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September 1972
Since mid-1970, elements of the fedayeen or Palestine guer-
rilla movement have metamorphosed commandos dedicated to the over-
throw of Israel into Marxist-Maoist-type terrorists. They are
making a desperate attempt to survive in a disunited, uncoordinated,
and crumbling movement. While once market places from Morocco to
Saudi Arabia were plastered with posters proudly depicting the deeds
of the fed.ayeen commandos, today the ruthless and violent actions
by their terrorists evoke mainly fear. None but the most radical
press or public is tempted to look upon the fedayeen terrorists
or their followers as romantic folk-heroes or to view their violence
as acts of patriotism.
The Origins
Palestinian guerrillas ffedayeen), organized in the early
1.950's to harass newly created Israel, seek to become a rallying
point for Palestinian irredentism. Their fortunes and following
were low until the 1967 six-day Arab-Israeli war. The fedayeen
by their bold, but ultimately self-defeative, anti-Israeli exploits
rekindled a spark of Arab self-respect and served to restore a
sense of Arab honor. A range of competing guerrilla organizations
emerged - each seeking to become the reflection of Palestinian will
to fight. Eleven fedayeen organizations have survived, most of them
members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) founded in
1964 to coordinate fedayeen and Palestinian efforts. They may be
categorized as follows:
a. Instruments of Political Parties: Al Saiqa, founded
and directe y t e Syrian let-wing aath Party; the Iraqi-
controlled Arab Liberation Front; Al Ansar, the instrument of
established Arab Communist parties.
b. Fatah: Fatah poses as a basically "conservative"
guerrilla organization devoid of political bias but in fact
supports extreme guerrilla tactics through its front, the
Black September Group.
c. Ideologically Oriented Groups: These include the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) with a
number of offshoots. Political extremists and revolution-
aries, they consider the overthrow of conservative Arab regimes
(Jordan and Saudi Arabia) as prerequisites for the liberation
of Palestine. Their hostility to the U.S. and most Western
countries is intense.
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Terror Tactics and Foreign Connections
The status of Palestinian fedayeen organizations is directly
related to the level of tension in the Arab-Israel dispute: a
decrease in tension leads to a decline in the prestige of and
support for the fedayeen. The fedayeen organizations whose impact
on Middle East affairs has been on the decline since their setback
by the Jordanian Army during the 10-day conflict of September 1970,
are seeking to rally their flagging fortunes. Their increasing
links with other national revolutionary/terrorist groups and their
continuing terrorist acts on an international level are intended
to (a) compensate for their eroding influence, (b) move the resis-
tance movement out of its doldrums and (c) keep the Arab-Israeli
issue alive.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP),
believed to have the widest range of international links, is com-
peting with other fedayeen groups and expanding its revolutionary
activities at the international level. The only philosophical
basis required to establish international connections is a common
conviction in terrorism and violent revolution as the means to
destroy the established order. The common bond among revolution-
ary groups, therefore, can be reinforced with relative ease.
In addition, the material gain from international revolutionary
action is not overlooked by fedayeen leaders, many of whom exploit
the Palestinian cause to bolster their personal prestige and fortunes.
The Kamikaze attack on Israel's Lydda Airport last May by
PFLP-trained members of the Japanese Red Army Faction, highlights
the existing and growing international connections among revolution-
ary terrorist organizations. Even before the Lydda Airport
massacre, the Japanese Red Army Faction had been dealing with the
fedayeen for at least two years. Other terrorist organizations,
the Turkish Peoples' Liberation Army and the Eritrean Liberation
Front in Ethiopia have also been in contact with Palestinian
guerrilla organizations as have radical organizations of Western
Europe and the Western Hemisphere. The Soviet Union and China
are also involved. For both material and ideological reasons,
and out of an increasing sense of desperation, the fedayeen are
continually attempting to expand their contacts with foreign
radical groups.
The Red Army Faction (Sekigun-ha), a direct offshoot of
Zengakuren, the extreme leftist Japanese student organization, is
an underground organization that began its activities on the
political and military levels in 1965. Violent revolution, in its
view, is the "fundamental way of liberating people from exploitation
and class domination domestically, and a means to combat imperialism
on the international level." Links between the Red Army Faction
and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) became
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evident in late 1970 with the arrest in Japan of PFLP members
publicizing terror via a film on Palestinian guerrilla operations.
During their stay in Japan PFLP members also made arrangements
to train Red Army Faction members at PFLP bases in Lebanon. In
addition, plans were made to exchange officials for instruction
in. kidnapping and hijacking techniques and in producing sabotage
devices. Beirut weekly Al Usbu Al Arabi reported last fall that
when a PFLP leader visited Japan, The Red Army Faction "welcomed
him by blowing up five police stations in Tokyo."
Turkish Peoples' Liberation Arm . Although the Turkish
Peoples' Liberation Army was not own as such until early 1972,
militant leftist Turkish students were reportedly trained by the
fedayeen as early as 1969. Training in such terrorist tactics
as kidnapping, hijacking, guerrilla warfare, and preparation in
the use of sabotage devices are provided by the fedayeen organi-
zations under cover of Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and
Syria. It is reliably -reported that urban guerrillas, in
addition to being trained by PFLP and its breakaway faction
Peoples' Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PDFLP),
are equipped with arms smuggled from these and other fedayeen
guerrilla organizations.
Eritrean Liberation Front. The Eritrean Liberation Front,
founded 1n 1959, began effective anti-Ethiopian terrorist acts
in 1964. Following the June 1967 war, fedayeen organizations
began to provide the Eritrean Liberation Front financial support,
arms and passports for its attacks against the Ethiopian established
order. Training in guerrilla warfare as well as facilities for
radio broadcasting are made available to the Front by the fedayeen.
West Europeans. In an attempt to gain the support of West
European students, fedayeen organizations have recruited and
provided travel to a Jordanian training camp for as many as 150
students. The project was administered through a London-based
organization, "Friends of Palestine." Pro-fedayeen and anti-
Israeli associations in France are usually headed by radical
university professors or journalists. In England, student
"revolutionaries" have joined Arab students in a group called
the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. 'In the Netherlands, Dutch
Communists have established a Netherlands-Palestine Committee;
'that sponsors lectures and pro-Palestinian demonstrations.
Austrian left-wing students have formed the Action Committee for
the Support of the Palestinian Resistance, to conduct anti-Israeli
campaigns. The Irish Republican Army (IRA) claims links with the
fedayeen; some fedayeen members allege to have attended IRA
conferences in Northern Ireland. Further, the IRA has reportedly
been promised arms in exchange for fedayeen-directed terrorist
operations in Europe. The Baader-Meinhof group, a band of West
German anarchists whose actions date back to 1963, declare them-
selves as members of the Japanese-based Red Army Faction.
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Reportedly, Baader-Meinhof members received guerrilla warfare
training in the Middle East from Palestinian guerrillas during the
summer of 1970.
Western Hemisphere. Before September 1970, members of the
Sandinist National Li eration Front, a Communist dominated Nicaraguan
terrorist organization, received guerrilla warfare training at a
fedayeen training site in Jordan. Upon completion of their training
and their return to Nicaragua, the Sandinists received Soviet and
Chinese weapons which were later-confiscated by Nicaraguan security
officials. In January 1972, a planned attempt by five Nicaraguan-
based Arabs to recruit Nicaraguans for fedayeen training in guerrilla
warfare also was aborted by Nicaraguan government officials.
The Fedayeen, the Soviet Union and China
The Soviets, in a quandary over the fedayeen, support the
anti-Israeli "national liberation" movement but are sensitive to the
potential damage to their image for being openly associated with
fedayeen terror tactics. The Soviets therefore channel material
support to the fedayeen through indirect and clandestine means and
in the process gain some degree of control over the fedayeen
guerrilla organizations. Fedayeen chieftain Yasser Arafat's mid-
July 1972 visit to Moscow to solicit increased material support
and at the same time strengthen his weakened leadership position
in both Fatah and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, attests
to the cordial relations between the Soviets and the fedayeen.
As recently as May 1972, the World Marxist Review Quotes Pravda's
endorsement of the Palestinian guerrillas as follows: "The Soviet
public sides firmly with the Palestine Resistance Movement, which
is a component of the Arab Peoples' National Liberation Movement."
By supporting the fedayeen, the Soviets align themselves with
a militant, anti-Israeli "national liberation" movement that is
popular in the Arab world. At this stage of development, Soviet
dealings with the fedayeen indicate Moscow's confidence in providing
indirect and clandestine support to the fedayeen short of causing
flash point tensions in the Middle East. In part, the Soviets'
assistance to the fedayeen guerrillas is conditioned by the open
support given them by China. Peking backs the fedayeen in public
statements with vigor; material support, however, is provided with
somewhat dampened enthusiasm. To date, China has provided guer-
rilla warfare training to several hundred fedayeen activists and
has made available to them unspecified amounts of military equip-
ment. An article in the 20 July 1972 issue of Soviet Analyst
entitled "The Soviet Involvement in Violence" by Brian Crozier,
focuses on the dilemma the fedayeen poses for its communist
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"To the extent that the (Palestine) guerrillas are
anti-Israeli, the Russians are inclined to support them;
on the other hand, the groups have proved, on the whole,
to be a greater menace to the Arab governments than to
Israel itself, and to support them outright might be
counter-productive in terms of Soviet relations with
friendly countries, such as Egypt or Iraq. Moreover, the
Palestinians have a record of unsuccess, with which the
Russ,ans?do-not wish to be associated; and the wildest
among them -- Dr. George Habbash's PFLP are not only
boastful where the Russians would prefer discretion,
but indulge in spectacular acts of violence with which,
again, the Russians would prefer not be linked. . .
"There has certainly been some Soviet aid to the
PFLP, however, and to the more moderate Al Fatah, if
only to be able to claim, if challenged, that th
Palestine liberation movement has not been left unaided.
(Chinese aid to the PFLP is certainly greater than
Uncertainties occasioned by Egypt's recent ouster of the
Soviet Military Mission and the pledged merger of Egypt and
Libya render the fedayeen increasingly vulnerable to manipulation
not only by Moscow and Peking but by the self-serving leaders of
the fedayeen guerrillas.
Outlaws Among Their Own People
Founded in 1956 and headed by Yasir Arafat, a Jerusalem-born
Palestinian, Fatah gained control of the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) in 1969. Fatah, larger and more heavily,
financed than all other fedayeen groups combined, claims to be
without political bias and seeks the friendship of all Arab
governments; it is supported by, such disparate tegimes as Saudi
Arabia and Libya. Even though heavily financed, Fatah uses such
terror tactics as hijacking and sabotage through its terrorist
the "Black September Group," as an additional source of
income. The "Black September Group" ?abes Fatah to credibly
disclaim its alliance with assassinations, hijacking and other
forms of terrorism.,
While Fatah presents itself as an organization of strugglers
who battle in the front lines for their "occupied homeland" it is
in fact involved in money-making schemes that are far removed
from its original national revolutionary mission. Fatah's image
as a moderate organization unencumbered by ideology is studiously
promoted by its propaganda to permit Fatah to gain broad-based
political acceptance, Sympathy for the Palestinian cause is
translated into direct contributions from Arab states of varying
political persuasion. In addition, a moderate image permits the
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establishment of offices for fund raising throughout the world.
Because of its dominant role in that organization, a Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO) office is often merely a cover for
a Fatah office. Nevertheless, despite this ostensibly Ymoderate
image," the "Black September" terrorist organization remains
directly associated with and under the control of Fatah.
Publicly, Fatah denounces terrorists acts conducted outside
the Middle East but in practice engages in hijacking, sabotage
and political assassination as a source of income which to date
has grossed more than $100 million. These funds are transferred
to European bank accounts and later invested in business ventures
that promise a good return. Some of the ventures involve legiti-
mate investment in European stocks; others include the establish-
ment of "action cells" of which several exist in West Germany
and France. These "action cells" provide arms and explosives and
serve as bases for recruiting and training terrorists. A favored
fund raising technique is for Fatah representatives to accept
"contracts" for such specialized assignments as: elimination of
political opponents, kidnapping an exile, exploding a refinery,
smuggling and hijacking.
Such acts are carried out by the "Black September Group"
whose operations are said to be planned and implemented by the
heads of the Fatah intelligence unit. In addition to claiming
responsibility for the tragedy at the Munich Olympics on 5 Septem-
ber, the group has also claimed credit for the following actions
since November 1971: the assassination of Jordanian Prime Minister
Wasfi Tal in Cairo on 28 November 1971; an assassination attempt
against the Jordanian Ambassador to London Zayd Al Rifa on 15
December 1971; the sabotage of the Struever Electronics factory
in Hamburg on 5 February 1972; the murder of five Palestinians
in Bruehl, Germany, on 6 February 1972; and the hijacking of a
Sabena jet en route to Tel Aviv on 8 May 1972.
As reported in the New York Times, 4 August 1972, a 21-year-
old Arab woman accused of taking par in the hijacking of a
Belgian airliner in May said that she had made several unsuccess-
ful attempts to free herself from the grip of the Fatah
guerrilla organization. She testified that she was warned by
the fedayeen: "If you escape, we would kill you."
The Palestinian News Agency, 5 August 1972, reported that
Palestinian guerril as o t e lack September" terrorist
organization blew up tanks at the Trieste oil--storage facility
"in accordance with the Black September organization's policy
of dealing blows to the enemies of the Palestinian revolution."
Istanbul's leading daily newspaper, Cumhuriyet, reported
on 14 June that guerrilla groups are involved in tthe drug traffic;
that Fatah has penetrated Turkish smuggling rings, established
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courier routes from Turkey to Lebanon and is expanding its contacts
with overseas narcotic rings to finance its (Fatah's) guerrilla
operations. Fatah involvement in narcotics is so flagrant that
some of the half-kilo nylon bags of hashish pushed in Europe are
labelled with pictures of an Arab guerrilla armed with the
Kaleshnikov submachine gun (standard Soviet infantry rifle).
It is ironic that Palestinians, used as pawns by Arab and
other politicians for more than 50 years, are currently being used
by the very fedayeen orginially organized to battle for their
"occupied homeland." About 1.4 million Palestinians registered
as refugees with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)
survive on funds from UNRWA while Fatah, the largest and best
financed exponent of the Palestinian cause, exploits Palestinian
suffering to build an underworld empire that makes its own laws
and seeks self-perpetuation as its prime objective.
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M 111"
Behind the latest flare-up in
the Middle East:
Israel has had its fill of Pales-
tinian raiders, is striking back
harder than ever.
BEIRUT, Lebanon
lsracl sccuangly has reached the de-
cision that now is the time to crush,
,[lice and for all, tiro 1'alestiniao guer-
rillas who have long plagued its borders.
in four days of ground, air and artil-
h?rw? attacks, the Israelis struck sharply
iu late February at. guerrilla bases in
n:mrr Thcn, early in March, atten-
%V!0 shifted to Syria-where Israeli
air ..hikes raised columns of smoke above
c?:tinps at which the Palestinians train
fiir frontier raids.
Lebanon and Syria are the only Arab
nations on Israel's borders still harbor-
ing the anti-Israeli commandos. Last
year, in a virtual civil war, Jordan liqui-
dated the guerrilla presence. Egypt has
never permitted operations by the Pal-
A wirlor peril? Sivld,,n r?sc-:rlsltinn (of
,.Itti111 to ui,lly ctg it Wt flit' ~Hr'i!1{laa,
however, raised the possibility of a wider
conflict being set off in the Middle East.
After Israeli air raids on guerrilla
bases in Syria, planes of the Syrian Air
Force attacked Israeli towns
-the first such air strikes
since the Mideast war of
But the immediate impact
of the Israeli action was this:
The Palestinian guerrillas are
deep in trouble in the two
regions where they are still
pernlillyd to operate.
In Lvha ou, tho question
wvas [thickly raised: Can the
omitrw afford to continue
arhnring Palestinian com-
Signs are multiplying that
he Government has decided
t cannot.
The Israeli assault has
nought ]ionic to the Leba-
wr:,rl will no longer tolerate
presence of commandos
its borders, and will
?:?'d Lebanon directly respon-
ible for any operations
car-ed out from within Lebanon. The out-
I ok for Lebanon is that more Lebanese
ire likely to he killed, that Israel even-
rally could occupy the southern part of
he country.
The problem is whether the Lebanese
an find any way to rid themselves of
he commandos-or neutralize them-
without sparking a bloody conflict with-
in Lebanon itself. The conflict might
even lead to civil war.
Bitter, frustrated. The 5,000 Pales-
tinian commandos who have been holed
up in the mountainous area of southeast-
ern Lebanon are only the tip of the ice-
berg of the Palestinian presence in this
country. Altogether, there are 350,000
Palestinians in Lebanon-more than 15
per cent of the entire population.
Of these, 85,000 live in refugee
camps. Large numbers of them own
weapons. Practically all of them are
bitter, frustrated people who are capa-
ble of irrational violence.
Few observers doubt that, in a show-
down, the Lebanese armed forces would
be victorious over the commandos. But
the result might destroy the very struc-
ture of the Lebanese regime, which is
built an if drliratv balance of a half-
Mn?dr.m, half-Christian population.
There is little doubt, however, that
the Lebanese will try to contain the
commandos, one way or another. os
Lebanese regard the Palestinians as
strangers in their country. Says one Bei-
rut businessman:
"If we could just get rid of those
Palestinians, we would have no problems
with Israel."
Letting rid of them, on the other
hand erntlrl lie a messy business.
Many of the refugee camps are in the
outskirts of the capital city of Beirut.
Sonic observers fear that an aroused Pal.
estinian population would be capable of
isolating Beirut, at least temporarily,
from its power, light and water supplies.
There is also a tiny but tough minority
of left-wing Lebanese who might give
aid to the Palestinians in their attempts
to resist any crackdown on the com-
mandos. This is what could lead to Leba-
nese fighting Lebanese.
In the face of this, the Lebanese Cov-
crnmen is moving cautiously h. i0, H"
forts to contain the commandos. Its
opening action was to send the Leba-
nese Army into the guerrilla-held border
territory, the first such occupation in
two wears.
Reaction in Syria. The Syrians also
find the coniniando presence atwktward,
and for years have hobbled them with
But as the noose tightened around the
guerrillas in Lebanon, there was a resur-
gence of commando activity on the Syrian
border with Israel. And the Israeli reac-
tion to that was air strikes at the guer-
rilla encampments-which called forth
retaliation by the Syrian Air Force.
What seemed to stand out in all this
was the new sense of determination in
Israel's campaign. against the commandos.
The Palestine guerrillas, many observ-
ers believe, could now be in their final
death struggle.
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1 June 1972
Arab Guerrillas Cull 3 Assassins
Tan Las ti c People'
By Lewis B. Simons
wasldn?tmr Post start MIER
?.9'hey obeyed their orders.
They were fantastic people."
In an apartment on one of
Beirut's main thoroughfares,
Balsam Zayix, spokesman for
the Popular Front for the Lib-
eration of Palestine (PFLP),
heaped delighted praise on
the three Japanese terrorists
Who ball turned Tel Aviv
airport into a bloodbath Tues-
day night.
"They were trained by us
here in the Arab world,"
Zayix said. The mission of the
Japanese trio. he said, was "to
raise the temperature" of
Arab-Israeli hostility. "I fore-
-tee that coming through Is-
raeli reprisals-perhaps suc-
t:, fttl tsraeli reprisals-and
the Arab reaction to them,"
he said.
"Our operation could mark
a turning point."
While the PFLP waited
with anticipation for ' repri-
sals, officials in Lebanon and
other Arab nations wailed
with apprehension. Special
security cautions were taken
at Beirut airport.
And in Tokyo, the Jap-
anese government and press
reacted with shock and dis-
gust. We can't believe it,"
most officials said.
The government expressed
its regret to Israel that Jap-
anese nationals were in-
volved in the attack. And
Israeli Premier Golda 111cir
told a special session of
Parlianwnt that she did not
regard the three gunmen as
representatives of t h e i r
country... The friendly rela-
tions between Israel and Ja-
pan will remain unhamper-
ed " she said.
As well as Tokyo police
could determine initially, the
three terrorists were nmem-
bers of the United Red
,%rmy. an extremist, revolu-
taonary organization.
Together with a n o t h e r
Japanese radical group, the
United Red Army has been
linked with the murders of
it police and defense offi-
cials since September, 19117.
Earlier this year, 12 meni-
Iitrs of the United Red Army
Were discovered slain fly
their eontratles in an intra-
faetiun purge.
in March, 1970, several
"soldiers" of the group hi-
jacked a Japanese Airlines
plane to North Korea. Later,
other "soldiers" went to Bei-
rutto slake contact with the
Last October, police re-
ported. an Arab member of
the PFLP, identified as Ru-
vashi Ghanen, went to Japan
and met with members of
the United Tied Army. The
two groups issued jointly a
hooklet entitled "Arab Guer-
rill is and the World lied
Israel's National Police
Agency said there were four
known Japanese "ultra rad-
icals" in Israel. One of
them, Mrs. Fusako Shi-
genobu, 25, is believed to be
the official representative of
the United Red Army to the
The PleLP dismissed any
suggestions that the Pales-
tinians, could not carry oft
the bloody airport attack
themselves and so had to
turn to a Japanese suicide
squad. "Let them say what
they like," retorted Zayix.
"Arabs from the occupied
territories participated in
this operation, too. Besides,
the three Japanese_ were
members of the' PFLP . .
We have Irish members too."
tile japill;Q69
were a kamikaze unit. "They
were not planning to kill
themselves," he said.
The man who apparently
died by his own h a n d
grenade, has been identified
as Ken Torio, 23. His ac-
complice who was found
dead is identified as Jori
Sugisaki, 23. '11he third man,
DInisuke, Nanba, 23, was cap-
tured. Japanese police said
there was doubt that the
names were real and that
their passports were for-
'layix's allusion to Irish
members of the PFLP cur-
roborated a recent state-
ment by the militant Irish
Republican Army saying
that the IRA had relations
with Al Fatah, the largest
guerrilla element of the
?alistinians movement.
The Front also claims
members from other foreign
countries throughout I.%u-
rope, the United Stater, and
Africa, headers of America's
.Black Panther Party have
said some of their members
received training in Pales-
tinian guerrilla camps.
Black African liberation
movements and the Syriau-
based Erittean Liberation
n1ovcment, which apcratcs
in Northern I?tiopia, hate
c.spvciailly St ('I) , lies trill)
Ih,. r, rnnl .
The Palestinians have
used young women in love
with guerrillas to carry
weapons on international
flights. Last year, an Israeli
military court convicted an
elderly French couple and
two Moroccan sisters of at-
tempting to smuggle explo-
sive devices into Israel for
use by the guerrillas.
in addition to recruiting
"maintains close relations
with all the revolutionary
movements of the world."
But beneath this gran-
diose view of worldwide rev-
olutionary bro6lerhood, tile
Front made clear that the
raid by the three Japanese
was a direct response to Is-
rael's successful aborting of
a guerrilla attempt to free
imprisoned colleagues by hi-
jacking a Belgian jetliner
three weeks ago.
The guerrillas were infur-
iated by the "arrogant" way
the Israelis have paraded
their "invincibility" since
then, Zayix said.
Asked if the 11111,11 had
any moral misgivings about
the Japanese assault, Zayix
"None at all."
He. said that the three ter-
rorists were instructed to
open fire not on the passen-
gers of the Air France air-
liner which brought them to
Tel Aviv, but on those dis
embarking from an El Al
flight due to arrive 10 min-
utes later, as well as their
friends and relatives waiting
to welcome them.
"We were sure that 90 to
95 per cent of the people in
the airport at the time the
operation was due to take
place would be Israelis or
people of direct loyalty to
Israel," he said.
"Our purpose was to kill
as many people as possible
at the airport, Israelis, of
course, but anyone else who
was there.
"There is a war going on
In Palestine. People should
know that. Why don't they
go to Saigon?"
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2 June 1972
Anarchist Leaders Seized in Frankfurt)
_ F. assemblage of leftist_anar_I The well-annotritert three-1
BONN, June 1 -The state
and federal police captured two
ringleaders of a West German
anarchist band in Frankfurt
early today who are believed
to have been responsible for a
wave of bombings that killed
four American soldiers and in-
jured 30 persons last month.
The two were Identified by
the authorities as Andreas
'Baader, 29 years old, and Hof
ger Meins, 30. Two other sus-f
pects were seized but not Im-
'nmmediately identified and one
was later released. The group
is popularly known as the
Baader-Meinhof gang.
Baader and Meins had been
sought in a countrywide drag-
net along with, 17 other alleged
gang members, including a for-
?mer journalist, Miss Ulrike
Meinhof, 37, in connection with
a series of terrorist actions
dating from 1963,
The Baader-Meinhof group
had declared its participation
in these bombings and other
terrorist acts as members of
ichists the Red Army Faction. story apartment house in north
!This group preaches terror Frankfurt where today's action
sT-"rmperia ism" as a
{means of achieving "revolu-
tion "
Group Clashed with police
They are believed in police
ed groups in Italy, Japan and
'Meinhot and others reported-
ly received weapons training
in the Middle East from Pale-
stinan guerrillas during the
summer. of 1970 after Baader
was freed from jail in Berlin
by masked gunmen. He had
been sentenced for setting fire
to a Frankfurt department;
store in 1968.
Last year the group turned
for a time to bank robbery,
operating with fast cas and
armed with automatic rifles,
and amassing hundreds of thou-
sands of marks. Then came a
series of clashes with the po-
lice that left at least three
gang members and three patrol-
men dead.
10 June 1972
ing and called on the suspects
to leave their hideout, a garage
on the property. "Come out,
your means are limited but
ours are unlimited," called an
officer through a bullhorn, as
recorded by West German tele-
When there was no response,
Itear-gas grenades were fired
Into the building from an;
armored car in the courtyard.;
The suspects began firing'
with pistols and automatic
rifles. Some of the bullets were!
later found ti have been filedl
down to dumdums. The police;
fired a few ro. rids in return.'
When the armored car started
to ram the closed garage door
the man identified as Holger
Meins came out. He was
stripped to his undershorts and
led away.
Then - out came Andreas
Baader, shooting wildly with a
.45-caliber pistol.
Baader was hit in the right
hip by a police bullet and he
cried out twice.
From a stretcher he called
the police "pigs, pigs." With
huge sideburns and bleached
hair, he was scarcely identifi-
Abl. 4b9 _P-,:-8 >zh^r,. thmt
showed him with short dark
The two were later identi-
fied by fingerprints. Like other
members of the Fan under ar-
Fest, L-_
A red Porsche Targa outside
the apartment was found to
contain hand grenades and a
large homemade bomb, police
officials reported later.
Other Cars Are Sought
\Vest German authorities who,
are overseeing the dragnet dis-
closed the license numbers of
five other cars being sought
and warned that they might
contain bombs.
A bomb went off in a West
Berlin apartment this afternoon
and was also attributed to the
A bomb threat in Frankfurt
this evening. re-ortedly by a
cell of the Red Army Faction,
!caused the police io s:rengthen
jpatrols, close theaters and warn
people to avoid the downtown
I area.
The Kamikazi attack on Israel's Lydda Airport last Week, and the subsequent
declaration by the Popular Front for the Liberation Af_Palestine (PFLP) claiming res-
ponsibility for that attack, have raised a big question mark over the presence of fo-
reign elements in the Palestinian resistance movement. Many journalists and news-
paper correspondents were making strenuous efforts to find out how many and ho)v
influential these foreign elements were. To their disappointment, they could find little
or nothing at all to satisfy their curiosity.
After the Lydda Airport incident, in which 26 were killed and more than 80 wound-
ed, wild speculations spread throughout the international press about the presence of
Japanese suicide squads in the Palestinian resistance movement. Some press reports
put the figure at 400 men and women who had allegedly joined the PFLP in Lebanon.
It later became clear that the entire Japanese community in Lebanon was less than
The PFLP, approached by a number of foreign journalists, would not reveal any
information for obvious security and strategic reasons. However, on several occasions
in the past, the Palestiinian resistance movement did publish pictures of non-Palestin-
ian men and women wh6 were'said to be helping the movement in various ways: In the
first place,the movement madenodenial of the fact that Arab nationals from various Ar-
ab countries have joined the movement as fighters, medical officers, social workers
etc. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000200120001-1
0200 Butpt9e i KP0in ?ja cular9fi asOal way's been dis7c9 eej19about t its coop 001 ion with
foreigners even though there have been reports about its cooperation with extremist
groups in foreign countries such as the Irish Republican Army (IRA), the Turkish
Liberation Army, the Black Panthers in the United States, the Topamaros in Chile
and the United Red Army in Japan.
Although the PFLP has never confirmed officially that it had any links with these
organizations, it is part of PFLP strategy to establish and deepen relations with the
world revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces wherever they may be. The organization
believes that "revolutionary violence at this stage is the only way to maintain the exist-
ence of the Palestinian commando action and, consequently, the Palestine case."
As PFLP leader Dr. George Habash declared in last March's congress of the
organization, revolutionary violene means more than planting an explosive on a road, or
blowing up a bridge or shelling an Israeli settlement 300 times without causing any
real harm to it. Habash strongly emphasized the role of revolutionary violence at this
stage for the strategic interests of the Palestinian revolution.
The congress last March clearly defined the principles of revolutionary violence:
1- Avoiding large-scale military confrontations; 2- adopting the policy of hit-and-run
whereby-surprise and swift strikes are made after which the organization's men would
go into complete hiding; 3- choosing enemy targets which, when destroyed, would get
the widest popular support among.the masses and, at the same time, would evoke no
conflicting arguments about the legitimacy or the soundness of such operations; 4-
adopting the most adequate security measures to protect the revolution and its men,
cadres and leaderships against sabotage, repression and intelligence aimed at dest-
roying the revolution; 5- raising the political, psychological and fighting qualifica-
tions of the fighters; 6- making a profound and comprehensive acquaintence with all
the principles and tactics of guerrilla warfare and learning from the experiences of
other sh:,utrt; ling peoples.
The PFLP is perhaps the only Palestinian commando organization with the widest
international connections. Being an extremist Marxist organization it is believed to
have set up links and ties with similar organizations in various other countries.
The leader of PFLP, Dr. George Habash, has paid more than one visit to Far
Eastern communist countries such as China and North Korea, and was last week re-
ported to have started a visit to the Soviet Union (ostensibly for medical treatment).
Since the 1967 .war in the Middle East, reports have been circulating all around saying
that Communist Chinese arms and experts were being supplied to the PFLP as well
as to its associate guerrilla group fighting the regime in the Sultanate of Oman'. The
number of such experts has never been ascertained. But it is almost a confirmed fact
that some Palestinian guerrillas, including PFLP men, have had military training in
China and North Vietnam.
As an atmosphere of fear, tension and anticipation prevailed in the Middle East
and several world capitals last week, following the Lydda Airport incident, there
were some speculations which said that the PFLP was studying plans to pay back the
"debt"to the Japanese Red Army. How this was to be done was not in any, way clear.
But, the speculations said, the PFLP, might carry out some suicidal action against
the Japanese authorities on two counts; 1- If they continue harassing the families and
relatives of Japanese nationals in the employ of the Palestinian commando movement;
2- if they go ahead to pay compensation to Israel for the human and material losses
inflicted as a result of ,the Kamikazi attack on Tel Aviv Airport last week, or even if
they supplied the Tsra,elis with information considered to be deterimental to the Pa-
lestinian resistance movement.
