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Approved For Releas ? -RDP79R00904A000500020115-0 grA. ANDUM F TS 0142023 4A'.3 enmity 1960 TH E. 01 C TOR SUB .T: Recoutniendatlone Regarding the Continuatior of the Net Eva on Subcommittee 1. In my last report to you (30 October 59) I in- dicated that the 1959 net evaluation would not be presented to the President until the late flaring and that the President had indicated that this was the last such report he desired during his term of office. About the same tiros General Twining wrote to you informing you at the President's wishes and advising you that plans for a ?960 evaluation bad been cancelled. 2. Zince I last reported. the Subcommittee Staff has completed its special target study and presented its finding", orally to the Secretary of .!3efense. the Joint Chiefs of Staff. and the service Secretariat. It has also completed its secret study and presented the results to General Twining. Both briefings are tentatively scheduled for presentation to the President in February. Neither of these is a Sub- committee project, and voiL have no direct responsibility Los the contents. 3. The Staff is now cornaleting its written report of the 1959 evaluation and preparing the oral briefing. Once this has been presented in Anvil or May the Staff will have no studies on its docket. Approved For Relea -RDP79R00904A000500020115-0 Approved For Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000500020115-0 4. In these direlynsttncoi it is appropriate to consider e de.lra?hty of conthtid* the ,'Subcommittee and the Hall. There are three alternativea: a. 'I continuo tat; ?Abcontraittee and the Staff indefinitely without any visible object except to keep the orgesdastion together and to edecate the Staff for any future taste set for it by the new administra- ion. this *corns to me to be an unnecessary waste of manpower. b. To reduce t tM1 to a minimal aamber, which old prepare whatever history nsightbe os.- andepos* of existing records and *seamiest*. (I believe this is what Gordon Gray proposed to Cieneral Twining and tioneral Hickey some months *gm at that time the Staff was heavily occupied. arid Gray withdrew Ina proposal after Overeat 'Twining interposed ehtection.) 011113COgi Li141 directive ..t*blishtng the uhcomrnittee and the .*teff end to discontinue studies. variation woald be simply to abolish the Stall but to maintain the Subcommittee in being on an inactive basis. This last coarse is the one I recommend and one which would probably meet with some support IA theubcorniniftee. 5. When the net evatuotios proc.d&re was 1nitIato it was believed quite rightly, that the OtiteetV31 of a sr would he determined very largely by the outcorge battles over the (X) and the USSR. As a mute- ce. elaborate means were developed in the Subcommittce Staff for determining the e4troine of these air baffles, for if p- termintog the placement of weapons, and for estimating the *fleet* upon the two countries. hi recent years as newer weapon* system. were developed or estimated for either these were incorporated. het the principal 0311102.1 of deliver in both cases has retrained the bomber up through the 1935 evaluation (i. 416 * for the period through isid-1962). Theee studies have probably been as realistic as possible and gall- orally accurate as to orders is magnitude. Approved For Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000500020115-0 Approved For Release79R00904A000500020115-0 24011 111? 1 DP 6. W have new reached a stage in the developne *upon, systems where many -- if not moat ot tlic zicepte will not be applicable in the period of 1943 and The bomber is rapidly phoebe& out of the Soviet y a* the principal dedivery weapon; its post. i 961rot ly be limited to such special argations i.e recon- r attack upon target* with no fixed address. lixtt will be true of the ;Jetted biotin. Both the jb. remaining the importance of an invulnerable re- apability, are moving from the vutaerable aircraft oat invulnerable missile either in a bard site, or mobile launching vehicle. T. Thu., the air battle will be no tasger of dertlive rn line many and eeenplicated factors which must go ciliation of the outcome at thee* battle* will still but only to peripheral aspect* el a general war sites be importance of eurpriee arcl timing will be greatly reduced. Litber side vrill be able to launch a surprise at- tack of devastating proportions. but this will not have a decisive impact; the reply couid be equally devastating. breashollev himself admitted this in his recent speech to the Snorerne Soviet. S. A general war ct1cnisUon wader the conditions et i963 and beyond MU be relatively simple compared with calculations applying to 19$54.0. Until an effective anti- missile system is developed. the amount of physical damage will simply be a Inaction at the autether of missile*, the ef- ficiency of the missiles, and the targets selected. When effective anti-missile system is developed, then eirriosaly new situation will arise end a different and wholly new set of calculations will be introduced. At that time a new .wat game procedure will probably be needed. 9. I believe that, i7emw of the foregoing, no n. etul purpose would be served 4y keepsag the present Staff itt bin zg. It may be desirable to keep the bubcommittee itself in simply to maintain the prenclple of interdepartmental co Approved For Release 1/17 : CIA-RDP79R00904A000500020115-0 Approved For Release 20.101.1trekIDP79R00904A000500020115-0 problem and to nsiaintain th* basic nachiriery ttn new studies sheald they be deemed aeceesary. aver. I 4e* no merit is initiating additional studies anti] there is a major change in the strategic situation, or in autintairting a standby Staff *eating such changes. 10. 1 therefore recoin mend the following: be t4.ke4i to terminate the NSC vs establishing the ore:seat staff mission urs as of 34 Jure 1960. at the same retaining the tfubcoRnmittee on a standby b. U such rovse WI! slid. to suggest Mr., Gray that the itaff be reduced to a standbl S as soon ae the ittS9 evaluation hits Wien rnpleted. c. in any case, to neetit Mr. Grays approval for withdrawal of die 1A memnhar a* regular *Stiff atember and his transfer to advisory status at an early date. Advisory states vrould insure whatever is required in regard to assuming an adequate and pert), utilised intelliasaca input without tying up *Mar CIA officer fail time with activities of txtarginal Approved For Relea P79R00904A000500020115-0