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ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release4A00/06/14: CIA-RDP79-01590A300160001-6 2 AUG 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training Orientation Coordinator SUBJECT: Course Report: Preparing for Overseas Assignment, No. 4-77, (18-19 July 1977), and Special Overseas Orientation, No. 4-77 (21-22 July 1977) Preparing; for Overseas Assignment (POA) 1. (U) This orientation was conducted on 18 and 19 July in the Headquarters Building. The third day , STATINTL was conducted at the Chamber of Commerce Buil ing. Class Evaluations 2. (U) Based on student evaluations, the stated objectives were satisfactorily met. On a scale of 1 (slight) to 7 (highly satisfactory), they assigned an average rating of 4.52. The majority of the class is scheduled to depart for their overseas assignment in less than a month. They felt the information would have been of more value if it had been given to them prior to their processing. STATINTL 3. (AIUO) The segments on "Good Health - Your First n i t "" and ""T_erral Racnnnsibi l i t es"" r y STATINTL receive the highest praise. Some students felt that the presentation on "Drug Abuse" lacked enthusiasm and that the substance was too basic. The segment on "Cover" is still not completely satisfactory to the STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-01590A000300160001-6 41,1iiv 0 L ADMINISTRATIVE - 141,1'71- &UINISTRATIVF, - INTREtAL USE.QNLY Approved For Release.2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159000300160001-6 SUBJECT: Course Report: Preparing for Overseas Assignment, No. 4-77, (18-19 July 1977), and Special Overseas Orientation, No. 4-77, (21-22 July 1977) Changes in Future Runnings 4. (U) Mrs. Joan Wilson, Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, who has previously addressed the topic of "Living in a New Culture," has been speak in the September running of POA. Mrs. Wilson has invited the POA Course Chairman to visit their Briefing Center to review training materials in early August. They are in the process of designing a new packet of material for their program. 5. (AIUO) The Office of Security has resumed giving the Hostile Audio Surveillance (HAS) regularly (twice a month). Many of the students in this class had received this briefing earlier in the month. The HAS briefer suggests that it be deleted from the POA schedule. Special Overseas Orientation (SOO) 6. (U) This two-day program was conducted in Headquarters Building on 21 and 22 July. The speakers were uniformly good and, therefore, this was one of the best runnings of the SOO. Class Evaluations 7. (AIUO) The participants indicated that the course objectives had been met to a high degree. On a scale of 1 (slight) to 7 (highly satisfactory), they assigned an average rating of 5.85. Many of the students stated that the course made them more aware of the possible terrorist or criminal threat to them. 8. (AIUO) The film, "The Time of the Jackals-Carlos," had been viewed by half the class at least once and in some instances three times in the last six months. Students had seen it in the following OTR courses: CIA Today and Tomorrow, Approved For Release 2000/06/14: C12A-RDP79-01590A000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONIX iii TRATIVE - INT4RNAL USE ONT" Approved For Release800/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OAQQ0300160001-6 SUBJECT: Course Report: Preparing for Overseas Assignment, No. 4-77, (18-19 July 1977), and Special Overseas Orientation, No. 4-77, (21-22 July 1977) Introduction to CIA, and the Countering Terrorists Tactics Course. It is still considered by all to be an excellent film. No constructive additions, deletions, or changes in the course content were offered. Attachments: 1 - POA Schedule 2 - POA Roster 3 - POA End-of-Course Data Sheet 4 - POA Evaluations 5 - SOO Schedule 6 - SOO Roster 7 - SOO End-of-Course Data Sheet 8 - SOO Evaluations Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-01590A000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY ^ CONFIPA1T.IAL ^ SECRET a_t5"TIFtowosooI aooa I " W ROUTING AND RO SUBJECT: (Optional) Course Report: Preparing for Overseas Assignment, No. 4-77, (18-19 Jul 1977), and_Special Overseas_Orientation No. 4-77f21-22 July 1977) FROM: EXTENSION NO. Orientation Coordinator 2351 DATE 926 C of C 2 August 1977 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED C/IMB 926 C of C 2. C I I 92 26 C of C 1 G . rte 3. C /PPG / 1016 C of C 6. D D/OT 1025 C of C DDTR 2 AU 1977 1y _ (' _ 1026 C of C _____ DTR 4 ~4 O STATINTL 1 9 & 1026 C of C 1 , --- 10 j> . C/II nf__C. 11. f 1xi rr C/ IMB # C 92 6 C o 4 _ __ 12. Orientation Coordinato r 13. File 14. 