First Contact. According to a report in Beirut's wide-circulation weekly AL
USBU AL ARABI this week, the first contact between the PFLP and the Japanese Un-
ited RAI)pmm&fomReas 6 9GV0WQ2 a O f f Z%-Rlk1e~9d.A919~11a9Qg1itl6elf."
Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000200120001-1
The ground on which this contact was made, according to the report, was purely
ideological. It was obvious to both sides, said the report, that the "essence" of their
struggle against the forces of imperialism, reaction and exploitation was-the same.
The two sides also agreedion a definition of "the genuine forces of the international
rev- olution."
These forces included; "the socialist camp, the labor forces and toiling masses
in the capitalist countries,' and the national. liberation movements."
.Last autumn, the weekly said, a PFLP leader visited Japan and the Red Army
"welcomed him by blowing up five police stations in Tokyo." The weekly defined the
Red Army as being "an underground extremist organization that commenced its activi-
ties on the political and military levels in 1965." It believes in the armed struggle
as "the fundamental way of liberating peoples from exploitation and class domination
domestically, and a means to combat imperialism on the international level."
AL USBU reported that Dr, Habash had called on the Red Army to participate
"practically" in the Palestinian struggle in order to materialize the strong relation-
ship between the two sides. It added that a number of Red Army members have since
joined the PFLP and received training in PFLP camps in the Jordanian Ghnr fva1lovl
The Red Army has also helped the Palestinian resistance movement, through its
relations with the PFLP, to establish some presence in Japan, mainly in the field of
information. A few months ago, according to AL USBU, adocumentary film was shown
in Japan and some Arab countries projecting cooperation between the PFLP and the Red
Army. Within the framework of this cooperation, said the weekly, several Japanese
nationals lived with the Palestinian refugees in the camps and helped in medical and
social work.
The weekly quoted a PFLP spokesman as saying after the Lydda Airport incident
that the operation there was "the beginning of a new phase in military operations ag-
ainst the Israeli enemy. The purpose of these operations is to get the resistance move-
ment rout of its present stagnation. We did not start this operation in order to' stop af-
ter completing it. On the contrary, we will continue the struggle in accordance with
a new plan dictated by the requirements of the situation."
In fact, security men in various countries were busy last week trying' to foil an-
other Kamikazi operation which was allegedly being planned by a Japanese who had
been involved in the Lydda Airport operation, in which two Japanese were killed and
a third captured by Israeli authorities.
Security precautions were increased on the Israeli embassy in-Tokyo and on Jap-
anese officials after reports circulated 'saying that the fourth man was planning to
carry out another Kamikazi operation. Kazo Okamoto, who was captured by the Israelis,
had reportedly told his interrogators that more commando operations would be launched
until the 10th of June. Japanese authorities declared last week that they were checking
their files of some seven million persons to find fingerprints that match those of the
lone Japanese. surviver, Okamoto (24).
In the meantime, the authorities said they were trying to learn the identity of the
mysterious woman who is believed to be the fourth person involved in the Lydda opera-
tion. She was to have- acted aI :s liaison for the Arab commandos and to have contacted
the three Japanese activistsdn Rome where she allegedly gave them their passports
and weapons before they flew' to Tel Aviv.
Three Women. At least three Japanese women were reported to be with the PFLP.
They are Fusako Shigenobu (26), Mariko Nakanu (29) and Dr. Takako Nobuhara (31).
They are said to be in Lebanon.
Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000200120001-1
or Re 200 Br. obutlara wa s repQS J 9o have0ret rnA DPap n last OO?OOhe s21 al-
legedly approached some radical students during her visit before she returned to Leb-
anon. She, and Nlariko Nakano, both of whom worked together in the Palestine refugee
center in Osaka, western Japan, left Japan in April 1971 for Beirut, press reports
said last weelc. The doctor took medical equipment from the Japan-Arab society for
the Red Crescent Hospital in Beirut.
Press reports said Dr. Nobuhara became acquainted with Miss Shigenobu, the one-
time Red Army activist, took interest in the PFLP movement and quit the hospital last
December. She reportedly joined the PFLP commandos in south Lebanon. Miss Shig-
enobu has been with the Palestine .commandos since 1970. She is suspected of having
worked to establish routes for Japanese radicals and sympathizers to travel to the
Middle East.
The older brother, Takeshi Okamoto (26) of Kazo Okamoto, the lone commando
surviver of the Tel Aviv incident, was among nine hijackers of a Japanese airliner to
North Korea in March, 1970. Takeshi apparently influenced Kazo to join the activist
'novem ent .
Nakano Interviewed. Meanwhile, Miss Mariko Nakano, a Japanese nurse working
it Al Quds ~lerusalern Fic~spital at Hazmieh, near Beirut, was interviewed by reporter. ;
;t the }lrttop+i' i ~- `f r? !; ,
Nakano denied she had anything to do with -the- Lydda Airport incident, but paid that
,the "Kamikazi spirit is- sweeping the Middle East." She made no secret of her admira-
tion for the three Japanese Who carried out the Lydda. operation. "They have my cong-
ratulations. It has made my Palestinian brothers happy," she said. She added, "They
were revolutionaries and I support revolution. For me, revolution has no country.
What is wrong with fighting imperialism in Tokyo or Tel Aviv? It is all the same."
Mis* Nakano said she has been in Lebanon only ten months. "I am a nurse," she
said, adding, "I treat the sick, women and dhildren. I am at the side of the Palestinian
people for humanitarian ! reasons.:",
She denied she was..the mysterious w'omanrcode-named "Jun", who is suspected
of having been the liaison between the Japanese Red Army and the PFLP. She said she
had no knowledge of such a person and denied she was acquainted with any of the three
Japanese who carried out, the Iyy'cda operation.
"I am poor; but amongst the Palestinians I am happy," she said. "I have freedom
here which I did not enjoy in Japan." Since the': Lydda airport attack, her parents and
relatives were harassed by Japanese Authorities. "Poor mama, poor papa t It was not,
their fault," she said.,
l'{akano was'non-Committal about her future plans, but hoped she might one day
return to Japan. "But there is so much yet to be done for world revolution, and so much
more to do with my Palestinian comrades," she said.
GERMAN OFFER.' On June 8th, Beirut's independent daily AL NAHAR.parried
a front-page story claiming that a German "terrorist extremist", wanted, and later
arrested, by the West German authorities had been in Lebanon early this year when
he held contacts with Palestinian commandos (specific organization not identified) and
offered them his services' in carrying 'out terrorist operations against Israel and Is-
raeli targets throughout the world.
The man was identified as 29-year-old Andreas Baadar, allegedly the head of a
radical group that aims at dealing blows to?!'imperialist targetsieven if Germany burns
down." He later was joined by another revolutionary extremist called "Aurli'ch Mein
Koff", and their group came to be known as "Baadar-Meinhoff" group.
Approved For Release 1999/09/02 CIA-RDP79-01194A000200120001-1
Annraverl Far Release 1999109109 - (IA-Rr1P7Q-01194AO00900190001-1
13aadar was reported to have entered Lebanon on a forged passport, thus mis-
leading Lebanese authorities. He held several meetings with Palestinian commando
leaders, but no agreement was reached. AL NAHAR said that some of his offers were
"very attractive", but the commando leaders found loopholes in them. They also feared
the consequences of letting Baadar into their plans and operations.
The German authorities, according to the paper, had put up an award of 420,000
Lebanese pounds for the arrest of Baadar, who had carried out a series of terrorist
operations in Germany since 1968, and was, therefore, considered as "an extremely
dangerous outlaw."
After what has been described as the "biggest jean-hunt in Germany since the
Second World War, " Baadar was arrested and is now awaiting his trial. His colleague
is sti'l at large. German newspapers claim that Baadar had-relations with the Japan-
ese Red Army to which the three Kamizakjs who attacked Lydda Airport last week
Bond Street gang?
Britain's part in co-sponsoring last
week's Security Council resolution-
which " condemned " the recent Israeli
raids into Lebanon, while only " deplor-
ing " the guerrilla attacks that led to
them-has detonated an Israeli reac-
tion. The Israeli government was
angered by the resolution, particularly
by the clause which called for it, albeit
in convoluted phrasing, to return the
Syrian officers captured during the pre-
vious week. Hence, one must. assume,
Israel's decision to embarrass the British
Government by challenging Britain's
supposed decision to allow the guer-
rillas' Palestine Liberation Organisation
to set up an office in London--although
the Israelis had already been informed
that under British law and tradition
neither decision nor permission was
The Government has indeed been
embarrassed, with members of parlia-
ment on both sides protesting at the
thought of a terrorist nest in the centre
of London. In Parliament on Monday
Mr Joseph Godber, Minister of State
at the Foreign Office, reiterated what
Sir Alec Douglas-Home had replied to
Mr Abba Eban last week : there are
no means of preventing anyone
establishing such an office so long as
it operates within the framework of
British law. This means that a FLU
office, like the other offices in Britain
which are or have been attached to a
wide variety of political movements,
can provide information or lobby any-
is amm"R
but cannot operate as a guerrilla base
for planning terrorism or training
The dCt3.,rtinn ran he a fine one
and there is no doubt that the
activities of a PLO office, when
established, will be closely scrutinised.
So too, as Mr Godber assured Mr
Callaghan, the shadow Home Secre-
tary, will its personnel. The most likely
head of the new office will be Mr
Said Hammami, a PLO representative
who has been in London for about a
year attached to the Arab League
information office. With his own office
and stall', Mr llaniniami's job will be
extended but will remain, he insists,
for information only. .
A PLO office has existed more or
less quietly in New York since 1965.
The quiet was broken last year when
the office was raided, and its chief
beaten up, by militant Jews. There is
also an office in Geneva but in most
European capitals information about
the Palestinians and their cause is
disseminated, if at all, by the Arab
League and its PLO representatives.
It may be these who were meant by
the resolution passed last week by the
political committee of the Council of
Europe, which called on the council's
17 members (who include Switzerland
and Britain) to close w ra
their PLO offices.
Israel's desire to prevent the propa-
gation of more efficient information
about the Palestine guerrilla rnove-
ment(as pi-ec.,.,t crantyr 2nd rvrn ernre
confused than the movement itself) is
understandable, although it comes
rather curiously from Mr Menahem
Regin, the leader of the Jewish
guerrilla organisation which fought
both Arabs and Britons in the last years
of the British mandate. The past being
the past, Mr Begin was correctly given
a visa for his recent visit to London.
The Palestine guerrillas being very
much part of the present, it is question-
able whether their leader, Mr Yasser
Arafat, should receive similar hospi-
tality if, as rumoured, he applies for
a visa to open the London office. As
chairman of the PLO's executive com-
mittee, Mr Arafat is, in theory at least,
ultimately responsible for all acts of
violence by the guerrilla groups which
belong to the organisation.
But it is improbable that Mr Arafat
will make the attempt. The informa-
tion office can do its work as well, and
in fact a good deal better, without the
hullabaloo of a controversial opening.
And Palestinians in London, pointing
o the rock-bottom state of the for-
tunes of the guerrilla movement, say
starkly that Mr Arafat has, or should
have, a great many more important
things to do than ceremonial openings.
Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000200120001-1
Approved For Release I 999/09W2Y k--kDP79-011 SUMQ 6120001-1
14 July 1972
orist Li
According to the intelligence forts v
if they
By TAD SZULC officials, the k;:Iiilg of 26 by- r
New York Times News Scnke Slanders at Tel Aviv airport nation,
Agency and other Western in-
tcllifirnc' F'rviccs reportedly
have traced numerous connec-
lions between the Japanese
wrrorist "Red Army," a Pal-
r tinian guerrilla organization,
the Uruguayan Tupamaros,
the Irish Republican Army
and a number of other revolu-
tionary movements.
intelligence officials here
ay that an international revo-
lutionary organization has de-
xeloped from contacts between
the Japanese terrorists, the
i'opular Front for the Libera-
lion of Palestine and the other
groups, among them the Turk-
kh "People's Liberation
Army" and the Italian "Red
Officials said that a central
office was established in Zu-
rich, Switzerland, late last
year and that agents and
"safe houses" were main-
tained in Beirut, Lebanon, and
other Middle Eastern coup-'
tries, in a number of European
cities and in Tokyo.
rousts of the "Red Army, in
concert with the Marxist-
oriented Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, was
the first known instance of
such international cooperation
between guerrilla groups.
The intelligence officials
said there was evidence of in-
creasing clandestine contacts
among many separate groups.
Representatives of some of
the guerrilla groups conferred
secretly with officials of the
Irish Republican Army in
Dublin between May 26 and 28,
according to the intelligence
Each of the underground
groups represented in the new
international organization has
carried out guerrilla actions
such as kidnapings, killings of
officials and bank robberies,
in the country in which it is
The intellience officials
said that many of the revolu-
tionary leaders appeared to
..u u8t .x;72
k Hinted
were coordinated inter-
of the Popular
Front and IN Japanese terror-
ists, the int iligence officials
said, they ha reached an''ac-
tion" agree ent late In 1970,
after a serf s of bilackings of
airliners by Palestinian com-
As a res It of the agree-
ment, they said, a training
camp for Ja anese revolution-
aries was stablished near
Beirut, in J uary 1971 by an
unidentified apanese woman
and by Lell Khaled, a mem-
ber of a pal tinian comman-
do team th sought to hijack
an Israeli frliner between
London and ew York in Sep-
Miss Kha ed was released
by British a thorities in Octo-
ber 1970 i exchange for a
group of Ar bs imprisoned in
West Germ y.
The intelli ence officials not-
ed that Miss haled's compan-
ion, _ who w killed In the at-
tempted hijacking, was Patr
rick Arguello, an American o
Puerto Rican parentage and
member of an American group
sympathizing with the Pales-
tinians' cause.
In November 1971, a Poputth
Front delegation reportedly
visited Tokyo secretly, leaving
behind a liaison agent with the
"Red Army."
Subsequently, the officials
said, a number of Japanese
terrorists, including those who
were to participate in the Tel
Aviv airport killings, were
sen t to a training camp of the
Popular Front in Baalek. Leb-
The intelligence officials not-
ed that the surviving Japanese
terrorist from the airport mas-
sacre, Kozo Okamato, testified
at his current trial in Israel
that he received a fake pass-
port in Frankfurt and then
joined his two companions in
Rome for the trip to Tel Aviv.
They said this confirmed re-
ports that the guerrillas had
well-organized supporters in a
numhar of F.nrnp ae n nA ttala
0-11 0 r gterr
last weekend's sabotage at the Trieste p11,
pipeline terminal in Italy has reactivated the
debate about uses of Arab oil as a political
weapon against the United States and Israel.
Palestinian guerrillas of the "Black Sep-
tember" group claimed the burning inferno
of African and Mideast crude oil bound for
Italy, Austria, and West Germany as part of
its "revolutionary policy" of attacking the
interests of Israel's frieHd? and allies.
There was visible concern among Arab as
well as Western governments and oil circles.
The highly professional sabotage of the
Trieste terminal of the 300-mile-long Trans-
alpine pipeline hit one of West Europe's main
oiI-supply arteries, completed'just before the
Arab-Israeli war of 1067.
The pipeline was owned by a group of some
of the largest firms that are customers for
Arab oil, including Esso, Shell, Mobil 011,
Relief for Rotterdam
The pipeline was built to relieve the heavy
load on t.hc other main West European tanker
terminal at Rotterdam.
Oil sources here say most of the crude-oil
supplies pumped through the pipe come from
areas west of the closed Suez Canal: mainly
Nigeria, Algeria, and Libya, with which
Egypt Aug. 2 announced its intention to form
a total union by September, 1973. Some of the
crude oil also came from the Persian Gulf
Such sabotage acts, Egyptian officials say,
were not meant by Egyptian President
Anwar al-Sadat when in an interview with
Newsweek magazine he recently predicted
"A long, hot autumn for U.S. interests."
Confirmation that Black September - the
group that assassinated former Jordanian
Prime Minister Wasfi Tell here last Novem?
company. EN1e ~ vE '~ ~ ~ se 1999/
sm7nM,WvFDHZ*:Q49 94"-022
would be regarded here as proof that
Palestinian guerrilla acts may conflict with
:drab governmental as well as Western
'lilaer meant considered
However, more pacific means of using oil
as a pressure device to compel the United
States to soften its support for Israel are
under discussion,
l';eonomy ministers of Egypt, Syria, and
!.elusion are to meet here Aug. 20 to consider
feasibility Studies on the subject, commts-
Atine t by the Arab League's Economic
Council last November,
King Faisal of Saudi Arab la last week
exasperated Arab partisans of oil action
against Washington. He opposed it in an
interview published in the Cairo newspaper
King Faisal was quoted as saying there is
"no use in reviving such a call at present"
since Arab oil, he maintained, would not be a
critical import for the United States until
.He recalled that the late President Nasser
had opposed political use of oil at the last
Arab summit conference in Morocco in
December, 1969, because it "impared the
economies of the Arab countries."
t i
12 August 1972
nrcotics are usually associated with hippies and
social misfits who Ilse them as an escape from reality.
King Faisal's rejection followed a month
after a Saudi royal cabinet warning of July
Participation urged
The Saudi Government urged Western oil
firms to fulfill Arab demands for participa-
tion (part ownership),by producer-govern-
ments to the companies.
It said a positive response in the participa.
tion talks, being conducted on behalf of the
Persian Gulf-area members of OPEC (the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coung
tries) was desirable if the companies wished
"not to forfeit their key position in the oil
industry as a consequence of their position at
the production stage."
Oil experts interpreted this as a hint of,
possible government take-overs of produc?.
tion operations, as have already occurred in
Iraq, Algeria, and Libya, If the participation
talks finally break down.
Iran, one of the world's and OPEC's biggest
producers, has, however, indicated it would
not follow the Arab policy. It has been
negotiating new accords with the Western oil
consortium without regard to the participa-
tion issue.
K 111 9%
zihs use v ug, TO Pri
i control n overthrow o governments.
Use of narcotics for political
of years ago in the turbulent
youngsters were gathered to-
gether, introduced to drugs,
turned into addicts
and set
loose to murder their sponsor's
To deaden their conscience,
to give them courage enough
to face certain death if caught,
these young men were primed
with massive doses of hashish.
Since these young men kill
under the influence of hashish,,
they were called "Hashishirill,
and in time the word has
become part of the English
language as "assassin."
The idea of.priming killers
with drugs has recently been
revived, ? and hashish
morphine and refine, heroin mangos teal in vast quantities pathy, and later recruit them being used to buy arms (or, the
e Ifii is nowe was And
mr..,,amu Thwern
of Arab guerrilla organisa- The narcotics pipeline origi- Most of the Turkish :inarch
tions as well as of an impor- natcs in Turkey, where the chists were familiar with smug
taut source. of funds for libe- opium poppy has traditionallygling routes, knew the regions
ration grumps been a lucrative cash crop. where poppy growers wcr
The leading Istanbul daily
Cumhuriyct, in its issue of
June 14, carried a special
report from Beirut which flatly
stated it was well known that
in many countries today hired
militants used hashish to boost
their courage before they at-
tempted robbcry--or murder.
ng persona
,,,rvtmu aim ciasning wi[n the
makes it clear that use of tough Turkish drug laws, the The crude morphine base
hashish, morphine and other Arab guerillas make use of collected by Turkish sympa-
narcotics for political purposes ? Turkish anarchists. thisers is sent into Lebanon
is far more widespread than IDEAL COURIERS either by fishing boats or
in the past. Many of these anarchists across the land frontier.
A The Arab
leading police chief tlis had to leave Turkey in a charge of the crude 'opium ucrrilla p
II,banon, a Muslim who
hurry with the political police base" and sell it to interna-
openly in sympathy with the ? on, their heels. The Arab
Arab struggle in Palestine, Querrillas'wouldwelcomethem_ clonal drug rings in Beirut
Recently Turkey outlawed willing to do illegal deals, had
the growing of the o ium p?l~f'y, the advantage of Turkish as
and imposed stilt penalties fora mother tongue-and were
smuggling, but even when far- blindly courageous.
mers are . given generous Apart from using some o
compensations, an extensive the drugs to boost the courage
illegal opium market persists of their would he assassins,
because of the fantastic profits. the Arab guerrillas have found
narcotics an I excellent. wayo
Instead of
part of the regal r 01 u s and c a in Paicsline.,
F6 r i e J 10~'~ fIZ; .01?x`9- "4WMI hb~ _l ..
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Large quantities of the
ovict-built Kalishnikov sub-
achincgun and Katyusha
ockcts (these can be carried
asily by guerrillas and have
range of -seven to eight
ilomcters) arc bought from
nenth'. of ier hand, makes regular all over the world and there is
he Russians. Phosphorus ere- trips all over Europe as alnothing wrong with pushing:
ades, bombs and other' The guerrilla organisations drug courier. sales through pictures of guar-
realised the dangers and tried
capons o
Soviet origin also
The guerrilla groups are
ind their way into guerrilla to put a stop to this "sampling"' not at all ashamed of involve-
.;fu rmouries. but recent reports show that not in all the drug traffic. -
men t Ne
addiction is speading like wild-
r s
e as
ward fire among the Palestinian semi-refined morphine is highly
cal is and since the ? final fedayin. regarded by narcotic rings in
cal is conducted through Europe and it also has quite a
ebanese "cutouts" neither The Cumhuriyet report lists high reputation with the
ussians nor Arabs are in the a number of guerrilla groups European urban guerrilla
icture if something should go involvcdc inr the drug traffic.
groups, who buy fair amounts
Lebanese Intelligence is well
ware of (tic drug traffic. It also
nows all about the purchase
clandestine arms by the
rab guerrillas.
It prefers, however, to turn
blind eve since the political
tuation in the Lebanon is
cry delicately balanced and
t is Government does not want
t oublc with the pro-Palcstinian
gmcnt of the population.
Though at first the guerrillas
egarded narcotics merely as
he quickest and most con-
enient way to gather funds,
hey soon noticed that some oft
heir couriers were showing
symptoms of drug-use. the alias Ahmed Bel Hassan. According to Curihuriyet,
There is a fatal attraction Secondary leaders of the the guerrillas themselves see
about drugs; and even those
Rasd group include Avni El nothing wrong in Hasa~i Sala-
chosen after careful screening Hilu, Abu Sakir, Abu Said and mah bragging about his hashish
for courier duty found them- Abu Fatah; they usually confine operations. They maintain
selves diverting smalramounts their operations to Beirut. that hashish is an accepted
of the drugs for their own use- Hassan Salamah, on the symbol with young
and getting hooked perma- l ', anarchists
mass inicmgcncc ano terror his friends.
unit of Al Fatah, whose .main NO COMPUNCTION
work is to penetrate Turkish
smuggling rings, organise sour- So indifferent arc the Arabs
ces of supply, establish courier about involvement in the
routes from Turkey to the drug trade, that some of the
Lebanon, and to cultivate con- half-kilo nylon bags of hashish
tacts with overseas narcotic they unload in Europe carry
pictures of an Arab guerrilla
rings to finance Al-Fa(ah's armed with the Kalishnikov
military ofcrations. ,daub-pub
The head of the Rasd project 1 'addiction the increase in drug
is Abu Hassan (real name addiction has so alarmed the
Hassan Salamah), a shadowy world, and so many of the
figure who has widc-ranging .liberators themselves are turn-
contacts in the region and ing into addicts that saner
possesses two diplomatic pass- Arab elements consider this
ports issued by Algeria, one labelling of drug packets with
under the name of Abdul pictures of Arab guerrillas
Kadar Madani, the other under ' deplorable bad taste.
Nevertheless, such views
represent only a minority opi-
nion, and the more sober'
Arabs feel the, should *et out
of the drug traffic, pointing out
that trading in human misery
by peddling drugs is sure to
destroy much of the sympathy
,that exists towards the Pales-
tine struggle.
While the guerrillas continue
to debate the issue, both Turkey
and Iran have taken stern
measures to stop the drug traffic
at its source.
In Iran the death penalty has
been imposed-and carried
out-against drug peddlars,
while in Turkey. border patrols
have ? been stepped up and
farmers quietly warned that
unless they stop illegal culti-
vation of opium they will be '?.
in serious trbuble.
With enforcement fairly lax
in the past opium producers
were too dazzled by easy =;
profits to bother about the
moral aspects of their trade.
Things are likely to be very
different from now on.
Despite the great influence
wielded by the Arab drug
traffickers, Turkey and other
opium growing countries at
last seem determined to root
out the drug evil once and for
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Eoreigfl ?.Report.
Published by The Economist Newspaper Limited ?:
25 St. James's Street, London, SWIA IHG
1259 16 August, 1972
The - black hand of Black - September .'
There are signs that the Israeli intelligence service is-getting worried about the score-
card of the most recent 'of the Palestine guerrilla movements -'the Black September
organisation, which has claimed responsibility for the Triest oil terminal sabotage of
4 August.
The first significant exploit of the Black September terrorists was the assassination of
the Jordanian prime minister, Wasfi Tal, in Cairo in*November, 1971. The following
month they ,attempted to assassinate the Jordanian ambassador' to London. On
February the group says it blew up a natural gas plant,in Ravenstein, Holland; and
on the same day shot and killed five Jordanians in Bruehl, near Cologne. On 8 February,
again according to its own claims, the,13lack September movcmcnt detonated explosions
at business premises near Hamburg, and on 22 February it sabotaged oil pipelines.
All these targets allegedly had had some links'with the Israelis. In May the organisa-
tion unsuccessfully attempted to hijack 'a Sabena airliner at Lydda airport; of the four
hijackers, two were killed by the Israelis.
Previously believed to be operating without central direction, the Black September
organisation is. now reliably reported to be under the control of Fatah, the principal
Palestinian guerrilla movement. All Black September, information is 'printed. and
distributed by the Fatah office in Beirut, and access to the movement can be obtained
only through Fatah channels.
The. question of the role of. the guerrilla movements is known to have been on the
agenda of tiic recent talks in Benghazi, between Presidents Sadat of Egypt and Q,addafi
of Libya-Egypt has been financing Fatah in recent years to a greater degree than is
popularly supposed; and for some time Egyptian direction of its activities has been
substantial. From now on there will be Libyan money to back the Cairo control.
This means that the threat from the Black September movement will increase; it will
probably - though this is arguable - be under more effective central control, and wil l
undoubtedly have an increased, supply of funds.
At the moment, the other guerrilla movements, the Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PDFLP) and,the Popular Revolutionary Front'for the Liberation of Palestine (PRFLP)
are keeping their heads down. It is now virtually certain that the assassination of Ghhaassaiss
Kanafani, the spokesman for the "PFLP, on 8 July in Beirut, was the "Work of-Israeli
intelligence agents - in retaliation for the Lydda airport massacre of 30 May. Since
then the leaders of these three Palestinian movements have gone underground, until
the Israeli threat of direct reprisal has eased. Saiqa, the Syrian-based guerrilla move-
ment, has now virtually lost its quasi-official Syrian protection, which is in 'keeping
with the relatively moderate new policy *of President Assad. The 'probability is that
Saiqa will soon come under more direct Fatah control.
But it is not only the Israelis who are watching these developments, or probable
developments, with anxious interest. King Hussein of Jordan' and King Faisal of
Saudi Arabia are disturbed by the increased control that Egypt and Libya exert over
the most radical and fanatical of the guerrilla movements.
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world are fast reasserting themselves.
But Jordan is already embarked upon a counter-stratagem. The Jordanians have
been providing, with some eagerness, police and intelligence training for the security
forces of the Gulf emirates; and they and the Saudis arc giving similar assistance to
the opposition `liberation' movement that is currently harassing the marxist government
of South Yemen:. Recent evidence has confirmed that, Jordanian `mercenaries' are
involved in this obscure conflict.
With the withdrawal of the normal British forces from the -'region and the recent
expulsion of. the Russians from Egypt, the atavistic forces of'conlictiwithin the Arab'
25 August 1972
Nihilism-Turkish Style
ISTANBUL, Turkey-Turkey's urban
guerrillas seem to have philosophical
tits , with nineteenth-century Russian
nihilism. Their goal is purely destruc
tive--to bring down the lumbering
Turkish social structure.
The principal laboratory where they
learn violent techniques is the Middle'
East. Terrorists from the three extrem-
ist branches-Turkish People's Libera-
tion Army (T.P.L.A.), Turkish People's
Liberation Front (T.P.L.F.), and Turkish
People's Liberation Party (T.P.L.P.)-
have known connections with two far-
out -Arab guerrilla groups based In
Lebanon and Syria.
These are the People's Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (P.F.L.P.), a-
small but disciplined outfit which has
specialized in hijacking international
airlihers, and its breakaway faction,'
the 'People's Democratic Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (P.D.F.L.P.),
which claims to be more Maoist than
if all this sounds like some weird
word game, one should not forget that
the anagrams are written In blood, and,
although the Turkish guerrillas prob-
ably number less than a hundred ac-
tivists with only three or four hundred
active sympathizers and a few thou-
sand passive supporters, they managed
to throw a deep scare into this country.
The reasons are manifold. To start
with, the Turks are tough and Turkish
nihilists have done some unusually
nasty things: kidnapping American sol-.
diers, British and Canadian radar tech-
niQians; murdering an Israeli consul
general; burning one of Istanbul's most
splendid edifices; sinking two ships,
and so forth.
The apparent ea, ps ar as can
-Tftmmdd, is to bling dawn the Gavefft-
ment, prompt an open military take-
ovdr and thereby cause a public reac-
.tion sympathetic to the guerrillas. All
that is an opium-dreamer's Turkish de-
light and opium farming Is now banned.
?Ih the late nineteen-sixties revolu
Nnlia literature was allowed to an-
pear for the first time and discontented
students found it possible to study-in'
Turkish-such textbooks n violence as
Carlos Marighella's treatise on the ur
ban guerrilla. Leftist university schol-
ars both here and In the large Turkish
colony of workers in West Germany
literally accepted the technical possi-
bilities thus offered and also, inci-
dentally, were encouraged by Bizim
Radyo, a Turkish language broadcast-
ing station in East Germany.
A nucleus of professional terrorists
was trained here and In Lebanon and
Syria, and equipped with arms smug-
gled from the Palestine guerrillas all
across the Bulgarian border. Last month
fourteen Turkish revolutionaries were
caught on the Syrian frontier. When
they were expelled from that country
Ankara was tactfully notified.
There has been an effort to link the
tiny urban guerrilla movement with the
large and restless Kurdish minority in
southern and eastern Turkey and com-
mittees of so-called Maoist or New Left
'Turkish agitators have also been es-..
tablished in West German cities. '
Nevertheless, although Turkish stu
dents and many professors have been:
actively discontented for years, and al-'
though there is growing frustration at'
the,lack of adequate jobs for new in-
tellectuals and technicians, the nihilists.
seem to have been thwarted., Three
T.P.L.A. leaders. were, hanged this year.,
Several. IX.L.r. and
U___ killed i' te,;+H
leave _
curity forces. And an effort to enlist
the support of junior military officers
(mainly reserve and mostly in the air
force) was smashed.
The present unrest originated with a
leftist body established among students'
less than a decade ago and called
devgene, or -revolutionary youth."
Prior to last year's Intervention by the
armed forces and establishment of mar-
tial law, a reign of terror had begun to!
creep through Turkish- cities. Some
prosperous men even sent their families
But public confidence now seems to
have been restored and -the security
forces believe the small but vigorous
terrorist organizations have been de-
capitated. Moreover, police analysis'
has disclosed that the urban guerrillas'
here have less extensive connections
abroad than had sometimes been ru
mored; that, for example, there is no
reason to link them with the Uruguayan
Tupamaros or the I.R.A.
