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25x1 - ~~P SECRET 25X1 A ~ DApproved For Releas/1003/05 2 :CIA-RDP79B01709A0009~140005-5 0 7 April 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR: Holders of COMLR,EX-M-92 SUBJECT Correction to Minutes It is requested that the attached corrected page be substituted for page 8 in copies of COMIREX-M-92 you hold. COMIREX-M-92, as corrected by the insertion of the attached page, were approved by COMIREX on 2 April 1970. 25X1A Executive Secreta y 25~~1 Committee on Lmagery Requirements and Exploitation Attachment Revised page 8 NRO review(s) 25X1 A completed. GROUP I: EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Copy fo 8 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/2~O~IAS~~~B01709A000900~ 25X1 ~X1A X1A 25X7 ~3'~~ p` T(lP CFf RFT Appro~ r Release 2003/05/28 :CIA-RDP 0 ~~~ ~l9B017000900040005-5 ~OMII2.EX-M-92 19 March 1970 COMMITTEE ON IMAGERY REQUIREMENTS AND EXPLOITATION COMIREX -M -92 19 March 1970 Following is an index of the Minutes of the 19 March 1970 COMIREX meeting: Section I (Briefings) Page 5 Mission Highlights (1109 -1) Section II (Approval of Minutes) Page 5 COMIREX-M-89 Page 5 COMIREX-M-90 Page 6 COMIREX-M-91 Page 6 General Section III (Operations) Page 6 Satellite Schedule Page 7 Report on Aircraft Activities Section IV (Action Items) Page 8 Cuba Requirement Revision Page 8 Agreed Criteria for Coverage Accounting of Cuba 25X1A Copy~To S 25X1 25X1A ;~I+OUPI !%C LUI)fU fHl1M A I~iOMAlIC f)CIWNG RAfIINf; AN() I1FC14SSIf ICAllflk 25X1A 25X1 Approved For R 79B01709A~000900040005-5 25X1 II 0 Approve 01709~p0900040005-5 COMIREX-M-92 19 Ivlarcix 1970 25X1A Section V (Other Business) Page 11 Five-Year Guidance to NRP Section VI (Subcommittee and Working Group Reports) Page 11 Imagery Exploitation Subcommittee Page 11 Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Working Group Tabs A NPIC Briefing -Mission Highlights (Mission 1109-1) B Satellite Operations Schedule C Report on Aircraft and Drone Activities Approved For Release 9B01709A00 900040005-5 25X1 2~~XF~ ~~~~ a 25X1 25X1A a Approve 19 March 1970 1000-1215 DBWG: MGGWG: 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25XXX1A 25X1A 25X1 COMMITTEE ON IMAGERY REQUIREMENTS AND EXPLOITATION COMIREX-M-92 Auditorium, CIA; State; DIA: Army; Navy: Capt, L. W. Moffit Air Force: Cal. C. E. Davison NSA: SUBCOMMITTEE AND WORKING GROUP REPRESENTATION ICRS; EXSUB COM: EXRAND; CLA; DIA; Navy; A lr Force: Lt, Col. N. D, Thurman NSA: Approved For Release NI r. L. A. Mo er, Jr. Mr, J. C. St. Cyr 9 B01709i~f10900040005-5 COMIREX-M-92 19 March 1970 25X1A Executive Secretary 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A oTd~fbSF~aCRfi~-Ro D 25X1 25X1 1A D Approved ~ 1709A0(bQM4I~~~.5 M - 9 2 19 March 1970 25X1A Mission Highlights Introduction Activities in Egypt Update on Soviet SS-9, SS-11, and SS-13 ICBM Launch Sites ABM Facilities in the Moscow Area Soviet Submarine Repairs at Sea 25X1A D 25X1A Approved For Release 20 1709A00090 25X1 2~~"T~ 25X1 ~5X1A 25X1 Approved Section I (Briefings) 25X1A Mission Highlights (1109-1) 1709A0~00040005-5 COMIREX-M-92 19 March 1970 1, reported exploitation of the imagery from the first bucket of Mission 1109 has been under way at NPIC since Saturday, 14 March, when special exploitation effort was devoted to search for new SSM starts, significant ABM activity, new Soviet weapons systems in the Middle East, and other high-priority searches, Routine exploitation gat under way on Monday, The irr~age quality from the main cameras appears to be about average for a KH-4B mission, NPIC presented briefings on the following topics: (1) Activities in Egypt; (2) Update on Soviet SS-9, SS-11, and SS-13 ICBM Launch Sites; (3) ABM Facilities in Moscow Area; and (4) Soviet Submarine Repairs at Sea, A brief summary of the highlights presented on the first three topics is attached at Tab A, Section II (Approval of Minutes) 25X1A 25X1 25X1A 25X1 COMLREX -M -89 1, COMIREX-M-89, covering the meeting of 19 February 1970, were approved with modifications suggested by the DIA and Air Force Members, Revised pages will be distributed to reflect the changes, 2, COMIREX-M-90, covering the special meeting held on L6 February 1970, were approved, nn T~QRnS.~RId o 0 25X1A 25X1 25X1 2~~"T~ 25X1A DApproved Fd COMIREX -M -91 709A009~Q~0040005-5 COMIREX-M-92 19 March 1970 3. COMIREX-M-91, covering the meeting of 5 March 1970, were approved with modifications suggested by the Air Force Member and the NRO Consultant. Revised pages will be distributed, 4. The Chairman raised a question as to the utility of the briefing summaries, copies of briefing charts, etc, distributed as tabs to COMIREX Minutes. He asked that members notify his office if they do not feel that this type of material serves a useful purpose in their organizations. Section III (Operations) 1, The satellite schedule as of 19 March 1970 was distributed by the NRO Representative. A copy is attached at Tab B. 25X1A 2. In answer to a duestion from the Chairman on the outlook for Mission 1109-2, noted that approximately 15 percent of the film remains to be expended and that recovery is expected at about 1700 on Saturday, L1 March. If the weather does not improve, it is possible that recovery will be postponed to Sunday, /Due to adverse weather conditions, recovery was actually postponed to Monday, L3 March, / With regard to coverage of missile sites, eported that Derazhnya and Pervomaysk were programme or recoverage on LO March since coverage of those areas on the first bucket had been cloud covered, He noted that they had not had access to Zhangiz Tobe but that Imeni Gastello 25X1 25X1A 25X1 2~~~~ 25X1A 25X1A 6 25X1 25X1A 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/O~Q~: ~6~79B01709A000900 0 2~~(~~ 25X1 Z5X1A 25X1A 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1A 709AOO1~Q84~~~~ _ M _ 9 19 March 1970 had been covered twice, once predicted 90 percent cloud free. Uzhur had also been covered twice with predictions of 90 percent and 70 percent cloud free, reported that clear coverage of Moscow was acquired but that west of Moscow the area was cloud-covered for the entire mission. Coverage of North Korea is about 70 percent cloud free whereas weather has been bad and will probably remain so over South China, Report on Aircraft and Drone Activities 4, The Acting DIA Member reported that approval has been requested for a drone overflight of South China in April, 5, The reports presented by the Acting DIA Member, the CIA Member, and the Chairman, ICRS, on aircraft and drone activities, coverage of special targets in the Far East, and satisfaction of the Cuba 56-day requirement are recorded in Tab G. Approved For Release 2003/05/2 ~ ~Iq~~1~~01709A0009000 0 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 ~~XX11 A 25X1 Cuba Requirement Revision Section IV (Action Items) 19 March 1970 25X1A 25X1 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 1, The Chairman reviewed briefly the results of a meeting held at NPIC on Monday to review CINCL.A,NT's require- ments for contingency photography of Cuba. This was an attempt to identify the degree to which they would be accommodated under the proposed revised USIB requirement which COMIREX has had under review. He noted that the new requirement calls 0 following regarding agreed criteria for coverage accounting of the area.) hen referred to the redraft of COMIREX-D-24, 3/ 1 which had been distributed at the beginning of the meeting and asked members to take time to review