15. Approved Fgr Release 2 600/06 A C14 _RDP7,9 ~M15AQAQQQAQQ1Annn1 -A 610 USE EDITIONSUS [-I SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ INItKNAL ^ IICF f1NIY UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Rase /QOLi ' i IA-RDP79-04&90A000300160001-6 OFFICE OF TRAINING Ii1ThLLIG1 iiICL INSTITUTE :PTtEPAi Ii1G FOR. Ovu1 SLAS ASSIGNI.H? JT ,~ne 11-77 18-19 July 1977 11,00111 1A-07 i li;ADQUAi T i? S ,L'.oom 921 Chai:ibcr of Conr.ierce ii:tension 242 .oori 921 Chauber of Cobmierce :;,tonsion 24.52 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 26 ibe1*4 &F -RDP79-01590A0'0'03b&1 th01-6 CL Y 0196"7 Approved For Release 2000/06/a 4a{1 jRF 19-0159OA000300160001-6 CGUKSi '' J-CT J. t Overseas Service for CIA g artici ;ants are e -ected to: earn about the adLlinistrative,, legal ,Factors that af_'oct CIA er:aloyees s orvin` abroad- and. 2'. increase tueir ability to cope v i t'l cultural c?if -'_'er ,:ces that nay be e.:countereci in host countries. Approved For Release 2000/061U?IFC4ALRDP.79-01590A000300160001-6 Approved For Release,2000/06/14N CIA ?OP79-01590A 0300160001-6 Preparing for overseas Assignment No 4-77 1onday, 18 July 1977 0900-0915 Registration and Mministration Orientation Coordinator 0915-1000 Reading: Transplanting Your household Presentations throughout the program will give you an opportunity to ask 25X1 A questions on this subject. rp. 1- A--n1 1000-1045 Central Processing; ' e/ Central Processing An overview of the organization and Branch functions of this branch will assist you in your overseas processing. 25X1A 1045-1145 Legal Responsibilities Office of General An Agency lawyer will review the legal Counsel docudents, including the will, power of attorney., insurance policies, etc., that you should have in hand prior to your departure. Ho will also alert you to the responsibilities, such as federal and state tax returns, that you will have during your tour. 1145-1245 Lunch 1245-1345 Lrug Abuse 25X1A aerations Division, The Agency's Drug Abuse Program will Office of iedical Service: be discussed as well. as various drugs and the problems encountered through- 25X1 A out the world. 1400-1445 Cover C~ Central Cover Staff The speaker will describe the various types of cover and discuss some conmion problems regarding covero 25X1A 1500-1545 Overseas Benefits and Services Benefits and Services This segment covers the benefits Division, Office of and services,' including Federal Personnel l..iloyees Life Insurance and Federal Cm::aliensation, that you can expect to have while living abroad. Approved For Release 2000/06/1 Q`ik- 79-01.590A000300160001-6 Approved For Release 2001 01,ICLA-RDP79-M590A000300160001-6 iuesday, 19 July 1977 O900-1015 Discussion with Area'Divisions Support officers from the Area Divisions will discuss with you practical information on your ,articular proposed overseas station and will be.hammy to answer questions.. 1030-1130 Hostile Audio Surveillance Technical Security You will have an opportunity to learn ` Divisi.or_, Of-`ice of of and see the latest in audio Security devices, 1230-1345 Living in 'a New Culture Culture shocl, is a very real phenomenon. Our speaker will suggest sous of the more difficult areas of adiusunent and indicate ways in Tai rich we can better prepare ourselves _Eor livir:; and working overseas. i400-15M!,, Good I ealth - Your first PrioritL Life Sciences Division, Office of Scientific. Intellige Office of ,-edical _I.-i experienced overseas officer will Services suggest how you can best insure good :rental and physical health, and attempt to set son:ie old myths straight. 1500-1530 Course Evaluation Approved For Release 2000/a6/'41 79-01590A000300160001-6 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Approved F k%Wi666/06/i2T'1k-kbf9 b~OA000300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee _ or Dependent Name A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 U 5 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Hi hl 'g Y, es actory Sat 1 2 3 4 \ 5 ) 6. 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-Oaf 9A000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE Approved For ReId 66MHXL~ CIAI Ik! 00160001-6 C. What coverage Add? z' Delete? Change? --- would you: In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. 14, Approved For ReM42OOOiOS11T4 : -CI1j 7%-OdMOrAW300160001-6 Approved For Rdl l MY4 : CI T1k 9-H~g9'b60300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee _~ or Dependent I_ Name Date -7-64 /Y ptional Directorate I )b / -- L3 Division o t- /Q A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight SatisfactoryHigghlyY -~ Satisfactory 1 2 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory 1 2 Highly Satisfactory 5 6 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-01590A0~300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ON? Approved Fob' ea~~N YY6/'141NGt ?ftPIJW bA000300160001-6 STATINTL C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? D. in what ways do y will be useful in u believe the training you just received the assignment for which you are scheduled? ~vt e aL ~_e c~`e~ A.C Qazw l c i-~.eCtt~C~Gca~e e,-1-e e&Y. c 6t& e- - E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved F6p ?Sg DD 06/1 Q-11AIpRYO-Q t0A000300160001-6 Approved For ReIAeR b / 4F: CIklk[ i~I- IW ff 66300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation STATINTL Employee or Dependent (Optional) Date Directorate - --ah 9 ) ~ r7 'iL A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? 3 Where? Division ,5 $.Q 10 GP m6'8 B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Hi hl Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 (5 ) 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Hi hl Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 6 7 / / / / / / / Approved For Ref- : C[A RDPA79-0 5USE 9 0N000300160001-6 Approved FSPel ii TibbYOS/14N:Td ?*DP~6-01 A000300160001-6 c C . What coverage w o u l d u W-e ~ o~ Add? t~s~~-'~, A_,, Delete? ''` Change? a-,~ D. In what ways do you believe the training you just received assignment for which you are scheduled? will be useful in the n ry-V --I E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved FoA Rasvi201013JO6I.14 NCIA&DPl79E0 9A'A000300160001-6 Approved For R@14 uj?6 /I' 1 4 . C11 Tk 9 ffi9 &300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent Name (Optional) Date L` / Directorate b Srf GSG Division C>S 0 0T, A. Have you previously lived overseas? C) How Long? Where'? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight 1 2 Satisfactory Highly, Satisfactory 3 4 5 6 7 increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. SligrLt Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP7A9-qJJq%Q4,300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERN L Approved Fore e*aT(//T4 I'I)kRI,&P1 vA000300160001-6 ' C. What coverage would you: STATINTL Add? Delete? Cha LP pfd ci L.CZyuZ.,.# Ld' _ t~t GOR. ,.. aP CCt4"r D. In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? I. Your comments are welcomed. Approved F60MN691106/1 .TCIA pf?gp-? gOA000300160001-6 Approved For Rel w 66(%Vi'k : CiMkFJ -o o*eb 300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent Name (Optional) Date Directorate A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6/ 7 y/ / 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Hi hl Satisfactory 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved Ft ffJa` Oe Th6114N`WAD bA000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? R~.n~~ of fic~u~ D. In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? CIL Aj~a 4Q- "J E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved FcaDRDlaamlVOID106/14N1 Q DIB'99-Q DA000300160001-6 Approved For ReI49 d 0 i\4 : CIALA0V0 X300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation STATINTL Employee or Dependent Name ARFW- Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? NO How Long? Where? 0711 B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 CD4 5 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMIN TRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved F6 0 ii&bb)N06/lW-YC DPl3-d OA000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? /rrt~c -' ,x-vii(~u[~(Ct,p~ ~g O Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? au c2 a - G e~p~z,z-z~ c-e.~-~cree~t, .? ~a~ 6~cy .1i a cueuz,e~ C ear c ~~~ E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved Fo eteasol0'OO/iO6/14N'1 iNRDI Od59OA000300160001-6 Approved For ReWso PMMT/14 :-CWT4i5 M-d 9( d'0300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee / or Dependent Name Optional Date tq J")_ '1 Directorate )01)0 Division EUn A. Have you previously lived overseas? /uO How Long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly, Satisfactory 1 2 3 4G 5 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Hi hl Satisfactory 2 3 4 () 6 7 / / / / / / Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved F4 hg' dOT/I6M 4T NUlA b 0 OiA000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Dryl Hbuse Change? I). In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved FO 15eSSGM +X06/1 I:i'C#A1AIABY.9-@r1 t0A000300160001-6 Approved For ReW''e/1I4 :-Cfh-R6P#b-90300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation STATINTL Employee / or Dependent Name (Uptiona Date Ig ~yc,Y X9-77 Directorate tea Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? A/o How Long? -- B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 2 3 5 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory HigghlyySati factory 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved Fob ,M ~JNbbY 6/'141NG Wi?PY'RFO fb&AO00300160001-6 STATINTL C. What coverage would you: Add? lno4g /,Vt ?P7-)1 o+lv/ ',rA C -e-- WY -4 L> . Delete?' Change? MDSE ZJE`~-A14 L'dViceAcE D. In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? c'-~vc .i A &7A4./S71C k,6c4- .,r Al- V( yAT TD ,E ,PFcT Your comments are welcomed. . it'r?ecr" DFFic1? c ~~/E /,E A PEW G/S A/~. c~,~~/TS o/c- /A/, . ~/ayyzcy~e Ey we~f- /IloT ff,6 . Tv ,ice ~101/Si reS ' / A/?s77,Wc 4j 7 7V o S1 AE o pLF 4vt/ d ~vE &E /~ A S: S / ' ~ /z D a H 40 7- of 7W,E s nE,~,Cs s~ENrE~ IA1A1Vr 41!9'14ST/ c_ ,#a/d A 16-r ABLS TO Oat2 4' ST/ STATINTL -4,,4.c t/G!S/r4~T/ C~ qA/0 STATINTL G,4ilc A VeY /.tJSri.llG, Id,e/I~r,'QT//~ 4/~ld ,411MD ~UG/S.eE'Si1l T~T/D ~, >s ou,~s s~D~,~o ? c.~vE.t1 lq-r trap rz DVC-ez S OS J, ' ~ a "Ac Iy~~F L /~, G SWoe7Z?' ~4# e ; 16 CpaegF AMO MU $1 4F lAlFc' -FeD946e-Y Cr9/1iI~ 7-6o La4T~- Approved FohiR GQOAO6J14N M*iROM Odi59DA000300160001-6 Approved For ReIQ O MP1V : CIA -0'??OA4 6300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent STATINTL Directorate ptio A. Have you. previously lived overseas? STATINTL How Long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory HHi~igghlyy Satisfactory 1 2 3 5 6 7 Satisfactory Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved F6P aiM}bWO6/1 TdW4*D b- 1 OA000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? , ,4.c%ty Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. 1/10 Fz" tLl~..`'t- L~E STATINTL -.Ieo KOO . j~ &S-0 Approved F g M,QQQ/jQ6/14N AiF~-0QI59'OA000300160001-6 Approved For ReM w11Wb 'd/~4 :-CO- - 0 0300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent Name Date A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? !v rS STATINTL Where? STATINTL ptiona'l' Z) Z) o STATINTL B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; --------------- Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 ,Le7,#1 6 7 / 1.22 / 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. . a.07 S4, -13 /- Gres ry Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved Four 'Ai&W3 fIb6T141NbiA b 0' t6 A000300160001-6 STATINTL STATINTL JTL C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? -bru //~~'' "~ H S e - ~/ e r t/ U r h 6AI/ 1). In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. /f -e a"_, '1- -, 1 Approved ForDRElta OOptO6/14NIQIkRPIBZR- OA000300160001-6 1'1 e e Approved For midi Date IF 1 41 11 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT STATINTL Phase I Evaluation Employee or Dependent Nam MAC: GIl- 09 5 00300160001-6 STATINTL Directorate DPI Division OCR / Ff/4c A. Have you previously lived overseas? __ How Long? Where? 3 + B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Satisfactory Highly Slight Satisfactory 1 2 3 /"1 5 6 7 ~/ / / / 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight 1 2 Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-01 0i q.300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERN L Approved For*8e~a 6 >' OT/66/14 PtTAIWOP7 01 A000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Spec' & sesrtcrs (s) 4. 'f'ktrsc poi 7 TDY Delete? -Df2tti~ A. 1.Ns-t (J%6+ 10%4tn+##4-%rt - yK.s-f'f' t~4- was Yiver.i (cv-01J.4 ) S-t t! i o r.. ~ r -v~ Change? A; t (e W TDY ', -1, "1 rr.~( To /k tit, s."4 4 s kc`s / cur a e~l f r'1 &O'A t(II D. In what ways go you believe the trai'ni~n you t will be useful in the assignment for which youu are scheduled? STATINTL E. Your comments are welcomed STATINTL r f d e h'4tJ1,4 ~ ~ 4CC- f J-ku-LILT ~~.?..Jl 3 4W, U t-f "i,x a: Approved F6P M659OA?QOOL06/1 1.T i DEgL9-Q) ,$0A000300160001-6 Approved For Re so, kdb 6T/Y4 : -CIS -del 9 0Y0300160001-6 Employee Phase I Evaluation PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT or Dependent Name Directorate : '?2 Division cjc=d' A. Have you previously lived overseas? .a? How Long? 217 STATINTL Where . B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highl Satitory 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved Fcfrh6TM' di3'/ 6114 Mikb OftbA000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? I)e1ete? h D. In what ways dc( you belief training yo just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? Change? E. Your-comments 2Pre welcomed. Approved Fq eterswAQQQ/jD6114N RiRj 0415jOA000300160001-6 Approved For4*1e6i9T /66/14 ?dTi 607 61 A000300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation STATINTL Employee - or Dependent Name Date I ( )Q-1'l Directorate Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? No How Long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory H__ig~hhl Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 7 increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Highly Sat actory 1 2 3 4 G Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-01590Ay000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONL Approved For 1)1 S2~WMT14 : A b ? J 5 4600300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? (mf I 3 h',o~ n~ +D P.xn.ea ferL"A Ovt jL Jb Vdd e elr#ct ~+e o vc 1~ ~L 'f ~~ ~vc~CeA~ _-11A I). In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? jj O h5cu QA-Qot '4-kcJ vf' E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For R@I s MQ/DDt14 : f. !AER1 9k9j5?QA-000300160001-6 Approved For l"W bT/66/14 ?dTA di7%S-61 'Ai000300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee PIor Dependent Name (Optional) til 10 tT A. Have you previously lived overseas? c How Long? YAS Where? c- R r~ s"` ~ ~- RD P B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 3 5 6 7 increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Hi ~hlly~ Satisfactory V" 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For RVM9 ~1414-: df ft#91f5 00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? ProOckE J451 Af-TOR nl#~ 7L ? mot i3-1 c '+T T H R 1,x P~ R r F rf e G5 Delete? Change? 1). In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Rbt2090/DL14 : SPE ,7 599A000300160001-6 Approved For 48 SHM/W14 : 1 7 5 AY000300160001-6 Employee Phase I Evaluation PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT or Dependent STATINTL Name ptiona Date / / Directorate A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? Where? 000 B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly Sat ii's increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Ik ft (/bV/14 : bilkEik7 b00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training you just. received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E . Your mments are welcomed. Ile Approved For Ro 2QQ/A, 14 : ,7W 59iO 000300160001-6 Approved For WW `MN/14 ~M!W&7 '61 M000300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation 04 Employee L or Dependent Date STATINTL Name 1"i- Directorate C Division (F(1 A Xw A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? -.-,/ OMIT S STATINTL Where? STATINTL B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly Satiactory 1 2 3 4 (53 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Highly Sati'factory Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For R94 ft-s HMT /I4-: dfK46A 9 '00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? 1). In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? I. Your comments are welcomed. at Approved For ROI 20O.G/Dat14 : r$JPER,7 5M A00300160001-6 Approved Ford u,96l /UO/1 I TAIb07k61 S A000300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation STATINTL Employee or Dependent Name -EWW Date I ' :1u -1 Directorate Division rz__ A. Have you previously lived overseas? aT 44ec7 How Long? J(4P . Where? V1 B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly Sat is 1 2 3 4 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory Hi~g~h~~l~_y~ Satiactory Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONL Approved For F 1e Og114 : OAM 7Mf5 -O00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. 6 ac b 4I ILJ G P P-rt qr IU7 - 4 Q S K~A,vi~v~ A--(-L P/07-4,447 Approved For RR NS206MM14 :1O 794 15c -000300160001-6 Approved For Ik Sibb6Wl4 :IGI* 7Y--V'I5 AY000300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation STATINTL Employee or Dependent Name p Iona 77 Date Directorate Q Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? 3 STATINTL Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Highly SaTIAs ctory 1 2 3 C4 J) 5 6 7 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satistactory 1 2 3 4 ( 5) 6 7 Satisfactory Highly Approved For RDM N I~STO0TP 14 : &, -- P7%-q 5~N0n00300160001-6 Approved For RSA as 'd9P14 : d:Vd $9LWf5 600300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? I). In what ways do you believe the training you just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? L. Your comments are welcomed. zc~~z~~nJ l~ac~v~ Approved For R eteNS 5201IND614 :1 PE i,7 5910M00300160001-6 Approved For KWf1bf14: IM'7b4 SI000300160001-6 PREPARING FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT Phase I Evaluation Employee _ or Dependent Date A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Long? STATINTL Where? yptional P B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) learn about the administrative, cover, medical and legal factors that affect CIA employees serving abroad; Slight Satisfactory Hi_g~~h~~_~l__yy~ Satisfactory 2) increase ability to cope with cultural differences that may be encountered in host countries. Slight Satisfactory High~t Satisfactory Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Approved For release 200MOMtATUTA-RDP79- 1590A000300160001-6 Special overseas Orientation Schedule 1A07 Headquarters General The purpose of this two-day training program is to sensitize participants and their dependent spouses to the need for following good personal and physical security practices overseas. MAle it is realized that some people by habit, instinct, or experience are more aware of potential security threats than others, we can all improve our security status if we are aware of the risks involved and make a conscious effort to minimize them. This Orientation is only a broad overview and an introduction to the subject and offers no specific skills for coping with the terrorist threat and related criminal problems abroad. Orientation Objectives On completion of this Orientation, participants will be able to: 1. Assess their personal and fa,iiily situation in tens of the nature and variety of security threats abroad. 2. Recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing abroad. 3. Relate the suggestions and experiences of Agency officers and other U.S. personnel who have served overseas to their own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crises. Orientation Coordinator 921 C of C 2452 Training Assistant 921 C of C 2452 Approved For Release 2000 6I ,ITC -RDP79-D159I 0300160001-6 CL BY 010687 Approved For Release 2000/06/14 ::CIA-RDP79-01590A000300160001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-.RDP79-01590A000300160001-6 Approved For Relse 2000/06/14 -r CIA-'RD.P79-015'9A000300160001-6 . CON FIDE.NTIAL Friday, :22 July1977 0900-113,0 Co?rnnon sense suggestions for protecting, residences, vehicl s, and. installations against terrorists as well as cria`:Zinal ,,threats, managing the family overseas; handling servants, ,travel saiggpuards, and. suggested precautionary during the conduct of social and recreational activities overseas. PhyCical,- Residentialaid Personal Security 1130-1230 Lunch 1230-1320 Boiiib Threat Parcel and package bombs and other explosive devices are illustrated through a slide pressentation, 1330- 1415 A discussion of 'the development of this program and related g uid.ance nia teriaL Terrorism 'treat Assess?eiit Group 1430-1520 Con` iii Snc T Planning and 'urban Suxyival Suggested preparations, planning ..and , actions for urban survival in the event of a crisis are discussed. 