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Document Release Date: 
August 3, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 27, 1962
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Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CI,A;RDP79-0,578A000100060008-6 CONFIDENTIAL CC GorAwe*. Room 2003 NV& ME. Proves for TY 1963. this aims is carried over from. the last meting. 20 June meting, discussion vill easter an the one aspects of the fiscal year 1963 MD DOC = 3 70=7 474:11_ _ t _ . _ ' I GL emu CLASS- 5_ ? JUST Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-ROP19 41) 60008-6 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved ForRwipase2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01078A000100060008-6 'i t Excluded from autoeatic 1 [ downgeadlng and. declassification S YQUIPMET BOARD HOU= Meeting Minter 5-62 of the Equipment Board. vas held on 11 July 1962 at 1400 in the OC Conference Boom: 21)03 Beadvarters Building. Those present were OC-T GC-E 0C-P 0C-A 0C-SPS 0C-S 0C-E OC-T L OLD BUSINESS A. Agenda Item No. 1: Agent Communications via Satellites. le Introduction During discussion at the last meeting of the satellite communications proposals of the n 1963 R&D progran it vas decided that: because of the very largo expendituxe of funds reguired for this program and because most board Be:Avers had not yet had an opportueity to review space communications study, the next bcerd meeting Ahoeld be devoted entirely to this sUbject. Fieel board ection on the R&D progrem would then be taken at a sUbsequeet meeting. 2. Discussion 25X1A opened the d.',',SCUSSi032 by stating that the efforts and expenditures of the Office in this field mould home to be nade with the full eogoizance and Approval of DD/P and the Technical Reqpirements Board; towards this end the Office Should prepare a preseatation covering costs and capabili- ties 'tibia'should be presented to the Chiefs of SRp FE: NE au other Agency officials in order to obtain their support and to obtain favorable Technical Requirements Board action. atated thet it vas his view that the objective Should be to obtain a letter from the DD/P to 25X1A which would indicate that DIV? appreciated the magnitude of cost involved 25X1A aM believed the program ahould be carried oat,. centenued that i! the final analysis the satellite program is Gee Vhieh involves expenses which cannot be met ftom Of fie budgets,- tut will have to be titeced1 at least -in part, out of either the DD/P or the -Director's budget. 25X1A asked whether a presentation could be prepared from the ieformetion the Office new has on this subject or whether additional studies would be needed. t Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RoFtiielitia*po p0008-6 25X1C Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01578A000100060008-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01578A000100060008-6