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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 12, 1953
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Appro4tFor Release 2000/ 25X1X 00890A000200010001 12 November 1953 IAT1 PROMPNCTS IN IRAN Issue :Oil ttt nt sill be very difficult to top officials badly informed, nflexible in thinking and constrained fear of popular reaction. ran had no actual plass to settle he oil dispute or to resume oil rations. stand of Primo Minister Zahedi that of Moseadeq's: the not return to Iran nor R00890A00020001 3 25X1X 01-3 25X1X Appresved For Releas App NettnbP79R00890A00020000001 hold a najority positioa 14 107 - company explottiag Iranian Iran must be allowed to enjoy all the profits from its oil. 3. Zahedi professes to understand the difficulties which Iran faces is the world oil markets, but iasis that Iranian public opinion will not allow compromise on these 25X6 basic points. ed For Release 200 - 2 - R00890A000200010001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R00890A0002 25X6 g2Lital Trial tor Treason A. Any desire on part of Zabedi for a quick comproeise on the oil issue is *leo blocked by Mmemadeq's ?arrest rial. os of trial isdicate vi I attempt to show R( prosecuted tor British sad' tor es oil. Be as a sosadtag 001-3 Approved For Release R00890A0002 00100 fi 1-3 TOP Approved For Release algot-CIATIVDP79R00890A000200010001 board to embarrass government which, under these circumstances, will feel forced to remain firm in opposing return of British influence to Iran. 2. Mossadeq is also attempting to create impression that he is a pop- ular hero persecuted by his esomileS.! His appeal to.mob emotion is typical of Mossadeq's previous action, but it has not yet been effective at . the trial. His actions suggest that he plans to force government to make his a martyr. 3. Mossadeq probably will be found guilty of treason but his disposi- tion presents problem*. Arivaresian civil law protects men over sixty, as well as women, from execution. The present trial is military, but the civil law might provide a Approved For Release 85TOWIDP79R00890A00020 10001 3 3 Approved For Releage 79R00896A0002060 3 3 ?. Ap dyed For Release 21% CMP79R00890A00020001 001 nalbaktAnoN 25X1X organisation, 25X1X Only constant attrition by raids and arrests, accompanied by prosecution, will keep Tudeb from again challenging government. D. !Caked' has failed to make progress on economic and financial problems. The $454000,000 in American aid is contrib.- uting to budget, but Iran has not prow seated a program to utilise the aid any further. Zabedi's government appears to expect to solve its problems with an oil income, but there is no indication that an oil settlement is imminent. Approved For Release 2000/0g/A 7CIA-R 9R00890A000200 10001 3 3 Appr ved or Release Will not room* relations with until progress is made toward sot oil dispute. I . Favors an isteraational consortium to transport aid distribste Iranian oil, A1OC must not be a majority partielPnat /II. Will not permit AIOC to ask c for loss or future profits. Issists that any *grimmest must *sear* to Ira* that its oil income willlsover 'wipe less than the nazism* accruing to ethers** App ved For Release 20010 ? 890A00020000001 3 3 25X6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R00890A000200010001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R00890A000200010001-3