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Document Release Date: 
April 8, 2005
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Publication Date: 
July 13, 1964
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Approved For Release 2005/04/13 : CIA-RDP79R00967A00090 13 iM creed ?eonfeex ce, invited mee a tlase ago to be a partict dswu n- ed, but have received can cry from the Office of Security to attend any seessie of the conference I Wish, in tb capacity or observer. I sat In as rwh Friday evenings 10 July, for a session the sources of Chinese st foreign policy conduct. The following am. briefly, my chief fs essi . 2. the agenda is for too IMS, tali. about, a vieeear and I gave apparenti'v, Wit ut a c.. 1 evening that they felt svye threes days,, and that U days of it they he aesas erratic. The t vrincia spers were Stanford and Fro ZdWra n of ice.. irrelevant, his a beef point being that , contol until and unless more stable states its periphery. 4. sth primarily intent ; (b simplistio w itton vies of Mao and this much to scene sonthe ago, is confided in me after about climbing the .ls. view of the vorld stained in most of the Chinese police age: Koss; (a) the Chinese, have theeaaaeelvee into a real stye at present the doeetia scesr e; and (d) Sch holds that the leadership have rather shot its 'lased, that a rriua on initiative is probable, and that we are not going to get any hard and fast agreements or cuameit nts from the Chinese., corning either the USA or the tom, until the second-generation leadership has been estaasblishe d. Approved For Release 2005/04/1 L~~lT49 a ? ontrol Conference 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/0/ f9ROO967AQQO9OOO3OO41 -5 a 0 were offered ers felt that they L tactical end (to deb 'vi thout it, and dam't kjWW just whir ). 6. Allee Hsi (PMD) told so 'ham that eba is a t to do a fairly abort study of a *n*aer d `r a attit dos, since? following a ret visit there., she auects that the dsanese military have growing -ru uncertainty about US intentions in the Par last. lute seems to feel that this will *us* an ae leratica both of Japmesee wes mry and of se-ures for ns1isati of relati with Mainland China. I encouraged her to peeve a at such a study. of Oft attended a sessie on Sunday- 15 _'T,aly or ce MIA vOUp schedule here vemitting. he Agency that the 25X1 Approved For Release 200 M R00967A000900030041-5