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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011 A000200020022-2 TAP SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF NATIONAL EST114ATES. 8 November 1952 St1BJECT2 SIE..5: THE, g~SCC?ALE y AND MATURE OF . T1flSOVIE! AIR DEF'E!EE EFFORT 1y952.054 This estimate is the beat assessment on which basin agree- ment can be reached eonsidering the evidence now available. The IAC proposes to keep this subject under oontinuizg veroi w. The present estimate does not attempt to mess Soviet air defense capabilities relative to any assumed attaokibg forge. The IAC hopes that it will provide the intelligence basis for such an assessment of Soviet air defense capabilities. USAF review completed. NSA review completed TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011A000200020022-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011 A000200020022-2 TOP SECRET H E MOB UM To examine the present and probable future seal, and nature of the Soviet air defense effort through XVAV CONCLUSIONS lv The USSR is carrying out an intensive program fee the im rovees t of its air defense eye tern, with a priority i& iah in probably second only to the Soviet attemio weapons progrmo Althou& the USSR almm t certainly faces nmeer ws dov elopesentdl and proetotiao problrn ee there appear to be no insoluble soonoade or tethoologioal limitations which would prevent the development aad quantity p ton of high quality air defense material, provided that this program am. tinmiea to receive sufficiently high priority, 2 o The USSR ?e large and elaborate air defense zwtwork imlvidee not only the tca ce s asaignsd to PVO-Stray, the Soviet sir defense organisation, but also bas available to it those active air defense TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011A000200020022-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79S01011A000200020022-2 T75P SECRET resources of the Soviet army, tactical air forces, and navy not otherwise ccmildtted, The European satellite and. Communist Chinese air defense forces add to and are integrated with the Soviet ayetexa We b lave that a total of about 12,000 fighters, inalwUng roughly 7,500 jots, are potentially available from these forces for the air ckfense of the USSR. 3. Because of the rapid Soviet progress In the electronic field, and corollary developments in interceptors and antiaircraft weapons, we believe that* ao The approaches to most important areas in the USSR we well covered by an early warning eye tan (ass para.., 37 and 38 and paraa, 70.18 of Appendix B and map on page 27), Soviet interception capabilities 1 v. considerably increased with the widespread use of MI0.15 intw"pto" and the introduction at modern 001 radar similar to current US operational models. Under oonditiens of good TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011A000200020022-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011 A000200020022-2 TAP SECRET day or night vi.sibi3itr this equipt is probably oapaba gat controlled interceptions of bcmber flying at up to 450 knots and 404j2,000 teat, or perhaps higher,/ a o The USSR has norr some all-weather aircraft equipped with eaq sriaental Al radar o It my now have a few dosm all araatber airoraft with saw fosi* of AI equipwant In operational units around a few key Soviet areas (see paeas. 19 and 42 and pares. 20-21 (C.Appendix A)W do Soviet anbtairaraft eapabilities are gradually inoras- ing an new heavy AA gaga (estimated at 100 man) with modern fire control radar and probably new directors became available in increasing numbers in key Soviet areas o IV TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000200020022-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011 A000200020022-2 'IMP SECRET These guns are capable of continuously pointed fir. to 35,OOOfeet and barrage fire to 4o,000 feet. Hew. e er, we believe that these guns will not be capable of a high percentage of kills at these altitudes, e~nen if controlled by the most modern fire control equipment, (see pares. 44-45 and psra m 26 of Appendix A) e e, Soviet low level defenses are also being improved by the introduction at a new medium AA gun estimated to be of 57 mn, calibre (see para. 25 at Appendix A). f. Surface-to-4dr and air-to-air guided m sales could be available in limited quantities, Unguided rockets are probably in liadted uaeo (see paras. 27-29 and pares. 36, 41 and 42 of Appendix A.) 4o Htlwevar, the following deficiencies probably still exist in the Soviet air defense "tome a. At present there are parobably insufficient numbers of trained personnel, modern intercepters, radars, and heavy AA guns to provide effective defenses for all important areas. TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011A000200020022-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011 A000200020022-2 TOP SECRET c a Existing Soviet interception Capabilities lard conditions of poor visibility are serioasly united by the lack of adequate murebere at all-weather intsrespt's, and by the almost c.rtain inadrgvroy of Soviet and eaPerisnos in a1]- lather later' oeption tesso 5, The USM is making efforts to overcooe these and other dat'ioi kiss sad we believe that the affeotivemass of Soviet air 2956 defames still have improved eubstantielly by the egad of as Substantial quantities of the new ognipment already identified should beooie available in moat important arras s For axir l e, by mIA-1951s the Soviet tighter farms will. probably be entirely equipped with an eetiz*teed 10,000 jet fighters axd, interesptara, includi 6 2,800.3,000 in the IA PVO0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO101 lA000200020022-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011 A000200020022-2 'IMP SECRET ba Soviet all-reatlre interception capabilities will wimost certainly increase ca?aiderably altboogh various deficieraciem in training, aeaintesnancsa and esperiencs Wobabl' will etill sxt.t. We Mtimats that by mid-1954 Soviet fighter steemgtb pzobab3 will. include numeral bu ndred of soar type at trite ail- weathsr iateraeptat's do There will probably be other now devol, entrs psrti- cularly in interceptors, radar, gntded wd,ssilss, wd rockets, designed to counter Western aogress in offeusivs aerial ssapone0 I/ TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011A000200020022-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011A000200020022-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP79SO1011 A000200020022-2