it. Following review and discussion, COMIREX members approved_ a draft for forwarding to the United States Intelligence Board. /Subsequent to the meeting, the revised Cuba requirement was forwarded to the Executive Secretary, USIB, and distributed by him as USIB-D-46.4/35 (COMIREX-D-24.3/1), on 20 March 1970. / Agreed Criteria for Coverage Accounting of Cuba u 2, The Chairman felt that it would be useful for the members to have some idea as to the nature of questions that had been raised at Monday's meeting concerning both the usability of various portions of the frame on photography of Cuba and the criteria that might be applied in deciding whether to count or not to count photography as satisfying the expressed requiremenhts, br Rele~ 2003/Q5/28 S~IA-RDP79B01709AOOO~a(~Q~~5x5_M _92 explained that there are a variety of proposals as to ow accounting should be handled ranging from setting some arbitrary limits on the portion of the frame that would be counted to having a S (Rev 2 Apr 70) Approved For Release 2003/05/~~IC1~~~~~9B01709A000900q 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 D gpproved For Release 2003/05/28 :CIA-RDP79B01709A000900040005-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/28 :CIA-RDP79B01709A000900040005-5 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A proved Fo 09A0009(~BB`40005-5 25X1 COMIREX-M-92 19 March 1970 25X1A 5. Some concern was expressed about what impact CINCLANT requests for recoverage were likely to have on mission frequency and on the accounting for coverage under the revised requirement. It was generally agreed that since any CINCLANT requirement for recoverage would be during third- phase exploitation and therefore not time-dominated, there would be no appreciable impact, felt that any recoverage for CINCLANT purposes cou e ac ieved routinely in the course of normal area coverage. He noted that coverage accounting and reporting would now be by WAG cells and therefore more definitive, Use of the WAG cells will also allow preparation of more detailed and meaningful graphics in support of coverage reporting, 6. Agreement was reached that ICRS and EXSUBCOM would be tasked to draw up a statement of criteria for coverage accounting of Cuba for COMIREX approval, Approved For Release 2003 01709A000900 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 2~~X1 A 25X1 TOP SECRET or R ease - 0 B01709A896'900040005-5 COMIREX-M-92 l9 March 1970 Section V (Other Business) 25X1A 25X1A Five-Year Guidance to NRP noted that the COMIREX guidance paper to the USIB for the National Reconnaissance Program five- year planning cycle is due on 22 May rather than in June, said he and members of his staff have been looking a w at needs to be done for this report and he plans to have a draft paper before COMIREX within a short time, Section VI (Subcommittee and Working Group Reports) 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Imagery Exploitation Subcommittee meet on LO March to the Middle East, reported that EXSUBCOM will consider mission readout requirements for Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Working Group L, reported that the Doppler data from the first bucke o ~ssion 109 looks good but there had been some problems with thc~ Doppler beacon turning on and off over the proper areas during the second half of the mission, The Chairman, ICRS, rind the NRO Representative will look into this problem to find out thc~ cause and suggest possible remedial action for future missions, Executive Secretary Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation 25X1A Attachments Tabs A-C 25X1A 25X1 25X1 2X1-A 25X1 Approved For Release 25X1 25X1 Appro ed For Rya 9B01709A0~0~~5- 9 2 19 March 1970 Tab A NPIC Briefing 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 