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Declassified and Approved For Release 50-Yr 2013/08/127CIA-11gP79R01012A006900050001-2 P.; v o ri ? N 1E 1 2 ? 5 6 10 January 1956 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE NUMBER 12-56 (Supersedes N1E 12-54) PROBABLE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN SATELLITES THROUGH 1960 Submitted by the DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of this estimate: The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and The Joint Staff. Concurred in by the INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 10 January 1956. Concurring were the Special Assistant, Intelligence, Department of State; the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army; the Director of Naval Intelligence; the Director of Intelligence, USAF; and the Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff. The Atomic Energy Commission Representative to the IAC and the Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, abstained, the subject being outside of their jurisdiction. --z-SECRET 334 COPY NO1 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANa: IJ CLA53 DEOLASSIF.t.ED DLAa3. 0:-!ANGE 0: TS S NEXT REV' ATE: E: REVIEWER: 0 0 9 2 C Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DISSEMINATION NOTICE 1. This estimate was disseminated by the Central Intelligence Agency. This copy is for the information and use of the recipient indicated on the front cover and of per- sons under his jurisdiction on a need to know basis. Additional essential dissemination may be authorized by the following officials within their respective departments: a. Special Assistant to the Secretary for Intelligence, for the Department of State b. Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, for the Department of the Army c. Director of Naval Intelligence, for the Department of the Navy d. Director of Intelligence, USAF, for the Department of the Air Force e. Deputy Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, for the Joint Staff f. Director of Intelligence, AEC, for the Atomic Energy Commission g. Assistant Director, FBI, for the Federal Bureau of Investigation h. Assistant Director for Central Reference, CIA, for any other Department or Agency 2. This copy may be retained, or destroyed by burning in accordance with appli- cable security regulations, or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by arrange- ment with the Office of Central Reference, CIA. 3. When an estimate is disseminated overseas, the overseas recipients may retain it for a period not in excess of one year. At the end of this period, the estimate should either be destroyed, returned to the forwarding agency, or permission should be re- quested of the forwarding agency to retain it in accordance with IAC?D-69/2, 22 June 1953. WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the tram- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. DISTRIBUTION: White House National Security Council Department of State Department of Defense Operations Coordinating Board Atomic Energy Commission Federal Bureau of Investigation Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 tit 4' ? Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12'7a. CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 c PROBABLE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN SATELLITES THROUGH 1960 THE PROBLEM To estimate the current situation and probable developments in the European Satellites' through 1960. CONCLUSIONS 1. The military, political, and economic significance of the Satellites to the USSR is so great that Moscow almost certainly regards the maintenance of control over the area as an essential element of its power position. The Satellites provide the Soviet Union with a defense in depth and an advanced position for launching attacks on western and southern Europe. The Satellite regimes themselves are val- uable to the USSR as instruments in the conduct of Soviet foreign policy, propa- ganda, and economic and subversive op- erations. The Satellites represent an im- portant element of over-all Bloc economic strength. The total gross national prod- uct (GNP) of the Satellites is rough- ly two-fifths that of the USSR and in- cludes significant production of certain key materials and heavy manufactures. (Paras. 12-16, 48-51) 2. The USSR now has, for all practical purposes, complete control over the Sat- ellite regimes and will almost certainly be able to maintain it during the period of this estimate. Within the limitations suggested below with respect to East Ger- As used in this paper the term "European Satel- lites" includes East Germany, Poland, Czecho- slovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, and Al- bania. many and Albania, we believe that it will remain firm Soviet policy to retain such control. This control rests fundamental- ly on the USSR's military capability of maintaining its domination over the area. Control is exercised primarily through the Satellite Communist parties, assisted and guided by a complex of Soviet diplo- matic and military establishments, eco- nomic advisors, and police agencies. Moscow has made clear that the status of the Satellites is not a matter for in- ternational negotiation. In the case pf Germany, the USSR has held open the possibility of reunification on the basis of negotiations between the East and West German regimes. We believe, however, that the USSR will not voluntarily re- linquish East Germany except in ex- change for a solution of the German prob- lem favorable to Soviet interests. It is also possible that the USSR might be will- ing to reconsider its position with regard to Albania. For example, there is a slight chance that the physical isolation of Al- bania from the Soviet Bloc and its minor strategic value to the Bloc would induce Moscow to use Albania as a pawn in Bal- kan intrigue. (Paras. 14, 17, 22) 3. The maintenance of effective Soviet control over the Satellites does not pre- ,ErETIT-Err- CONFIDENTIAL! Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 1 C?O.rnpar...- Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 2 /elude policy modifications calculated to take greater account of local conditions, to promote smoother economic develop- ment, and to diminish the impact of So- viet rule on Satellite national sensibilities. In addition, Moscow might expect that such measures would document the claim of Satellite independence, and would thereby impress opinion in neutral and underdeveloped countries and improve the propaganda position of Free World Communist parties. 4. Despite Moscow's firm control of the Satellites, there are a number of local factors which hamper the execution of Soviet policy. In some of the Satellites factionalism has become evident in the party leadership and has caused confu- sion in the program. Some elements privately resent dictation by Moscow and favor a reduction of political terror and an increase in consumer goods. There are many party members with a national- ist tinge who constitute a potential for "deviation." All the governments are still confronted with problems arising from their unpopularity with the masses and from the difficulties inherent in de- veloping an efficient administration in a totalitarian state under an alien ideology. We believe, however, that none of these difficulties will jeopardize ,either the con- trol by Moscow-oriented Communists or the implementation of Soviet policy.' (Paras. 27-28) The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, De- partment of the Army and the Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff while conceding the existence of certain ideological and admin- istrative problems in the Satellites, nevertheless, believe these problems are currently of no great magnitude and are likely to diminish during the period of this estimate. They would therefore omit this conclusion. 5. Dissidence' is widely prevalent in the Satellites. It is unlikely that an addi- tional five years of Communist rule will appreciably reduce this dissidence, or greatly diminish the traditional national aspirations of the East European peoples. On the other hand, dissidence is offset by a tendency of the Satellite population to become resigned to Communist rule and by the gradual increase in the number of Communist-indoctrinated youth. We be- lieve that, except possibly in East Ger- many, no development short of a drastic impairment of Communist controls or the approach of friendly forces in time of war would be sufficient to stimulate im- portant outbreaks of open resistance. (Paras. 31-35) 6. The Satellite regimes have as funda- mental goals the expansion of industry, the collectivization of agriculture, and the Sovietization of the countries generally. In 1953, however, faced with mounting difficulties, they reduced the pressure for rapid achievement of these goals. Indus- trialization and collectivization of agri- culture were slowed and police controls became somewhat less obtrusive. In early 1955, however, pressures for increas- ing output were revived, the priority of heavy industrial development was re- affirmed, and collectivization efforts were renewed. These modifications do not ap- pear to represent a full return to the pre- 1953 program. , (Paras. 36-40) 7. We estimate that the Satellite econo- mies, taken together, will increase their GNP through 1960 at the rate of slightly On this subject, see NIE 10-55, "Anti-Communist Resistance Potential in the Sino-Soviet Bloc," dated 12 April 1955. "Dissidence" is defined as a state of mind involving discontent or disaffection with the regime. "Resistance" is defined as dissidence translated into action. ea cm. Trornefr-r-Tfl Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Y72013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET less than four percent per annum, a sub- stantial decline from the extraordinary average annual rate of over seven percent achieved in 1949-1954. Satellite agricul- tural output in 1960 will probably be about 11 percent greater than in 1954, while nonagricultural production will in- crease by about 28 percent. Meanwhile, total population is expected to increase about seven percent by 1960. Manufac- tured consumer goods will account for the major part of the small prospective rise in living standards. (Paras. 