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V Declassified in Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 WI 16 i?'2J SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY BOARD OF NATIONAL ESTIMATES 19 February 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR: Allan Evans (Ola) Colonel Gerald F. Lillard, USA (G.,2) Captain Allan L. Reed, TEN (ON/) ColOnel &sic E. Thomas, USAF (AFOW-2B) Captain john A. Holbrook, USN (JIG) SUBJECT ElE43: Conditions and Trends in Tropical Africa 1. The attached terms of reference, indicating the allo- cations of production responsibility, were agreed on at the meeting of the IAC representatives on 18 February, 2. It is requested that contributions be received in this office by the close of business on Friday, 31 Jay. Distribution nBft Executive Secretary 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 19 February 1953 SUBJECT: Tram OF REFFRENCE: QIE-83: CONDITIONS AND TRENDS IN TROPICAL AFRICA/ THE PROBLEM To assess the strategic importance of Tropical Africa; to identify The major forces and trends in the area; and to estimate probable developments there and the strategic consequences of these developeentsS QUESTIONS BEARING ON THE PROBLEM o?fi I. INTRODUCTION and Si'=irvices What are the essential characteristics of Tropical Africa's global position and internal situation? (Last great colonial if Ais estimate deals vii ail the African territories between - the Sahara desert and the Union of South Africa, excepting the Einglo-Egyptige3Sudan. A list of these territories, with their status and desired statistics, is at Annex A. 3/ We believe that this estimate should be open-mended and should emphasize the long term. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 IIP SECRET area; under-developed, raw materials-producing economies; population distribution and general condition; impact of Western culture; disparate policies of colonial powers; communications; etc.) OIR 11. THE S1RATDDIC IMPORTANCE OF TROPICAL AFRICA A. Economic 1. What Tropical African strategic materials are available or potentially available to the West in significant auantities? From which territories? How essential are they in terms of the total supply available to the US and the West? Briefly, what plans or programs for further development are underway? 2. What economic contributions do the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, and Portugal receive from their African territories? that effect would the dies- ruption of trade with, and/or contra over, the colonies have on the economies of these powers? Services B. Military 1. In event of gimwmal war during the 19501s to what extent mould present and potential military bases . 2 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 ola swum and facilities in Tropical Africa be important and be available to the West? In which of the territories? 2. To What extent could the territories provide troops for use overseas particularly if military equipment is provided by, the West? For internal security missions? C. Political 10 Haw do political problems and developments in Tropical Africa affect its strategic importance? What is the strategic importance of these areas to the motropoles? OIR III. OVER-ALL PROBLEMS OF TROPICAL AFRICA, AND PROBABLF, MUM DEVELOPMENTS A0 Social, economic, and political problems. What are the key social, economic, and political problems of Tropical Africa, aside from racial relations? For example, what -17-ir'the impact of industrialization? To what extent is there over-population in various areas? Antiquated farming practices? What is the impact of evolutionary political development and the growth or lack of educational facilities? What is the prospect for solutions to these problems? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 IP SECRET B. Inter-racial relations 1. What is the extent and nature of racial animosity in Tropical Africa? To what degree does it have an eco- nomic basis? A social basis? A nationalistic, anti- colonialist basis? To what degree have developments in North and South Africa or elsewhere exacerbated racial feeling? 2. What is the probability of intensified racial animosity, agitation, and violence in Tropical Africa in the short and long term? What is the long range trend? abet are the likeliest danger areas, and when is serious trouble likely to erupt? Is the governing authority in any of the dependent territories likely to be overthrown by force in the foreseeable future? Will future develop- merits in North and South Africa (as estimated in NIE-69 and NIE42) or elsewhere have a significant impact on situations in Tropical Africa? What is the likely affect of developments in one part of the area or other parts; e.g., repercussions of the Ilan Niau uprising? What is the probability of establishment of an accept- able modus vivendi in those territories inhabited by more than one race? - 4 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 IIP STMEM C. EUropean colonial policy. What is the probable evolution of European colonial policies? To what extent do the several colonial powers anticipate having to relinquish authority in their possessions? dhat is their view of the future of their colonies? What are the views of the white settlers, and what rale do they play? 11.1122..apalLima..em. What is the present size of the Asian population? dhat political, economic, and cultural role does itplay? dhat is the current and prospective rate of immigration? What is the likely development of Indian policy toward the area? To what extent d, es the Indian problem constitute a long range threat to Western interests in the area? E. Communimn 1. dhat is the extent and nature of Communist penetration in Tropical Africa? In which territories does it have a foothold, or play a significant part? What is Soviet policy toward the African territories, and how is that policy implemented? Is there any evidence that Commu- nist activities are directed at denial of strategic materials to the West? Are the governing authorities Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 SKRET in the territories aware of the Communist danger, and are they actively attempting to inhibit the spread of Communism? With what effect? Are they in liaison on this question? 