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Approved For Relea 000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO101 0040001~f (7fYl`8 TOP SBRET State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Problem: To estimate Soviet and satellite reaction to the inclusion of Greece and Turkey in NATO. (Only Soviet re- action is considered here; it is taken for granted that the satellites will be guided in their attitudes by that of Moscow). Conclusions: (1) If the USSR were on the verge of unleashing a general war, the inclusion of Greece and Turkey in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) might provide the final impetus that would impel Moscow to take this action. Similarly, if the Kremlin has already made a decision to resort to general war, it might treat the inclusion of Greece and Turkey in NATO as an excuse for embarking on this course. (2) Assuming that neither of the foregoing possibilities re- presents the Kremlints approach to the problem, we believe that the more act of including Greece and Turkey in NATO, while it would pro- bably be made the occasion for intense propaganda agitation, expressions of concern, and threatening gestures on the part of the USSR, would not be regarded by Moscow as fundamentally altering the current world power situation. Hence, it would probably not be regarded as a genuine casus belli. (3) The fusion of Greece and Turkey into a "Mediterranean Bloc" with countries that are either members of NATO or otherwise) but even Rey of this o CIA has including the US would probably provoke reactions o f _ ,t "s'PIA j cbirc`:on to declass I' I Kremlin similar to those envisaged in paragraph two.~l N __.. + ;:fc,~~a=;ce ~f CIA Approved For Release 2000/08/2p c , pP79S01011A000` 1p00 8 O It r n t.: ing of CIA tiger .) Data ~I+ J Reviewer ii,~ _ Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SOlO 000400010007-8 TOP SECRET - 2 w (4) The Soviet reaction to tangible security arrangements (i.e., a specific military build-UP) including Greece and Turkey, whether or not NATO were also involved, would depend on the scope and imw plena ntation of the arrangements. So long as Moscow did not regard them as of sufficient magnitude to pose a serious threat to Soviet security, we believe that these arrangements alone would not cause the USSR to resort to preventive war. However, we also believe that once the Kremlin became convinced that military developments in the Eastern Mediterranean area were of such magnitude as to threaten Soviet security immediately and directly, the USSR would probably take whatever motion it deemed necessary to prevent their further fruition regardless of the consequent risks of general ware Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1011A000400010007-8