Dear Mr. Smith:

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Document Creation Date: 
November 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 30, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 4, 1969
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79B00972A000100510008-7.pdf43.75 KB
Approved ForQ#Iease 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP79 972A000100510008-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY l WASHINGTON, C.C. 20505 4 August 1969 The Honorable Gerard Smith The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament: Agency Washington, D. C. 20451 At the 30 July meeting of the US SALT Delegation, you handed Mr. Helms a copy of Senator Gore's letter of 28 July requesting information on Soviet military expenditures and asked our assistance in responding. The attachment to this letter contains suggested answers to the Senator's questions. These answers are based upon the enclosed table which. summarizes the available data pertinent to Senator Gore's questions. This table is meant as background in- formation for your staff only and should. not be forwarded to Senator Gore. If you have any questions on the material pro- vided p lease call me on Code 143, Extension 7111 25X1A9a or on Code 143, Extension 6233. We would appreciate the opportunity to review the ACDA reply to Senator Gore in draft. Sincerely, Bruce C. Clarke, Jr. Director Strategic Research Enclosure: Comparisons of US & Soviet Expenditures for Selected I)efernse Programs, TS 1.99034 TS 3-990"34,1 Copy Approved For Release 2000/05/23 CJA-R:DP7.9B00972A000100510008-7.