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Publication Date: 
June 16, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79R00890A001100060022-5.pdf65.73 KB
NSC BRIEFING 16 June 1959 Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CFA-f2DP79R00890A001100060022-5 of foreign affairs, interior and commerce, Foreign Minister Hekmat had promoted the non-aggression treaty negotiations with USSR last January. IRAN The Shah apparently plans to adopt a tougher line toward the Soviet Union and possibly to embark more energetically on domestic reform. A. On his return from Europe on 4 June, he removed his ministers 25X1X6 C. has told us privately that Hekmat was not strong enough to counter Soviet diplomatic methods, II, New Foreign Minister Jalal Abdoh, who was Iran's Permanent Represents tive to the UN since 1955, is a stronger personality, experienced in international affairs, and strongly anti-Soviet, A, However, we have impression that newly appointed Minister of Interior Atabaki, and Commerce Minister Etebar are not really qualified for their positions, but presumably will obey Shah's orders., B. The Shah will now again try to push his reform program? There has, for example, been a growing popular disillusionment in Iran, over failure to implement the conflict of interest law among civil servants, His own relatives and court have violated it. III, The Shah fears Soviet propaganda may capitalize on domestic unrest, and he is showing more concern over intensive Soviet propaganda campaign against Iran since February when non-aggression treaty talks were broken off, Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00890A001100060022-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/14 CIA-RDP79R0089OA001100060022-5 IV. We are still concerned over Shahts continuing direct "ruling" even though he now aims to produce a more forthright position toward Soviet Union. A, We are even more concerned over lack of improvement in Iran's economic and domestic affairs. Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R0089OA001100060022-5 -2-