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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
October 13, 2006
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Publication Date: 
November 11, 1976
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Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP79M00983A00220006, O.L.C-76?-3Z1t) Ho >c cable Daniel K. Inouye, Chairman ; e1.e t Corntnittce on Intelligence United States Senate Washington, U. C. 2.051.0 Dear Mr. Chairman: 7 7- CI,?K? ` During my 23 September 1976 briefing of the Select Committee on the subject of international terrorism, I requested that the transcript of that session receive special handling. You agreed in principle. Members of Aay staff have identified certain portions of the transcript which are of such sensitivity that I must ask that they be deleted from the Committee's STAT v hriefirirs- Attached s -1 s ?t ute transerint rierit record of r? - and more gene cal descriptions have been substituted. . ask that you direct that all Committee copies of these original transcript pages be destroyed. I have .directed that these paves in the Agency's copy of the transcript be destroyed and identical substitution:_; made. During the staff question and answer period which followed mY.y briefing, klr. Machig~>trx asked how much of the Agency's badget is allocated to the anti--terrortst pr ograxn. The Agency's effort in this field is centered i_n. the International Terrorism Control group in the Operations Di.rectorat.e. 25X1 However, we estimate that the equivalent of i man-years was . 25X1 also c evo :c1d to the terrorist problem by employees in the DUO area cli.visi.c?nc . In -addition, the area divisions were allocated a total o or anti-- 25X1 terror.1st operations in Fiscal 1977. Mr. Chairman, I appreciate your willingness to authorize special handling of this transcript. Such a procedure enables the Agency to relate extremely sensitive details of operations to the Committee when we would be reluctant to have a permanent written record made.of this information. Sincerely, L. II. Knoche Deputy Director Enc:lo ;ure Distribution: Ox?ig - Adse 1. - DJ CI wv/o at.Ls 1. ?. .1"11, w/o allf; I Dl)O W/o ntts Si.~;tte.? C7u.?:i:+^~ by 3:r:m..; t ira;t c::nr.?tnI dorlu>i!icn:i.?n y- is l?;t!, of ::.o. 116.`.i uxairti.^ s.rht:;;:!t 5`: (1), t'i. (3) J\utorv.licct!t, d al?fsiii.?cl ou .[)ufo 7~npc..r i61e. 1., 1).f mina 1 -- 01.C/Gltumlo \.Vatt:s 1 Gornpl: w/o :111- ~\t_CoL.C/1):~i':Nl/k:.;n 9 Nov 7G Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP79M00983A002200060007-2 UN~LAS CC~ nn IINTCRNAL nn n~1EEtlryyTTtl~a ^ ^i~Y red For LIE#asetp6/10/14: CIA-RDP79M909~3~00220008~007-2 SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION NO. Actin Legislative Counsel Acting DATE n 1 6 AU-1 1;77 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) ADDC1 kv 1( 17 4 4 ' 9 e Attached for your signature 2. . - is a letter to Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D., Hawaii), n mmittee t S l t C S 3. jG 197 ena o o e e ec Intelligence, requesting special DCI 4 o handling of the transcript of the 4. 20 July Committee briefing. Because of the extreme sensitivity of information in this 5 transcript, the attached letter OLCJ Or-- andcarry) was drafted to urge the Committee to delete this 6 identifying data from its copies of the transcript. Z' The Committee agreed to a similar procedure in the case of B' Mr. Knoche's briefing on international terrorism in 9 1976 (letter attached). This has been coordinated 10. with the DDO. STA 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL 1:1 USE ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED Approved' For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP79M00983AO02200060007-2