic Soundness of Soviet Seizure of lNCstarn Europe Estimate of the Scale and Nature Undetermined Unknown of the Immediate Threat to the Security of the US Primary Conclusion of Battle 24 Jan 51 Undetermined Confidential Experience at Unsan Pre-Inchon North Korean Army 26 Jan 51 Undetermined Unknown *Completed as of date indicated Approved For Release 2002/05/01 S"tC kDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 III. Intelligence Projects Reported to CIL by the Department of the Navy During the Months of December 1950 and Jcnu? ry 1951 Project Number Subject The German Nerve Gases Russian IIrchant Fleet - Age - Tonnage analysis Date Initiated Proposed Dissemination Date 51-84 1 Sep 50 Poisons of Plant and Animal Jun 50 Origin Ceylon Intelligence Brief 1 Aug 50 Uranium Mining in the USSR I Nov 50 and Satellites Oil Shale Mining in the USSR 1 Nov 50 and Satellites Indonesian Relations with the Netherlands Military Miss ion USSR Underwater Ordnance - Mines- R Type lA Duties of Intelligence Officer on Board Argentine Warship *Completed as of date indicated 22 Jan 51* 30 Nov 50* 1 Nov 50* Indefinite Indefinite 20 Dec 50* Dec 50* 2.7 Nov 50* Classificat ion Secret Confidential Top Secret Secret Secret Confidential Confidential Secret Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP79-01157A000100040020-1 SECRET 1V. Intelligence Projects Reported to CIA by the Department of the Air Force During the Months of December 1950 and January 1951 Project Number Subject 461/1-50 Al (DI/ USAF - ONI) Study Dec 50 10 Jan 5Q 134/3, "Characteristics and Performance Handbook - USSR Aircraft" 1444-50 Development of a New Method for Assessing Defensive Air Capabilities 1519-50 15861-50 4 1633-50 1864-50 1983/1-50 Study of the Development of the Chinese Communist Air Force Investigation of the Probable Use of .IF' Equipment by the USSR to Penetrate U. S. Defenses The Feasibility of Soviet Use of V-2 or G-2 Missiles against Air Installations (See Tep,Secret Supplement) Date Initiated Proposed Dissemination Date 15 Nov 50 6 Nov 50* 8Nov50* 2 Nov 50* Air Intelligence Memo No. 2 Dec 50 15 Dec 50* "Some Considerations on the Far East Situe ti on" 2076-50 Production and Performance of Dec 50 28 Dec 50* ? Russian Interceptor Classification Confidential Confidential Secret Secret *Com feted as of date ndicApp oved For Release 2002/05/0f & RDP79-01157A000100040020-1