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Publication Date: 
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rnNiP11WNTIA1 -Approved For Release 2*108/29 : CIA-RD P] 1000 *20_1 Date: I TO: Cbair man, Equipment Board mot: 04C _ C9 SU83`. CT : 6 arch 1963 $quipment Board Agenda Agenda Item No. 1: Procureaeent of 100 ER-48B (10 - 20 nee) and 50 RR-48A (3.5 - 12 nos) Receivers RR-48B Background: Almost all RR-D/ll receivers are co itted to existing requireae~nts and production models of the RR-49 receiver will probably not be avail- able for another 12 months. Thus, no modern re- ceiver is available for coverage above 12 ace. To tide the Office over until the MR49 becomes available, CC-08 recommBends that 100 RR-48B re- ceivers be procured at the laboratory. Cost of labor and parts for each receiver are estimated at $125.00. Required Action: Approve or disapprove the procut of 100 RR-48B Receivers. Member Action: Approve i 4SSa...s s J"T'c .?~....~'' ,t. RR-l&8& Background. Twenty-five ER-48 receivers have been produced by the CC Laboratory and 75 RRA receivers are now in production with delivery expected in March. In view of the shortage of tuneable receivers, OC-OS recomvaenda that an additional 50 ER-48A re- ceivers be produced by the OC Laboratory. Cost of labor and parts for each receiver are estimated at $125.00. Required Action: Approve or disapprove the procuz ant of 100 HR-48A Receivers. Member Action: Approve Meaber Comments: S-4--t -c r Approved For Release 000/08/29: CIA-R ( /) Disapprove C Disapprove Approved For Release TO: Chairman, Equipment /6 f - A C SUBJECT: 6 March 1963 Equipment Ord Agenda Agenda Item Mo. 1: BR-48B 8ackownd: Required Action: member Coaoma:ent s : RRA8A Background: Required Action: Member Action: Member Comanents : Procurement of 100 RR-2 8B (10 - 20 ace) and 50 BR- (3.5 - 12 mcs) Receivers Almost all RR-D/ll receivers are committed to existing requirements and production models of the BR-49 receiver win probably not be avan- able for another 12 months. Thus, no modern re- ceiver is available for coverage above 12 me. To tide the Office over until the RR-49 becomes available, OC-0S recommends that 100 RR-48B re- ceivers be procured at the laboratory. Cost of labor and parts for each receiver are estimated at .$125.00. Approve or disapprove the procurement of 100 RR-48B Receivers. Approve ( \' ) Disapprove ( Twenty-five RR-48 receivers have been produced by the CC Laboratory and 75 RR-48A receivers are now in production with delivery expected in March. In view of the shortage of tvneeble receivers, OC-OS recouaends that an additional 50 BR-48A re- ceivers be produced by the OC Laboratory. Cost of labor and parts for each receiver are estimated at $125.00. Approve or disapprove the procurement of 100 RR-48A Receivers. Approve Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA- Disapprove ( Approved For Release 00/08/29: CIA-R 7 - 1,7 00100070020-1Coff D Date: TO: airman, Bqui.pment Board * cc --r SUB3WZ : 6 Much 1963 Equipment. Board Agenda Agenda Item No. 1: Procurement of 100 RR-48B (10 - 20 mcs) and 50 RR-48A (3.5 - 12 me) Receivers RR-48a Background-. Almost an FS-D/11 receivers are comeitted to existing requirements and production models of the RR-49 receiver will probably not be avail- able for another 12 months. This, no modern re- ceiver is available for coverage above 12 sea. To tide the Office over until the ER-49 becomes available, OC-08 reecmaends that 100 RR-48B re- ceivers be procured at the laboratory. Cost of labor and parts for each receiver are estimated at .$125.00. Required Action: Approve or disapprove the procurement of 100 BR-48B Receivers. Member Action: Approve member Convents : RR-48A Background: Required Action: Member Action: (X) Disapprove Twenty-five RR-48 receivers have been produced by the OC Laboratory and 75 RR-48A receivers are now in production with delivery expected in March. In view of the shortage of tuneable receivers, OC-OS recomeends that an additional 50 RR-48A re- ceivers be produced by the OC Laboratory. Cost of labor and parts for each receiver are estimated at $125.00. Approve or disapprove the procurement of 100 RR-48A Receivers. Approve Disapprove Approved For ReleaseQQ~i CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReleasQOOO/08/29: CIA-R~ 1 0001070020-1 13afie TO: Chairman, squilw-wnt Board P`kl:`cS 6 Kroh 1963 Blip wnt Board Agenda Agenda Item. 14o. 1: fftaurement of 100 1 -l8B (10 - 20 nos) and 50 HR-4U (3.5 - 12 ns) Receivers RR- Backgrou d: Almost all M?,-D/11 receivers, are casmitted to existing requirewnts and production models of the RR-49 receiver will probably not be avail- able for another 12 months. ' r no modern re- ceiver is available for coverage above 12 mes. To tide the Office over until the RR-I9 beeomas av a iiabie D CC-OS recomeends that 100 BR-48D re- Required Action: Member Action: umber Cants : RR-48A kgxound: Required Action: Meaber Action: KwAbor hute: ceivera be procured at the laboratory. Cost of labor and parts for each receiver an estinated at ?00. Approve or disapprove the procuant of 100 RR- Receivers. Approve ( X ) Disapprove ( Twenty-five BR-48 receivers have been produced by the CC Laboratory and 75 RR 4BA receivers are now in production with delivery emoted in rch. In view of the shortage of tuneable recei ersa CC-OS recos + that an additional 50 RR- re- ceivers be produced by the CC Laboratory. Cost of and parts for each receiver are estimated at labor 25 .00. Approve or disapprove the procurnt of 100 1i.-48i Receivers. Approve ( ,X ) Disapprove Approved For Release 2 t: