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Document Release Date: 
April 14, 2005
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Publication Date: 
April 22, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010037-8.pdf88.25 KB
25X1 Approved For Release 2Q RDP79R009q 25X1' 22 April 13 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GUBJEDT: Review of NIE-84: "Probable Developments in Guatemala" The Board of National Estimates has reviewed the conclusions of NIE?B4, "Probable Developments in Guatemala", which was 25X1 adopted by the TAC on 12 May 19530 d d the Boar consulte with 25X1A9A Discussion of critical aspects of the problem is contained in the Enclosure, 25X1 ALI CONCLUSIOM la We consider that the conclusions of 1-84 remain essentially valida In particulars we reaffirm the first conclusion, as follows:. The current political situation in Guatemala is adverse to US interests,, The Guatemalan Communists exercise a political influence far out of proportion to their small numerical strength,, Their influence will probably continue to grow as long as President Arbenz remains in power,, 2a The Communists now effectively control the political life of Guatemala* Arbenz a decisions on domestic and foreign policy are reached, not in the official cabinet, but in a kitchen cabinet composed of Communists and prooCommuatstso There is no prospect of a break between Arbenz and the Communistsa Approved For Release 2005/04/26 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010037-8 Approved For Release 2005/ 6 : CIA-RDP79R00904A0002Q0410037-8 bw TO P 3a There has probably been an increase in popular disillusionment with the Arbens regimes There is certainly increased desperation among opposition elements., In present circumstances, however, the possibility of effective internal political action to alter the situation does not exist., We believe that effective revolutionary action would require the active support of a major portion of the Armlro bo The disposition of the Army toward the regime is therefore crucial., We note indications of unresst$ even of disaffection, within the Army and consider that a revolutionary potential now exists there* We do not believe, however, that the Guatemalan Army is likely to take spontaneous action against the Arbene regimso 5o The Communists will be concerned to neutralize the revolutionary potential in the Army, and, with the passage of time, may succeed in doing soq 6o The solidarity of the other Central American states in opposition to Guatemala has weakened during the past year and may further decreased 7o In view of the foregoing considerations, we believe that time to on the side of the Communists in Guatemalan 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/04/26 : CIA- m 2