B 25X1A 25X1 Mission Highlights (Mission 1109-1) Activities in Egypt 1, reported that coverage over Egypt had been acquired on t ree passes of Mission 1109-1. He felt it was a fairly fruitful mission, even though the first bucket imagery could be rated as only fair in interpretability due'to at least 50 percent cloud cover in the areas of main interest, dust storms, and slightly soft images, He noted that they were not able to come up with any information on missiles in the western sector of Egypt but hoped that the second bucket would provide good coverage of that area, 2, reported the observation of a possible SA-3 surface-to-air missile (SAM) site five n, m, southeast of Alexandria. This site was not present on 5 August photography (Mission 1107-2). Five new SA-2 SAM sites have been picked up so far on Mission 1109-1 and five areas of new construction believed to be possibly SAM-related were observed in the Dashur-Helman area, All five sites were negated on 16 December photography from Mission 1108. The early stage of construction, and the small scale of and limited interpretability of the photography, precludes identification of any equipment or determination of the type of system being installed, Approved For Release 20 -RDP79B01709A000900b40005-5 D 25X1 25X1 25X1 B 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Appro~ O ed For Ruse 2 B01709Ab~9HODA~5~1-92 19 March 1970 Tab A 4. asked whether the Alexandria and Cairo areas were programmed for coverage on Mission 1109-2, Alexandria is scheduled for coverage tonight and Cairo on the following night, Update on Soviet SS-9, SS-11, and SS-13 ICBM Launch Sites 5, explained that snow cover had hampered exploitation of Mission 1109-1 coverage of the offensive missile complexes. He reported that 11 of the 24 known IGBM complexes were at least partially observed and that 23 new SS-11 sites and five new SS-13 sites were identified on Mission 1109-1. Of the 23 new SS-11 launch sites, 16 were at the Teykovo Complex and seven were at Kozelsk, The five SS-13 sites were at the Yoshkar Ola Complex. Three~of the six SS-9 complexes--Aleysk, Dombarovskiy, and Kartaly--were covered but no new sites were identified. The beginning of new sites could not be negated, however, because of heavy snow cover, noted that new sites were not identified last year anti ay or June even though it was estimated that some of the construction was started in April. In answer to question as to whether it was possible to negate substantial or advanced activity as opposed to starts, answered that it was fairly certain that there were no new sites in middle or late stages of construction. 25X1A A-2 ~ 25X1 25X1A 25X1 Approved For Release 20 ~/ ~ RDP79B01709A000900 40005-5 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 D Approv ed For Reuse 2 E - B01709A~0~94`~d~6~5M-92 19 March 1970 6. Mission 1109-1 provided partial coverage of nine MRBM/IRBM complexes in the Western USSR. 1Vo new launch sites were identified. Aktyubinsk was observed but the Derazhnya and Pervomaysk Complexes were cloud covered. ABM Facilities in Moscow Area There are four active ABM launch complexes in t e oscow area (E-05, E-24, E-31, and E-33) and all were observed on good, clear photography. Two to three Galosh canisters were discernible at each of the four active complexes and there were approximately 30 at the Borovsk Support Facility, This is the largest number of Galosh canisters identified to date, There was no evidence of renewed construction at Sites E-03 or E-21 which have been inactive 7, reported that Mission 1109-1 rovided the first good KH-4 coverage of the Moscow area dormant. There was no new activity at the DOG HOU facility but some construction activity was observed at Cheklov, 25X1A A_3 Approved For