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Document Release Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79R00890A000100060006-4.pdf264.74 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08 CIA-RDP79R00890A0Gjt=000( ~FURI ' INFORMATION Les Current Communist Position on a Korean Armistice Communist acceptance of the 8 June 1953 agreement on POW's represented Important modification of previous position on non-forcible repatriation. to genuine Communist desire for truce, unists desire truce We cannot estimate with certainty considerations motivating Communists for truce Reasons found in new Soviet regime's assessment of Internal and external situation of the Communist Bloc. Difficulties in simultaneously su, ing Korean war and offsetting Increased Western strength outside Far last. meeting Chinese Communist mili- tary and economic demands assisting Communist China indus trialization External Danger Korean war might expand in unwanted fashion. b3 Truce necessary part of world-wide program conciliatory tactics to reduce East--West tensions. Would undermine current Western rearmamen program. ocxuMENT NO. No CHANGE INICL Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO08 #4'I~V11~F'i: 372044 1 00060006-4 Approved For Release /29 : CIA- X00100060006-4 Possibly Communists prefer truce unacceptable to Rhee that would be physically opposed by South Korean forces. Comm 1. Communists willing to risk expansion of may hope for break down of Robertson-- talks. If Communists would expect wee to put addi- tional pressure on US to meet demands 2. Probably await incendiary action by Shoe. releasse additional prisoners supplies and equipment inciting violence against UK personnel b) C) withdrawal of 'South Korean troops from US Command. e independent military action against North Korea. Communist propaganda. would reiterate Communist desire for truce. .unists probably would await response to '9 action whether United States intended a) Communists probably desire to determine 1) Continue efforts to repair breach 2) conclude truce despite South Korean opposition withdraw from Korea ied to get Rhee under control,.Commun: it. If accord reached, Communists weld sand recovery of released prisoners. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R0089OA000100060006-4 Approved For Release 2000 08/29 : CIA-RDP79R0089OA000100060006-4 4 prs1 t us - South Korean con t from U . Bellew* tic. and ded, Comovalsts old y o all released many pro d reject withdraw drv probably permit t" sly that Comwdsts want effective &ruin for probably demand assurance* tat support a in violating an Approved For Release. 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79ROO89OA000100060006-4