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Approved For Release 2008/07/14: CIA-RDP79R00890A000500040010-7 NSC BRI' ING 7 Apri'taw t?ENTtA CON IMPACT dF AUSTRIAN SETTLEMENT I. Most important question; what is impact on German rearmament? A. Bundestag leaders feel settlement will cause initial upsurge West German neutrality. G / B. However, settlement had noON effect on Lower Saxony elections (26 Apr) , which followed pattern other recent state C. Parties of Adenauer's federal coalition (Christian Democrats, Free Democrats, German Party and Refugee Party) polled higher vote than ever before. 1. Combined vote was 59%,compared with 50. 3% in '51 Landtag vote, DOCUMENT NQ.--,, , _ NO CHANGE IN C ^ DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT REVIEW DATE: r ~` AUTHR7o, II~FNTIAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/14: CIA-RDP79R00890A000500040010-7 Approved For Release 2008/07/14: CIA-RDP79R0089OA000500040010-7 bow Social Democrats, who brou& Austrian issue into last stages of campaign, polled gpi+yr 35. 2% of vote (compared with 33% in ' 51, and 30.0% in'53) 3. Losers were extreme rightists and Communists, who dropped to under 6% of vote (compared with some 14% in ' 51) . 4. Issues in Saxon election essentially local. We watching for longer-term effects on West German anti-rearmament, neutralist sentiment. II. Western observers are in conflict on question Soviet motivation. A. Most members in preliminary view, see move as full-scale change Soviet policy. Approved For Release 2008/07/14: CIA-RDP79R0089OA000500040010-7 Approved For Release 2008/07/14: CIA-RDP79R0089OA000500040010-7 y .r 1. About-face seen as attempt to neutralize Germany, get Americans out of Europe. B. We more inclined to see .action as dramatic Tb.111!rhN ;t4I it t-'i ;4i1+tw II ,.1.11 rh? {tai ,, Nt!}suf?krnt t t?.!!~~}~~;tii1?tsKua~,tn~f+ i~!?3. >r~,}sl?f~~N;'~+is}~:}sH} faRf ~t?-i ksf~}s{s~~~H1?it}it~?jti{~}#!~t!fl=f?fi1? Moscow ma Approved For Release 2008/07/14: CIA-RDP79R0089OA000500040010-7 move to: