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Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-01590A000400010046-2 iE May 1976 MEMORANDUM[ FOR: Chief/IMB/II Chief/II SUBJECT Draft Schedule for Trends and Highlights No. 56, 1 - 4 June 1976 1. Attached is a draft of the next Trends schedule (1-4+ June). 2. One thing that really troubles me is the absence of the DDA. In the last four runnings (52-55)Jack Blake has not come In 52 and 53 he sent his deputy, John McMahon. In 54 and 55 the X0, came instead. STATINTL 3. When I ran into Jack at the Midcareer Course Reception two weeks ago I got the distinct and definite impression that there were too many other things, important things, in his day that took priority. 4. I feel it is very important for the DDA or his deputy to come. This course is about the Administration Directorate for DDA personnel, and they should have the opportunity to see the "man" -- this may be the only chance they ever have. 5. I have two suggestions to solve this. First, I can give Jack the choice of three dates for his presentation -- letting him select the most convenient time (1100-1200 on the first day; the evening session of the first day; or the last session on the last day at 1330 hours). An alternate is to ask either the DDTR or DTR to raise this with Jack -- perhaps the invitation coming from one of them would carry more weight. 6. In any event, I'd like an answer ASAP as I have to make my calls to the other speakers. 7. One last thin;, I'd like to drop the AD/MAG. It has received lousy ratings and I will put something else in its place. STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000400010046-2 AppS(~vRdFFpr Release 200p 5AivDCAETg059p~000400010046-2 1 - 4 June 76 STATINTL Tuesday, 1 June 1000-1020 Welcome 1020-1045 Course Administration 1100-12004 Overview of the Administration Directorate (or the CIA) 1200-1300 Lunch 1300-1400 Either Overview of the CIA or FOIa 1415-1515 The Office of Training 1530-163CI Federal Women's Program Social Hour and Dinner Either the DDA or D/Pers Wednesday, 2 June STATINTL STATINTL 0830-0930 Office of Finance Thomas Yale 0945-1045 OJCS Clifford D. May 1100-1200 Office of Medical Services Don't Know 1200-130CI Lunch 1300-140CI Information Systems Analysis Staff 1415-1515 Overview of Records and Archives 1530-1630 Cover or D/Pers Social Hour and Dinner DDO Panel Thursday, 3 June 0830-093CI Office of Communciations 0945-1000 1000-1130 1130-1145 1200-1300 Lunch 1300-140CI MBO in the Admin. Directorate 1415-1515 Office of Logistics 1530-163CI EEO in CIA Friday, 4 June 0830-0915 0930-1030 1045-1200 1200-1300 1300-1330 1330 Social Hour and Dinner Office of Security Film: "Damage Report" Polygraph Operations Technical Security Lunch Preparations of Evals Either the DDA or XO/DDA STATINTL STATINTL STATINTL James McDonald Omego Ware Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000400010046-2 1' h tms Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-01590A0004QQ910R4 - C DID'YOU FEEL THE SESSION ON THE ADMINISTRATION DIRECTORATE/ MANAGEMENT & ADVISORY GROUP (AD/MAG) WAS BENEFICIAL? WHY? Yes, because if any problem would ever arrive and quite often they do you need someone to turn to. With the AD/MAG for recommendations I don't feel you would ever get misled. Yes -- particularly on vacancy notices, how to look for them, how to seek training and/or better jobs. Mr. Blake should follow this speaker so we can put the AD/MAG in perspective and at least mention "DDA Exchanges" and how it is related and its purpose. Yes. Although I knew it existed I did not have a clear idea of its purpose. Everyone has some type of problem they feel upper echelon should be concerned about. It's great to know this is being considered and problems are being presented. Yes. However, had forgotten it existed. First thought of it as a grievance board. Yes. There were a few issues and problems mentioned that I am sure many of the students weren't aware of. It was beneficial in the aspect that it opened the door a little more for those who have only vaguely realized who and who this group actually roas striving to achieve by the way of registering a complaint or a grief on the spot. I assume for the first time in the Agency it gives every individual an opportunity to sound off or get their two cents in, so to speak, without harrassment. The AD/MAG is great. DDA'ers with. Mr. Blake at its head are indeed fortunate? His interest is very apparent in the various programs he has initiated. Is he receptive to employees of other Directorates joining his? I thought this session was very beneficial to me. I had heard the name but never understood it. I'm hoping they will help me with a problem in my office -- that's why they're here. Yes, in that I now know what it is and why problems they.fac-e. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000400010046-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000400010046-2 -2- Yes; although I don't know and very seriously doubt they can help in too many existing problems, it is good to know someone is out there as a sounding board and may well exercise the proper influence to promote the proper concern about your problem. Yes. I feel that I know more about AD/MAG and their problems they have with the Agency as a whole, where we can take your problem to. Yes' I have heard of AD/MAG, but did not understand its function in the Agency until Trends and Highlights. I can see many reasons for their existance and believe they will play an important role toward the Agency's mission. Yes. I became more aware of the MAG function. ...I didnut know they existed. I feel the session on AD/MAG was beneficial in one sense -- that there is a system there for our complaints. However, I also believe that this system needs more authority in handling and processing these complaints. The idea of AD/MAG is good but with no teeth it is a waste. Not from the point of view in performing my work functions. Yes, when performing supervision duties relating to personnel. The subject is beneficial, but the benefits are not readily apparent to me at this time even though they effect my career. Yes. It gave me a better understanding of their purposes and shows there is an open door policy in the Admin. Directorate to hear anyones problems and try to find a solution to these problems. Agency employees do not realize that a AD/MAG exists. As a direct result of their presentation, fifty employees are now conscious that a grievance system operates and is accessible to every employee. A system that handles complaints should not be staffed and controlled by high ranking career employees. A grievance system better operates in an atmosphere of free accessability without stigma. Please, to reduce the grade/rank of the panel in order to nulligy the stigma effect of potential users; an advisory group staffed by peers will be more effective. Not particularly -- in many cases the problems have been with the Agency since conception are still with us. There seems to be a great deal of talk and no action. However, I now understand more clearly where and why these things have not been changed. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-0159OA000400010046-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-01590A000400010046-2 ...After 'being exposed to the MAG, if I were in the DDA, I would not hesitate to go to them with a problem. It was too brief to evaluate. Insufficient data. As to just how or what they are to do other than suggest. Yes. I was weak in this areaoof knowledge. I liked the opportunity to make some input of problems.. .the group could be given more power to initiate changes. Yes.. Because it promises to address and mobilize concerns of the general population of Agency employees. In other words, the little man can be heard. I hope the program works as described. Otherwise, it will appear as. another useless pacifier that still fails to address the problem. Yes, because if the speaker was telling it straight, I know where to spill all. my gripes. Yes -- the speaker gave the class a rundown on what the group has accomplished , hopes to accomplish and solicited the class' views on how to make management more effective throughout all levels. No. The presentation did not include any positive indications that AD/NAG could provide the services that they offer to the employees. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP79-01590A000400010046-2