43-47) 8. During the period of the estimate Sat- ellite trade with the Free World may con- tinue to rise somewhat faster, in percent- age terms, than total Satellite trade. For economic as well as political reasons, the Satellites apparently desire to increase their trade with the Free World. In the absence of substantial medium- or long- term credits from Tree World countries, however, an early expansion of Satellite exports will be necessary to balance any increase in imports from the Free World. This confronts the Satellites with the problem of adjusting the character and prices of their exports and their way of doing business, in order to improve their position in Free World markets. It will probably be easier for the Satellites to in- crease trade with the underdeveloped areas than with the industrial countries of the West. (Paras. 52-54) 9. We believe that the scope of Bloc-wide' regional planning will substantially in- crease as compared with the period 1949- 1953. During the period of this estimate, The terms "Soviet Bloc," "Bloc-wide," or "intra- Bloc" refer to the USSR and the European Satel- lites. Where Communist China is also referred to, the term "Sino-Soviet Bloc" will be used. this policy will probably not contribute greatly to the growth of the economy or to the resolution of basic economic prob- lems, although some benefits can be ex- pected. Over a longer period, integra- tion may make significant contributions to the economic strength of this area. (Paras. 55-58) 10. The Satellite armed forces constitute a substantial element in the balance of military power in Europe. Ground forces now number 77 divisions, which, given extensive Soviet logistical support, could be expanded to 188 divisions by M+180 days. There are currently about 3,000 Satellite operational military aircraft of all types. We believe that the capabili- ties of these forces will be substantially augmented by continued conversions to newer weapons and equipment and by an increase in numbers of aircraft. (Paras. 70-71, 77, 80) 11. The combat effectiveness of the Sat- ellites armies varies considerably from country to country. However, we esti- mate that up to 50 percent of present Sat- ellite divisions could be employed initially in combat alongside Soviet forces. Sev- eral of the armies, with Soviet logistical support, would be capable of sustained independent operations against tradi- tional enemies. The reliability of these armies is such that they would be unlike- ly to defect on a substantial scale until victorious Western forces approached the Satellite area. Indoctrination and im- proved personnel selection have increased the political reliability of the Satellite air forces. We believe that the combat effec- tiveness of these air forces is such that they could be employed in a defensive role in the event of general war and would SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 4 have some offensive capability, particu- larly against traditional enemies. The Satellite navies are small in size and poor- ly equipped and constitute only a minor contribution to Bloc naval strength. (Paras. 73-74, 77, 82) DISCUSSION I. SOVIET POLICY IN THE SATELLITES Basic Soviet Interests in the Area 12. The military, political, and economic sig- nificance of the Satellites to the USSR is so great that Moscow probably regards the main- tenance of control over the area as an essential element of its power position. 13. The Satellites provide the Soviet Union with defense in depth, a consideration which may become of increasing importance to the USSR in view of the prospective rearmament of West Germany. The fact that the Satel- lites are being given current Soviet aircraft and that their air defenses are being inte- grated with those of the USSR, indicates the importance which Moscow assigns to the area as an advanced line of Air defense. Similarly, Satellite ground forces constitute increasingly effective obstacles along the land approaches to the Western USSR. For offensive purposes, control of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany provides the USSR with an ad- vanced position for an assault on Western Europe;,. Hungary, Bulgaria, and Rumania provide a base from which to operate against the States on the northern shore of the Medi- terranean and against the Dardanelles. 14. The Soviet leaders probably regard con- tinued control over the Satellites as essential to prevent the recreation of a German state of prewar size and power, which in their view might once again exert dominant influence in Eastern Europe and threaten the security of the USSR. Directly, or through the Satel- lites, the USSR controls not only East Ger- many, but also the formerly German areas of Silesia, Pomerania, and East Prussia, from which most of the German population was ex- pelled in 1945. In 1938 the eastern provinces of Gerniany now held by Poland and the USSR had a population of nine million, and the terri- tory of present-day East Germany 17 million. In other words, Moscow now controls terri- tories which constituted one-fourth the area of 1938 Germany, and sustained more than a third of its population. We believe that the USSR will not voluntarily relinquish any of these territories except in exchange for a solution of the German problem favorable to Soviet interests. 15. The Satellites represent for the USSR an important economic component of power in the over-all East-West struggle. Satellite gross national product and Satellite popula- tion are approximately two-fifths as large as those of the USSR, and the area provides the USSR with important strategic raw materials and manufactured goods. Economically, the three most important Satellites are Poland, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany, which to- gether contain 61 percent of the Satellite pop- ulation and account for 85 percent of Satellite GNP. 16. Finally, control of the Satellites has great political value for the Soviet Union and the international Communist movement. The Satellite regimes are used by the USSR in the conduct of foreign policy, propaganda, and subversive operations. In addition, the mere existence of the "People's Democracies," with their population of almost 100 million, pro- claims to the outside world that Communism is on the march. Communist domestic and foreign propaganda has made capital of the fact that these varied and populous states are members of the "progressive camp." 17. The USSR has made clear that it regards incorporation of these areas into the Soviet Bloc as an accomplished fact, and that the status of the Satellites is not a matter for in- ternational negotiation. In the case of Ger- many, the USSR has held open the possibility of reunification on the basis of negotiations SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified .and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 EUROPEAN SATELLITES ESTIMATED DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS PRODUCT, 1960 Y EAST GERM 31.3% POLAND. 34.2% SECRET 25067 11-55 HUNGARY 6.0% RUMANIA 6.6% Figure 1 SECRET ALBANIA,' 0.5% \ I BULGARIA 4 2.6% Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 5 between the East and West German regimes. We believe, however, that the USSR will not voluntarily relinquish East Germany except in exchange for a solution of the German problem favorable to Soviet interests. It is also possible that the USSR might be willing to reconsider its position with regard to Al- bania. For example, there is a slight chance that the physical isolation of Albania from the Soviet Bloc and its minor strategic value to the Bloc would induce Moscow to use Albania as a pawn in Balkan intrigue. Tactical Shifts in Soviet Policy in the Satellites 18. Soviet policy in the Satellites has followed a changing but generally consistent course since Soviet troops occupied the area in the wake of the German retreat. From 1944 to 1947 the Soviet tactic was to direct and assist the local Communist parties in gaining con- trol of the East European governments under a facade of legality. The Communists cham- pioned causes which could give them some initial popular support, such as land reform, the expulsion of some 12 million Germans from East European territories, and the trans- fer of the property of these Germans to Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks. Coalition cabinets were the order of the day, and prime ministers sometimes came from non-Communist par- ties, but key ministries were held by the Com- munists. The Communists most in View were frequently those who had acquired local stat- ure as underground resistance leaders, rather than those who had spent the war years in the USSR. On the economic front, the USSR exploited the Satellites, particularly those identified as ex-enemies, for its own benefit, and simultaneously introduced Soviet-type in- stitutions into the nonagricultural sectors of their economies. The USSR as yet showed little interest in the long-range economic de- velopment of the area. 19. In 1947 the next phase of Soviet policy be- gan to develop. The Communists, well estab- lished in key positions, proceeded to consoli- date their power and to sovietize the Satellites. In some countries coalition governments were eliminated ?by means of intimidation and rigged elections. In September 1947 the Cominform was founded, in part to provide Moscow with closer control over the Satellite parties. Early in 1948 the vestiges of freedom in Czechoslovakia were wiped out by a coup d'etat. In June 1948 the Yugoslav party was expelled from the Cominform for "nationalist deviation." In September, Wladislaw Gomul- ka was dismissed as secretary general of the Polish party on the same charge. There fol- lowed a series of purges, the object of which was to decapitate nationalist Communist fac- tions throughout the Satellites. Communist leaders especially loyal to Moscow, men who had spent long years in the Soviet Union and who in many cases were Soviet citizens, openly took over the direction of the local parties. A beginning was made at screening undepend- able elements from the large Communist par- ties which had been built up in the period 1945-1948. After 1948 direct exploitation of East Germany, Hungary, and Rumania was gradually eased, and every effort was devoted to the rapid development of heavy industry throughout the Satellites. This development was patterned after Soviet practice, which in- volved a high rate of forced savings through depressed consumption levels, and concurrent neglect of agricultural development. A policy aimed at full agricultural collectivization was inaugurated. Security measures were tight- ened. Western correspondents were expelled, or arrested as spies, and Western embassies were cut off from contact with the local pop- ulations. Pressure on the churches was in- tensified, and religious leaders were impris- oned on charges of treason. This pattern con- tinued until the death of Stalin, in March 1953. 20. Beginning in mid-1953, a shift in Soviet tactics in the Satellites became evident. This shift emerged primarily in the economic field with announcements of a "new course" which held out the promise of a higher standard of living for the Satellite populations. Planned rates of economic growth were cut back to more realistic levels, and the emphasis on the development of heavy industry was toned down. In general, collectivization of agricul- ture was greatly slowed, and in some countries it actually lost considerable ground. Invest- SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 6 ment in agriculture was increased substan- tially. Most of the joint Soviet-Satellite com- panies, which had become symbols of Soviet exploitation, were dissolved, and other overt signs of Soviet economic control were reduced. In early 1955, however, there was some modifi- cation of the "new course" economic ap- proaches, concurrent with the consolidation of the present regime in the USSR. Pressures for increasing output were revived; heavy in- dustrial development was re-emphasized, and collectivization efforts were renewed. At the same time, Soviet and Satellite planners be- gan to place more emphasis on Bloc-wide co- ordination of economic planning and on re- gional specialization in economic activity. 21. In the political field, security and police pressures became somewhat less obtrusive. Mass deportation of urban middle class ele- ments in Hungary came to a halt. In a few countries, some representatives of former op- position parties were released. A special ef- fort was made to persuade political refugees to return home. The isolation of the Western diplomatic corps was somewhat reduced, and a few Western correspondents were permitted entry. II. THE FUTURE OF SOVIET POLICY IN THE SATELLITES 22. The USSR now has, for all practical pur- poses, complete control over the Satellite re- gimes and will almost certainly be able to maintain it during the period of this estimate. Within the limitations suggested in paragraph 6 with respect to East Germany and Albania, we believe that it will remain firm Soviet policy to retain such control. Control rests funda- mentally on the USSR's military capability of maintaining its domination over the area for an indefinite period. Soviet control is exer- cised primarily through the Satellite Commu- nist parties, assisted and guided by a complex of Soviet diplomatic and military establish- ments, economic advisors, and police agencies. Under the aegis of the Soviet security appa- ratus, the various Satellite security services have become in effect a part of the Soviet police mechanism. These controls are so de- signed as to bind the Satellites to the USSR individually, rather than as a group. 23. The Soviet leaders will continue the policy of controlling the Satellite area in such a way as to produce the greatest possible internal and foreign policy advantages for the USSR. This aim, does not preclude Soviet policy modi- fications calculated to take greater account of local conditions and to produce smoother eco- nomic development. Such flexibility may al- so diminish the impact of Soviet rule on Sat- ellite national sensibilities and support So- viet claims that these states are independent. Bloc statements on the importance of "local conditions for the development of socialism" may portend increasing flexibility in planning and in socialization, aimed at a more realistic program of economic development for the area as a whole. Moreover, Communist control be- ing well established, the regimes can now afford to grant minor relaxations of political pressure and police control. In addition, Moscow might expect that such measures would document the claim of Satellite inde- pendence, and would thereby impress opinion in neutral and underdeveloped countries and improve the propaganda? position of Free World Communist parties, 24. The USSR may somewhat reduce or refine ' its more visible means of control. Soviet troops might be withdrawn from Rumania and Hungary, where the USSR probably esti- mates their presence is not essential. Aboli- tion of the Cominform would be an even more inexpensive gesture, since this agency has be- come largely a Soviet Bloc information and propaganda link with the West European Communist parties, rather than an instru- ment of control. In matters essential to So- viet control, such as the building up of a re- liable and subservient Satellite Communist leadership and the staffing of key positions with Soviet or Moscow-oriented personnel, the Soviet rulers will almost certainly continue to maintain the policies of the Stalin era. 25. Soviet leaders are almost certainly aware, however, that some of the actions they have already taken involve certain risks for their position in the Satellites. The visit to Bel- grade, for example, had the effect of building up the prestige and influence of Tito, and the public acknowledgment of Yugoslavia's right to pursue its own "way to socialism" aroused SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET Percentage 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Dec. 1944 ? Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 EUROPEAN SATELLITES TRENDS IN COLLECTIVIZATION, 1944-55 Percentage of Arable Land in Collective Farms Figure 2 ......."'"" CZEctio, "LOy 1 \/ CNPI 'A -4. ., A t.4 ,,.K . ut.GDPA" .......? ??..?. .. .- - AL BA . ... ?Ov....?1l, ..l?0? ....---.........." , ........ 25098 11-55 Dec. 1945 Dec. 1946 Dec. 1947 Dec. 1948 Dec. 1949 Dec. 1950 SECRET Dec. 1951 Dec. 1 952 Dec. 1 953 Dec. 1954 Dec. 1 955 *Includes only the more advanced types of collective forms (Types III and IV). "Percentcrge of agricultural land, which includes permanent meadows and postures as well as arable land. ***Includes agricultural tillage associations, which ore lower forms of collectives. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET hopes in the Satellites for a substantial lessen- ing of Soviet control. The case of the Imre Nagy regime in Hungary indicates the exist- ence of latent conflicts within the Satellite party leadership which may have to be re- solved by Moscow from time to time. 26. We believe that Soviet authorities will avoid any actions which, in their judgment, would jeopardize their control of the Satellite regimes or the regimes' control over the local populations. There are, therefore, narrow limits to the freedom of action which Moscow can afford to permit the Satellite regimes to develop. III. INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE SATELLITES: POLITICAL 27. The Communist regimes, backed by the ultimate sanction of Soviet power, almost cer- tainly have firm control of the Satellite popu- lations. Nevertheless, there are indications of factionalism within some of the party leader- ships, and all governments are still confronted with problems arising from their unpopularity with the masses and from the difficulties in- herent in developing an efficient administra- tion in a totalitarian state. We believe, how- ever, that during the period of this estimate, Soviet dominated regimes will be able to main- tain their control over the populations and gradually to increase their administrative effectiveness. 28. Since the Communist parties are the basic instrument of the regimes' control over the populations, any weakness or inefficiency within these parties acts as a conditioning factor on the execution of policy. Approxi- mately seven percent of the total Satellite population, or 6.5 million persons, are Commu- nist party members. This means that one of every 10 adults in the Satellites is a party member. Obviously, the development of such large parties from very small beginnings (there were probably less than a thousand Communists in Rumania in 1944) could not have been accomplished without taking in large numbers of people who were not dedi- cated to Communism. In staffing positions at the lower echelons of the bureaucracy, the party has often had to sacrifice technical qualification in savor of political loyalty. At 7 higher levels an element of the party member- ship with technical qualifications is oppor- tunistic. Some elements privately resent dic- tation by Moscow and favor a reduction of political terror and an increase in consumer goods. There are many party members with a nationalist tinge who constitute a potential for "deviation." We believe, however, that these "unreliable" elements will not attain sufficient influence within the parties to jeop- ardize either the control by the Moscow- oriented Communists or the implementation of Soviet policy.5 29. In the field of education, Communist attempts to indoctrinate the adult generation have apparently had little success. Within the youth, however, intensive indoctrination, coupled with the bait of advanced schooling, career opportunities, and other material bene- fits, has begun to produce a greater degree of cooperation with the regime. Educational opportunities, especially for favored classes, have in fact been greatly increased, particular- ly in technical fields. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS per thousand population 1 Country 1937-1939 1953-1954 Bulgaria 1.7 4.1 Czechoslovakia 1.9 3.7 Hungary 1.3 5.7 Poland 1.4 5.3 Rumania 1.4 3.8 The comparable figure (1954) for the US is 15.2, for the USSR 5.4, for West Germany 2.7, and for the UK 1.4. 'The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Depart- ment of the Army, while concurring in the esti- mative conclusion contained in the last sentence of this paragraph, considers that the paragraph as a whole conveys an impression of weakness in the Satellite Communist parties that is not sup- ported by intelligence and recommends the sub- stitution of the following for paragraph 28: "Satellite Communist parties are large in comparison to immediate postwar size, and membership now consists of seven percent of the total Satellite population or 6.5 million persons. Although the parties probably con- tain some unreliable elements, we believe that these elements either will remain sub- merged or will be eliminated and will not ex- ercise significant influence on control by the hard core Communists or implementation of Soviet policy." SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET As a result, the regimes will probably become increasingly able to find adequate personnel for positions in the state apparatus and the nationalized economic enterprises. Some of these younger people are likely to constitute an element with a vested interest in the Com- munist regimes, even though the majority of youth will probably not become convinced Communists during the period of the esti- mate. 30. In relations between church and state, the Satellite regimes have avoided a head-on collision with popular devotion to traditional religious observances, which appears to have been increasing. Instead, they have directed their policy primarily toward strangulation of the independent organizational and insti- tutional features of the churches, in the hope of making these churches subservient to the regime. This aim has to a large extent been realized in the case of the Orthodox, Protes- tant, and Moslem churches of the area. Even the Catholic Church has been forced to adopt a policy of avoiding open controversy with the regime, in order to conserve the position of its clergy and as much as possible of its tradi- tional functions. 31. All available evidence indicates that throughout the Satellite area the regimes have made no appreciable progress in induc- ing the people to give active support to the Communist system and its program. For a number of reasons, of which economic hard- ship and regimentation, hatred of Soviet dom- ination, and fear of the police state appear uppermost, a substantial majority of the people continue to be antipathetic toward the regimes. Dissidence is widely prevalent among the peasantry, which stubbornly re- sists collectivization, and is a significant fac- tor even within groups which are ostensibly favored by the regimes, such as youth and industrial workers. 32. The effectiveness of the Satellite govern- ments in combatting dissidence and promot- ing Communist indoctrination will be limited by a number of factors. A shortage of capa- ble and ideologically grounded teachers and writers will probably continue. The tradi- tional affinity of the Satellite intelligentsia for Western culture will probably remain strong in the older generations. Western broadcasts will probably continue to reach the Satellite populations, and there may be greater ex- change of cultural, technical, and sport dele- gations with Western countries. 33. The failure of the Satellite governments to win mass support will be partly offset by a tendency of the population to become resigned to Communist rule. Next to general positive support, the Communist regimes probably re- gard a growth of popular acquiescence and resignation as the second best development for their purposes. If the Soviet policy of "relaxation of international tensions" con- tinues, attitudes of resignation among many elements of the population will be reinforced. The Satellite populations have placed their main hope for eventual liberation on Western Europe and the US, and they have tended to believe that this could be accomplished only through war. This hope of liberation appar- ently remained fairly strong up to 1953, but since then has been diminishing. The Sum- mit meeting at Geneva intensified the belief that the Western Powers were determined to avoid war and, if necessary, to accept a modus vivendi with the USSR involving the mainte- nance of the status quo in Eastern Europe. 34. So far as is known, no active resistance organizations survive in the Satellite area at present. There are today, and probably will be for many years to come, a few elements of potential resistance scattered throughout Sat- ellite society which may be able to survive by remaining inactive and deeply concealed. Only in the event of war, however, would they be likely to attempt conspiratorial activity. Except possibly in the case of East Germany, we believe that no development short of a drastic impairment of Communist controls or the approach of friendly forces in time of war would be sufficient to stimulate important outbreaks of open resistance. 35. While the number of Communist sup- porters will probably increase over the period of the estimate, it is unlikely that anything like a majority within the Satellite popula- tions will accept Communism, or that the SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 9 national aspirations of the East European peoples will be extinguished. These peoples have a long history of suffering under oppres- sive masters. While submitting to the ex- ploitation of the Turk, or the Tsarist Russian, or the German over many centuries, they yet managed to maintain their national identity. They will probably continue to do so. Never- theless, there will probably be some increase in support of the government by more favored elements in the population and, among the people generally, an increasing resignation to life under Communist rule. IV. ECONOMIC Trends in Economic Policy 36. While Satellite economic policy in the period 1948-1953 resulted in a considerable growth of heavy industry, this was accom- plished at the expense of consumer goods and agricultural production. Moreover, a con- siderable imbalance developed in heavy indus- try, resulting from overrapid build-up of man- ufacturing facilities without corresponding ex- pansion of the raw material, fuel, and power base. By the end of 1952 rates of industrial growth began to fall at a pace which made it apparent that many of the augmented plan goals set in 1951 would not be met. The growth rates of previous years had been real- ized primarily as a result of substantial addi- tions to the industrial labor forces and of fuller utilization of capacities. By 1953, addi- tions to the total labor forces and transfers of workers from agriculture to industry had greatly diminished, so that further economic growth depended increasingly on improved la- bor productivity. Disaffection of both workers and peasants, however, seriously hampered efforts to achieve such an improvement. 37. Beginning in mid-1953 all the Satellites adopted, under Moscow's guidance, an eco- nomic "new course." This new policy involved an acceptance by the Satellite regimes of much lower planned rates of industrial growth than they had foreseen in 1951 for the period 1953-1955. It entailed some shift in emphasis within industry from heavy machinery to basic raw materials, power, and consumer goods. In agriculture, the "new course" called for increased investment and for the enhance- ment of incentives through such concessions as the lowering of delivery quotas and, in some countries, permission to withdraw from the collectivized sector. By means of such a pro- gram, the regimes also hoped to improve the economic response of workers and peasants and thereby to alleviate the major economic difficulties of the previous period. 38. During 1954 some progress was made in altering the structure of industry. However, the "new course" ran into serious economic difficulties and even created a certain political threat. Slowness in implementing unrealistic promises of improved living 'standards led to widespread disillusionment and skepticism. Noncooperation was encountered from almost all elements of the population. The doctri- naire elements in the Communist parties ob- jected to what they considered a "deviation- ist" economic course. The workers and peas- ants were inclined to hold out for greater and more effective concessions. Changes in pro- duction and allocation patterns adversely af- fected industrial schedules and unfavorable weather reduced crop yields. As a result, per- formance in both- industry and agriculture was extremely disappointing during 1954. Even the reduced industrial goals were not ful- filled, and rising wage levels without cor- responding increases in productivity began to cause fiscal problems for the regimes. 39. Early in 1955 modifications of the "new course" were undertaken, coinciding with the ouster of Malenkov and Soviet reaffirmation of the primacy of heavy industry. These modifications called for restoration of some degree of emphasis to heavy industry, re- affirmed the eventual goal of full collectiviza- tion, and reintroduced some of the earlier dis- cipline into economic activities. During 1955, the stress was placed on the restoration of discipline in such matters as workers' norms, wage payments, and peasant delivery obliga- tions. In some countries, collectivization ac- tivity was resumed. The implementation of the renewed emphasis on heavy industry, how- ever, was put off, at least in part, until 1956. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 40. The early 1955 modification does not ap- pear to represent a full return to pre-"new course" programs. Emphasis on heavy indus- try is coupled with a determination to keep development plans more in line with capabili- ties and with a recognition of the danger of neglecting agricultural development. In some respects discipline has been restored, but many of the "new course" incentives remain intact. 41. The present industrial program empha- sizes for the immediate future the full utiliza- tion of existing industrial capacities. Such an effort will continue the "new course" stress on the production of raw materials, fuel, and power. Only limited major new investments in the field of heavy manufactures are sched- uled. Industrial investments are to be con- centrated to a greater degree on replacement and modernization of outmoded equipment and on technological improvements, rather than on wholesale expansion of industrial capacity. The program also seeks to reduce the disparity which had existed prior to 1953 between the rate of expansion in the output of producer goods and that of consumer goods. It envisages, Moreover, greater use of heavy industrial plant for the production of agricul- tural equipment and durable consumer goods. 42. The Satellite regimes are faced with thorny policy problems in the field of agricul- ture. As a matter of doctrine, they continue to insist that full collectivization of agricul- ture is a prerequisite for the "building of so- cialism," yet they have an acute awareness that rapid and forced collectivization de- presses agricultural production. Consequent- ly, they can increase agricultural output sig- nificantly over the next five years only if col- lectivization is carried out at a slow pace, and private agriculture is given at least limited encouragement. They will be faced with a delicate problem of maintaining a judicious balance between the incentives given the col- lectives and those provided the free sector. In any case, as long as a substantial private sector remains, the regimes will have difficulty in getting maximum results from the col- lectivized sector. On balance, in view of the serious concern of the Satellite leaders to in- 10 crease agricultural output, we believe there will be only moderate increases in collectiviza- tion during the period of this estimate. Rate of Growth 43. The application of the "new course" was accompanied by a reduction in the rate of growth of Satellite GNP. In 1954 estimated GNP was only five percent greater than in 1953, a modest rate as compared with preced- ing years. Only Poland was able to fulfill its initial industrial production goal for that year. In all seven Satellites, the announced percentage gains in industrial output over the previous year were smaller than in 1953. The average gain in the productivity of labor was also significantly less than in previous years; in the case of Hungary, output per industrial worker actually declined. Total Satellite pro- duction of agricultural commodities showed no increase in 1954 over the preceding year. 44. We estimate that even with the modifica- tions of the "new course" undertaken in 1955, the rate of increase in the total GNP of the Satellites for the years 1955-1960 will average somewhat less than four percent per annum. This is lower than the projected Soviet rate of about five to six percent, and represents a substantial decline from the extraordinary Satellite average of over seven percent for the years 1949-1954. ESTIMATED GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCTS OF THE EUROPEAN SATELLITES (excluding Albania) Billion 1951 US dollars Percent increase 1960 over 1938 1948 1954 1960 1954 European Satellites 44.5 32.4 49.4 61.4 24 Poland 14.5 11.0 17.1 21.1 23 East Germany 16.1 9.0 15.8 19.3 22 Czechoslovakia 7.3 6.8 9.2 11.6 26 Rumania 3.1 2.6 3.0 4.1 36 Hungary 2.5 2.0 3.0 3.7 24 Bulgaria 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.6 29 45. Assuming only moderate increases in the collectivized sector, we estimate that Satellite SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET ?11 agricultural output in 1960 will be about 11 percent greater than in 1954. Relatively large increases are projected for Hungary and Ru- mania, where agricultural output is still far below the prewar level, but the anticipated increase for the Satellites as a whole is much smaller than during the period 1949-1954. Realization of the projected 11 percent in- crease would still leave Satellite agricultural production about 10 percent below the prewar level. The agricultural labor force is ex- pected to increase slightly rather than decline as in the past, even though mechanization is to be accelerated. The increased use of labor in agriculture, where productivity is low, rather than in industry where productivity is higher, will tend to have an adverse effect on the rate of economic growth. 46. We estimate that nonagricultural produc- tion will increase by approximately 28 percent in the period 1954-1960. This will be made possible by an estimated increase of 11 per- cent in the nonagricultural labor force and by an expected growth in output per worker on the order of two to three percent per year. The productivity of labor in the Satellite area in 1960 will still be considerably less than that of the industrialized countries of the West. 47. We estimate that there will be a small in- crease in Satellite living standards by 1960. The total population of the European Satel- lites is expected to increase about seven per- cent from 1954 to 1960, approximately from 93 to 100 million persons. Since the projected increase in total agricultural production amounts to 11 percent, only a very small per capita increase in agricultural output is prob- able. Even with some increases in imports of agricultural products, comparatively little im- provement in the per capita consumption of foodstuffs will result. The diet will remain low in proteins and high in starchy substi- tutes, and the caloric intake will not be sub- stantially increased Manufactured consumer goods will account for the major part of the small prospective rise in living standards. Producer goods output will increase at a more rapid rate than consumer goods, and invest- ment will rise more rapidly than consumption. Satellite Contributions to Bloc Strength 48. The European Satellites represent an im- portant element of over-all Bloc economic strength. Satellite GNP in 1954 is estimated at roughly two-fifths that of the USSR. The ratio probably will be somewhat smaller in 1960, since the estimated rate of growth of GNP is significantly lower for the Satellites than for the USSR. 49. Satellite production of basic materials such as uranium, coal, petroleum, bauxite, calcium carbide, and caustic soda represents a particularly significant contribution to Bloc strength. The largest Satellite reserves of bituminous coal are in Poland, which ships important quantities to the USSR and East Germany, and lesser amounts to Czechoslo- vakia and Hungary. Hungary has the largest bauxite reserves in Europe and accounts for approximately 60 percent of Soviet Bloc pro- duction. Although Satellite oil reserves are estimated to constitute only seven percent of the reserves of the Soviet Bloc, the Satellites currently provide 16 percent of Bloc produc- tion. 50. It is estimated that, in 1954, the Satellites provided approximately two-thirds of Bloc uranium ore production. East Germany alone provided almost 50 percent of the Soviet Bloc total. The uranium production of East Ger- many can be expected to remain about the. same during the period of this estimate, and the other Satellites may show a slight in- crease. The USSR, however, is not dependent upon Satellite sources. If necessary the So- viet atomic energy program could probably be supported at its present level of operation from internal Soviet sources alone. Never- theless, the USSR will almost certainly wish to continue its rapid and large-scale exploita- tion of Satellite ores in order to accumulate maximum reserves. 51. The Satellites also produce some types of machinery and equipment which the USSR continues to import in large quantities. Most of the production of rolling stock has been ex- ported to the Soviet Union, leaving Satellite railway systems in a deplorable condition by Western standards. Satellite shipbuilding SECRE'T Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 a. Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/12: CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 OTHER 40% 40% SECRET EUROPEAN SATELLITES* PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT AMONG INDUSTRY, AND OTHER SECTORS** 1938, 1948, 1954, AND 1960 --TAGRICUtEURE -5AGRICUliEUREr. OTHER 36% .1??????=1??????111A -,01?11111111.1 ,01.110104111..., -3M! "PIC INDUSTRY 45% 1938 1948 1954 25069 11-55 SECRET Figure 3 'JONVO?C KIXWM01.1C ,?????WIMIMWM. 'NM a,MM ft.%! ,M?V` INDUSTRY AND OTHER 83% 1960 *Excludes Albania **Trade, services, transportation and communications, and construction. Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 12 capacity has been expanded, and the bulk of the output, consisting chiefly of merchant ships, has been exported to the USSR, thus freeing Soviet shipyards for construction of naval vessels. Foreign Trade and Bloc Economic Integration 52. After having steadily increased since 1948, the trade of the Satellite countries within the Sino-Soviet Bloc remained constant in 1954, while their trade with the Free World in- creased. During the period of this estimate, trade with the Free World may continue to rise somewhat faster, in percentage terms, than total trade. However, the intra-Bloc trade will probably again begin to show an- nual increases and, in any case, will remain the predominant part of the trade of each Sat- tellite. 53. For political as well as economic reasons, the Satellites apparently desire to increase their trade with the Free World. Politically, the development of trade ties with the Free World coincides with the current Soviet drive to extend Communist influence, particularly in underdeveloped areas. Economically, the achievement of the planned rates of growth and the improvement of living standards will be significantly facilitated if the Satellites can import from the Free World certain key com- modities, such as agricultural products, iron ore, nonferrous metals, and machinery. Some items in these categories are at present em- bargoed by the COCOM countries. 54. In the absence of medium- or long-term credits from Free World countries, which are unlikely to be offered on any substantial scale during the period of this estimate, an early expansion of Satellite exports will be neces- sary to balance an increase in imports from the Free World. Thus, the Satellites are now facing the problem of adjusting the character and prices of their exports and their way of doing business in order to improve their po- sition in Free World markets. Except in East Germany and to some extent in Czechoslo- vakia, products of the newly-created Satellite manufacturing industries have been high in cost and indifferent in quality. The large agricultural surpluses formerly used by some Satellites in their foreign trade have dwindled rapidly. Moreover, Satellite regimes have gained a bad reputation in the Free World for abruptly terminating the exchange of par- ticular commodities and for unsatisfactory performance on commitments and deliveries. Under these circumstances, it will probably be easier for the Satellites to increase trade with the underdeveloped areas, particularly in South Asia, the Middle East, and Latin Ameri- ca, than with the industrial countries of the West. 55. Despite this interest in East-West trade, Soviet planners are also placing greater stress on the economic integration of the Soviet Bloc. The particular aspects of integration to which they are giving attention are regional co- ordination of production planning and a more rational adjustment of the industrial struc- ture of the Satellite area. Beginning in 1956, the Five-Year Plans of all the Satellites except Bulgaria will cover the same time period as the Soviet plan, and it has been officially an- nounced that these plans will be coordinated with one another and with the Soviet plan to a greater extent than heretofore. As in the past, the plans will reflect broad economic policies and goals laid down by the USSR. The Council for Economic Mutual Assistance (CEMA) , will probably play the major co- ordinating role. The planners apparently hope that, as a result of closer coordination of production plans for particular commodities, together with a continued high volume of intra-Bloc trade and increasing exchange of technical information, critical deficiencies in materials, plant or labor can be avoided dur- ing the next five years. They further hope that the concept of better balanced economic development applied to the area as a whole, with individual countries concentrating on their most efficient economic activities, will increase the benefits of intra-Bloc trade and help avoid imbalances, strains, and bottle- necks. Such an adjustment would presum- ably require the maintenance or elevation of the already high priorities established for ex- panding the output of coal in Poland, petro- leum in Rumania and Hungary, machines and SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 100% 80 60 . 40 ? 20 0 1936-38 '48 '49 '50 '51 '52 '53 ALL SATELLITES* , Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 EUROPEAN SATELLITES* GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TRADE TURNOVER 1936-38 Average and 1948-53 (In percent) 100% 80 60 40 20 1936-38 '48 '49 '50 '51 '52 '53 EAST GERMANY 13957 9-55 100% 80 60 40 20 0 1936 38 '48 100% 80 60 40 20 '49 '50 '51 BULGARIA 100% 80 60 40 20 '52 '53 1936 38 '48 '49 '50 '51 '52 '53 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 80 60 40 20 100% 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 1936 38 '48 '49 '50 '51 '52 '53 1936-38 '48 '49 '50 '51 '52 3 1936-38 '48 '49 '50 '51 '52 '53 HUNGARY USSR and China Rest of .Sino-Soviet Bloc Non-Bloc Figure 4 SECRET POLAND RUMANIA *Excludes Albania Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 OF a a Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 13 equipment in Czechosolvakia and East Ger- many, and chemicals in East Germany and Poland. In agriculture the highest priorities would logically be assigned to Hungary and the Balkans. 56. We believe that during the period of this estimate the scope and effectiveness of Bloc wide regional planning will substantially in- crease as compared to the period 1949-1953. Economic interdependence of the Soviet-Sat- ellite area has already grown significantly through the forced shift of the Satellites dur- ing the past seven years to intra-Bloc trade at the expense of trade with the Free World. The benefits from such trade could be increased by further developing the complementary character of the Satellite economies. 57. The success of these efforts will, however, be limited by a number of factors. The task of coordination is intrinsically difficult, and its extension will almost certainly encounter practical and doctrinal obstacles. Central- ized planning and organization of supply channels on an international scale are much more complex than on a national scale. Greater interdependence will multiply the area-wide repercussions of plan failures in in- dividual countries. While it would be ration- al for each country to intensify concentration on its most efficient production lines, it will apparently be necessary, at least during the period of this estimate, for individual Satel- lites to maintain or even increase their efforts along certain uneconomical lines, pending an- ticipated production increases by their Bloc trading partners. Finally the nationalistic and doctrinaire position that each Communist country should concentrate on the develop- ment of heavy industry will probably militate against the full acceptance of the concept of interdependent economies. 58. On balance, we view the current stress on economic integration as indicative of a long-term policy which will increasingly in- fluence Satellite development plans. During the period 1956-1960 this policy will probably not contribute greatly to the growth of the economy or to the resolution of basic economic problems, although some benefits can be ex- pected. Over a longer period, integration may make significant contributions to the economic strength of this area. V. SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENTS 59. During the period 1956-1960 Satellite capabilities in many fields of science will con- tinue to grow. At the same time, however, the USSR will probably cease to be dependent upon the Satellites for its basic research and development needs in such fields as scientific instruments, precision tools, optical goods, photographic equipment, and electronics. This trend will probably result in a general redirection of effort toward the development of items for the domestic economy and foreign trade. 60. Since World War II, East Germany and, to a lesser extent, Czechoslovakia have made significant contributions to the scientific and technological development of the USSR by supplying instruments for scientific research and development and for industrial process measurement and control. During 1955, the USSR cancelled large' contracts for instru- ments, probably reflecting an increased supply from domestic sources. The loss of these con- tracts may at least temporarily reduce funds allocated for East German instrumentation research and development. Unless Soviet sup- port is revived, East German research and pro- duction in this field will depend upon the de- velopment of other trade outlets, including the West. Progress, in any case, will prob- ably be slower than prior to 1953. 61. Competent scientific manpower is still in short supply, but there are many young and well-trained research workers in East Ger- many, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Hungary whose capabilities are increasing with experi- ence. The current trend toward the decen- tralization of scientific research, which has been noted particularly in East Germany, may release a number of scientists from admin- istrative duties and make them available for more productive work. While the scientific- technical manpower shortage will not be over- come during the period of this estimate, it will probably be considerably alleviated. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 a Declassified and Approved For Release @59-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 62. Satellite restrictions on the dissemination of scientific-technical information have been eased, and the controlled interchange of such information has been encouraged. Greatly increased attendance at international scien- tific meetings, together with an easing of se- curity policy, have permitted contacts with scientific colleagues on a world-wide basis. Such exchanges of ideas and experience, if they continue, will be of considerable benefit to the Satellites. 63. There has been a sharp increase in nuclear physics research. In East Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia new institutes of nuclear physics have been established, and capabili- ties in this field are expected to increase. The Soviet Union has announced a broad program of assistance to the Satellites, including the supply of nuclear reactors and fissionable materials. Such a program, if carried out, would considerably broaden the base and en- hance the capabilities of the Soviet Bloc in the nonmilitary aspects of nuclear research. In any case, the full impact of this program would not be felt before 1960. 64. The direct contribution of the Satellites to the Soviet Bloc air, ground, and naval weapons research and development program is of little significance. There is a small amount of work being done in Czechoslovakia and in East Germany which gives support to Soviet weapons programs. Soviet policy, how- ever, has been to limit Satellite research and development work on weapons. The Satel- lites have been encouraged to apply their scientific and technical effort to the develop- ment of test and research equipment, of an- cillary military items, and of industrial tech- niques related to military production. We believe that, during the next five years, there will be no significant change in this policy. VI. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS 65. Soviet control of the Satellites has moved the Soviet military frontier into Central Eu- rope. In view of the strategic importance of this region, the USSR has given great em- phasis to its development for military opera- tions. It has maintained and modernized 14 large forces of its own in the area, and has intensively developed airfields and communi- cations. It has sought to build reliable Sat- ellite forces and has increasingly supplied them with modern weapons and equipment. Soviet Forces Stationed in the Satellites 66. Of an estimated 494,000 Soviet Army ground forces (plus 24,000 security troops) stationed in the Satellites, approximately 400,- 000 (22 line divisions) are located in East Germany, while the remaining 94,000 (6 line divisions) are located in Hungary, Poland, and Rumania. It is possible that the Soviet troops in Hungary and Rumania will be with- drawn during the period of the estimate, since their presence is probably not considered nec- essary to the maintenance of Soviet control. The Soviet leaders might make such a move in support of their diplomatic and propaganda campaign against NATO. At present, how- ever, the indications are that these troops will remain. Provided there is no basic change in the German situation, the number of divi- sions in East Germany and Poland will prob- ably not change substantially during the period of the estimate, although their combat effectiveness will be increased through the re- equipment and reorganization program which has been in progress since late 1954. 67. The most significant change in Soviet air strength in the Satellites over the past year has been a sizeable increase in jet light bomber strength. This substantially enhances Soviet capabilities for direct and indirect support of ground force operations. Of the 14 light bomber regiments currently in the area, 9 are based in East Germany, 2 in Poland, and 3 in Hungary. 68. About 25 percent of the Soviet FAGOTS (MIG 15) based in the Satellites on 1 July 1954 have been replaced by FRESCOS (imp 17). This represents a significant increase in combat effectiveness. All indications point to the probability that this re-equipment pro- gram will continue until all FAGOTS are re- placed by improved fighter types by, mid-1957. At present there are a limited number of jet all-weather fighters which are probably being SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 15 used for training purposes. While these planes do not materially increase the over-all combat effectiveness of the Soviet air force in the Satellites, their presence portends a build- up in all-weather fighter strength and defen- sive capabilities. It is also expected that all BEAST (IL-10) attack aircraft will be phased out by mid-1959 and replaced in the attack role by jet fighters and light bombers. In short, present Soviet authorized air strength of some 2,500 military aircraft of all types stationed in the Satellites will probably not change substantially over the period of the estimate. Actual strength is presently esti- mated at about 85 percent of TO&E. The capabilities of this force will be increased by the continued phasing in of new types; actual strength could be brought up to the TO&E figure in a relatively short time. 69. The USSR bases a small number of patrol vessels and minesweepers in several Satellite ports on the Baltic and Black Seas. The pri- mary purpose of these forces is to direct the training of the Satellite navies in the use of Soviet equipment and operating procedures. In the size, composition, disposition, or capa- bilities of the Soviet naval forces based in the Satellites there have been no significant changes and none are anticipated over the period of the estimate. Satellite Forces? 70. Ground. The Satellite ground forces have become a substantial element in the balance of military power in Europe. We esti- mate that currently the ground forces of the Satellites comprise 1,085,000 men organized in 77 divisions, of which six are tank and 15 mechanized. Recently cuts have been an- nounced for the major Satellite forces ranging from nine to 18 percent., Even if these cuts are actually carried out, the over-all effective- ness of the ground forces will not be signifi- cantly impaired. These ground forces are See the tables in the Appendix for detailed fig- ures on the strengths of Satellite military forces. In the case of Albania the figure is 29 percent. In East Germany no cut has been announced in the strength of the military forces. supplemented by Satellite security troops which total 321,000 men. By M+180 days the Satellites could mobilize 4,700,000 men in 188 divisions, provided there was extensive Soviet logistical support. 71. We do not believe that there will be signifi- cant increases in the Satellite standing armies over the period of the estimate, with the pos- sible exception of the East German army. If conscription is adopted the latter could be doubled in size (from 100,000 to 215,000 men) , but quality and political reliability would sharply decline. Such a development will probably depend in large part upon the ex- tent of West German rearmament. 72. There appears to have been little joint planning or training among Satellite armies. The recent formation of a unified Soviet-Sat- ellite armed forces command has changed only the forms under which the established Soviet control over military affairs is effected. There is as yet no conclusive evidence of inter- Satellite or Soviet-Satellite training under direction of the unified command. There is no evidence of plans for tactical integration of Bloc forces in wartime. It is probable, how- ever, that integrated planning is under way and that combined maneuvers will be held within a few years. In the meantime, in the event of general war, the Satellite forces would probably be used separately under the direction of the Soviet high command and might be placed directly under Soviet officers. 73. The morale and reliability of Satellite ground forces has increased over the past year and will probably continue to improve during the period of the estimate. This trend will be largely the result of continued indoctrina- tion and training. We believe that the re- liability of these armies is such that they would be unlikely to defect on a substantial scale until victorious Western forces ap- proached the Satellite area. 74. The combat effectiveness of the Satellite armies varies considerably so that no over-all generalization is possible respecting their probable performance in the event of general war. The amount of transport and mecha- SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 16 nized equipment allocated to major Satellite forces has increased significantly in the last year, and mobility approaches that of Soviet forces. We believe that up to 50 percent of existing Satellite divisions could be employed initially in combat alongside Soviet forces. With Soviet logistical support, several of the armies would be capable of sustained inde- pendent action against traditional enemies. In general, the Bulgarian army is probably the most reliable, best trained, and effective of all the Satellite forces; division-level maneuvers have been held each year for the past five or six years. Bulgarian reserve training is ex- tensive and thorough. Against such tradi- tional enemies as the Turks or the Greeks, the Bulgars would fight with their maximum effectiveness. If the enemy forces included sizeable German contingents, the Czechoslo- vak and Polish armies would probably give a good account of themselves, for the Poles Would fear the loss of the "recovered" lands and the Czechs the reoccupation by Germans of the Sudeten areas. The Hungarians and Rumanians, on the other hand, would prob- ably regard a revival of German influence in Eastern Europe as favoring their chances of liberation from the USSR, and consequently their troops would suffer from poor morale if pitted against German units. The Satellite army with the lowest combat potential except for the small Albanian force, is that of East Germany. The Garrisoned People's Police (KVP) , as this army is still called, could prob- ably not be used for operations against NATO forces in West Germany, especially if the latter included components of German Fed- eral Republic troops. KVP units would, in this case, have to be used for guarding lines of communication and in other secondary roles. 75. The Satellite militarized security forces have not changed significantly in strength over the past several years, although they have probably become more efficient. It is believed that they will retain approximately their present status through the period of this estimate, and that they will remain capable of protecting the local regimes against any threat of internal subversion. The one ex- ception to this general capability is provided by East Germany where, until recent years, most security functions were performed by Soviet security forces. During the past year, however, there has been a strengthening and reorganization of East German security forces, probably in anticipation of their assuming greater responsibility for security operations. 76. The total Satellite output of arms and ammunition will remain a small share of total Soviet Bloc production. Although these coun- tries will manufacture small arms, artillery, tanks, ammunition, personal and optical equipment, no significant increase in produc- tion of army equipment is expected. 77. Air. The Satellite air forces now have an estimated TO&E strength of 4,400, and an estimated actual strength of 3,000 operational aircraft of all types. We estimate that by 1960 TO&E strength will probably be 5,000, and that actual strength by that date will be nearly 4,000. Personnel strength is at pres- ent estimated to be 102,600. The capabilities of the Satellite air forces will probably be aug- mented as a result of an over-all increase in available aircraft and in the proportion of jet aircraft. We believe that, even if the recently announced manpower cuts are actually car- ried out, the over-all air capabilities will not be affected. No heavy bombers are expected to be introduced but piston medium bombers could be made available to the Satellite air forces as they are phased out of the Soviet air force. The greatest stress will continue to be placed on air defense, with secondary emphasis on air support of ground operations. Throughout the period of this estimate, the Satellite air forces will continue to constitute a significant increment to Soviet air strength in Europe. 78. The USSR provides intensive training for carefully selected Satellite pilots in the doc- trines, techniques, and tactics of the Soviet air force. Soviet policy appears to be directed toward the attainment of a high degree of co- ordination between the air force of each Sat- ellite and the Soviet air force, and the integra- tion of the Satellite air forces into the Soviet air defense system. There has been little co- ordination among the individual Satellite air SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 17 forces. While the Eastern European Defense. Pact (EEDP) suggests that such coordination is contemplated, probably no significant prog- ress in this direction will be made. We esti- mate that the policy of close Soviet control of the Satellite air forces will continue through 1960. 79. After the Polish defections of 1953, the USSR strengthened its control over flying ac- tivities in all Satellite air forces. Concomi- tantly, there were increased efforts to improve personnel selection and political indoctrina- tion. Emphasis was also placed upon the role of each Satellite air force in the defense of its own territory, thus stressing the national in- terest. These measures have increased the po- litical reliability of the Satellite air forces. We believe that the combat effectiveness of these air forces is such that they could be em- ployed in a defensive role in the event of general war and would have some offensive capability, particularly against traditional enemies. 80. Combat aircraft production in the Satel- lites now accounts for 11 percent by number and five percent by airframe weight of Bloc production. This share will probably increase to 14 percent by number and seven percent by weight by 1960. We believe that aircraft models now being produced in the Soviet Union will gradually replace obsolescent mod- els on Satellite production lines, after the So- viets have converted to newer models. For example, we estimate that the FAGOT (MIG 15), the only jet fighter now being produced in the Satellites, will be phased out and will probably be replaced by the FRESCO (MIG 17) jet fighter in Czechoslovakia and in Po- land by mid-1956. The FRESCO will prob- ably be phased out after about three years and be replaced by either the FARMER jet fighter or the FLASHLIGHT all-weather fighter, or by both. The BEAST (IL-10) , a ground attack aircraft, was phased out in Czechoslovakia in December 1954, and it is expected that the production of a light jet bomber, probably the BEAGLE (IL-28) , will begin in 1956. The BEAGLE will probably be phased out by about 1960 and be replaced by a new light jet bomber. A new plant under construction in Rumania will probably begin production of FRESCO jet fighters in 1956: No production of guided missiles in the Satel- lites is expected during the period of the esti- mate. 81. An extensive program of airfield improve- ment and construction is being continued in all the Satellites. Principal emphasis has shifted from East Germany to Poland, but other Satellites continue to pursue a vigorous airfield construction effort. Runways now being built are at least 7,000 feet long and many are 8,000 or more. There are more than 400 airfields available to Soviet forces in the Satellites. Currently the number of ma- jor airfields (permanent runways of 6,000 feet or more) in the Satellites is 117, of which more than one-half are located in Poland and East Germany. If recent trends in construc- tion continue, this figure would be almost doubled by 1960. Airfields in the Satellites are numerous enough to support elements of the Soviet air force, as well as the Satellite air forces, in a general war occurring during the period of this estimate. Many Satellite fields are being equipped with night lighting, radio navigation aids, radar, increased POL facilities, and improved structures. This grow- ing network of modern well-equipped air facil- ities, as it progresses toward completion, will add materially to Soviet Bloc air capabilities. Satellite Naval Forces' 82. The Satellite navies are small in size and poorly equipped and constitute only? a minor contribution to Bloc naval strength. At pres- ent their primary function is the development of trained and politically reliable cadres for coastal patrol operations. They are gradual- ly attaining some degree of defensive capa- bility. Offensively they could give limited seaward support to ground forces. The Polish and East German navies have the capability of providing appreciable assistance to the So- viet Navy in such fields as minesweeping, minelaying, escort and coastal defense. In addition Poland has a limited potential for For detailed figures on Satellite naval strength, see Table 6. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET Figure 5 EUROPEAN SATELLITES Percentage Distribution of Output of Selected Military End Items 954 190 200 Miles 100 200 Kilometers SECRET CZECH HUNGARY YUGOSL A ? Small arms ? Mortars Artillery Tank guns Tanks Military aircraft The sloe of each circle is proportional to the percentage of total Satellite output of the given commodity. The circles are located approximately where production takes place. AEGE S E 20. 40 T R Y floondothrt ore not neressorily those the U.S. Government. _ 25070 11-55 SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 18 defensive submarine operations within ap- proaches to Polish waters. The Rumanian and Bulgarian navies, however, will be capable of rendering only token assistance. Satellite ports and bases provide the USSR with a con- siderable extension of naval logistic and opera- tional facilities. While in the past, Satellite navies have not been considered entirely re- liable, the recent acquisition of several sub- marines by Poland and a steadily increasing number of mine warfare and patrol vessels in the East German Sea Police attest to increas- ing Soviet confidence in their reliability. However, it is not expected that any long- range program to build up the strength of the navies will be undertaken until the USSR is certain of their reliability. 83. The Polish Naval Air Arm, the only naval air arm in the Satellites, has progressed slow- ly to its present strength of one regiment of jet fighters and a possible regiment of piston attack type aircraft. It is considered to have limited capabilities for fighter defense and air strikes on surf ace vessels in the South Baltic area. The effectiveness of this air arm will probably, remain limited. A small East German naval air arm may also be formed during the period of this estimate. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 TABLE 1 SOVIET FORCES ESTIMATED TO BE 'STATIONED IN THE EUROPEAN SATELLITES, OCTOBER 1955 COUNTRY ARMY 1 SECURITY TROOPS 2 SOVIET-MANNED AIRCRAFT (TO&E 3) NUMBER OF TROOPS LINE DIVISIONS FIGHTERS LIGHT BOMBERS ATTACK TRANSPORT RECONNAISSANCE TOTAL JET PISTON JET PISTON JET PISTON JET PISTON E. Germany 400,000 22 15,000 738 224 126 126 96 96 1,406 Poland 35,000 2 2,000 111 32 210 10 64 427 Czechoslovakia ? . Hungary 24,000 2 1,500 333 96 10 32 471 Rumania 35,000 2 2,000 111 10 121 Bulgaria _ 1,000 Albania Total 494,000 28 21,500 1,293 352 126 336 126 192 2,425 8 'Plus 31,000 troops withdrawn from Austria, location of which is not known. 2 Plus 2,500 security troops withdrawn from Austria, location of which is not known. 3 Actual strength is estimated to be roughly 80-85 percent of TO&E. Full TO&E could be achieved in a short period of time. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 1,a'LlOaS Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET TABLE 2 SOVIET AIR STRENGTH IN THE SATELLITES BY AIRCRAFT TYPE, 1956, 1958, and 1960 (AUTHORIZED TO&E STRENGTH)1 20 AIRCRAFT TYPE MID-1956 MID-1958 MID-1960 Fighter Day 1,160 750 650 A/W 140 550 650 1,300 1,300 1,300 Attack Jet 200 450 590 Piston 340 140 540 590 590 ? Light Bomber Jet . 320 270 270 Piston Medium Bomber Jet Piston Heavy Bomber Jet Prop Transport Medium Light 130 130 130 Helicopters 20 20 20 Reconnaissance Jet Fighter 110 120 120 Jet Light Bomber 90 90 90 Prop S. 200 210 210 Total 2,510 2,520 2,520 Actual strength is estimated to be 80-85 percent of TO&E. Full TO&E could be achieved in a short period of time. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET 21 TABLE 3 ' SATELLITE GROUND FORCES, OCTOBER 1955 . COUNTRY TOTAL ARMY TOTAL SECURITY % OF TOTAL POPULATION IN ARMY & SECTY. DIVISIONS MOBILIZABLE IN M+180 DAYS ARM. MECH. RIFLE TOTAL PERSONNEL DIVS. East Germany 100,000 40,000 0.77 3 4 7 250,000 12 Poland 250,000 65,000 1.11 5 12 17 1,100,000 42 Czechoslovakia 170,000 45,000 1.66 2 4 8 14 1,000,000 40 Hungary 150,000 38,000 1.95 1 2 8 11 650,000 25 Rumania 215,000 78,000 1.70 1 1 121 14 900,000 35 Bulgaria 170,000 45,000 2.88 2 12 14 700,000 28 Albania 30,000 10,000 3.10 100,000 6 Total 1,085,000 321,000 1.88 6 15 56 77 4,700,000 188 1 Includes two mountain divisions. TABLE 4 SATELLITE GROUND FORCES, 1958-1960 COUNTRY TOTAL ARMY TOTAL SECURITY DIVISIONS MOBILIZABLE IN M+180 DAYS ARM. MECH. RIFLE TOTAL PERSONNEL DIN'S. East Germany 215,000 ' ' 45,000 2 4 8 14 400,000 18 Poland 250,000 65,000 2 4 12 18 1,100,000 42 Czechoslovakia 170,000 45,000 2 4 8 14 1,000,000 40 Hungary 150,000 38,000 2 2 8 12 650,000 25 Rumania 215,000 78,000 1 2 11 14 900,000 35 Bulgaria 170,000 45,000 2 3 10 15 700,000 28 Albania 30,000 10,000 100,000 6 Total 1,200,000 326,000 _ 11 19 57 87 4,850,000 194 See Paragraph 71. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 TABLE 5 ESTIMATED AIRCRAFT STRENGTH OF EUROPEAN SATELLITE AIR FORCES (TO&E) OCTOBER 1955 AIRCRAFT E. GERMANY POLAND POLISH NAVY CZECHO? SLOVAKIA HUNGARY RUMANIA BULGARIA ALBANIA TOTAL % AC'TUAL Fighters Jet Day 666 37 555 222 333 333 37 2,183 69 Jet A/W Piston 450 50 500 24 Total 450 666 37 555 222 333 383 37 2,683 Attack Jet Piston 378 336 126 126 126 1,092 77 Total 378 336 126 126 126 1,092 Light Bomber Jet 96 32 32 32 192 68 Piston 42 126 168 53 Total 96 32 74 32 126 360 ? Transport Piston 20 32 32 32 32 148 67 Helicopters Reconnaissance Jet Ftr. Jet L/B Piston 20 42 62 100 Total 20 42 62 Total 450 1,160 37 955 454 543 709 37 4,345 66 (This table continued on next page) Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 ts: 4 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 TABLE 5 (continued from previous page) JULY 1958 AIRCRAFT E. GERMANY POLAND POLISH NAVY CZECHO- SLOVAKIA HUNGARY RUMANIA BULGARIA ALBANIA TOTALS % ACTUAL Fighters Jet Day 250 560 50 450 250 280 400 30 2,270 80 Jet A/W 50 100 20 100 50 50 30 400 100 Piston .. . . . . . . .. . . . . Total 300 660 70 550 300 330 430 30 2,670 Attack Jet 40 80 80 80 40 40360 80 Piston 170 170 40 80 80 540 90 Total 40 250 250 120 120 120 900 Light Bomber Jet 150 30 90 90 90 60 510 60 Piston 120 120 90 Total 150 30 90 90 90 180 630 Transport Piston 20 30 30 30 30 30 10 180 90 Helicopters 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 100 100 Reconnaissance Jet Ftr. 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 Jet LIE 10 10 10 10 40 60 Piston10 .. 10 20 10 50 90 Total 10 2030 20 30 30 10 150 Total 380 1,130 110 970 570 620 800 50 4,630 81 (This table continued on next page) Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 ? o Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 TABLE 5 (continued from previous page) JULY 1960 AIRCRAFT E. GERMANY POLAND POLISH NAVY CZECHO- SLOVAKIA HUNGARY RUMANIA BULGARIA ALBANIA TOTAL % ACTUAL Fighters Jet Day 200 460 50 350 200 230 350 30 1,870 80 Jet A/W 100 200 20 200 100 100 100 820 80 Total 300 660 70 550 300 330 450 30 2,690 Attack Jet 120 120 120 120 120 120 720 80 Piston . Total 120 120 120 120 120 120 720 --, Light Bomber Jet 90 180 30 180 180 180 180 1,020 70 Piston . Total 90 180 30 180 180 180 180 1,020 Transport Piston 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 190 90 , Helicopters 10 20 10 20 20 20 20 120 100 Reconnaissance Jet Ftr. 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 110 60 Jet L/B 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 70 Piston 10 10 10 30 90 Total 30 30 10 30 30 30 30 20 210 Total 580 1,040 120 930 680 710 830 60 4,950 78 _ L?D 4=. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 a Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 SECRET TABLE 6 25 ESTIMATED SATELLITE NAVAL FORCES, OCTOBER 1955 ' COUNTRY DESTROYER SUBMARINE PATROL MINE AMPHIBIOUS LUC- AUXILIARY PERSONNEL ACTIVE RESERVE GDR (1)2 30(17) 1 11,000 2,000 Poland 2 9 17 12 15 6 10,700 5,500 Albania 14 3 800 Rumania 4 3 23 4 2 9,200 15,000 Bulgaria 1 ? 9 31 21 8 5,100 3,000 Total 7 12 85 70 15 17 36,800 25,500 1 The figures on the strength of the East German Navy (Sea Police) and on the Polish Navy are con- sidered reliable. The figures on the Rumanian, Bulgarian, and Albanian navies are of a lesser order of reliability, but are believed to be generally accurate. No projection has been attempted since there is no reliable information as to future additions to the Satellite naval forces and any signifi- cant augmentation of usual strength would have to come from the USSR. The figures given include ocean-going and coastal type vessels. River and harbor craft are excluded. I Numbers in parentheses are ships under construction. s Additional vessels (1 ODD and 1-3 SS) may have been transferred from the USSR. SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 26 TABLE 7 ESTIMATED SATELLITE PRODUCTION OF AIRCRAFT BY TYPE AND COUNTRY 1953 1954 1955 NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT AIRFRAME WGT. CON POUNDS) NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT AIRFRAME WGT. ( '000 POUNDS) NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT AIRFRAME WGT. ('000 POUNDS) Grand Total ' 1,258 5,509 1,657 7,119 1,674 6,217 Bombers 395 2,718 300 2,176 0 ? 0 _ Piston attack Czechoslovakia 395 2,718 300 2,176 0 0 Fighters 474 _ 2,432 697 3,575 574 2,946 Jet _ .. ... ... Czechoslovakia 432 2,216 484 2,483 286 1,470 Poland 42 216 213 1,092 288 1,476 Trainers 217 201 486 1,209 932 3,099 Jet Czechoslovakia 0 0 118 606 420 2,156 Piston Bulgaria 86 82 60 56 60 56 Czechoslovakia 107 100 224 488 368 827 Poland 0 0 60 40 60 40 Rumania 24 19 24 19 24 20 Communications . Utility 172 158 174 159 168 172 Piston Czechoslovakia 148 127 150 127 144 140 Hungary 12 7 12 8 12 8 Rumania 12 24 12 24 12 24 ?S-E-G-R-E-r? finNFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-YrL01?/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2 --SEC-RET--- 'SECRET- Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP79R01012A006900050001-2