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Document Release Date: 
December 6, 2005
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Publication Date: 
August 17, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79B00314A000800030008-3.pdf89.68 KB
Approved For Rel 20 - 4AOIP00030008-3 25X1 SECRET' -ORD 3309-66 17 august 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR ; Director of Research and Development SBB.I'ECT Change in SPS Allotments 1. This morning in talking tol he mentioned that 25X1 PPB and Col. White have limited our SPS's to six. This is the quantity that was reported to have been mentioned last February during dis- cussions concerning our ability to recruit this type of person. This allotment refers to our. FYI 67 figure and does not mean that we Cannot increase the SPS quantity to nine in FY' 68 if necessary. 2. In setting up their budget for FY'67, we were allotted a total of and above. This did not include our SPS requirements. T s figure also had to be reduced by two, leaving us with a total of . and above. 3. In order to balance out the figures and leave us with a total of Q the two SPS's that we lost were assigned to us as two additional OS-15's, this then left us with a total of I and above. In 25X1 order to gat down to the [)hat PPB. has, allotted us, they in turn reduced the number of 14's that we had by a figure of four. This left us with the allotted Fl This reduction of four had to be picked up elsewhere so they were assigned to the uncontrolled level of the GS-13's. Thereby picking up four additional OS-13's we returned to our total figure of Ooverall In ORD. 4. We don't anticipate that there will be any trouble in meeting our average employment during the year. If we do-fill our allotments prior to 'dune 30, then we feel that we can obtain relief by working with and perhaps borrowing from some other Office in the Directorate. I Approved For Release 2 Approved For Rel 4AcM00030008-3 SUBJECT: Change in SPS Allotm A summary then of EO/ORD:jh Distribution Original - Addressee DD/ORD 1 - B&F/ORD 1 - EO Chrono 1 - EO Mbject Approved For Release 29 changes are as follows: