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Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6 25X1C3b1 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6 Full text of Amnesty Resolution (New York Times, 13 November): CPYRGHT U.S. Draft On Amnesty Spa i to The New York Mau UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Nov. 12?Following is the text of a draft resolution on amnesty far political prison- ers, as introduced in the Gen- eral Assembly today by the United States: THE GENERAL, ASSEMBLY, NOTING with satisfaction that, in spite of continuing denial of the right of self-de- termination in certain areas, great progress has ' been achieved towards eliminating colonialism and ?inuring the right of self-determination for peoples everywhere, BELIEVING that the lessen- ing of international tensions makes even more promising renewed efforts to assist peo- ple to exercise their human rights, DEEPLY DISTURBED that there are frequent reports that many persons, including mem- bers of national parliaments, writers and publishers, per- sons who have sought through peaceful means to express views at' variance with those held by their governments or to oppose racial dizcrimina- ton, and persons who have sought to provide legal as- =ranee to persons m tne disfavor of their governments, are detained or imprisoned, and in many cases have been subjected to torture, arbitrary arrest and detention, and un- fair or secret trials in viola- tion of rights guaranteed by the Universal Deolaration of Human Rights, _ RECALLING that, pursuant to Economic and Social Coun- cil resolution 1235 (LII) of Slune 1967, the Commission on Human Rights and the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination land Pro- tection of Minorities have been authorized to examine information relating to such reports, - NOTING with appreciation resolution 4 (XXVIII) adapt- ed by the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities with respect t'o the human rights of persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment, 1. APPEALS to all govern- ments to proclaim an uncon- ditional amnesty by releasing all political prisoners in the sense of persons deprived of their liberty primarily because they have, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, sought peace- ful expression of beliefs and opinions at variance with those held by their govern- ments or have sought to pro- vide legal or other forms of nonviolent assietance to such pArsnns; 2. REQUESTS the Commis- sion on Human Rights and the Subcommission on Pre- vention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities to strengthen their efforts on behalf of political prisoners, including the establishment of working groups to conduct studies including visits, when- ever necessary, to determine the facts relevant to the rights of political prisoners and the response of govern- ments to this appeal; 3. URGES all governments to cooperate with the Com- mission on Human Rights and the Subcommission on Prevention of -Discrimination and Protection of Minorities in their efforts on behalf of political prisoners, including requests to make such visits as they may deem necessary for the purpose of investigat- ing, and reporting on the circumstances relating to the detention, trial or imprison- ment of .such persons; 4. REQUESTS the Secretary General to assist in any way he may deem appropriate in the implementation of this resolution, and to report to the General Assembly at its 31st session with respect to , the activities of the Commis- ison on Human Rights and the Subcommission on Pre- vention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities In the implementation of this resolution. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6 CPYRGHT Washington Star, 13 November 1975 U.S Pushes U.N. on Prison I) ? The United States, in a strike against the "selective morality" of the United Nations, is cam- paigning for a U.N. resolu- tion demanding the release of all political prisoners. U.S. Ambassador Daniel ? Moynihan, accusing totali- tarian countries of misus- ing the issue of human rights, introduced the reso- lution yesterday in the eneral Assembly's Social, umanitarian and Cultural ommittee ? the same anel where a resolution gusting Zionism with rac- sm originated last month. - Some diplomatic observ- rs viewed the U.S. resolu- ion as a move to counter he Arab-inspired, anti- ionist motion approved by e assembly Monday. The oviet news agency Tass riticized the measure today s an "unsavory strata- em" to distract attention. "The selective morality the United Nations in atters of human rights t reatens the integrity not erely of the United Na- t ns but of human rights t emselves," Moynihan s id. HE SAID 23 of the 60 sponsors of a previous reso- lution condemning South Africa and 16 of the 33 spon- sors of a motion against Chile had political prisoners of their own. He R.ttacked the assembly for adopting the resolution describing Zionism, as rac- ist, saying the Israeli gov- ernment's domestic critics, including Arab parties, "have been quite successful in electing members to public office.", The U.S. resolution de- mands amnesty for persons jailed for expressing opin- ions at odds with the official views or for trying to pro- vide non-violent assistance to such prisoners. IT PROVIDES for visits to any, country by U.N. investigators and calls for the cooperation of all gov- ernments in determining facts relating to political prisoners. "To those members of the United Nations who would allay our suspicions we make this simple ap- peal: Join us in support