15A-1-600: FiLa, ?'Cdu-iiterLig: the Vehicular Ambush,` and coniiexits 1600-1630 Course ,Evaluation Overseas Security Branch, Off ice; of Security Office of Technical Service CONFIj)Ei1TIAL Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/Af Ii -IR~DP79-01590A000300160001-6 S,-fccial Overseas Orientation Thursday, 21 July 1977 0900-0910 Registration and Administration orientation Coordinator 0910-0930 Introductory. Comments 1030-1120 Nature of the Terrorist-Threat, An Overview v T Cnie , entra Staff Scope of threat, international aspects, principal groups, and current trends 25X1 A Hostage Survival Office of Iledical Film, "Kidnap, Executive Style," and Services ca;;ffnents. Potential victims and i uportrnce of preplaiming and adap- tive behavior.. Suggestions on how a siostage victim should conduct himself 25X1 A 1130-1215 Dealing with Terrorists and Terrorism Terrorist personality types and factors in dealing with terrorists in hostage situations. Office of Medical Services 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 1330-1430 idodus Operandi of Selected Terrorist qpmpm~'ee- I_"ro_up_c~ The speaker will give an overview and current trends of terrorist groups in the i.iiddle East. This will be. followed by a question-and-answer session. 1445-1530 Cover 25X1A Deputy Chief, Cover vulnerabilities, measures being Central Cover Staff taken to improve cover of Agency personnel, mutual responsibilities for maintaining cover. 1530-1630 Fili-:i, The Tine of the Jackals-Carlos" 2 Approved For Release 2000/06 iA DP79-01590A000300160001-6 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 r Approved Fo 44eaS bbY06/14NT6W- DF ii- 9'bA000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation-Evaluation Employee or Dependent 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. A. Have you previously lived overseas? A/b How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory Optional) Directorate :N)/ Division 0C/e 1-y __ 1 2 3 4 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory H 4hly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 7 (~D 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 2 3 4 /S / 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For RiIggpe 2 (9@ 4 CJA -A$fi9? 0300160001-6 coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For *6I JeS bW&14 : i - 79713+ AY000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee / or Dependent (Optional) Date -~~ ~ 7 Directorate L Division (//Z-l A. Have you previously lived overseas? ti S How long? 5 -//Is STATINTL Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory recognize the need for effective security practices while :living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 V 6 7 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 2 3 4 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved Fore QJ/14 aQrtl$ RP719s 1 000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? 13 STATINTL ~~~ - ~~ 0~3 4 ~r, ,,,~ vc/z.s e.+j rC a 2 L' /42 C i Y-l G~ ~! S r M AV IN f ~- }i-p # c. y L 1 r/ "" i -H )AiL/ c /J le, L E. Your comments are welcomed. 1 h ~J r r "v 0-' ftSc,i-', ;-b T in IL 4.Tq A, N ., tAi' u: ~TI~ Tt4t /~(~eNr RN, T l~Rvz cXPeR-~nrc e ,~}.~+3 L-T v Ttf~S `t4V7S~ b~~; ,~4> ~eC~e~:?~ IT IS /c~y 14e_ .7~ L ST 1) 0,4 /0 a Jtoc c, Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For 1~8 M66/b1 14 : 1k= 7 AY000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee or Dependent Name (Optional) Date J(4L. J 2 `77 A. Have you previously lived overseas? Directorate Division No How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 2 3 4 6 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. ? Slight Satisfactory High Satisfactory 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For ftq % Q 14 :IQj, Q7gjj15 000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? I f 'So eVfi 16 ] C, Cpl ifK,E- 1 ho~.~~- eY23~'tdK-~tivc ,to en-, I/ b z CV ({~~/~w`tlLVL ~1 t J VLOv y", C~ 1 ~~ s t -5 E. Your comments are welcomed. c4 J Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For W 66/14 JdTA- ~7b "15J A000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee ^ / or Dependent STATINTL Name ,00 J Q- 7- e"I i.1 A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while :Living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Satisfactory relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Hi hl Satis actory 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For 1@,Q~# 14 :I~ ~?79 15MO iO00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? /m?c ~. Ct ~.e Q~z 2. C/ zqr ~.u~fC ~J m ~~ li Cs vc, G r off L ~t c~- ~t G ctk~ c c r~ tr(~ E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For :I dk- P7b 1"5 ti000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee or Dependent Name Date _y g7'7 (Optional) Directorate I~ S d- T Division 4Sc7/_sG A. Have you previously lived overseas? AJp How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. ? Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For ~,QQ 14 :gyp l?k 11?79eW &RIU00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? eAJN,6~vr, 7-C E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For *6+edJ~ rJae/14 :II~i 7Y- 00300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee or Dependent STATINTL Date (1& Directorate /2,(90 . o- 77- - Division ,,1/r A. Have you previously lived overseas? /V6 How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 /6 ' 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For ase2WDt l14 :iG P79 16'0 Y000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? ' RA L 9016-'ll '' 7L / c c S-s~ o f l~A Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? (~ A S 7 cr,rl 7'Z~Os,/ rq 12 I S S N rw k: (~-~ r E. Your comments are welcomed. (/z /< Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For16i9dsl/66'/14 '8T&W60A5&1`6X000300160001-6 Employee ,ac' or Dependent Name Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation TATINTL Date aP _2 Directorate q)-b-r ional) Division _ A. Have you previously lived overseas? Le- long? 2 L How U STATINTL Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 ns 6 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory I ghly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 C6) 7 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 cIIi:)6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE' - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Rp s,%2QQQ 14 : IC1 7t 1 00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For* iiP OT/bh/14 z 1*15o AS61 '000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee or Dependent Name (Optional) Date P2 27 Directorate Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? How Ion,? STATINTL Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 16 ) 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 /6 7 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - .INTERNAL USE ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Approved For k6ioei~T2 b1 /14 :'dITi- 7 'I 000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation STATINTL Employee - / or Dependent Nam (Optional) Date Ce Division A./ A. Have you previously lived overseas? ,+_ How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory (5~1 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 3) relate the suggestions and. experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory H=ighly Satisfactory l 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For tee 2MD1Ol14 :iQ'bA P79811 5000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? e-&.1&4re, ~//sterys aretr, ,bae,~rar cnoZ Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are /scheduled? WG S`ieu J~ L2,/J Zx. P7-1U 7Lv 7000 #e rQQ /i 7L~ 4T IiAt, DYE' . E. Your comments are welcomed. This GAq,-S M?c y ./t 9eeknL ,fir ftse-- # de,i Luhd &rl'f &Ae4e, e.17 0,77C, ar, Z ii i C4ltI - r arh'I1/ .~'irrCc? 2/IS!~cz ~~[ ACrd,.J / did ''' ward a/i t~,e /ec~`tu e c- we- /eQ~-ned obGVh ie i2 . The- &Z--1AS o4 yr/ f /3 v~vn~ c~o~a(i2nGC fe ~,~ } y'J7K~ 4u6O Z` iistd .$'een /~" Jliijc~r /fl 7 4 /Q 7a /%,r , 4/7s 7a?y/~ ca -w"Ay 4'a uS Gd~SS. '7~~ 7`rc.rec Yt-hies L ~ac~?c'_cf l r~ Yes 1lSt / Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For N i~'~bbbl6114 :ldITi- 7Y M`, 000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation STATINTL Employee or Dependent Name Date ? \1~/ 7`? (Optional) Directorate L0 Sg- T Division C) r -S A. Have you previously lived overseas? Y__ How long? yI2 S Where? ttjA B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 3 4 5 6 relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory =Highly Satisfactory. 5 6 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For sg'QQP#jf -R:iQ'A Q7$ c000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? C~ tv e 2 A q , J Z r'Y1 o C~ 0 w )9- R C) F toOt10 S OPIt Awc~ 1~a CJCCUii~. c~a~~OZSSI4S E. Your comments are welcomed. WV\o 1~3vc cJ u s JUL. 'J5 jcR Wh 1f *,J~. Q0uiz SE F-6 , PFGpZE G M S I P 4 ,S (A, F // ; 4 R PQ Q 91Ut1)k-L Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For'i"si TAW&6/14 idTi'*607~5&1V'A000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation EvaluatiMTATINTL Employee or Dependent Nam Optional) Date 22. Iud 11 Directorate D-D ~" Division OCR (FEPAC A. Have you previously lived overseas? ei _ How long? IS B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For ggg''1@10JW14 :IQ Q79 1 000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: r'1:, I. Add? 5 ~c~ he re tr-enrer 7L 4sl Ccrw~+(A( ,4(t i~~ ~i5,1c A-R S/t e0/ Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? X~d " -C ASR ,4, y CAA 44 4, E. Your comments are welcomed. GAeJ U 4A44 I Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For44i9TJ /6e/14 sdT 1*607T &1 Ao00300160001-6 Employee or Dependent Name Date ` '"' -;U ;,v 2,2 A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? STATINTL Where? Directorate _ Division { );d B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluatio TATINTL recognize the need for effective security practices while :living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory I 4hly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 / / / 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For QQ/14 : 7t&J 000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For*64a~s1~ 6MM/14 1dTi'O07 &t Ao00300160001-6 special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee ;X/ or Dependent Name (-Optional) Date ''7- )'- `q9 Directorate D~jj-T Division Oso A. Have you previously