The explosions that have been rock-
Ing Turkey seem to have been limited
but the factors within the Turkish social
structure that ignited these explosions
have yet to be improved. The country
has by no means advanced enough
economically, educationally, or politi
,tally in the half-century since Ataturk's
revolution assumed full control.
In addition to'a generation gap so
immense that it preventsr even the sem-
blance of a dialogue between old and
young, there is still, a cultural gap
which prevents even the pretense of
consensus on any major national issue.
Until this is bridged, nihilism of one or
.another sort will remain endemic.
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6 September 1972
Attack at Olympics
Guerrillas, in Cairo, Take
Responsibility for Attack
CAIRO, Sept. 5 (Reuters)
An Arab guerrilla organization
called Black September claimed
responsibility today for the
attack on Israeli athletes' quar-
ters at the Olympic Village in
The group, in a statement
handed to foreign journalists,
demanded the release of Arab
guerrillas held by Israel and
threatened to "liquidate" the
Israelis held hostage in Munich
if West Germans tried to storm
their position in the Olympic
The organization's statement,
on four mimeographed pages
headed "Communique of the
Operation in Munich," was dis.
tributed to news agency offices.
The statement said that "our
revolutionary forces" were "tak-
ing over, right now, the Israeli
house at the Olympic Village in
Munich." It said, "All members
of the Israeli delegation in the
house are under armed arrest."
List of Demands
About six words were cut
out of the paper at the begin-
Ing of the next sentence, which
read. "We demand of the Israeli
military authorities In occupied
Palestine to comply strictly
with the following "
A list of demands was then
given, calling for the release of
Arab guerrillas held in Israel.
The statement also warned
against what it called "tricky
maneuvers or delaying tactics
of any sort." If the Israeli au
thorities used any, they "will
pay then for their arrogance
and their disregard for human
rights and lives, as well," the
statement added.
The second part of the state-
ment termed Israel "an Ameri-
scan client state" and said she
posed a permanent threat to
the people of the Middle East.
Method of Release Specified
CAIRO, Sept. 5 (Agence
France-Presse)-The document
said to have been distributed
by the Black September guer-
rilla organization said that the
released prisoners were to board
any 'non-Israeli plane and fly
to any Arab capital other than
Amman, Jordan, or Beirut, Leb-
After' their safe arrival, it
said, negotiations could begin
with West German authorities
for the release of the Israeli
6 September 1972
Fedayeen Fulfill '71 Vow-
Major Raids Abroad
harry Israel and
gle," a member of the aArabl
commando Central Committee
declared a year ago in Amman,
Jordan, and since then the com-
mandos have staged a succes-
ion of major attacks outside'
ordanian soil.
In their statements, the vari-
us guerrilla spokesmen have
ong been saying that they
ere using violence tb drama-
ize their grievance9,` and to
her support
The guerrillas' ultimate ai
Is to bring about the disman
fling of Israel somehow. They
argue that it was unjustly
esta4lished on land that rightly
Black September was so
named symbolize the plight of
the Palestinian guerrillas, sup-
pressed by King Iiussein of
Jordan in September, 1970. The
group first appeared last No-
vember when four of its inert,
assassinated the Jordanian Pre-
Mier, Wasfi Tal, in Cairo.
The group also claimed rely
sponsibility for an attempt on
the life of a former Jordanian
6tnhaccarrnr in Innrinn thn cah-
otaging earlier this year of a
factory in West Germany that,
manufactured electric gencr?
ators for the Israeli Air Force,'
and the blowing up of the oil'
`complex at Trieste, Italy, in
Black September's activities
have evoked mixed Arab reac-
tions-disannroval from most
governments and support from
some Palestinians and othct
Arabs appeared today to be'
!stunned by the action in
Munich. Their immediate reac-,
4ion was dismay.
Lebanon indicated disap=
proval when the. Government
radio made no mention of t.hC
developments in Munich. Other.
Arab radios reported the at"
:tack without comment.
Lebanese wondered whether
Israelis would find an excuse
for an attack in Lebanon. They
noted that the guerrillas herd
had kept their promise made irt,
.June to freeze all operation$
'against Israel from Lebanon..
The Lebanese-Israeli bores
der has been quiet since i.iten,
This followed Israeli land an4,
air attacks on guerrilla b:isc
`and villages in southern Lcbai
ganization had come into ex-
istence in July, 1971 and had
Issued a statement at tho
time saying it would mount a
"scorched-earth" policy against
the Jordanian regime of. King
But soon afterward, a Jor,
danian Government spokesman
charged that Black September
was really only "a mask used
by. Fatah to hide its treacher-
ous schemes." Al Fatah is tho
main guerrilla reani7ntinn
u no Arab commando
group claimed responsibility for
the next major guerrilla inci
dent, the hijacking of a Luft-
hnncn j?mhi, j tB~ie'G7TttTt'T
desolate capital of Southern
Yemen, last February.
The West German Govern-'
ment was reported to h
ave paid
Arabs* freed them on bail of $2,300 a $5-million ransom to the
Before the' 1967 Arab=Israeli' each. Arab gunmen who took over
war, the fledgling Palestinian 'Scorched -Earth'- the plane, which had carried
guerrilla movement went about At the timme of the assasina- more than o phew to S !a.
its business largely behind Is- eluding a son of the late ena
racli lines. But since then, and tion, informants in Beirut, for Robert' F. Kennedy,
hostages and the departure of
September will tolerate no com-
promise, it said.
No Surprise in Beirut
The Black September' guerrilla,
organization's claim of respon
sibility for the attack on Israeli
athletes in Munich came as no
Arabs have been expecting
the radical group to retaliate
for Israelis' storming of a hi-,
jacked Belgian Sabena jetliner
to the Tel Aviv airport, last
Black September guerrillas I
had hijacked the plane with
100 persons aboard to Tel Aviv
Iciise 0
guerrillas held in Israeli pris-
ons. Israeli soldiers disguised
as airline servicemen attacked
the plane, killed two male hi-
jackers and captured the two
Arab women helping them.
Black September vowed ven-,
Late in May, three Japanese
terrorists acting on behalf of,
the Popular Front for the Lib-.
eration of Palestine, a Marxist
group, attacked the Tel Aviv
airport with machine guns, kill
,ing 28 persons and wounding'
The Black September organi-
zation is made up of about 200'
young guerrillas who were
members of Al Fatah, the main
guerrilla organization. Some ob-
servers believe Black Septem-
ber is a secret Fatah arm, oper-
ated by Fatah's intelligence
shice Me a an Army of
fehsives against the com-
mandos in 1970 and 1971,.the
guerrillas, or fe4aycen, have
often found it more expeditious
to mount their raids abroad.
It was the 1970 crackdown
that gave rise to the name of
the shadowy Black September
organization. In a statement
issued in Cairo yesterday, the.
:group claimed responsibility for
the attacks on the Israeli Olym-
pic team in Munich.
estinians assassinated the Jar
danian Premier, Wasfi Tal, at
Cairo's most luxurious hotel,;
the Sheraton. and when th, y
were arrested they said the.
were members of the Black Sep.'
tember group. Last February,`
e anon, re orted that th r-
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September 1972
"Cuba will always be true to the revolutionary movement. We
put loyalty to the Soviet Union above everything else."*
With these words, enunciated in Moscow on 4 July of this year,
Fidel Castro Ruz became the first Latin American leader to pledge
allegiance to a_European power since Bolivar and San Martin cast off
Old World rule. Ironically, Castro owes his rise to power to
the strong spirit of independence of his fellow countrymep.. But,.
after 1:3 years of revolution increasingly patterned on the Soviet
model, Castro had so thoroughly shattered Cuba's economy, its
political viability and the morale of the people that he saw as
his only recourse to turn over to Moscow complete responsibility
for Cuba's political and economic future.
The final, formal act in the Sovietization of Cuba came at the
26th session of Comecon, an economic grouping of primarily East
European states that make up the Soviet dominated Warsaw Pact
Bloc, held in Moscow from 10 to 12 July. At this meeting, Cuba,
which had been content to attend past sessions as an observer,
ostensibly "requested" and, by Soviet diktat, was "unanimously"
granted full membership in the group.
As a member of Comecon, Cuba has "voluntarily" placed itself
in the "Socialist Commonwealth", subject to the Brezhnev Doctrine
which limits the sovereignty of states and provides the ideological
rationale for Kremlin interference in the internal political
affairs of member states. Soviet media coverage of the event noted
that Cuba was the "first country in Latin America to take part in
socialist integration," A Pravda editorial said proudly that
"states of three continents are now members of Comecon."
Comecon, also known as the Council for Mutual Economic Assis-
tance (CMEA), is made up of Bulgaria, East Germany, Czechoslovakia,
Romania, Poland, Hungary and Mongolia, which lies on the Asian
border of the USSR, as well as the Soviet Union and now, Cuba.
Yugoslavia attends Comecon meetings as an observer; however, since
Tito managed to free Yugoslavia from the manacles of "Soviet state
capitalism" in 1948, he has been careful to keep the extent of his
*Krasnaya Zvezda(Red Star),, 5 July 1972, (The daily newspaper of
the Soviet -Minist'ry' of National Defense.)
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economic dealings with Comecon well below the level considered
dangerous to Yugoslavia's autonomy.
The reduction of Cuba to the status of a Soviet colony began
in earnest in early 1968, when Castro, faced with the realities of
mounting economic and morale problems caused by his erratic and
irresponsible leadership, agreed to terms for massive Soviet
economic and technical support in exchange for his open espousal
of Moscow's ideological supremacy and an increase in his support
for Kremlin foreign policies. As a result, Castro, once considered
an independent revolutionary and for several years a major pro-
ponent of "separate - national - roads to socialism," shocked the
more liberal elements of the socialist world by endorsing the
Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968.
Four years of carefully doled Soviet aid only managed to keep
the Cuban economy on a bare subsistence level while it drove Castro
into deeper economic dependence on Moscow and increased his political
bondage to the Kremlin. By early this year the total Cuban debt
to the USSR had risen to over 4 billion dollars and according to
unofficial but reliable estimates this figure of indebtedness
has been increasing at the rate of nearly 2 million dollars per day.
When it became clear that the key sugar harvest for this year
would barely top 4 million tons, making it one of the poorest
harvests in recent Cuban history and disastrously below the 10
million tons which Castro had staked "the honor of the revolution"
on attaining by 1970, both Havana and Moscow became alarmed. The
Soviet solution, which Castro could resist only by admitting his
failure to the Cuban people and giving up his position of power,
called for placing the Cuban economy completely in the hands of
Soviet planners and managers for the foreseeable future. Bringing
Cuba into Comecon would not only provide a thin ideological face-
saving veneer for Castro when the full extent of Moscow's role in
Cuba became evident, but it would also provide the basis for the
Kremlin's having its East European "partners" share in the ever-
rising costs of maintaining Cuba while the Soviets continued to
reap all of the political benefits.
To lay the groundwork for Cuba's entry into Comecon, Castro
made an extensive "good-will" tour of the six East Europe Comecon
member states and the Soviet Union itself. The eight-week journey,
lasting from 17 May until 6 July, marked the first time Castro had
visited this area since 1964. Included in the tour were as many
public appearances and meetings with national leaders as could be
squeezed into the schedule. Short speeches, press conferences,
interviews and communiques were everyday occurrences. The themes
highlighted by Castro throughout were unrestrained praise for
Soviet policies and a call for greater solidarity of the socialist
community under Moscow's 'magnanimous" leadership.
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The trip came at a time when Soviet pressures for greater
integration and consolidation of its hold over Eastern Europe
were intensifying while nationalist-minded East European leaders
were seeking a variety of unobtrusive means for loosening
Moscow's reins. Such timing led many in East Europe, where
experience has taught the people to be wary of the Kremlin, to
conclude that the trip was conceived and directed in its entirety
by Moscow. Castro, nevertheless, played the role of the innocent
and grateful Third World beneficiary of Soviet munificence, much
to the chagrin and dismay of his hosts, especially in Romania,
Hungary and Poland.
In Czechoslovakia, where trials of the patriots and
intellectuals involved in the "Prague Spring" were in progress,
Castro "proudly" accepted an award for "the position taken by the
Cuban Communist Party in connection with the international assist-
ance of the Warsaw Pact countries in 1968." Quite appropriately
the award was presented by the Soviet-installed leader of Czecho-
slovakia, Gustav Husak, who remarked, "Your position was a great
help then and still is today." In accepting the award Castro
responded, "The position we took on the events in Czechoslovakia
in 1968-69 is perfectly normal, because we are allergic to any
manifestation of liberalism or deviationism._.
Shortly after his return to Cuba, and just two weeks after
Cuba's entry into Comecon, Castro delivered his traditional
speech to the Cuban people on the anniversary of the 26th of July
movement. He assured them that the trip was a great success and
that Cuba would only benefit from its new status in Comecon. He
obviously assumed that the Cuban people knew little about the
realities of Comecon and the true status of the subjugated East
European states that make up this body. Ironically, he used much
of his speech to lecture other Latin American countries and their
leaders on the meaning of "true sovereignty," "real freedom,11 I 'in-
dependence" and "national self-respect." In marked contrast, these
are the very subjects he feared to mention in the dozens of public
utterances he made throughout Eastern Europe, where they are as
cherished by the peoples of these captive nations as they are by
the free Latin Americans.
The Cuban people should be aware of what East Europeans really
feel about Comecon. While the press in Albania failed to mention
Cuba's admission to Comecon, it did report the following on 17
"CAA (Comecon) held its 26th session in Moscow last
week. While the Soviet leaders continue to publicize
its benefits and prospects for the future to member
states, such propaganda cannot obscure the bitter
reality concealed behind the activity of this bloc,
As time goes on it becomes ever clearer that CMEA
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and its many organs are only instruments used by
Moscow to plunder the other members of this neo-
colonialist-type entity in the most highly organized
manner possible."
What is the significance for the other Latin American countries
of Cuba's new status as a full-fledged vassal of Soviet neo-
colonialism? How can the other Latins deal with Castro's pledge
to "put loyalty to the Soviet Union above everything else?"
Cuban policies in Latin America, which, since 1968, had been
gradually changing to conform with Soviet policies in this area,
would now be planned, coordinated and financed in Moscow. Many
observers have noted a superficial easing of Cuban policies since
1968; a shift from outright Cuban support for the most radical and
violent left-wing revolutionary movements to what appears to be
a more moderate stance involving open Cuban support of responsible
revolutionary leaders. Such a view can be not only misleading but
extremely dangerous for Latin America in the future, for Havana
will now be manipulated in the much more subtle and sophisticated
ways characteristic of its Soviet master. It must also be
remembered that ,a goodly portion of Cuba's 4 billion dollar debt
to the USSR represent's indirect Soviet funding of Latin American
revolutionary movements.
Old, experienced communists such as Yugoslavia's Tito and
China's Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai, learned long ago that the wily
Kremlin politicians, much like their Tsarist imperialist pre-
decessors, are more interested in extending their own power, and
the power of the Russian Empire, than they are in altruistically
supporting revolutions designed to improve the lot of the masses.
Soviet Latin American policy has been characterized for a number
of years by what appears on the surface to be a good deal of
flexibility and moderation. In reality, however, it has been
marked by a cynical duality which combines diplomatic niceties
and carefully doled foreign aid and open displays of friendship
along with clandestine intrigue and subversion calculated in the
long run to extend Soviet political influence throughout the area.
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Soviet hegemony over east^rn Europe.
That is why even those. Comecon
integration projects under discussion in
Moscow last week which can be justi-
fir-l in terms of economic rationality
have a sinister ring for the more inde-
pendent-.minded east Europeans.
The- main news from last week's
meeting of this supposedly economic
organisation was political. The entry
of Cuba as a full member is dictated no
doubt by Russia's desire to keep a
closer watch on Dr Castro. There is also
die near-entry into membership of
Jugoslavia, which has recently found
itself obliged-mainly through its lack
of success in western markets-to enter
into closer co-operation with Come-
con. Politics, not economics, is still
king in eastern Europe. .
