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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1953
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Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : ClAzaDP79R00904A000100040008-1 4,ECRU KOI 14, SUBJXTi 17 November 1953 tig INSPECTOR etionsh Cnneerning IS 14-65 is in :wpm* office with Teepee ME 14065. The allege formed the basis for document. rerluest for n allegations PO in question examination 2. A. warbler of thc.13or of atiia1 at1atee, most ex- pert in the field of the document, as well u sore of our area specialists have examined the document with great care. 3. Our conclusions concerning the documont and the allega- tions are as followst A4 The draft doss corltain wtlat our vlow arc errors emrhasis, ludg7ont, and presentation. do not believe that these errors are of a Knd or a degree to warrant the conclusion V.:nt thn draft con- tainswi1li distortions. C. WO believe therefore that iplicstiozs in the llogationsw memorandum concerning the authors of the draft cannot be substantiated on the basis of any evidence contained in the draft itself. 4, Our detailed comment is as follows* A. The meet substantial and generalised charges of die- tortion fall under two headiness a) lack of emphasis on territorial changes "instigated since (World War /I) by the USSR"; and their major effect on Polish foreign trade and international finance; and (b) failure to show that Poland's foreign trade policy is an instrument for furthering the purposes of this U5. Thee. criticisms are not completely Approved For Release 2005/0 8/22 : CIA-RDP79R0 0904A000100040008-1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : ii5C418179R00904A000100040008-1 NIS easP' eorrecti distortio the paper would be improved by However, as evidence of intentional er for the following reasons: 14 Territerialim oplit of "enphasis Koreover, contr changes are virtual mentions the impact of territori trade at least siz times (pp, 2, 241). c .pletely as to give an nob satire" Allegations that =red, NIS 14-65 henget; on Polish 2, 123, 242 143, On bulen. Polat1 has benefited econorically from the territorial changa5 occasioned by World War II. Despite utderstandable Polish discontent over losses in the east, this is probably overshadowed by Folish desire to obtain continued goviet support for terri tial acquisitions in the west, Thus it eight logically be reasoned that too such emphasis on postwar terri- torial changee and tiwit resultant econcelle benefits to Poland would be a distortion, for this night seem to some to stress, the gains that Poland has made under Oameunist rule. t 01 of s ire, eeon possible that over-all impresslo in view of present intelligence estimates llite relations is that it fails to give is to Erealiii domination of Idish other hand, contrary to claims in the 14-65 clearly UIUDOD (p, 154) that reoognized as baeical4 an "arm of Soviet etates in the intzoduct1oa (pp. 1-2) 1952"internal and external trade, a* well as pr tiaally all economia activities, ware under govern. mental control an the result of a political revolution engineered by the Miele. Communists with Soviet help." Moreover, throughout the paper the stringent nature of Polish internal economic and political controls and their graving similarity with Soviet forms are made entirely clear, 2 Approved For Release 2005/08/22.;LCABP79R00904A000100040008-1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/0 `ftsw 0904A000100040008-1 ler as coma degree exercised is ent informs,- of Poltheconomic plans tiide than in the other Satellites d for by the strategic importance on the part of the Kremlin., and that any marked release of merely stimulate increased pressure- from anti-Soviet population. 'beaver, it is le that the potential of Polish opposition. utious economic planning, compared with tee, anl thus a lesser reed for revision of Economic indications of such Soviet caution can b found in the relatively elem. rate ef the. large Soviet credits to Poland 0.550,000AM .n faverable terme, mrd the relatively higher rates- of labor productivity intrease. By impli- cation it may also indleate that Polish Comrunist economists (e.g., Hilary Miro, head of the Pellet economic planning eines- 1945 and Western trained) have had relatively greater say, than other Satellite leaders in the deternination of national economic policy. B. In the *alegetiere" NIS 14-65Ia crittcied for Polish eta:temente, relative rcertg. figures in showing Weiss* allecations, and 'zloty* in tend ef ettual dellir the budeet. These critic-lone end others alee eerit attontien final product is to be the beet poeeible4 However, the use of such vitesehrd.quee does not teem to be disproportionate when compared with other NIS publicatienr, or general intelligence estimates. The use of such techniques, and the possible inaccuracy and distortion which may wipes probably reflect more the need for better intelligence *Wier agreed methods of intelligence: presentation, rather than any deliberate effort on the part of the writers to distort the Polieb picture. C. ItshldaaoberdthattheNlSlispartotasertee Sone at its shortcomings may thus stem !meta legitimate assumption on the part or the writers that many major questions, including such questions as territorial revisions and Soviet-Polish relations, are covered in other ftectiene. D. It may also be observed that an att&nt to distort this pub- lication would seem to be a most improbable field of activity for - 3 - Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIAIRDP79R00904A000100040008-1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22sEMNP79R00904A000100040008-1 Avor war nstitutes O by the di*tortlon of the rolteh sttat.1on h this vo1ui would ,n the process of prparatto the u*tiv process of review wbic wakes it ous distortions would be discovered N/S plbalcations would eeem to be or persons contemplating subversive Approved For Release 2005/08/ ..,,MIRDP79R00904A000100040008-1 25X1 25X1