of our draft resolution calling for amnesty for all politica/ prisoners," Moynihan said. There was more reaction yesterday to the anti-Zio- nism resolution. At the White House, Press Secretary Ronald Nessen hinted President Ford is considering action against countries that voted for the resolution:, "The President is re- viewing the vote and con- sidering possible courses of action," Nessen told a briefing. HE SAID FORD was not considering any .steps against Egypt and other Arab nations, which also voted in favor of the resolu- tion, because a cutback in aid to those nations would be to "play into the hands" of enemies of America's Middle East peace policy, Nessen said. - Nessen also said. Ford "has no objection" to the Senate deciding to review U.S. participation in the United Nations, but he said Ford blieves America must stay inside the world body. In Tel Aviv, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin called an emergency meeting of world Jewish leaders to map a global counter campaign against attacks on Zionism. A government commun. lue said the Jewish sum mi meeting would be held in Jerusalem before the end of; the month and would in- chide leaders of major Jew- ish organizations through- out the world. In Rome, meanwhile, dozens of Arab and third world representatives today walked out of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organiza- tion's conference at the start of a speech by the Israeli delegate. The walkout followed sharp attacks on the Israe- lis by the Iraqi and Libyan delegations yesterday fol- lowing the U.N. resolution on Zionism. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6 General coverage -- comments by Moynihan, by Cuban UN representative, . speculations, etc.: d Cuba_ lash in ver,P.oljtical:PriOnets 7 . apeahtoa1Igovernments: to theeCommunist ? re resentative nations. cited the Attica atts riot pts" by to ?as- r Fidel at the sed no merit on in other _ se";eue to The New Yit Tarots . - ? UNITED :NATIONS, N: Xe , - Nov. 13 eees The United States and Curia. -accused each other today of viciiatieg.hurnan rights in a debate on -aneArnerica,n move to have..the United Nae:peeMoynihan. tions Urge. ell governments to free their political prisoners. ? Migtel Alfonso -of 'Cuba as- serted. that the United States lacked the moral authority to impart lessons on protection of humeri .rights. Clarence- M. 'Mitchell jr: of the 'United States quoted reliable information es- timating the number of politi- ?cat prisoners in Cuba at 20,000. After several rebuttals and rejoinders in the General As- sembyt- Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, "Mr. Mitchell , said it was, a "happy coincidence" that - the human? rights. debate .cloeely followed last Monday's n Assembly -vote an a resolution labeling Zion- ism "a fiarm of racism and:. ra? dee discriraination." e - ne,.. ,'?:, ? He said the American human- rithts . initiativei;had, been- :In Preparation -for some time, and had- not- originally been linked wiihr- the Zionism issue. -el.-. draft resOltition that would proclaim an, unconditiOna.l. ern- nestv for all Persons held' On ? - . - - -- - charges stemming from their political- beliefS-:or.'-',doneriblent activities'was inneduced blithe earamitepai yesterday , by the the chief *American delegate, Daniel ,.. :- -. e'...4.-e 7, The, document appeareee 'to herald: a new American arei. viSm with regard to human rights-, and civil liberties; in other :',.',.cteuntrieS. The United StateiIiad . lately . merited to Move - with- circumspection 'in this field, in the interest of in, ternational d?nte and ' mt. proved relations with specific nations. .,-nn - ? , ?e-n? . Mr. MaSeithan is knon. to have early advocated a differ. ent-AmeriCare Stance. In ?Fiees. ticle, "The United States M: Op,:-:-The'..Ciibari position;" in Commentary mag- 'mine:an Marcie. JieesuggeSted that e American epresentatives In'tfie?`201cirld'? organization 'ask about conditions and events in Many ,:aeuntrie'S - of the third word of which almost every- one knows, butfew e have thought it poli#ette spetilt."': ? The . speech in i which e--Mt: Moynihan iiitrodpeed the Amer- scan ;,draft yesterday, made _Jt clear that 'it was aimed alio' at .Nnlese we care , about, po- :. . utical - prisoners everywhere, we don't really cate abeet them ,anyWhere," he. said. ' - ? : e - Mr. Mitchell, who li. an of ficial of the National; Aseecia. tot for the Advancement of Colored People, and 'Leonard Garment a.former White House adviser, both members ?of the American delegation, also were closely associated,with'the.for- mulation of the new_ policy.. _ e .During a recess. of. the corn- Mittee debate, Mr., ? Mitchell said it was important that countries that had backed "ob- noxious resolutions"?he meant the. :anti-Zionist texte-should answer for. the encroachments 0ifi7hunian and civil rights they themselves were committing. _delegate:11r the conunittee, Mr. ALfonso, started protestirig against fe-American move- immediately, :attir!. mr. lelokriihan's,speecleyeeterday. ? Cuba was the only non Arab country among ethe - original sponsors of the abti7Zionism texte, The , controversial docu ment emerged in the:eornmittee that :Ogee .:Ita-sa.... the ',American draft:eceverliticat: 1.'7pVioner l*fer- ite ecee i 1 In today's meelinge thecuban pnson shooting, the % arid "irinurnerable attei ? American secret agent . sassinate prime 'Minis Castro as _evidence 1 United ? States - posse: credibility to pass judg human rights situation: countries. _ _ __ ..r. Around the World Washington Post, 13 November 1975 CPYRGHT U.S.AsksPolitical _PrisonerAmnestyl UNITED NeT;nivce Nrnit 11 a n i h a n linirPri thP IT S ('bile wroild hp lintcpri to thp 12-The United States called proposal to U.N. actions on broader call for the freeing of upon the General Assembly Chile and South Africa, which political prisoners. today to broaden the scope of the U.S. voted for, saying that The U.S. said there was nc .its human-rights activities "the selective morality of the direct link between today's beyond attacks on Chile, South U.N. in matters of human action and the 'vote or Africa and Israel, and to issue rights threatens the integrity Zionism, but Moynihan tolc an appeal to all governments not merely of the U.N., but of reporters that in his view thE to "proclaim an international human rights themselves." U.S. resolution would give thE amnesty by releasing all Tuesday's U.S. vote for the assembly an opportunity tc political prisoners." resolution on Chile was the prove tit can be serious." The resolution was a pet first formal administration Moynihan named no names project of U.S. Ambassador action against Chilean human but said that 23 of the 6( Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who rights violations, American sponsors of the U.N. resolutior introduced it just one day officials said. They added that condemning South Africa anc eIter the assembiy had until the last moment it wasn't 16 of the 33 sponsors of thE deplored institutionalized certain that the State Chile resolution themselves torture, arrest and detention Department would authorize a hold political prisoners. in Chile, and two days after positive vote. Diplomats predicted that the assembly's adoption of a The U.S. went along, in part, most nations would try to duel' kag thChk ion wallet:mg Zionism !o Ewa For Release 1 se f _ Meynihan's Si09/112 eRDP794)1496410001002f01-6 the issue by indefiniteb_ U.S. plan. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6 Soviet reactions: New York Times, CPYRGHT. 14 November 1975 CPYRGHT , MOSCOW SAYS ME OPPOSES 'DETENtE Text of statement (originally in English) by TASS Political Commentator Yuriy Kornilov, TASS, 13 November: MOSOW, Nov. 13 (Reuters) ?The Kremlin's top political commentator today accused the Western press of conduct- ing a hostile campaign against detente in violation of fast summer's Hersinkt secUrity conference decisions. Writing in the Communist party daily. Pravda, Yuri Zhuk- ov mentioned The New -York Times and a series of French newspapers that he said used the Nazi propaganda tactic of the "big lie" when Writing about Communist countries He took particular exception to a recent article in The New York Times that difficulties facing Western journalists working in Eastern Europe. . The article, he said, com- plained that East European au- thorities did not help ,sluch journalists in "making a fuss around pitiful renegades setting themselves up against ,society, and the search for alleged 'cracks' in the strengthening unity of the peoples of the Iraternal countries." A number of acute problems, connected with infringement of human rights, were discussed at the United Nations. The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on implementing a program of a decade of action against racism and racial dis- crimination, which are a scandalous violation of the UN charter. The Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee of the UN General Assembly, after considering the report of a special working group, set up by the UN Human Rights Commission, sharply denounced the Chilean junta, which flagrantly flouts the elementary rights of the people of Chile. Protests are mounting against the flagrant flouting of human rights in Israeli-occupied Arab territorites, and in Spain. This is, therefore, not just an issue of humanitarian problems, but of specific instances of scandalous violation of man's fundamental rights and freedoms, those rights and freedoms which were reaffirmed not only in numerous reso- lutions and the very charter of the United Nations, but also in the final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. In this situation, the US representative at the UN resorted to a stratagem designed to distract attention: he introduced a draft resolution on "the release of political prisoners." What is the meaning of this strategem? Its essence is to try to distract attention of the representatives of the UN member states from the specific problems linked with the violation of man's fundamental rights and freedoms, to drown these questions in a general debate on "political prisoners." By means of this step, which the New York Times today qualified as a political counter-action, spear-headed against the socialist countries and the countries of the Third World, Washington at the same time would like some- how to counterbalance the political response, unfavorable for the United States, connected with the fact that the General Assembly, in defiance of the United States' position, passed a resolution which declared Zionism to be a form of racism and racial discrimination. However, it is obviously a futile attempt through all kind of unsavory "counter- actions" to distract the attention of world opinion from acute and particularly specific questions connected with violation of human rights in many western countries, the system of apartheid in the Republic of South Africa, the persecution of democrats in Chile and the reprisals against "dissidents" in Spain. It is the duty of the United Nations to continue doing its utmost to put an end to the scandalous viola- tions of these rights. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100270001-6