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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 16, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79R00961A000900050006-8.pdf77.65 KB
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP79R00961A000900050006-8 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY` OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS IN REPLY REFER TO WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 0p922 Gl/f Ser 001131. 16 March 1959 SECRET M&MORANDUM FOR CHAIRMAN GUIDED MISSILE AND ASTRONAUTICS COMMITTEE Sub j %'T en Most Wanted" list Ref: (a) C24AIC memo dated 2 March 1959 (S) 1, In response to the reference the following listing of intelligence want items is submitted: a. Location of areas used for testing and development of naval guided missiles. Of primary concern are sea areas* b. Identification of naval guided missile activity at KAPUSTIN YAR. . Identification of advanced naval missile systems under development. A naval missile system, by definition, includes the ship and its characteris- tics as well as the weapon, and its guidance and control* 1d. More definitive information on the ICBM associated firings at TY TAM. /e. Identification of the destroyer guided missile and characteristics. / f. Positive identification of "Z" class conversion as ballistic missile 6r non-ballistic missile configured. Positive identification of the cruiser refitting program to confirm or deny the missile association. Uncompleted SVERDLOVS in the LENINGRAD area are of most immediate concern. h. Identification of the naval programs being pursued in the area of NIOLOTOVSK (SEVERODVINSK). ,/i. Positive knowleage of the Soviet intent produce guided missiles of the several types estimated. !/j. Configuration of the Soviet ICBM and space vehicles and knowledge of the associated guidance. E. ISCHINGFI, fr. Naval Member GMAIC Copy to: Op922 GC SECRET ~s~o~Sr~rz~~1Sa~~c~eQ~~eo6-8 NAVY DECLAS509MOIO ROUTING SLIPS COL. MMFARIA-, MR. SOMERS MR. MARSHALL MR. LEONARD PHOEBE BEVERLY Comments : tJ A0- - File : Approved For Rel4asQ,fA)&WffiUM7"fi61A0009