Hanging over all Comecon members
is the growing political problem of
how to react to the' enlargement of
the common market. Rumania has
approached Brussels in the hope of
being included in Europe's generalised
preference scheme. Jugoslavia has a
trade agreement ivith the common
market, which is currently being
re.-negotiated. Poland and Ijungai
would like to get larger quotas for their
textile exports to the community but
obviously cannot until Comecon has
sorted out the recognition problem. But
in a year when the Ten are jointly
preparing their approach to the Euro-
pean security conference, and when the
Brussels commission is expected to take
over the future common commercial
policy of the Ten towards eaftern
Europe, there is an increasing fear that
Russia will use the issue of rec gni..
tion of the EEC to bludgeon its Come-
con partners further into line.
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September 1972
Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme used the occasion of the
Socialist International Congress in Vienna (26-29 June) to return
to one of his favorite themes: American intervention in Vietnam.
At a time when many of his fellow European socialists have acknow-
ledged the fact of the massive North Vietnamese invasion of the
South, Mr. Palme has persisted in characterizing the American
presence as a continuation of French colonialism and asked the
Socialist International Congress to take a stand against American
"intervention." The Prime Minister's moral indignation was boundless:
"We are socialists; we are on the side of the poor, the downtrodden."
The Palme government's latest propaganda offensive against
the United States began on 17 May when Education Minister Carlsson
joined a march on the U.S. Embassy sponsored by the Swedish Vietnam
Committee. Speaking to the demonstrators, Carlsson condemned the
American role in Vietnam as "only one" instance of U.S. efforts
to dominate other countries. On 23 May Foreign Minister Wickman
told the Swedish parliament that the North Vietnamese invasion of
the South, was simply another example of cooperation between liberation
movements, whereas U.S. intervention was directed against all the
Vietnamese people. And in mid-June Swedish Ambassador to North
Vietnam Oeberg claimed that U.S. bombing of the North had severely
damaged dikes and dams and could cause massive flooding during the
rainy season.
Since most Swedes are pre-occupied, at the moment, with more
parochial. problems, such as unemployment, inflation and higher
taxes, the government's sudden re-obsession with the fate of a
Southeast Asian nation is difficult to understand. Could it possibly
relate to something more than the "humanitarian concern," Mr.
Palme is so fond of emphasizing?
In the 1970 elections, Palme's Social Democratic party lost
its absolute majority in parliament, when many of its left-wing
supporters turned to the communists. The government is currently
experiencing a severe mid-term slump- Sweden has been slow to
recover from last year's economic recession: consumer prices rose
approximately seven percent between May 1971 and May 1972;
unemployment remains high. Last winter Swedish housewives demon-
strated against the soaring price of food and the government is
worried that there may be new demonstrations.
Unable as yet to resolve his domestic problems, and faced with
new elections in 1973, Palme has turned with obvious relief to the
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Vietnam issue which is popular with the young and disaffected
elements of his electorate. His use of the Socialist International
forum to placate the Swedish left was noted by other participants
in the meeting. Responding to the Swedish Prime Minister's remarks,
German Chancellor Willy Brandt noted "anti-Americanism is often
an excuse for our own failings."' The congress, for its part, did
not condemn the U.S. role in Southeast Asia. Palme subsequently
admitted that the Swedish Social Democratic position on Vietnam
is not always appreciated.
In a series of two articles, The Soviet Involvement in
Violence, appearing in the July 19 issues o the ortnig tly
owlet alyst, Brian Crozier, Director of the London-based
Institute or the Study of Conflict, examines the extent of Soviet
sponsorship of terrorism and guerrilla warfare on one hand while,
on the other, it assiduously cultivates an image of detente and
peaceful co-existence -- which image also provides cover for the
continuing subversive activities of the KGB and GRU. The documented
evidence of Soviet-supplied materiel,`furids and'to
revolutionaries in Western Europe, the Arab world and Near East,
Africa and Latin America at the same time as the Soviets exhibit
a popular front, constitutional non-revolutionary image, can serve
as a take-off for careful examination of Soviet motivation.
Attached are reprints of the articles from the Soviet Analyst.
To facilitate exploitation of these articles in Latin America , an
unofficial Spanish translation of them is also attached (for
selected areas only).
The Nigerian press reflects disillusionment with the recent
Moscow/Lagos agreement which calls for Soviet technicians to
assist in Nigerian oil production. An article in the 19 July
issue of Renaissance, an official daily newspaper of the Nigerian
government, questions the wisdom of seeking Soviet oil technology
experts when in fact the Soviets have no major oil discoveries to
their credit despite more than 15 years of drilling in such countries
as Egypt, Iran, Syria, Morocco and India. "In oil technology as
is generally known, the West is far ahead of the East. It is not
a question of ideology. That-is why questions are bound to-be,asked
whether the government in making its leap eastward, got the best
possible advice." The article also cites Jidda's Al Madina, which
quotes Egypt's former Deputy Premier and oil minister ud
Younes as noting that "the reputation of the Soviet Union in matters
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of oil technology is not very good." Reference is also made to the
World Oil Congress held in Moscow in June 1971 as a "dazzling show...
(that)-may convince gullible unsophisticates that topflight
Soviet oil technology, of which the Russians have a certain amount,
is available for export under aid projects. But the facts and
past experience show that the USSR needs all its best help for
itself, not for foreign countries.,"
Arab countries are not the only ones being short-changed by
Soviet technology. In February 1971, India abandoned its off-shore
explorations in the Gulf of Cambay because of inadequate Soviet
equipment. "India's heavy reliance on Soviet equipment and
technical assistance for the past 15 years has slowed exploration
for crude oil the country needs..,. Soviet exploration techniques
are at least ten years behind Western industry." "Iussia's Drilling
Hit by Equipment Problems," an article that appeared in the author-.
itative monthly magazine World Petroleum, is also referred to:
"Spare parts were lacking aria Te_ 1gn was recognized by the Soviets
themselves to be obsolete, backward and inefficient."
The concluding theme of the Renaissance article is that the
Soviets' limited experience in computer technology will hamper
progress in a rapidly modernizing oil industry. As far back as
1963 Western exploitation had benefited from digital seismic
technology which by 1966 was being used in Libya. It wasn't
until 1969 that the first computerized digital seismic unit was
available to the USSR. The required accuracy for locating Libyan
petroleum reserves, currently being attempted by Soviet technicians
in Tripoli, "will inevitably be impaired by a shortfall in computer
technique. It is the same story in Iraq as in Egypt and elsewhere
of ineffective Soviet oil 'help' often extended for political motives."
Another setback in the Soviets' drive to expand their influence
in Africa is reported in the 20 July 1972 edition of the oil trade
journal Platts Oilgram. In mid-July, the Libyan government denied
entrance to a .large delegation of Soviet oil experts on "technical
grounds." The article indicates that the Libyan government may
be reconsidering the agreements signed by Premier Jallud in Moscow
in early 1972 for Soviet assistance in oil production. The
Libyans, as the Nigerians, are probably aware of limited Soviet
expertise in petroleum technology, It is noteworthy that Iraq,
Moscow's most loyal friend in the Middle East, turned to France
to market, oil and continues to seek European help in oil pro-
duction, Some sources indicate that Libya's refusal to accept
Soviet technicians is partially based on an Egyptian report that
intelligence officers were among the "technicians." Through
this often used guise, the Kremlin hoped to offset recent Libyan
demands for the reduction of personnel at the Soviet Embassy in
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Moscow is busy corralling its front organizations for a
series of youth meetings where European security will be the
major topic.
The Soviets seem undaunted by the spectacular failure of the
Assembly for Peace and Security in Europe (ARPO) which met in
Brussels in early June, That conference was the first of a
series of international non-governmental gatherings aimed at
keeping up pressures on West European governments to accept the
Soviet precepts of European Security. Despite the meager results
of ARPO, the Soviets are still touting these youth gatherings,
claiming ARPO gave youth in particular an opportunity to participate
in peace deliberations. The first such gathering is the European
Youth Security Conference in Helsinki (August 26-30), supported by
the World Federation of Democratic Youth.
Moscow claims that more than 100 youth festivals, conferences
and meetings will take place this year, some of which are in
preparation for the Tenth World Youth Festival, scheduled for late
July 1973 in East Berlin. The Festival's Preparatory Meeting will
be in East Berlin in October; Moscow has already announced that
its traveling saleswoman-astronaut, Valentina Nikolayevna-
Tereshkova, will be among the Soviet members in attendance. A
"World Meeting of Working Youth" will fallow in Moscow in November;
its theme will be "youth condemns imperialism."
It is doubtful that these meetings will achieve the desired
propaganda impact but it is obvious that the Soviets are willing
to take the gamble and are expending considerable time and
money in cultivating youth groups from abroad.
On 7 August the Soviet government newspaper I_~zvestiy voiced
loud complaint over a new Chinese atlas, accusing Peking of re-
heating the Sino-Soviet border controversy. The new Chinese book
called The Peace Atlas claims more than 900,000 square miles of
Soviet-influenced territory for China which Moscow says is an
"absurd demand." Izvestiya described the new Chinese atlas as
aimed at "fanning hostility between the Soviet and Chinese peoples,
educating the population of China in the spirit of hatred for
other peoples... particularly neighboring peoples-in the spirit
of revising the borders of China with adjacent countries." Izvestiya
goes on to say that China, with which the Soviet Union shares a
4,300 mile border, claims in its new atlas Mongolia, most of the
Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan, and parts of the Republics of
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Turkmenia,.Uzbekistan,,and Siberia,, (An English translation of
the Izvestiya article is attached.)
Soviet pique over "Mao's Geography" ties in well with the
matter of Japan's Northern Territories which the Soviet Union
usurped during the closing days of World War II...the main
difference in the cases being that the Pacific islands under dis-
pute are by tradition Japanese, while the Soviet territories claimed
by Mao's atlas are not by tradition Chinese.
Japanese Foreign Minister Ohira and the Soviet ambassador to
Japan, Oleg Troyanovsky, are about to begin preliminary discussions
designed to lead eventually to the conclusion of a Soviet-Japanese
peace treaty. Soviet refusal to comply with Japanese insistence
on the return of the Northern Territories continues to be the
major irritant in existing Japanese-Soviet tensions. Most recently,
this was attested to by Japan's strongly negative reaction to the
latest hints (surfaced via Victor Louis) that the USSR "might be
willing to rent or lease" to Japan the islands under dispute.
The islands lie just off the northernmost Japanese island of
Hokkaido and just south of the Kuril Island Chain, which was handed
over to the Soviets under terms of the Yalta Agreement and has
since been incorporated into the RSFSR. The disputed islands,
referred to as the Northern Territories are the islands of
Shikotan, Etorofu, Kunashiri and the Habomai archipelago. Shikotan
and the Habomais are the islands to which Japan has the best claim
as they are neither geographically nor geologically part of the
Kuril Chain but like the Kurils have been under Japanese dominion
since 1798. Japan claims Etorofu and Kunashiri as the northern
extension of Hokkaido; the Soviets claim them as the southernmost
part of the Kurils and thus as covered under the Yalta Agreement.
However, they too have been continuously under Japanese dominion
since 1798 and have been traditional Japanese fishing grounds for
Precedent for disputing the fallacy of the Soviet definition
of the Northern Territories as part of the Kuril Chain dates
back to the Nineteenth Century. A treaty of amity of 1855
established the Russo-Japanese border on a line running between
Etorofu Island (Japanese) and Urrupu Island (Russian) thus recog-
nizing the legality of a Japanese presence in the Northern
Territories. The Kuril-Sakhalin exchange of 1875 defined the Kuril
Island Chain as starting at its southern tip with Urrupu and as
not including the Northern Territories,. No leader of Imperial
Russia or the Soviet Union ever questioned this definition before.
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Obviously more important to the Soviet Union than historic
precedent is what the USSR sees as the strategic value of the
Northern Territories. Together with the Soviet Union's ownership
of the Kuril Chain, the Soviet presence in the Northern Territories
practically guarantees the USSR control over access to the Sea of
Okhotsk and plays a major role in Soviet antisubmarine activities.
These activities are centered at the large military base that the
Soviets have built on the northernmost island in the Northern
Territories, Etorofu. Maintaining this toehold may take on even
added significance in Moscow's eyes as relations between Japan
and China warm up.
When it was pointed out to the Soviets last spring that the
reversion of Okinawa from the U.S. to Japan should set a precedent
for the reversion of the Northern Territories, another fallacious
Soviet argument was heard as Ambassador Troyanovsky told the
Japanese press: "Keeping aside any historical or legal comment,
I would like to call just one matter to everyone's attention. One
million Japanese live on Okinawa; but for 25 years only Russians
have been living on the southern Kurils" (meaning the Northern
Territories). Undeniably so, but only because the Soviet occupying
forces evicted some 16,000 Japanese from the Northern Territories
while the Americans allowed the residents of Okinawa to stay in
Fallacious arguments and precedents aside, as the preliminary
peace discussions open this month, the determining factor may well
be one of economics. The Soviet Union, eager for Japanese aid
in developing its resources in Siberia and the far eastern provinces,
will undoubtedly use the Northern Territories issue to try to get
liberal terms on potential future Japanese investments. Prime
Minister Tanaka, however, has already declared Tokyo's intention
to take an all-or-nothing position on the return of the islands.
In fact, the Japanese government will be willing to wait several
years if need be in order to conclude a treaty on its own terms.
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6 July 1972
The Soviet involvement in, oIIice
by Brian Crozier Director, Institute for the Study of `Conflict, London
'The proposition that the. Soviet Union is still
involved in the sponsorship of revolutionary
violence tends, nowadays, to be greeted with in-
credulity. The new image of Russia, carefully
cultivated over the past decade or more, is that
of a super-Power impelled by traditional imperial
drives, capable, it is true, of unfortunate lapses
such as the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968,
but not, after all, guilty of major outrages like
Vietnam.. Of course, not all people accept this
now image of reassuring normality, but many
leader writers, television commentators and
_politicians do accept it, as they accept other
popular fallacies such as the notion that the Cold
War Is over, the "normality" of Communist
parties (for example the Italian) or the reality of
the detente now being offered by Mr. Brezhnev.
The fact is, however, that the Russians'are in-
volved in sponsoring terrorism or guerrilla war in
many countries and in varying degrees. Where
and to what degree it is the purpose of this article
The lot of the analyst was enviably simpler in
Stalin's day, and especially during the last eight
years of his life from the end of the Second
World War when Moscow was the unchallenged
centre of authority of the world Communist move-
ment. During those years? the capacity of the
Russians to stir up trouble in distant places (for
instance in South-East Asia) was so patent, the
hostility of the Western Communist parties and
their commitment to revolutionary violence so
evident, that the Western Powers sank their
differences and formed a defensive alliance in
the interests of survival.
I am not here concerned in any detail with the
causes of the altered image of the Soviet Union
and of the great majority of the Communist parties
that are still, broadly speaking, aligned with
Moscow.' The roots of change are well known:
Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin and recog-
nition that in some circumstances it might now be
possible for the "people" to attain power by con-
stitutional, even parliamentary, means; Togliatti's
polycentrism; the Sino-Soviet split.
was erratic; and, during his last two years in
power (after the humiliating confrontation with
President Kennedy in the Carribean), L-icertain
and oven timid.' There were signs of a declining
involvement in undo-China, and in the promotion
of revolution in parts of Africa. Some curious
heresies were perpetrated. such as the confer-
ment of the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union"
en IVdJJUr and Stnibt;iia, and the
forging of "fraternal (inks" with the ruling
political organisations of the United Arab Re-
public and Algeria.
With Khrushchev out of the way, the Brezhnev.
Kosygin team moved swiftly to restore the mom-
entum of Russia's drive throughout the world.