lived overseas? _ How long? o qr3 Where? FaR fA? i B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 S 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly 1 2 3 4 Satisfactory 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For R s%2 QQM14 : Al-&-W &7$4j 000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For *gge TMT0 X6/14 :Idfi - P7? T 'A000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation STATINTL Employee L-' T or Dependent Name Date Optional)- Directorate '1J b S-4 T Division ~5p A. Have you previously lived overseas? (__.6 How long? Where? STATINTL S. As far as you are aware, to w at egree did the course fulfill objectives: V le~.t STATINTL 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 / 5' ) 6 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. IL Slight Satisfactory Satisfactory 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 /6) 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For s14 000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved ForT((/bb/T41iP6'fw+9b4000300160001-6 Employee Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation or Dependent STATINTL Name iona Date /~ 7 7 Directorate Division 0ee-lc _4 A. Have you previously lived overseas? G4 How long? Where? STATINTL B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 3 4 5 6 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory l 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Ask Approved For RD a i2QQOA14 :it 11 78 1 00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For*'F a W bb &x/14 :TA- PA '15 9000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee _1/ or Dependent Name Date L , if 14 3 4 5 6 *,~Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? Y1=5 1=S How long? Z. yr5 Where? STATINTL B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Highly Satisfactory Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory b Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For 4 :II P79?15E90Ac000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? lv/ Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? / &J c 9 1; A S ) ; o i d W 1{ F ,v j; ss 01C N i f q - - i, /' ,41 144 214 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For i~T d/b /14 I tlAL*o~7V-b &A000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee or Dependent Name (Optional) Date ,1 mil, ; YZ %, Directorate P r /' Division ___ A. Have you previously lived overseas? A' How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 q. 5 6 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 Approved For Fgas~~/14 : gn~-7 5^00300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? ~~~~-T.r1I _ 7 4/ Y 1 4i t Z~ Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For'g W WW66/14 JdT -*6~7~s61 'A000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee -V or Dependent Name Directorate (Optional) ~,ya ,CS A. Have you previously lived overseas? N6 How long? Where? B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 6 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory. 1 2 3 4 (5) 6 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY lmq~ Approved For as 2QQV 14 :1Q 7815 000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For 4e #b'T/14 :Id -ftP7? 1 A000300160001-6 special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee _ or Dependent Date (Optional) Directorate b b Division G Cf -- A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? Where? . B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 ( 5) 6 7 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory 01 Highly Satisfactory relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 (h, 6 7 Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Satisfactory Highly IN- Approved For R s_%2H99 ,8J14 : IQI- I?7$?I &OU000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? 1~G C C / Le r l~L 'C ~C. ? e/~-Q-t~n~ E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For isalg OT/bh/14'8TA!*6 1 'A000300160001-6 Special Overseas Orientation Evaluation Employee - or Dependent L' Name Date r1/.2 )T? Division A. Have you previously lived overseas? How long? 3 Where? STATINTL B. As far as you are aware, to what degree did the course fulfill objectives: 1) assess your personal and family situation in terms of the nature and variety of security threats overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 2) recognize the need for effective security practices while living, working, traveling, and socializing overseas. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory, 1 2 3 4 5 6 07' (Optional) 3) relate the suggestions and experiences of the speakers to your own need to plan for and cope with a possible hostage situation or other crisis. Slight Satisfactory Highly Satisfactory 2 3 4 5 6 / / / / / / Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY C7) P"M Approved ForM#I14 :IQJQ79EW5E0%000300160001-6 C. What coverage would you: Add? Delete? Change? D. In what ways do you believe the training just received will be useful in the assignment for which you are scheduled? E. Your comments are welcomed. Approved For Release 2000/06/14: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000300160001-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY