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Document Release Date: 
January 12, 2006
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Publication Date: 
July 11, 1960
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Approved For ReIeW 0006/0274:C1 -DP79S00427AO%XO040010-4 (hand stamp appropriate classification above and below the holes of mat) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE 11 July 1960 margin 24 on mat) =OP CURRENT INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Situation in the, Congo as of 0800 EST, (margin 84 1.1 July 1960: (4 lines general strike. 1. The situatiorjdn, the Congo continues to deteriorate. Belgian troops are maintaining order in Elisabethville and Luluabourg;, but the troops in each location reportedly are barely adequate to control the situation. Belgian troops have al~o intervened in Stanleyville--the first indication that the mutiny has spread to Orientale Province. Ser ous rioting was reported in the port city,.-of Matad last night. The situation in Leopoldville is calm It the moment, but Congolese civilians reportedly arelplanning a 2. Confusionirreigns in the Congolese government, with ministers often acting at cross purposes. Last night Premier Lumuumba,denounced the dispatch of Bel- .gian troops; he also took the time to send a friendly reply to the USSR's independencecmessage. This morning he stated that-the Congo-Belgian friendship treaty had 3 lines) been violated by Belgium's interventioh and-.would have to be renegotiated. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Bomboko has confirmed that he asked for Belgiaa aid. The govern- ment apparently is still able to induce order among Congolese troops through concessions a~d personal ap- pearances of its ministers,; the area u der its direct control is thus limited by the mobilit~ of the cabin t. 3. Katanga Province Premier Mois~e Tshombd has apparently postponed an attempt to proclaim an in- (line 54) dependent state. He has used the breakdown of central Approved For; Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP79SO0427A00100040010-4 SECRET Approved For Relq&pia 2006/02/ CIR IEP79S00427A0q 0040010-4 authority to assert a kind of de facto independence; however. Although the British consul ins B1is;beth. ville urged him to set up a separate state,.the British and Rhodesian governments apparently are officially discouraging Katanga separatism. Brussels has also attempted to put a brake on thellincipient fragmentation with a statement that it was up to the Congolese people--by implication, the people as a whole--to revise their constitution and permit Katanga secession. 4. Belgian troops in the Congo or on the way total about 5,200. Brussels announced this morning that four more companies, with a total strength of 480 men, would be. flown down today. Belgian military aircraft in. the country include two DC-4's, two DC-6's, mine C-119's, eight C-47's, and ir~ourteen'.`... T-6's. The latter are armed with 30-caliber machine 6/02/09 CIA-RDP79S00427A0001