As Professor Erickson pointed out (SOVIET
ANALYST, Vol. 1, No. 4), a vast expansion of
the Soviet nuculear armament programme was
initiated. But the complementary activities should
not be overlooked. In December 1964, the
Russians invited the National Front for the Liber-
ation of South Vietnam to set up a permanent
office in Moscow. The curious thing was that
Khrushchev had not seen fit to do so, as the
NFLSV already had offices in Peking, Algiers,
Jakarta, Prague, East Berlin and Havana. Soviet
help to Left-wing Congolese rebels was resumed.
In February 1965, Kosygin led a high-powered
delegation to Hanoi and initiated a massive
military aid programme to North Vietnam; the
consequence today being. that about 90 per cent
of the heavy and modern war material being used
by the North Vietnamese in its invasion of the
South is of Soviet origin.
The Soviet Union's expansionist drive through-
out the world is indeed in full flood, and Russian
involvement in support of revolutionary violence
must be seen in this context, as an important
element but by no means the only one or even
the most important. Illusory comfort has been
derived by Western wishful-thinkers from the
dissensions within the International Communist
Movement, the Chinese challenge to Soviet auth-
ority, the obstinate adventurism of Fidel Castro,
and above all from Brezhnev's readiness to meet
Herr Willy Brandt's Ostpolitik half way with
treaties and arrangements, his offer of a detente
In Europe and a European Security Treaty and
More directly relevant is the change in Soviet his decision to spell out the rules of super-Power
tactics and techniques since the removal of co-existence with President Nixon.
Khrushchev A9PMVf& FeovReIelasec'69aWO9/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000200120001-1
duct of foreign affairs and of relations between
the Soviet Communist Party and lesser parties
None of this affects the realities o e Suviut o e extent
expansions ilovbd ov'aRel e" 9WIO9/02 : CF 7t9L1q 94JsP0OW2ft 000 It revo-
lutionary violence, then Soviet sponsorship wi It
as it has always been-to incorporate as many
countries of the world as possible into the Soviet
system. Indeed, the Nixon-Brezhnev agreements
provide the perfect umbrella for the espionage and
subversive activities of the KGB, and its military
counterpart the GRU; throughout the world. For
.'peaceful co-existence" (as both the Chinese and
the Russians agreed under the World Communist
Declaration of 1960) means "the intensification"
of the international class struggle, and the Soviet
support for "national liberation" movements has
been reaffirmed on many cccasions. This Soviet
commitment needs, however, to be critically ex-
amined. At one level, it is a propaganda commit-
ment: the Russians wish it to be known that they
are committed to "national liberation", because
their revolutionary credentials are under challenge
from Peking and from the proliferating groups,
either new or revived, which together constitute
the New Left. And since a verbal commitment may
be insufficent, they do provide arms, money and
training to numerous revolutionary groups. But
this does not necessarily imply a naive belief in
the chances of ultimate success of terrorists and
guerrillas specially in the rural insurrections
ideologically favoured by Peking. Still, however,
they cannot afford to be "out of it": if the
Chinese, or the Cubans assist violent revolution-
aries, then the Russians must also do so, at least
in selected cases. This is the phenomenon I call
"competitive subversion".
The Soviet commitment to revolutionary
violence should be seen in the context of Soviet
strategy and of developments over the past four
years. It has become clearer than ever that an
important objective in this strategy is the est-
ablishment of client-States far from the borders of
the USSR. The first was Cuba, which fell into
Russia's lap almost by accident. Next came
Egypt, as a deferred consequence of the ,"Czech"
arms deal of 1955, and of the Soviet decision to
build the High Dam at Aswan after John Foster
Dulles had declined to finance it. Latterly, the
process has been accelerated, with the conclusion
of treaties with Egypt and India last year, Soviet
support for India in its war with Pakistan, with
the consequent extension of Soviet influence to
Bangladesh; the new treaty with Iraq (signed in
April this year); and the powerful Soviet military
assistance to North Vietnam, which is consistent
with a Soviet policy objective of encouraging the
emergence of a greater Vietnam (with Laos and
Cambodia, together with South Vietnam, all
under North Vietnamese control) as yet another
client-State, this time on the southern border of
China. A possible further candidate for client-
State status is President Atllende's Chile, in which
the well-organised local Communist Party, adopt-
ing Moscow's favoured "constitutional road" to
I h... dchieve 1 ufiice 1n d'(:vaii-iull yovern-
be forthcoming-either secretly, or semi-overtly.
The other objectives include: the "Finlandisation"
of Western Europe, prior to its incorporation into
the Soviet system; the isolation of the United
States; control over Middle East oil and the denial
of economic resources in that area and in Africa
to the Chinese. European and North American
acceptance of a detente on Soviet terms is an
important element in this total picture, together
with the achievement of rough nuclear parity with
the United States and the rapid expansion of
Soviet naval power in the Mediterranean and
latterly in the Indian Ocean. Detente gives am-
munition to those American politicians who wish
the United States to withdraw its forces from
Europe. In the meantime, Soviet efforts to weaken
capitalism, to undermine the confidence of
Western governments, and to destroy the stability
of non-communist Slates-1-on-,a selective basis
continues unremittingly.
The Soviet attitude towards the non-communist
extremist groups of the Left in many countries is
conditioned by their ability, as assessed in
Moscow, to further Russian objectives. For
several years, Moscow treated the New Left with
contempt or derision. But the events of 1968 are
now seen to have provoked an agonized recon-
sideration in Moscow. That spring, President
election; Prague enjoyed its brief moment of
euphoric freedom from Soviet control; and in
Paris, the riotous students came within an inch of
removing General de Gaulle from power. All three
of these events were triumphs, however short-
lived, for the New Left. The Russian policy-
planners took note and drew the consequences.
Ideally, they favour the constitutional road to
power through united front or popular front
tactics, as happened in Chile in 1970, and as may
well happen one day in Italy or France. This does
not rule out clandestine support for the more
violent revolutionaries. This new and more soph-
isticated approach is a case of "heads we win,
tails you lose". Revolutionary violence has in fact
been denounced by the Communist parties of
Italy, France, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay and
Chile. Such parties pose as the champions of
order, and as candidates for government. But to
the extent that terrorism and guerrilla tactics
weaken the State and present Communist parties
with their "constitutional" opportunity, they are
worth supporting.
puwe .
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us turn o t e In th RA 1,4,41
destine nature of many such activities rules out
comprehensive evidence. But there are sufficient
indications to prove the point. In South and East
Aria, the Russians are by and large content to
leave the support of revolutionary violence to the
Chinese. The apparent exception is Vietnam, but
Soviet aid to the North Vietnamese is given on a
State-to-State basis, and direct Soviet support for
the Viet Cong has been minimal.
ast, Africa and Latin-America,
Soviet involvement with extremists has been far
more extensive. There has also been some
se'ective involvement in Western countries, in-
cluding the United Kingdom and the United
States. Details of these activities will be published
in a concluding article.
To be continued.
20 July 1972
The Soviet involvement in violence II
by Briars Crozier Director, Institute for the Study of Conflict, London
(exclusive to Soviet Analyst)
attitude towards revolutionary violence in general
terms. Let us now be more specific.
Western Europe
The main concentration of the Soviet effort is
on espionage, both military and industrial, and
the mass expulsion of KGB agents from Britain in
September, 1971 drew attention to the scale of
Russian activities in this field. :I am not here con-
cerned with spying, as such, or with subversion-
of which there is a great deal. As regards revolu-
tionary violence, there are indications, as yet in-
ufficiently precise, that the Russians are trying to
penetrate Maoist and Trotskyist extremist groups
in France, Belgium and Italy. It would-be sur-
rising if they were not making a similar effort
n the United Kingdom, but with what success is
of publicly known. The most striking sign of
Soviet involvement in violence was the seizure of
#30,000 consignment of Czech arms at Schiphol
irport, Amsterdam, last October. Two points,
ere of special interest. One is that the arms
--Om dcs.;. cd for the nen_Marvist Pro\'icionel
ing of the Irish Republican Army-a striking
onfirmation of the theory that the Russians are
repared to help non-Marxist terrorists while
aintaining normal diplomatic relations with the
ost country and preaching the "constitutional"
oad to power. The second point is that, although
he Provisionals' arms deal was with the Czech
overnment agency, Omnipol, it could not have
een concluded without the knowledge and as-
of the KGB. II
Arab world and Near East
The Palestine terrorists and guerrillas face the
Russians with a dilemma. To the extent that the
guerrillas are anti-Israeli, the Russians are in-
clined to support them; on the other hand, the
groups have proved, on the whole, to be a greater
menace to the Arab governments than to Israel
itself, and to support them outright might be
counter-productive in terms of Soviet relations
with friendly countries, such as Egypt or Iraq
Moreover, the Palestinians have a record of un-
success, with which the Russians do not with to
be associated: and the wildest among them- Dr
George Habbash's Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine (PFLP)-are not only boastful where
the Russians would prefer discretion, but indulge
in spectacular acts of violence with which, again,
the Russians would prefer not to be linked. Thus
in September, 1970, after the PFLP had hijacked
and destroyed four international air-liners, two
Soviet lawyers condemned the incident in an
article in Literaturnaya Gazeta.
There has certainly been some Soviet aid to the
PFLP, however, and to the more moderate Al
Fatah, if only to be able to claim, if challenged,
that the Palestine liperation movement has not
been left unaided. (Chinese aid to the PFLP is
certainly greater than Russian.) Here, as else-
where, the Russians have shown some distaste
for giving aid to groups which they do not control
and which, moreover, seem determined to go
their own way. They have tried to meet this situ-
ation by fostering the creation (in February,
1970) of Quwwat al-Ansar (Partisan Fcrccs) by
the pro-Soviet Communist Parties of Lebanon,
Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : (iAj i[ 9DO1 k-i0@0200420001 '1 how-
3 ever not of Palestinians but of "volunteers"" from
the co:::i Ott ns n attics o z~~ o t`~vakia In addit,on. Soviet
be i1r,oreZ!- ~Lr t1~1 ~j7 Up1s~ ~~~ 2 g 'S '~r~ QQQ2, r'620001! 1num-
toughs well in Jordan agraarst K 1119 Huasoi1r's bers through the Organisation for Africon Unity
forces; but it was left out of the United Palestine and the Conference of Nationalist Organisations of
Liberation Army set up under Yassir Arafat's the Portuguese Colonies.
readership in November, 1970.
In Oman, where Chinese-backed guerrillas of
the Popular Front for the Liberation of ..the Oc-
cupied Arabian Gulf (PFLOAG) have been fight-
ing the Sultan's forces in the Dhofar area with
some success, the Russians seem to have de-
cided to complete with Peking. A PFLOAG dele-
gation visited Moscow and East Berlin last
autumn and returned with claims (which the
Russians have not denied) that Soviet assistance
would soon be doubled-a claim reminiscent of
the percentage increases from an unknown base
during Stalin's five-year plans. Encouragingly,
however, a Soviet camera team has shot a film of
the Dhofar rebellion entitled "Hot Winds of Free-
dom", which has won a prize.
In the non-Arab Middle East, too, there is
Soviet involvement in revolutionary violence both
directly and through intermediaries. East Ger-
many is host to the banned Iranian Communist
Party (as the Shah himself complained a year
ago) and serves as a contact point for meetings
between Soviet agents and the leaders of the
violent Dev Genc (Revolutionary Youth) organi-
sation and its Turkish People's Liberation Army
(TPLP). The TPLP has received arms from Bul-
garia, perhaps the most assiduous of Russia's
satellites ir. the provision of aid to terrorists.
Latin America
More is known about Soviet involvement in
Latin America than elsewhere, largely because of
the disclosures of high-ranking Cuban Intelligence
defectors An unwilling and unpredictable satel-
lite, Fidel Castro thvartFJ Soviet efforts to take
over the Cubar. Communist Party from within b/
gaoling the pro-Soviet Anibal Escalante early in
1968 and purging the Party of its Moscow-lean-
ing "micro-faction". The Russians turned to dir-
ect pressure, including the threat to cut off all
economic aid unless Castro stopped criticising
the Soviet Union and launching plans for guerrilla
actions in many countries without consulting
Moscow. Shortly after the expulsion of the
"micro-faction", Castro was compelled to sign a
secret agreement binding himself to support the
Soviet line.
So much was known through the revelations of
Orlando Castro Hidalgo, a top defector who has
since told his own story. A more recent high-
ranking defector, whose name has not yet been
revealed, has been adding fascinating touches to
the picture. At issue is Soviet control dyer Fidel
Castro's revolutionary adventures. The Russians
were not amused when "Che" Guevara's attempt
to sir revolution in Bolivia ended in fiasco and his
own death in 1967. They were determined not to
find themselves footing the bill for more dis-
astrous Cuban enterprises.
Sino-Soviet competition is at its fiercest in east
and southern Africa. An earlier phase of almost
indiscriminate Soviet subversion ended with the
overthrow, in February, 1966, of the Nkrurnah
regime in Ghana, to which Moscow was deeply
committed. Nowadays, Soviet assistance tends
to go mainly to movements ."struggling" against
regimes that can be labelled "neo-colonialist",
"imperialist", "feudal" or "racist". In contrast to
Soviet practice in most other areas, the Russians
give much publicity to their aid to such move-
ments as the Zimbabwe African People's Union
(ZAPU), which is based in Zambia with aim of
"liberating" Rhodesia; the Front for the Libera-
tion of Mozambique (FRELIMO ); and the South-
West African People's Organisation (SWAPO).
The many claims of assistance appearing in the
Soviet press are, however, couched in general
terms, avoiding details.
It is known that at any given moment, several
hundred Africans-mainl' from Rhodesia, South
and South-West Afrrcn and the Portuguese terri-
tories-are undergoing training in terrorist tactics
i^ Soviet camns, the largest being at Simferopol
After prolonged pressure, the KGB's men in
Havana forced Fidel's brother, Raul Castro, in
1970, to get rid of all anti-Soviet personnel in 'the
Cuban Directorate General of Intelligence ( DGI ),
including its chief, Pineiro Losada. As Minister of
the Revolutionary Armed Forces, Major Castro
has theoretical control (subject, now, to Soviet
approval) over the DGI. The purge of the DGI
was not, however, the end of the story. Under
Fidel Castro's protection, Pineiro Losada and the
anti-Soviet staff dismissed from the DGI, set up a
new organisation, the Directorate of National
LiLaration (DLN).
An unprecedented situation has resulted. The
Russians are prepared to finance DGI operations
thjt have their approval: these include training in
Chile for units of the National Liberation Army of
Bolivia, and also for guerrillas of the Chilean
Movement of the Revolutionary Left (M I R) .
These training activities take place in Chile be-
cause President Allende agreed last year to allow
the Cubans to use their embassy in Santiago as
their main centre for revolutionary operations in
South America. (Spy for Fidel: E. A. Seemann
Publishing, Miami, 1970).
in the Ap> ved,Fo sRe1L-asLb'l'9999 /Q'2 :4CIA-RDP79-01194A000200120001-1
Aproved For Release 1999/09/02
Fidel* Castro s DLN, however, has plans for
operations in many countries for which there is
neither Soviet approval nor money. A Soviet
near- streang!ehold on the Cuban economy is exer-
cised through the joint Cuban-Soviet Economic
Commission and the Moscow Narodny Bank in
Havana. To finance non-approved revolutionary
ventures, therc.fore, Fidel Castro has had to take
what he can from Cuban-controlled internal
revenues and foreign trade--inadeaua,.e sources
for an ambitious man. Now, according to the de-
fector. he has turned to an unexpected source for
financial and military id: North Korea, which has
emerged over the past eighteen months as a
major new subversive centre.
Under a trianrlular deal, Chile recognised North
Korea, which opened an embassy in Santiago; a
North Korean guerrilla training mission, stationed
in Cuba since '1970, was thus enabled to transfer
to Chile and set up new training camps.
The Chilean involved in these arrangements
was the extreme left-wing secretary-general of
Allende's own Socialist party, Senator Carlos
Altamirano, who flew to Pyongyang a year ago
from Moscow in Kim 11 Sung's luxurious Presi-
dential aircraft. On 30 June, 1971, on his return
to Santiago, Altamirano briefed a plenum ul the
Socialist party on his visit, having returned with a
North Korean offer to train the Chilean Socialist
pars-military forces, not to be confused with the
larger forces of the MIR, with which they are in
The present situation is thus incredibly con-
fused, and Allende's recent cabinet crisis, in
which he dismissed the non-party left-wing extre-
mist, Pedro Vuskovic, as' Minister of the
Economy, has merely added to the confusion.
Once again, the Russians are seen to be playing a
dual role: on the one hand, supporting the
cautious but disciplined Moscow-line Chilean
Communist Party (a member of the ruling Popu-
lar Unity coalition) which supports the govern-
ment's "constitutional" take-over of the econ-
omy and denounces the MIR and its land seizures
8 August 1972
MOSCOW, Aug. 7--The So-
viet Government newspaper Iz-
vestia today issued a lengthy,
tiara-bitting attack on a new
Chinese atlas, accusing Peking
of making "absurd demands"
on Moscow by laying claim to
600,000 square r* gr(ki ilftl
The Soviet position was not
in CLAe R
sou; on e other DPh79 01194A0002001t20 t 1has
sanctioned the Cuban DGI's training of MIR
guerrillas. The North Koreans, for their part, des-
pite assurances that they would in no way com-
pete with the KGB-DGI programme, are helping
t, t:le ut;iulisi t:7,t1t111i5l5, With tite ap-
proval of Fidel Castro and his autonomous Direc-
torate of Liberation.
The only sufferers in this free-for-all are the
Chileans. For there is a fundamental difference
between the North Korean and the Cuban ap-
proach to revolutionary violcncc.. The Cubans and
other Latin Americans hitherto have supported a
gradual policy of bombings, bank robberies and
assassinations, avoiding a direct confrontation
with local security forces, but sapping the will of
governments. The North Koreans, howevc.r,
preach more aggressive tartir:s: immediate and
large-scale acts of sabotage (the blowing up of
railway lines, bridges, telecommunications instal-
lations and military barracks) to force the armed
forces into premature. action. Harassment by
fast-moving guerrillas, and ultimately the decima-
tion of the military, are supposed to ensue. Both
the MIR and the left-wing Socialists are com-
mitted to creating an "irreversible" revolutionary
State. But the Socialists, with North Korean
backing, want to go further still by cordoning off
the southern third of Chile and setting up a
"Revolutionary Republic of South Chile", re-
gardless of what happens to Allende's Com-
munist backed experiment in the cities. Chile is
where competitive subversion has gone mad.
And thus, over a greater part of the world's
surface we note a Soviet involvement-of vary-
ing overtness-in the preparation or encourage-
rnent of violent action against a whole range of
authorities. We should not, perhaps, be misled by
the comparative immunity of those areas which
are for the time being exempt from these atten-
tions. For that is clearly a matter of tactics, rather
than principle, and there seems little reason to
regard it as permanent.
Attack Read as Sign of New
impasse on Border Talks
new but its publication was
taken as a proihable indication
of a renewed deadlock in the
Chinese-Soviet border talks that
have been going on since clash-
es between the two Communist
Chinese on the border issue against China.
since the latest round of hor- Any progress in the border
der talks began March 20. The talks, believed to be taking
Soviet Communist party lead-i place in the foreign-embassy
er, tennid I. Brezhnev, indi- quarter of Pekinh has been
sated publicly at that time that, kept secret, though from time
Moscow was making a new of-' to time during the last three
a ~Q ~p
~ ~tt `r~T7ln ill' `OV~~O i 6Rarr '~5~cro~n! lv b 20 ~ T go is have
repot a he a se c of a set
the first major attack on the, cow has muted its polemics
The ,An
Glared, is aimed at "fanning
les, educating
and Soviet p p
the population of China in the
it of hatred for other peo-
ples--particularly neighboring
s-in the spirit of rev-
.ising i.he borders of China with
adiacent countries"
8 August 1972
tb al t S viet-Chinese
lease 1Ki#i;F?
and legal bases, asked why
China was claiming territory
.'where Soviet people are liv-
ing" and answered rhetorically:
"Is it not in order to.fabricate
a 'territorial problem' which
would complicate the course of
relations between neighbors for
many years?"
Article by G. Apalin
[Text] In Peking the state publishing house "Dlru
to a new "World Atlas." It appears to be a harmless
giving widespread circulation
geographic puionm howeOne verisioveerco
re met with astonishment. Chinese o propaganda far exceeds the framework sgrashy. Looking at it,
resorts to any tricks to "justify" and to impose--this time in geographical wrapping
--its great-power view of the world and its interpretation
the events andrsituation
in any given country, an interpretation frequently very different
of affairs.
The pages of the "Atlas" are imbued with disdain for individual states political and
histories and with great-power arrogance: Peking is establishing p l but it
contacts with Malaysia and stresses its desire to expand trade with Singapore,
acts as though these two countries are not independent states. The authors of the
"Atlas" are entirely unable to reconcile themselves to Malaysia's official title,
calling it by its former name of "Malaya" and thereby letting it be undderstood thain
material on is being talked
they do not recognize its state identity.
such a way that it is not immediately p
f some country.
about--an independent state or a part o
The Peking leaders have frequently tried to create the impression that they have
changed their attitude toward Burma. They have announced their intention of
normalizing contacts with this country, which reached an acute state as a result of
Chinese intervention in Rangoon's internal affairs in 1967. Nevertheless, Peking has
given no assurances that it does not intend to intervene in the future or that it
will refuse to support antigovernment forces in Burma. Following this line, the
authors of the "Atlas" heiriimmagination)eof admiration for
(which exist purely in
against the Burmese Revolutionary Council.
The history of Mongolia's struggle for its national liberation is treated disrespect-
fully, to put it mildly. Peking would like to force the Chinese people to forget that
since the first days of its existence the MongoliiaieP file's RevofutionarytPartyeanf
the Mongolian People's Republic have pursued a p
the Chinese working people for a new life an? that the aid which the Soviet people
granted the Chinese people passed through Mongolia. The PRC leadership p ofisChinesclear.y
quite unable to forgive the Mongolian people for throwing off the yoke
colonialism 60 years ago. According to the assertion of the authors of the "Atlas,"
the liberation of Mongolia from the yoke of the Chinese emperors in 1911 was, it turns
out, not the result of the long struggle of the Mongolian people but the consequence
of 1921 historical victory of
deleted the
revolution Russia." The
merely of the "incitement
people 's Tsarist
imperialist, from the
imperrialist, an
history of Mongolia.
ted the interpretatidn
9-01194om&62QQ* 1 tti~terly
disappointed at emg unable to
reach some resolution of the
border dispute and decided to
present China to Soviet readers
once again as hopelessly intran-
sigent on this Issue.
Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0.1194A000200120001-1
.Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000200120001-1
The Chinese leadership has tried by all means to foment dissension in the relations
of the socialist community countries and to undermine the results of their joint
efforts in the international arena. In reality the Chinese leadership's antagonism
to the foreign policy of the socialist countries underscores its collusion with the
imperialist reactionary forces. This is because it has taken a stand.which is
incompatible with the objective of strengthening peace and security--stands which
are the concern of all peoples, including the Chinese people. /
Moscow in Mandarin to China 1600 GMT 9 Aug 72 B
(Text] Recently, MYSL I POLITYKA, a Polish monthly magazine, published a lengthy
article on the Chinese leaders' changes in policy toward the Soviet Union and other
socialist countries from 1949 to the present. The article discussed the two historical
periods of the PRC: the period in'whieh the Chinese leadership pursued a policy of
promoting friendly relations and cooperation with socia;ist countries; and the period
in which the Chinese leadership followed An anti-Soviet road and tried to create
splits in the socialist community..
The entire section on Mongolia reconfirms the correctness of the assessment made by
Comrade Yu. Tsedenbal at the international conference of communist and workers parties
in 1969: "The Mongolian People's Republic, as one of'-the countries which borders on
China, bears the direct brunt of the action of the Mao Tse'tung antisocialist political
group and is`subjected to its hostile attacks in the most varied directions..., The
anti-Mongolian policy and actions of the Mao Tse-tung group are based on its great-
power, chauvinist claims to our country inherited from the Chinese militarists and the
Chiang Kai-shekists. ;t'is well known that in an interview with a groin of Japanese
socialists. Mao.Tse-tung made one of his regular statements about his intention to
annex Mongolia to China no later than 1964."
Pursuing the current Peking doctrines, the authors of the "Atlas" do not want to
acknowledge the existence of the socialist system. It is true that they mention
that in Asia after World War II China, Korea, and Vietnam achieved victories in the
popular revolution and the anti-aimperialist struggle and followed a socialist path,
while in Europe the majority of.edntral and southeastern European states broke'away
from the capitalist system and embarked upon the socialist path. However, it transpires
from the subsequent 1;ext.that only China in Asia and Albania in Europe are the "great
beacons of socialism?"
The compilers of the "Atlas" have somehow forgotten to mention the emergence and
development: of the first socialist state in Latin America--Cuba.
Peking's current aspiration to oounterpose some countries to others and to engender
mutual distrust in them by any means is also expressed in the "Atlas." Misinformation
and various provocative versions abort the socialist countries, their history, the
nature of foreign economic contacts and so forth are stealthily fed to its readers.
In the "Europe" section the publisheris of the "Atlas" also attack the nature of mutual.
relations between the CEMA countries. For a long time there has-been no reaction from
Peking to the important measures of the socialist CEMA states to further strengthen
and improve their cooperation. The "Atlas" has apparently tried to compensate for the
period of "restraint." In this publication Chinese propaganda attempts to denigrate
CEMA activity to the maximum possible extent.
Socialist economic integration, the coordination of national economic plans, and
production cooperation and specialization among the fraternal countries are clearly
not to the Peking leadership's liking. In their attempts to discredit the socialist
countries$ cooperation the compiler la" s
Approved For Release '~99f/0 ~I~-7-~ia'~b0120001-1
induAPprQV"cFtMRe4esserI9ff/09IOZ!e AAREYP 9-rOj?I9IrAV Q)r
Ate..r,aAit the henefits of he Boo a o
fails to provide either information about the stanaaru uL plla 1.a.,o_. ----
_ _ w,_ a.,* in
to, see through this trick, since the correct statistic" would ent
hical publication.
w g
fantasies of the Peking compilers of,the r~
ressed sympathy for the aspiration of a number of capitalist states to
e st
a??`-? o--
extend the "Common Market" and for the economic integration or e01,
v..-.. ., ......0- - --
,, o
quotation marks, as happens when it`.is a question of the socialist countries. Even
control from the two superpowers,"' Inc&defitally, this geopolitioal concept, devoid
f all
of class content and adapted to Pekingis hegemonistie aims, is the le
the sections of the "Atlas."
struggle agaLn"T, ULM JUV .. ,,.._-.
r. Petrinh-ls new geographical "research" abounds in obvious
s L
e 0-4-4. Ir-i
exaggerations and slander and. is extremely hostile to our country. it is a dui
st fe
w y
ed in the pa
of all the anti-Soviet material which Chinese propaganda has ` u
the peoples" of the whole world and other similar rubbish is all here.
t this is not the only striking thing about the sections of the "Atlas" devoted to
authors of the new geographical research try to "substantiate" the Chinese Leaaerohip?ai
Lw._..i L._w.?
territorial claims to 1,5 million square KLLOmGLOL?a pL ac,-~~. ..~--
Dissertations on the "unequal treaties" between Russia and China on border questions .-..I
. and an aspiration to raise doubts as to the border between the uoon auu 6uc r+w.
The "arguments" cited here are drawn from official statements of the Chinese leader-
. _ _ _ ... -_L4 _ f
en enmi 4-Y toward the Soviet
snip puollblrju wild/, 1A.V -g -
Union and expansionist aspirations in its foreign policy, it made illegal territorial'
claims on our country and went as far as to organize armed conflicts onwthe-
acn o
13 June 1969 statements, showed most exhaustively the complete6
shape historically and is registered in Russian-Chinese treaty aooumen.t".
r,.,meA4ately after the Great October Socialist Revolution all unequal and secret
sa is t Russ
trea ties w
- -
ublic of the Soviets solemnly declared its renunciation of the
The Re
spheres:of influence of Tsarist China and of exterritorlaL and eprnsular I .
le and the govern-
the C
ments of North and South China listed the treaties which the Soviet Government regarded
as unequal. The abrogation of unequal treaties was legally drawn up in an agreemen
on general principles for settling questions between the. USSR and the Chinese Repu
dated 31 May 1929?
Neither the 1919 address nor .the 1924 agreement between the Soviet Union and the Chinese!
ies establishing the
~ i ~j t}e
line IPb IjdI foN oft 0 ?~nd gr e c ds''~V
been no question of their annulment or review. 8
Not a single document of the Soy7.1'rtt state or the statements made by Lenin puts the
treaties on the border with China in the category of "unequal" or subject to review.
V.I. Lenin never at any time cast doubt on the border between the USSR and China.
This question was clear to the Chinese revolutionaries who,,relying on Soviet aid
and support, waged a struggle for the national and social liberation of-the Chinese
people. It is not out of place to mention that both the leaders of the Chinese
Communist Party and.sebsequently the PRC Government frequently stressed that after
the October Revolution the Soviet state built its relations with China on the basis of
equality and respect for the sovereign rights of the Chinese people. Mao Tse-tung
noted in 1945 at the Seventh CCP Congress that "the Soviet Union was the first to
renounce the unequal treaties and to conclude new, equal treaties with China." Mao
Tse-tung also spoke about this,in Moscow on 16 December 1949. In accordance with the
14 February 1950 treaty on friendship,_alliance and mutual aid between the USSR and
the PRC, both sides pledged lto'build their relationships proceeding' from the principles
of "mutual respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity."
Everything would seem clear. ',..Why then have the Chinese powers used the publication
of the "World Atlas" to make a new attempt to cast doubt on the historically formed
and legally established border between the USSR and the PRC and claim territory in
which Soviet people live and which-is a part of the USSR? It is perhaps to manufacture
a "territorial problem" which would complicate relations between neighbors for many
years to come?
The PRC is in fact that only big state whose leadership i&tisiiig territorial
disputes with Its neighbors in the north, south, east and west. However, those who
make absurd demands from the USSR and cast doubt on the Soviet Union's possession
[prinalezhnoat] of certain sectors of territory should bear in mind the Soviet
people's attitude to these claims.
In their aspiration to impose Maoist political concepts on the reader, the authors
of the "Atlas" frequently prove to be out of tune with geography itself. They have
declared the Soviet Union to be only a "European country." But, as always happens
in these cases, the authors of the "Atlas" have difficulty in making both fiends meet.
.Having called the Soviet Union only a "European power," they start to list the
countries it borders on, and it turns out that of the 12 countries with which the
USSR has land borders, six are Asian states, while with one of them along--China---
the length of the border is nearly'7,500 kilometers. Once again, it is clearly_-mot
fortuitous that the "Atlas" does not mention that two-thirds of USSR territory is
in Asia. The USSR's position as a European-Asian bountry certainly does not suit the
Peking politicians and geographers! Indeed, the denial of this truth conceals
intentions which are far from geographical.
Taking all this into account, it can be said that it is not an "atlas of peace"
but an "atlas of enmity" which has been published in Peking. [pun on the Russian
word "mir" which means either "world or "peace"] The people who issue such publica-
tions pursue the aim of fanning enmity between the Chinese and Soviet peoples and
educating the Chinese population in a spirit of hatred for other peoples, particularly
neighbors and in a spirit of the revision of Chipa's borders with contiguous
countries. It is a dangerous trend fraught with serious.oonsequenoes.
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