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Document Release Date: 
October 19, 2004
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Publication Date: 
June 10, 1970
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79M00096A000500060020-1.pdf64.46 KB
Approved For Release 2004/10/27 : EIGI9OOO96AOQOOO6OO2 10 June 1970 PPB _=1 __f l-_ Executive Registry 2 `4O4fo MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, Information Handling Committee 0 : Community Information Handling R&D Facility 1. You indicated that you were interested in getting from the IHC members some thoughts on what to do about the Community R&D problem. What follows are my own personal views, not necessarily those of the Agency or any of its components. 2. I start with the assumption that each agency will, no matter what, continue to conduct its own, or contract for, advanced develop- mental research leading toward a particular solution to well-defined problems bearing on the mission of that agency. This "applied" R&D may very well be useful, however, to other members of the Community who may have similar problems or who, indeed, may be engaged in similar or duplicative lines of developmental work. 3. This leads me to where I think the Community should start in the information processing field on R&D: to some kind of clearing house facility. This clearing house might report to the R&D sub- committee and function as an integral part of the Community Information Sciences Center. Each agency would register with the clearing house its information handling R&D projects and contracts. The clearing house then would maintain records of all such projects and assist agencies in avoiding duplicative efforts. Thus, it would serve as a broker by bringing together people with problems and people with solutions. The clearing house would keep in close touch with ARPA, with other Government-sponsored research programs, and with work going on in the trade outside the Government. Approved For Release 2004/10/27 : G yRQM A91 d 0 00060020-1 ..~ C dd .ilf 31 i . T Approved For Relse 2004/10/27: CIA-RDP79MOO096AW ,,,0500060020-1 4. T can foresee how such a function staffed, say, with an experienced professional from each of the major Community agencies could pay real dividends and prove more than cost effective. It would be, if it prospered, a fine nucleus from which to expand if it became clear that a more elaborate R&D facility were needed and could be afforded by the Community. 25X1 CIA Member Information Handling Committee 2 Approved For Release 2004/10/27 : CIAe4W M00096AO00500060020-1 R rT