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Publication Date: 
August 19, 1977
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-01194A000100260001-7.pdf167.24 KB
25X1C10b Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100260001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100260001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100260001-7 August 1977 - March 1978 August 31 September 1 September 2-10 September 9 September 10 September 19-24 September 20 - December 17 September 21-23 September 26 - October 3 Late September - October October 4 - December 22 Rhodesia General election in Rhodesia; called by Prime Minister Ian Smith who dissolved Parliament on 18 July in a gamble to get a mandate at the polls for an independent settlement of the Rhodesian problem based on sharing power with moderate black nationalists. Cyprus The United States and Cuba will establish interest sections in respective countries as a first step toward restoring diplomatic relations. The Socialist International will send a mission to Southern Africa, led by Olaf Palme, will visit Tanzania Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and Angola. First anniversary of the death of Mao Tse-tung. The conclusion of the Eleventh Party Congress could fore- shadow the Fifth National People's Congress. Presidential elections will determine interim successor to Archbishop Makarios. The winner will serve out Makarios' term, ending February 1978. Parties have agreed to bury their differences for the time being and are expected to back unanimously Acting President Spyros Kyprianou. World Energy Conference, Tenth. This year's theme is "Availability and Rational Sources of Energy Resources." United Nations UN General Assembly, 32nd Session. Human rights, New York South Africa, Rhodesia, disarmament, the North-South dialogue are some of the issues likely to be on the agenda. Vienna US/USSR Belgrade Regional Narcotics Conference. International Atomic Energy Agency, General Conference, 21st Session. Second round of bilateral talks on the Indian Ocean. First round was held in Moscow. The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe will concern itself with a full review of the accomplishments of the two years since the Helsinki Declarations. It is generally agreed that the West, not the Soviets, as had been widely feared, has gained significant consessions in CSCE. Approved For Relea 9-01194A000100260001-7 Approved For Rele s O-OM79-01194AO001 October 5-10 Lusaka Organization of African Unity Summit to discuss the situation in the Western Sahara. The OAU will turn its attention to the dispute between Algeria and Morocco and the problems involving the Polisario Front which is engaging Moroccan and Mauritanian troops. NOTE: Following the OAU Summit, the OAU Libya- Chad mediation committee will deliberate on the dispute. Experts committee of jurists and cartographers will attempt to verify exact boundary between Libya and Chad and to determine the legal status of the 1935 Laval/Mussolini agree- ment. The disputed. area is the Aouzou Strip. October Argentina Conference on Drug Abuse. This will be a continent wide seminar sponsored by the Argentine government to coordinate efforts to eliminate drug abuse and related social and economic problems. UNESCO will sponsor a similar meeting of ten South Asian countries in November or December. October USSR The Supreme Soviet will convene to adopt the new constitution. Confirming a fact of Soviet life, the new constitution gives much greater emphasis to the role of the Party and, like the old constitution, reiterates all the theoretical rights such as freedom of conscience, freedom of the press, etc. Brezhnev sees the new constitution undoubtedly as a monument to himself and a great political event as fitting for the November celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the revolution. October 27-30 Yugoslavia Non-Aligned Broadcasting Conference. This conference is an outgrowth of the Non-aligned Conference held in Colombo last year and a corollary to the efforts of the non-aligned to set up a third world news agency. According to the Yugoslavs, the discussions will center on methods of exchange of radio/TV news, organization of cooperative news exchanges among non- aligned and financing of such exchanges. The radical non-aligned see Western news media as monopolistic and biased and with the help of the Soviets, attempted last year to get censorship measures passed at a UNESCO meeting. November 20 Spain The second anniversary of Franco's death may bear watching. Although Spain's progress toward a Western- style democracy continues to be steady, Franco's memory still stirs violent emotions in both the extreme right and the extreme left. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 CIA-RDP79-01194A000100260001-7 Approved For Release 1 9 9-01194A000100260001-7 November Rome Human Rights. "Sakharov Committee" hearing to investigate violations of the Helsinki Accords. According to Danish press reports the Chairman of the committee, Ojvind Andersen, announced that Sakharov has accepted the use of his name for this new hearing which will concentrate on conditions in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the German Democratic Republic. The hearing will be presided over by a body of international writers, journalists and politicians. March 1978 France French legislative elections. The Socialist and Communist parties are making their most serious bid to gain control of the government through their "common program," a platform the two parties adopted in 1972, and now the subject of talks to update it for the 1978 elections. A summit meeting between Mitterand and Marchais and Left Radical leaders is planned for September when the trio will try to iron out their differences on defense policy and national- ization of industry. March 1978 Geneva Law of the Sea. The next session of the four-year old conference will be attended by representatives of some 157 countries. 28 August - Honolulu The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) 2 September will hold its sixth congress in Hawaii. The subject of Soviet psychiatric abuse of dissidents is expected to come up. It remains unknown how firmly members of the WPA will press this issue. At the 1971 conference the Soviet delegation trheatened to stage a walk-out if this question was raised. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100260001-7