Reactions to ROK Participation in the Indochina War

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Approved For Relgasp 2001/08/14RDP79R00904A0Q02Q0010052-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF NATIONAL ESTIMATES 23 February 1954 1 IORANDNNI FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECTS Reactions to ROK Participation in the Indochina War 1, In compliance with the request of the NSC Planning Planning Boards there follows the Board of National. Estimates assessment of Communist and non-Communist reactions to the comnitnent of RON forces against the Viet Minh, The views here expressed have not been coordinated with the IAC agencies, 2. Whether or not the commitment of ROE; forces to the war in Indochina would in fact require US logistic supports world opinion would almost certainly and with virtual unanimity consider that the operation had been supported and encouraged by the US, I. THE REACTIONS OF FRANCE AND THE ASSOCIATED STATES 3, The French have been opposed to the introduction of any combat forces from outside the French Union, Thus,, the comanit? meet of ROK forces in Indochina would be regarded by the French as a major blow to French prestige, In additions the use of Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1 Approved For RelQasg 2001/0 A-RDP79R00904A0Q02p0010052-1 South Korean troops in Indochina would be regarded in France as iutroduoing a new ally with aims of its own, thus changing the nature of the ware and so altering the present political circum- st noea of the conflict as to eliminate aqv prospects for an early negotiated settlement of the Indochina problem, The French would be particularly sensitive on this score in the light of the t rt ooardng Oeneva Conference, 4e We have estimated that French policy toward the Indochina war currently envisages improvement of the military situation only to the point of allowing France to negotiate with the Caro- , mwaists from a strengthened position, The French probably would consider that the proposed ROK force could not decisively change the military situation, Moreover, the French probably believe that if sufficient ROK - or other foreign - forces were employed to improve the situation significantly, Communist China would in- crease its support of the Piet Minh, possibly up to the point of entering the conflict overtly and in force, 5. We believe, therefore, that France would oppose the. conmibnent of RAK troops in Indochina. Moreover, we believe the OS could obtain French consent to this commitment only by pxarting le Short-term Developments in French Policy", 1 December 1953; NIR-99, "Estimate of the World Situation Through 1955", 23 October 1953. Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1 Approved For Relaasg 2001/08/ !RDP79R00904AO00200010052-1 such pressure as would damage US-French relations with respect to maxr important issues of common concern, 6o The Introduction of RO K forces in the Indochina war would be regarded with mixed feelings in Viet Nana, Laos, and Cambodia. Sane strongly nationalist officials and a segment of public opinion in each of the states would probably welcome in- creased military assistance from whatever source. However, we believe that official and unofficial sentiment would be pre- ponderantly against the ROK commitment, Opposition to the ROK commmitment would probably be based in part on fear of possible Chinese Canmunist intervention. There would also be widespread feeling that the commitment of ROK forces represented a lack of confidence on the part of France and the US in the Associated States, that military aid which should be given to the forces of the Associated States was being diverted to foreign Asian troops, and that there would be less opportunity to extract poli- ticml concessions from the French than if the Associated States themselves were making the increased war effort. We therefore believe that none of the States would willingly agree to the commitment of R0K forces in Indochina. If France permitted the ROK forces to join the conflict, the Associated States, regard- lees of their own feelings, would have to go along., However, if the ROK forces were committed in the face of the objections of 3 Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/1~~RDP79R00904A0Q020010052-1 the Associated States, there would be even less popular inclination than now exists to resist the Viet Minh U. REACTIONS OF OTHER NON-COMMUNIST COUNTRIES A. Asia 7, Reactions to the commitment of ROK forces in Indochina would be adverse in most of Asia, and in some countries strongly 8o This adverse reaction would be based in large measure on existing non-Communist attitudes toward the Indochina war, the present ROK government, and the concept of collective action against communism. a, Although the close relationship between the Viet Minh and the international Communist movement is generally recognized in Asia, there is also a wide- spread belief that the Indochina war is primarily a struggle between indigenous nationalism and French colonialism, This ambivalence strengthens neutralist sentiment in countries such as India, and weakens support of Western policies toward Indochina even in such anti-Communist countries as Japan and. Thailand. b, Most Asian governments and most leaders of Asian public opinion are not prepared at present to Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/1 9R00904A00y0220r0010052-1 %we participate in collective action against Communism. This reluctance would apply particularly to any action in which President Rhee had a leading part' for most non-Commmunist Asia has a great distrust of Rhee and fears that he desires to provoke world War III in order to obtain his objectives in Korea. 9o The commitment of ROK troops to Indochina would in- wows existing suspicions of Rheep Many Asians would believe that Rhos was attempting to establish himself as a leader of an Asian anti-Communist bloc with US support. Asian nationalists and neutralists would be especially critical of the US for supporting Rhee, and would consider the ROK troops as US mean canaries. These criticisms of Rhea and the US would be greatly intensified if the ROE forces were not enthusiastically greeted and supported by the Associated States themselves. 3O, In addition, there would probably be a general be. lief in non-Communist Asia that the commitment of ROK forces in would not inflict a decisive defeat on the Viet Minh and that the ROK action might result in Chinese Communist intervention and thus risk precipitating general war in Asiao Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1 25X6A Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1 Approved For Rele@se 2001/08/1 Go Other Non-Coinnmist Countries 13. The reaction of most other important non-Cow monist countries to the commitment of ROK forces in Indochina would be adverse. III. CCMNIUNiST REACTIONS 114. The Communists would consider the com ttxnent of ROK forces to Indochina as essentially a US rather than a RON undertaking. However, they would almost certainly estimate that these HDK forces could not make an early decisive differ- ence in the Indochina war. Moreover, they would almost certainly estimate that considerable political advantage could be gained from exploiting the unpopularity of the US-RCIK action,, We therefore believe that the Communists would initial y not com- mit Chinese Communist forces to an invasion of Indochina or renew hostilities in Korea. Chinese Communist assistance to the Viet Minh would be increased if necessary, but this aid would continue to be limited to logistic and rear area support,. Meanwhile, they would exploit any differences over the commit- ment of ROK forces that would probably arise among the US and other non-Communist countries, and, in particular, would make propaganda, attacks on the US for jeopardising the success of the Geneva Conference, Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1 Approved For Rele se 2001/08?/P79R00904A000200010052-1 1115N 150 However, the Gomnunists would be concerned that this oommitment of ROB forces was only a prelude to more ex. teneive outside intervention, Therefore, while undertaking the interim courses of action discussed above, the Communists would observe carefully the effectiveness of ROK troops in Inlochina and would watch for any signs that the ROK or any other powers were planning to commit more forces. SF RMAN KENT Assistant Director National Estimates Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP79R00904A000200010052-1