Release - 01709A0009000 0005-5 25X1 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/28 :CIA-RDP79B01709A000900040005-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/28 :CIA-RDP79B01709A000900040005-5 25X1 ~3~~ A D Approved For F~ 9B01709AOQ,~00040005-5 COMIREX -M -9 2 19 March 1970 Tab C Report on Aircraft and Drone Activities 25X1 D FAR EAST (6-19 March 1970) SATE MISSION N0 AREAS/TARGETS . RESULTS 7.Mar Q603/526 (low) Cat Bi Afld, Haiphong Port Water Recovery 7 Mar Q616/527 (low) Lang Bet Stor Area, Phu MARS Qui Stor, Bai Thuong Afld, Thanh Hoa Complx 9 Mar Q559A/52$ (low) Bac Mai Afld, Gia Lam Afld, Lost Yen Vien RR Yd 10 Mar Q612/529 (low) Kep Af1d, Kep RR Yd, Ptiuc MARS Yen Afld, Cam Pha Port, Hiep Hoa Afld 11 Mar Q262/531 (high) Area Coverage, Dien Bien Phu MARS Afld, Na San Afld, Hwy 15, Segs 0-U Bai Thuong Afld , , Hwy 1A 5egs S-U 13 Mar Q548A/532 (low) SAM 263, Bac Mai Afld, Hanoi MARS Port Fac, Yen Vien RR Yd 13 Mar Q603/533 (low) Cat Bi Afld, Haiphong Port MARS 14 Mar Q578/534 (low) Kien An Afld, Haiphong RR Lgst ' Sta, Haiphong Port Fac 14 Mar Q600/535 (low) Port Wallut Nav Base, Tien Water Yen Complx, Cam Pha Port Recovery Ha Tou Cstl TSP, Hon Gai Port Fac, Hon Gai Nav Base 25X1A 25X1 25X1 0040005-5 25X1 25X1A ~~~~A 25X1 25X1 D 9 B01709A0~(}900040005-5 COMIREX-M -92 19 March 1970 Tab C Hai Yen Cstl TSP, Ben Thuy TSP, Vinh Cave Stor 18 Mar Q612/540 (low) Kep Afld, Kep RR Yd, Phuc MARS . Yen Afld, Cam Pha Port, Hiep Hoa Afld 25X1A 25X1 25X1 GIANT SCALE (6-19 March 1970) DATE MISSION NOo AREAS/TARGETS RESULTS 19 'Mar GS 237 North Korea: SAM Sites, Unknown DMZ, Sub Bases, Shipyards, Ports, Army Bks, Aflds 25X1 D 0 Approve' d For 9B01709AO~B900040005-5 COMIREX-M-92 19 March 1970 Tab C ~6-19 March 1970) NONE IDEALIST/TACKLE (6-19 March 1970) Date Mission No. Flight Path/Area Covered 17 Mar 70 C 040 C Peripherally off northeast coast of China Coverage of Special Targets in South China and North Vietnam (5-18 March 1970) Coverage of special targets in South China and North Vietnam was reported by the Chairman, ICRS, as follows; 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 a, Surveillance coverage was reported on two Lines of Communication (LOC) targets pertinent to the introduction of Chinese forces into North Vietnam (see COMDR-D-25/207 The number of LOC priority targets in South China and North Vietnam remains at 320. The specific targets on which coverage was reported are listed below: COMIREX N0. COUNTRY NAME VN PA.I THUONG AIRFIELD VN QUANG KIrE TRNSP PT SONG GIA.NG MOST RECENT COVERAGE b, Coverage of North Vietnam to detect the possible introduction or deployment of offensive missile 0 Approved For Release 2(f~~5l~~~RDP79B01709A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1 Approv ~d For Refuse 200~g/2~8~~-~DP79B01709A0~900040005-5 COMIREX -Ivl -92 19 March 1970 Tab C systems (see COMDR-D-25/200, 23 Ma.y 1967, and COMIREX-D-25. 3/2, GO November 1967) is shown on the attached grid maps (pages C-5 and C-6) for the following time periods: 26 Feb - 4 Mar 1 5 Mar - 11 Mar 2 Period Missions Not Reported OLD HEAD (6-19 March 1970) DATE MISSION NOo RESULTS Successful, 34.2% coverage RECAP DATE MISSION N0. NET CUMULATIVE 12 Mar G116 34.2% 63.1% Status of 56-day Coverage Requirement The status of coverage on a sliding scale for the 56-day periods shown below is as follows: PERIOD AREA COVERAGE TARGET COVERAGE 1~+ Jan - 11 Mar 70 65.x+ 123 of 176 21 Jan - 18 Mar 70 69.9 107 of 176 C-4 ~ NUMBER OF MISSIONS FLOWN EXPLOITED Area Targets 3 3 3 Approved For Release 20 / DP79B01709A00 005-5 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 D gpproved For Release 2003/05/28 :CIA-RDP79B01709A000900040005-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/05/28 :CIA-RDP79B01709A000900040005-5