Estimates Procedure

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Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010915- s a DOCUMENT NO. - 15- NO CHANGE IN CLASS. L7 %&r-CLASSIFIED ASS. CI IANGED TO: TS S C NEXT HEVtCW DATE: AUTH'. HA 10-2 DATE. " REVIEWER: 372044 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: Estimates Procedure REFERENCE: Memorandum for DDCI from DI, USAF, dated 30 August 1, We have carefully studied General Samford's "Estimate Pro- cedure". We find it difficult to understand clearly what the dimen- sions of his proposal are. It is a very concentrated piece of prose, devoid of explanatory detail and of recommended action. 2, Any effort to contribute to the theory and practice of in- telligence estimating is to be commended. Our own efforts to get acceptance of terms which qualify the estimates - "almost certainly, probably, ..," - are aimed at the apparent objective of this paper. 3. Nevertheless, in the field of intelligence, it is necessary to make haste slowly. It is not enough that the intelligence brotherhood agree to ascribe certain meanings to certain words. It is also essential that these exact meanings be carried to the consumer. The English language is too poor to place the burden of special mean- ings on such words as "strengths" and "causes"; intelligence is often too incomplete to provide action people with "direct measurerants of the strengths which they must overcome or alter." k. In the present state of the art, the writer (and the reader) must rely heavily an the use of words in a given context.. It is Approved For Release Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010015-2 _ the whole phrase, sentence, or paragraph which must carry the meaning to our readers. 5. Finally, the formal adoption of such a schematic approach could well hinder the application of intelligent judgment in the estimating process. The tendency would be for those not as familiar with the objectives of the scheme as is the author to substitute form and procedure for thought. Mechanistic procedures are useful and valid in certain situations, and advantageous in terms of the limited supply of intelligent manpower. We doubt whether the-production of as NIE will ever present such a situa- tion. 6. Some parts of this proposal could well be given further study within a program such as I have proposed to Mr. Baird as a means for getting together a body of intelligence doctrine. To this end we would welcome an opportunity to sit down with General Samford to get clarification of his proposal. Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010015-2