2. What are the prospects for increased Communist influence In Tropical Africa? What obstacles bar the spread of Communism? What conditions favor its spread? Which are the most and which are the least vulnerable territories? Are Communists, or Cormunist sympathizers to become an important political elements either overtly or covertly in any Tropical African territory in the foreseeable future? OIR IV,' IMPORTANT REGIONAL PROBLEMS AND PROBABLE DEVELOPMENTS A. British West JrcaQ Discuss briefly the UKos gradual relinquishment of authority in Nigeria and the Gold Coast5) and its effect ten regional stability. As autonomy passes to native governments is instability likely to grew? Are these governments likely to remain cooperative with the Wests or will they move toward neutralist or pro-Soviet positions? 6 SERE' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 SECRET B. French West Africa and French Dquatorial Africa. Discuss briefly the Bie, Togoland, and Cameroons unification issues, and their effect on regional stability? Discuss the pro- spects for, and likely policies of the Democratic African Rally (RDA)) for the growth of other political groups; and for the growth of a nationalist and separatist sentiment hostile toward assimilation in the French Union,. C. Liberia. Discuss briefly the prospects in Liberia. D, Ethiopia-Eritrea and the Somalilands. Discuss briefly the stability of the Ethiopia-Eritrea Federation. Is the position of the royal family likely to remain secure? What are the prospects in Somalia? E. British East Africa? Discuss briefly the outlook for increasing disorders in Kenya, and their spread to Uganda and Tanganyika. What is the stimulus and strength of the Mau Maa movement? Is the restoration of order in Kenya likely without an increased commitment of armed forces? F. Belgian Con,. Discuss briefly any prospective threats to the prevailing stability in the Belgian Congo. Is there any evidence of native reaction to events elsewhere in Central Africa? - 7 - SEC= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 OIR and Services STDZRET Go British Central Aal2i. Discuss briefly the outlook for federation of Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland? If it comes into being, what are the prospects for its effectiveness? Would failure of agreement on federation produce seriously unstable conditions? Ho The High Commission Territories and South-West Africa? Discuss briefly the likelihood of Britainvs turning over the administration of Bechuanaland, Swaziland, and Basutoland to South Africa. Will the prospective in- creasing racial friction in South Africa have repercussions in these territories? Also, discuss briefly the outlook for serious racial disorders in South-West Africa? I. The Portuguese colonies, Discuss briefly the likelihood of serious disorders in Angoaa and Mozambique? Jo Madagascar? Discuss briefly the prospects in Madagascar? V. THE STRATEGIC CONSEQUENCES OF PROBABLE DEVELOPMENTS Ao Are the territories of Tropical Africa likely to be stable sources of strategic raw materials and military manpower over both the short and long term? -8 SWIRRT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 S DCRET lig Are prospective disorders in the colonial territories likely to be such as to require increasingly large commitments of forces and materiel by the E4ropean colonial powers? C. Will prospective developments, including political and economic evolution, work to the serious economic dis- advantage of the European colonial powers? Do Will prospective developments prejudice the West's establishment or full use of military bases in the strategically located territories? E0 What is the likely effect of prospective developments in Tropical Africa on the attitudes of other countries, particularly the Arab-Asian countries. ?. 9 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1 C,,ICRET THE TERRITORIES OF TROPICAL AFRICA "ANNEX A', Territor1s Dependency Population Important Resources * of Free World Supp17 Native White Asian French West Africa ( ncluding French Togoland*) French Fr. F4uatorial Africa (incl., Fr Gameroons*) French Portuguese Guinea Portuguese Rio Muni Spanish Liberia Independent' Gold Coast (including British Togoland*) British Nigeria (including nr. 1 Cameroons*) British Sierra Leone British 1 Gambia British Belgian Congo (including ; Ruanda-Urundi5") Belgian I Angola Portuguese I Mozambique Portuguese I Northern Rhodesia British ' Southern Rhodesia British Nyasaland British High Gom. Territories British Bechuanaland Basutoland Swaziland South-West Africa* South Africa Ethiopia-Eritrea Independent French Somaliland French British Somaliland British Somalia* Italian Kenya British Uganda , Tanganyika- British British Zanzibar British Madagascar French ON True Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002700040018-1